Competitive Programming

Methods to Solve (2000-present)

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UVa Problem Title CP4 Hint DACU Point
10740 Fetching from uHunt non-starred standard K-Best Shortest Paths problem 0.0
10989 Fetching from uHunt non-starred this is the basic problem solvable with Stoer Wagner's algorithm 0.0
11594 Fetching from uHunt non-starred use Gomory-Hu tree 0.0
11603 Fetching from uHunt non-starred get the maximum spanning tree of the input table; then check if its all pairs maximum flow equals to the input table 0.0
12478 Fetching from uHunt 1.4a1, One-Liner I/O try one of the eight names 0.0
13025 Fetching from uHunt 1.4a1, One-Liner I/O giveaway, just print the one-line answer 0.0
10071 Fetching from uHunt 1.4a2, I/O + Sequences Only super simple: output 2*v*t 0.0
11614 Fetching from uHunt 1.4a2, I/O + Sequences Only root of a quadratic equation 0.0
11805 Fetching from uHunt 1.4a2, I/O + Sequences Only very simple O(1) formula exists 0.0
01124 Fetching from uHunt 1.4b, Repetition Only LA 2681 - SouthEasternEurope06; just echo/re-print the input again 0.0
10055 Fetching from uHunt 1.4b, Repetition Only absolute function; the only trap is to use long long 0.0
11044 Fetching from uHunt 1.4b, Repetition Only one liner code/formula exists 0.0
11547 Fetching from uHunt 1.4b, Repetition Only a one liner O(1) solution exists 0.0
00621 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection case analysis for only 4 possible outputs 0.0
11172 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection very easy; one liner 0.0
11723 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection simple math 0.0
11727 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection sort the 3 numbers and get the median 0.0
12250 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection LA 4995 - KualaLumpur10; if-else 0.0
12289 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection just use if-else statements 0.0
12372 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection just check if all L, W, H ≤ 20 0.0
12468 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection easy; there are only 4 possibilities 0.0
12577 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection straightforward 0.0
12646 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection simply enumerate all cases 0.0
12917 Fetching from uHunt 1.4d, Multiple TC + Selection simple O(1) check 0.0
00272 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e1, Control Flow, Easy replace all double quotes to TeX style quotes 0.0
10300 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e1, Control Flow, Easy ignore the number of animals 0.0
11799 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e1, Control Flow, Easy one linear scan; find max value 0.0
12279 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e1, Control Flow, Easy simple linear scan 0.0
13012 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e1, Control Flow, Easy giveaway 0.0
13034 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e1, Control Flow, Easy giveaway, simple loop 13 times 0.0
13130 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e1, Control Flow, Easy simple 0.0
11364 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e2, Control Flow, Still Easy linear scan to get l and r; answer = 2*(r-l) 0.0
11498 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e2, Control Flow, Still Easy just use if-else statements 0.0
11764 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e2, Control Flow, Still Easy one linear scan to count high low jumps 0.0
12403 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e2, Control Flow, Still Easy straightforward 0.0
01709 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Function LA 7150 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; linear scan; probably one of the easiest WorldFinals problem; also available at Katti... 0.0
10424 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Function just do as asked 0.0
10550 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Function simple; do as asked; also available at Kattis - combinationlock 0.0
11078 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Function one linear scan; max function 0.0
11332 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Function simple recursion 0.0
11687 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Function direct simulation; also available at Kattis - digits 0.0
01585 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, 1D Array, Easier LA 3354 - Seoul05; very easy one pass algorithm 0.0
11679 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, 1D Array, Easier simulate; see if all banks have ≥ 0 reserve 0.0
11942 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, 1D Array, Easier check if input is sorted 0.0
12015 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, 1D Array, Easier traverse the list twice 0.0
01641 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy scan row by row; flip the status of inside/outside polygon due to the presence of character slash or backslash 0.0
10963 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy for two blocks to be merge-able, the gaps between their columns must be the same 0.0
12503 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy easy simulation 0.0
12554 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy easy simulation 0.0
12658 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy character recognition check 0.0
12696 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy LA 6608 - Phuket 2013; easy problem 0.0
12750 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy simply loop through the given dataset in O(n) and output the answer 0.0
12798 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Easy simply loop through the given dataset in O(N*M) and output the answer 0.0
10114 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy just simulate the process 0.0
10141 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy solvable with one linear scan 0.0
10324 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy simplify using 1D array: change counter 0.0
10919 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy process the requirements as the input is read; also available at Kattis - prerequisites 0.0
11559 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy one linear pass 0.0
11586 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy TLE if brute force; find the pattern 0.0
11661 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy linear scan 0.0
11683 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy one linear pass is enough 0.0
11786 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy need to observe the pattern 0.0
12614 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy this problem has nice bitmask story camouflage; the final solution--after some thought--is very easy 0.0
13007 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Still Easy simple simulation 0.0
00119 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium simulate the give and receive process 0.0
00573 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium simulation; several corner cases 0.0
00661 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium simulation 0.0
01237 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium LA 4142 - Jakarta08; input is small 0.0
11507 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium simulation; if-else 0.0
11956 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium simulation; ignore '.' 0.0
12157 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium LA 4405 - KualaLumpur08; compute and compare the two plans 0.0
12545 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium analyzing patterns; not that hard; also available at Kattis - bitsequalizer 0.0
12643 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, Medium it has tricky test cases 0.0
00162 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game simulation; straightforward 0.0
00462 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) simulation; card 0.0
00555 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game 0.0
10205 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game 0.0
10315 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) tedious problem 0.0
10388 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card simulation; uses random number to determine moves; need data structure to maintain the face-up and face-down cards 0.0
10646 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) shuffle cards with some rules and then get a certain card 0.0
11225 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game 0.0
11678 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) just an array manipulation problem 0.0
12247 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) This is a starred problem; refer to CP3/4 book 0.0
12366 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) set and pair checks; various corner cases; but the given sample I/O is quite thorough 0.0
12952 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) returning the max of (A, B) is always the best strategy for this problem 0.0
00255 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) check the validity of chess moves 0.0
00278 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) basic chess knowledge is needed; derive the closed form formulas 0.0
00696 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) ad hoc; chess 0.0
10196 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) ad hoc; chess; tedious 0.0
10284 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) FEN = Forsyth-Edwards Notation is a standard notation for describing board positions in a chess game 0.0
10849 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) chess 0.0
11494 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) ad hoc;chess 0.0
00340 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier determine strong and weak matches 0.0
00489 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier just do as asked 0.0
00947 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier similar to UVa 340 0.0
10189 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier simulate the classic Minesweeper game; similar to UVa 10279 0.0
10279 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier a 2D array helps; similar to UVa 10189 0.0
10409 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier just simulate the die movement 0.0
10530 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier use a 1D flag array; also available at Kattis - guessinggame 0.0
11459 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier simulate it; similar to UVa 647 0.0
12239 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier try all 90^2 pairs; see if all numbers in [0..N] are there 0.0
00114 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder simulation of pinball machine 0.0
00141 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder solvable with one linear scan 0.0
00220 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow the game rules; a bit tedious 0.0
00227 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder parse the input; array manipulation 0.0
00232 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder complex array manipulation problem 0.0
00339 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow problem description 0.0
00379 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow problem description 0.0
00584 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder simulation; games; reading comprehension 0.0
00647 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder childhood board game; also see UVa 11459 0.0
10363 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder check validity of Tic Tac Toe game; tricky; also available at Kattis - tictactoe2 0.0
10443 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder 2D arrays manipulation; also available at Kattis - rockscissorspaper 0.0
10813 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow the problem description 0.0
10903 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder count wins and losses; output win average; also available at Kattis - rockpaperscissors 0.0
11013 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder check permutations of 5 cards to determine the best run; brute force the 6th card and replace one of your card with it 0.0
00362 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier typical file download situation 0.0
00637 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier application in printer driver software 0.0
01586 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier LA 3900 - Seoul07; basic Chemistry 0.0
10082 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier use 2D mapper array to simplify the problem; also available at Kattis - wertyu 0.0
10554 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier are you concerned with your weights? 0.0
11530 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier handphone users encounter this issue in the past 0.0
11744 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier this is another topic on Computer Organization; this time on Digital Logic design 0.0
11945 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier a bit of output formatting 0.0
11984 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier F to C conversion and vice versa 0.0
12195 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier count the number of correct measures 0.0
12808 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier basic Physics formula for freefall is H = 1/2*g*t*t or t = sqrt(2*H/g) and the formula for displacement is X = V*t; they... 0.0
13151 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier marking programming exam; ad hoc; straightforward 0.0
00161 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium this is a typical situation on the road 0.0
00187 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium an accounting problem 0.0
00447 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium life simulation model 0.0
00457 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium simplified game of life simulation; similar idea with UVa 00447; explore the Internet for that term 0.0
00857 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium MIDI; application in computer music 0.0
10191 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium you may want to apply this to your own schedule 0.0
10528 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium music knowledge in problem description 0.0
10812 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium be careful with boundary cases! 0.0
11736 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium this is a (simplified) introduction to Computer Organization on how computer stores data in memory 0.0
11743 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium Luhn's algorithm to check credit card numbers; search the Internet to learn more 0.0
12555 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium one of the first question asked when a new baby is born; requires a bit of input processing 0.0
00139 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder calculate phone bill; string manipulation 0.0
00145 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder similar to UVa 00139 0.0
00333 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder this problem has buggy test data with blank lines that potentially cause lots of Presentation Errors 0.0
00346 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder musical chord; major/minor 0.0
00403 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder emulation of printer driver; tedious 0.0
00448 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder tedious hexadecimal to assembly language conversion 0.0
00449 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder easier if you have a musical background 0.0
00538 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder the problem's premise is quite true 0.0
00706 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder like in old digital display 0.0
01061 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder LA 3736 - WorldFinals Tokyo07; try all eight possible blood + Rh types with the information given 0.0
01091 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder LA 4786 - WorldFinals Harbin10; tedious simulation and reading comprehension 0.0
10415 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder about musical instruments; also available at Kattis - saxophone 0.0
10659 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder typical presentation programs do this 0.0
11223 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder tedious morse code conversion 0.0
11279 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder an extension of UVa 11278 problem; it is interesting to compare QWERTY and DVORAK keyboard layout 0.0
12342 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder tax computation can be tricky indeed 0.0
12394 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder interesting problem with real life back story; be careful of various corner cases 0.0
00579 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier be careful with corner cases 0.0
00893 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier use Java GregorianCalendar; similar to UVa 11356 0.0
10683 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier simple clock system conversion 0.0
11219 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier be careful with boundary cases! 0.0
11356 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier very easy if you use Java GregorianCalendar 0.0
11650 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier some mathematics required; similar to UVa 11677 0.0
11677 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier similar idea with UVa 11650 0.0
11958 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier be careful with 'past midnight' 0.0
12019 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier Gregorian Calendar; get DAY_OF_WEEK 0.0
12136 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier LA 4202 - Dhaka08; check time 0.0
12148 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier easy with Gregorian Calendar; use method 'add' to add one day to previous date and see if it is the same as the current ... 0.0
12531 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier angles between two clock hands 0.0
13275 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier QY-Y (if not 29 Feb) or NumOfLeapYears(QY)-NumOfLeapYears(Y) otherwise 0.0
00150 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder convert between Julian and Gregorian dates 0.0
00158 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder a simulation of calendar manager; it requires sorting and a bit of string processing 0.0
00170 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder simulation; time 0.0
00300 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder ad hoc; time 0.0
00602 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder Gregorian versus Julian calendar 0.0
10070 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder more than ordinary leap years 0.0
10339 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder find the formula 0.0
10371 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder follow the description, tedious; also available at Kattis - timezones 0.0
10942 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder try all 3! = 6 permutations of 3 integers to form YY MM DD; check validity of the date; pick the earliest valid date 0.0
11947 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder easier with Java GregorianCalendar 0.0
12439 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder inclusion-exclusion; lots of corner cases; be careful 0.0
12822 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder convert hh:mm:ss to second to simplify the problem; then this is just a tedious simulation problem 0.0
00185 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals also involving backtracking 0.0
00344 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals count Roman chars used in [1..N] 0.0
00759 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals validation problem 0.0
11616 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals Roman numeral conversion problem 0.0
12397 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals each Roman digit has a value 0.0
00444 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier each char is mapped to 2 or 3 digits 0.0
00458 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier shift ASCII values by -7 0.0
00641 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier reverse the given formula and simulate 0.0
00795 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier prepare an 'inverse mapper' 0.0
00865 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple character substitution mapping 0.0
01339 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier count character frequencies of both strings; sort and compare 0.0
10019 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier find the pattern 0.0
10222 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple decoding mechanism 0.0
10851 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier ignore border; treat '\/' as 1/0 0.0
10878 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier treat space/'o' as 0/1; then it is binary to decimal conversion 0.0
10896 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier try all possible keys; use tokenizer 0.0
10921 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple conversion problem 0.0
11220 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier follow instruction in the problem 0.0
11278 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier map QWERTY keys to DVORAK 0.0
11541 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier read char by char and simulate 0.0
11946 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier ad hoc 0.0
12896 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple cipher; use mapper 0.0
13107 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple encode; be careful with 20-26 0.0
13145 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier shift alphabet values by +6 characters to read the problem statement; simple Caesar Cipher problem 0.0
00245 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium LA 5184 - WorldFinals Nashville95 0.0
00483 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium read char by char from left to right 0.0
00492 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium ad hoc; similar to UVa 483 0.0
00632 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium simulate the process; use sorting 0.0
00739 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium straightforward conversion problem 0.0
00740 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium just simulate the process 0.0
11716 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium simple cipher 0.0
11787 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium follow the description 0.0
00271 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) grammar check; linear scan 0.0
00327 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) implementation can be tricky 0.0
00391 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) use flags; tedious parsing 0.0
00397 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) iteratively perform the next operation 0.0
00442 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) properties of matrix chain multiplication 0.0
00486 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) parsing 0.0
00537 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple formula; parsing is difficult 0.0
01200 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) LA 2972 - Tehran03; tokenize input 0.0
10252 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) A-Z keys 0.0
10906 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) BNF parsing; iterative solution 0.0
11148 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) extract integers; simple/mixed fractions from a line; a bit of gcd 0.0
11878 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) expression parsing 0.0
12543 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) LA 6150 - HatYai12; iterative parser 0.0
12820 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) count letter frequencies; let n be the number of different letter frequencies; n has to be greater or equal to 2; then w... 0.0
13047 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple parsing; left-to-right or right-to-left checks 0.0
13093 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple string tokenize; take first characters of each word 0.0
00110 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E actually an ad hoc sorting problem 0.0
00320 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E requires flood fill technique 0.0
00445 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simulation; output formatting 0.0
00488 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E use several loops 0.0
00490 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E 2d array manipulation; output formatting 0.0
01605 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E LA 4044 - NortheasternEurope07; we can answer this problem with just h=2 levels 0.0
10146 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E the problem description tries to hide the meaning of 'dictionary'; it is not a hard problem actually 0.0
10500 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simulate; output formatting 0.0
10894 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E how fast can you can solve this problem? 0.0
11074 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E output formatting 0.0
11482 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E tedious 0.0
11965 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E replace consecutive spaces with only one space 0.0
12364 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E 2D array check; check all possible digits [0..9] 0.0
13091 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E just output formatting 0.0
00144 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
00214 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier just simulate the process; be careful with subtract (-); divide (/); and negate (@); tedious 0.0
00335 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
00349 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
00556 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
01721 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier LA 7162 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; tedious simulation problem; also available at Kattis - windows 0.0
10028 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier tedious simulation with several corner cases 0.0
10033 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier adhoc; simulation 0.0
10134 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier must be very careful with details 0.0
10281 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier distance = speed*time elapsed; also available at Kattis - averagespeed 0.0
10850 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier gossip spread simulation 0.0
11638 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation; needs to use bitmask for parameter C 0.0
12060 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier LA 3012 - Dhaka04; output format 0.0
12085 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier LA 2189 - Dhaka06; watch out for PE 0.0
12608 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation with several corner cases 0.0
12700 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier just do as instructed 0.0
00337 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation; output related 0.0
00381 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
00405 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
00603 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
00618 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder tedious 0.0
00830 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder very hard to get AC; one minor error = WA; not recommended 0.0
00945 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulate the given cargo loading process 0.0
10142 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
10188 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
10267 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
10961 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder tedious simulation 0.0
11140 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder ad hoc 0.0
11717 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder tricky simulation 0.0
12280 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder a tedious problem 0.0
00414 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium get the longest stretch of Bs 0.0
00482 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium you may need to use a string tokenizer as the size of the array is not specified 0.0
00591 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium sum all items; get the average; sum the total absolute differences of each item from the average divided by two 0.0
10038 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D Boolean flags to check [1..n-1]; also available at Kattis - jollyjumpers 0.0
10050 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D boolean flag 0.0
11192 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium character array 0.0
11496 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium store data in 1D array; count the peaks 0.0
11608 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium use three arrays: created; required; available 0.0
11875 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium get median of a sorted input 0.0
12150 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium simple manipulation 0.0
12356 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium similar to deletion in doubly linked lists but we can still use a 1D array for the underlying data structure 0.0
12854 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D array of size 5; trivial 0.0
12959 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium just go through the 1D array 0.0
12996 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium we need 1D array to store the number of N mango types first 0.0
13026 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium you have to store the N strings in an array first 0.0
13181 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium find the largest gap between two Xs; special corner cases at the two end points 0.0
00230 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder string parsing; maintain sorted books by author names then by title; the input size is small; we do not need balanced BS... 0.0
00394 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder any n-dimensional array is stored in computer memory as a single dimensional array; follow the problem description 0.0
00467 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder linear scan; 1D boolean flag 0.0
00665 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use 1D boolean flags; each =; <; or > tells us an information; check if there is only one candidate false coin left at t... 0.0
00946 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder just 1D array manipulation; be careful with the special restriction 0.0
10978 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder 1D string array 0.0
11093 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder linear scan; circular array; a bit challenging 0.0
11222 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use several 1D arrays 0.0
11850 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder for each integer location from 0 to 1322; can Brenda reach (anywhere within 200 miles of) any charging stations? 0.0
12662 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder 1D array manipulation; brute force 0.0
13048 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use 1D Boolean array; simulate 0.0
00541 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier count the number of 1s for each row/col; which must be even; if there is an error; see if the odd number of 1s appear on... 0.0
00585 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier recursive grammar check and output formatting 0.0
10703 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier use 2D boolean array of size 500*500 0.0
10920 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simulate the process 0.0
11040 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier non trivial 2D array manipulation 0.0
11349 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier use long long to avoid issues 0.0
11581 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simulate the process 0.0
11835 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier do as asked 0.0
12187 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simulate the process 0.0
12667 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier use both 1D and 2D arrays to store submission status 0.0
12981 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier small 2x2 matrix rotation 0.0
00101 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder stack-like simulation; but we need to access the content of each stack too; so it is better to use 2D array 0.0
00434 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder a kind of visibility problem in geometry; solvable with using 2D array manipulation 0.0
00466 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder core functions: rotate and reflect 0.0
00512 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder apply all rows/columns modifications in descending order; for each query; report the new position of the cell or report ... 0.0
00707 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder this requires 3D array; but as there is no such category; it is classified here 0.0
10016 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder tedious 0.0
10855 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder string array; 90 degrees clockwise rotation 0.0
11360 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder do as asked 0.0
12291 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder do as asked; a bit tedious 0.0
12398 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder simulate backwards; do not forget to mod 10 0.0
00400 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier this command is very frequently used in UNIX 0.0
00855 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; median 0.0
10107 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier find median of a growing/dynamic list of integers; we can use multiple calls of nth_element in algorithm 0.0
10880 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier use sort 0.0
10905 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier modified comparison function; use sort 0.0
11039 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier use sort then count different signs 0.0
11588 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort simplifies the problem 0.0
11777 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort simplifies the problem 0.0
11824 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort simplifies the problem 0.0
12071 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier reading comprehension; sort the input; compute something 0.0
12541 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier LA 6148 - HatYai12; sort; youngest + oldest 0.0
12709 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier LA 6650 - Dhaka13; although the problem has a complicated story; it has a very easy solution with sort routine 0.0
12861 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort the timezones first and try adjacent pairings (two possibilities) 0.0
13113 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier count the votes; sort; pick the top 2 0.0
00123 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder modified comparison function; use sort 0.0
00450 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder tedious sorting problem 0.0
00790 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort; similar to UVa 10258 0.0
01610 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder LA 6196 - MidAtlanticUSA12; median 0.0
10194 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort 0.0
10258 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort; similar to UVa 00790 0.0
10698 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort 0.0
11300 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder use sort; involving the median 0.0
11321 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder be careful with negative mod! 0.0
12269 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort and check if Guido covers all land (end-to-end and side-to-side); also available at Kattis - lawnmower 0.0
00299 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting can use O(n^2) bubble sort 0.0
00612 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting needs O(n^2) stable_sort 0.0
10327 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting solvable with O(n^2) bubble sort 0.0
10810 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort; also available at Kattis - ultraquicksort 0.0
11462 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting standard Counting Sort problem 0.0
11495 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort 0.0
11858 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort; 64-bit integer; also available at Kattis - froshweek 0.0
13212 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort 0.0
00594 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation manipulate bit string with bitset 0.0
00700 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation can be solved with bitset 0.0
01241 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation LA 4147 - Jakarta08; easy 0.0
10264 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation heavy bitmask manipulation 0.0
10469 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation super simple if you use xor 0.0
11173 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation Divide and Conquer pattern or one liner bit manipulation 0.0
11760 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation separate row col checks; use two bitsets 0.0
11926 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation use 1M bitset to check if a slot is free 0.0
11933 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation simple bit exercise 0.0
12571 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation precalculate AND operations 0.0
12720 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation observe the pattern in this binary to decimal conversion variant; involves modulo arithmetic 0.0
00424 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition 0.0
00465 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger add/multiply; compare with 2^31-1$ 0.0
00619 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger 0.0
00713 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger StringBuffer reverse() 0.0
00748 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger exponentiation 0.0
01226 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer LA 3997 - Danang07; mod operation 0.0
01647 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer find the simple pattern first using brute force; then precompute the answers using BigInteger 0.0
10013 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition 0.0
10083 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger number theory 0.0
10106 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger multiplication 0.0
10198 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer recurrences; BigInteger 0.0
10430 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger; derive formula first 0.0
10433 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger: pow; substract; mod 0.0
10464 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Java BigDecimal class 0.0
10494 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger division 0.0
10519 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer recurrences; BigInteger 0.0
10523 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition; multiplication; and power 0.0
10669 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Big Integer is for 3^n; binary rep of set; also available at Kattis - threepowers 0.0
10925 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition and division 0.0
10992 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer input size is up to 50 digits 0.0
11448 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger subtraction 0.0
11664 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer simple simulation involving BigInteger 0.0
11821 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Java BigDecimal class 0.0
11830 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer use BigInteger string representation 0.0
11879 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger: mod; divide; subtract; equals 0.0
12143 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer LA 4209 - Dhaka08; formula simplification---the hard part; use BigInteger---the easy part 0.0
12459 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer draw the ancestor tree to see the pattern 0.0
12930 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Java BigDecimal class; compareTo 0.0
00127 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack shuffling stack 0.0
00514 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack use stack to simulate the process 0.0
00732 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack use stack to simulate the process 0.0
01062 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack LA 3752 - WorldFinals Tokyo07; simulation with stack; maximum answer is 26 stacks; O(n) solution exists 0.0
10858 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack use stack 0.0
13055 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack nice problem about stack 0.0
00551 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems bracket matching; use stack 0.0
00673 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems similar to UVa 551; classic 0.0
00727 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems Infix to Postfix conversion problem 0.0
11111 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems bracket matching with twists 0.0
00246 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque card simulation with queue and deque 0.0
00540 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque modified queue 0.0
10172 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use both queue and stack 0.0
10901 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue; also available at Kattis - ferryloading3 0.0
10935 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue 0.0
11034 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue; also available at Kattis - ferryloading4 0.0
11797 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with 5 queues 0.0
11988 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque rare linked list problem 0.0
12100 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue 0.0
12108 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with N queues 0.0
12207 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use both queue and deque 0.0
01203 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue LA 3135 - Beijing04; use priority_queue 0.0
11995 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue stack; queue; and priority_queue 0.0
11997 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue sort the lists; merge two sorted lists using priority_queue to keep the K-th smallest sum every time 0.0
13190 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue similar to UVa 01203; use PQ; use drug numbering id as tie-breaker 0.0
00499 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII keys 0.0
00895 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII get the letter frequency of each word; compare with puzzle line 0.0
10008 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
10062 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII character frequency count 0.0
10260 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT for soundex A-Z code mapping; also available at Kattis - soundex 0.0
10293 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
10625 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII character; frequency addition n times 0.0
11340 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII keys 0.0
11577 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
12626 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
00755 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others Direct Addressing Table; convert the letters except Q and Z to 2-9; keep 0-9 as 0-9; sort the integers; find duplicates ... 0.0
01368 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others for each column j, find the highest frequency character among all j-th column of all m DNA strings 0.0
11203 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others count frequency of x/y/z 0.0
12650 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others use 1D Boolean array for each person 0.0
10887 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) Use O(M*N*log(MN)*10) algorithm; concatenate all pairs of strings; put them in a set; report set size 0.0
11849 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) unordered_set is faster than set here; or use modified merge as the input is sorted; also available at Kattis - cd 0.0
12049 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) unordered_multiset manipulation 0.0
13148 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) we can store all precomputed answers - which are given - into unordered_set 0.0
00484 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E maintain frequency with map 0.0
00860 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E frequency counting 0.0
00902 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E read char by char; count word freq 0.0
10282 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E a pure dictionary problem; use unordered_map; also available at Kattis - babelfish 0.0
10295 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to deal with Hay Points dictionary; also available at Kattis - haypoints 0.0
10374 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map for frequency counting 0.0
10686 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map to manage the data 0.0
11286 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to count frequencies of the sorted permutations of 5 ids; also available at Kattis - conformity 0.0
11348 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map and set to check uniqueness 0.0
11629 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map 0.0
12592 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map; string to string 0.0
00417 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H generate all words; add to map for auto sorting 0.0
10132 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use map; brute force 0.0
10145 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use map and set 0.0
11572 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map to record the occurrence index of a certain snowflake size; use this to determine the answer in linear... 0.0
11860 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use set and map; linear scan 0.0
11917 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use map 0.0
00501 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use multiset with efficient iterator manipulation 0.0
00978 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) simulation; use multiset 0.0
10815 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use set and string 0.0
11062 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) similar to UVa 10815 with twists 0.0
11136 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use multiset 0.0
13037 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) we can use set or a sorted array 0.0
00939 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) map child name to his/her gene and parents' names 0.0
10138 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) map plates to bills; entrance time; and position 0.0
10226 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; sorted output; also available at Kattis - hardwoodspecies 0.0
10420 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) word frequency counting; use map 0.0
11239 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map and set to check previous strings; order needed; also available at Kattis - opensource 0.0
11308 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map and set 0.0
12504 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; string to string 0.0
10909 Fetching from uHunt 2.3i, Order Statistics Tree involves dynamic selection; use pb\_ds, Fenwick Tree, or augment balanced BST 0.0
00599 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures V-E = number of CCs; use a bitset of size 26 to count the number of vertices that have some edge 0.0
10895 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures transpose adjacency list 0.0
10928 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures counting out-degrees 0.0
11550 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures graph representation; incidence matrix 0.0
11991 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures Adjacency List 0.0
00793 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find trivial; application of disjoint sets 0.0
01197 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find LA 2817 - Kaohsiung03; Connected Components 0.0
01329 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find LA 3027 - SouthEasternEurope04; interesting UFDS variant; modify the union and find routine 0.0
10158 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find advanced usage of disjoint sets with a nice twist; memorize list of enemies 0.0
10227 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find merge two disjoint sets if they are consistent; also available at Kattis - forests 0.0
10507 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find disjoint sets simplifies this problem 0.0
10583 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find count disjoint sets after all unions 0.0
10608 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find find the set with the largest element 0.0
10685 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find find the set with the largest element 0.0
11503 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find maintain set attribute (size) in rep item; also available at Kattis - virtualfriends 0.0
11690 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find check if total money from each member is 0 0.0
11987 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find maintain set attribute (size and sum) in rep item; new operation: move; key idea: do not destroy the parent array struct... 0.0
00297 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS simple quadtree problem 0.0
01232 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS LA 4108 - Singapore07; we have to use a Segment Tree; note that this problem is not about RSQ/RMQ 0.0
01513 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS LA 5902 - NorthWesternEurope11; not stack but dynamic RSQ problem; use DAT (for mapping) and Fenwick Tree (for RSQ); als... 0.0
11235 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS range maximum query 0.0
11297 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS Quad Tree with updates or use 2D segment tree 0.0
11350 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS simple tree data structure question 0.0
11402 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS Segment Tree with lazy updates 0.0
11423 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS clever usage of Fenwick Tree and large array; important hint: look at the constraints carefully 0.0
12086 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS LA 2191 - Dhaka06; pure dynamic RSQ problem; solvable with Fenwick Tree or Segment Tree 0.0
12299 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS Segment Tree with a few point (not range) updates; RMQs 0.0
12532 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS clever usage of Fenwick/Segment Tree 0.0
00165 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able requires some DP too; can be pre-calculated 0.0
00167 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able 8-queens chess problem 0.0
00256 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able brute force; math; pre-calculate-able 0.0
00347 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able simulate the process; pre-calculate-able 0.0
00750 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able classic backtracking problem; only 92 possible 8-queens positions 0.0
00861 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able backtracking with pruning as in 8-queens recursive backtracking solution; then pre-calculate the results 0.0
10128 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able backtracking with pruning; try all $N!$ permutations that satisfy the requirement; 13! will TLE; pre-calculate the resul... 0.0
10177 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able 2/3/4 nested loops; precalculate 0.0
10276 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able insert a number one by one 0.0
11085 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able see UVa 750; pre-calculation 0.0
00105 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) height map; sweep left-right 0.0
00592 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) key idea: there are only 3^5*2 possible states: the status of each person and whether it is day or night 0.0
00617 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all integer speeds from 30 to 60 mph 0.0
01260 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) LA 4843 - Daejeon10; check all 0.0
01588 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) LA 3712 - NorthEasternEurope06; good iterative brute force problem; beware of corner cases 0.0
10041 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all possible locations 0.0
10487 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) sort and then do O(n^2) pairings; also available at Kattis - closestsums 0.0
10570 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force all possible final configurations (ascending/descending) and see which one requires the smallest number of e... 0.0
10670 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops; with sorting; also available at Kattis - reduction 0.0
10730 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops with pruning can still pass the time limit; compare this with UVa 11129; also available at Kattis - antia... 0.0
11242 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force plus sorting; also available at Kattis - tourdefrance 0.0
12205 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force; check intervals; also available at Kattis - telephones 0.0
12488 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops; simulate overtaking process 0.0
12583 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops; be careful of overcounting 0.0
13018 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 dices, small range; 2 nested loops 0.0
00154 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
00441 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 6 nested loops; easy 0.0
00626 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
00703 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
00735 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; then count 0.0
10102 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops will do; we do not need BFS; get max of minimum Manhattan distance from a 1 to a 3 0.0
10662 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
11059 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; input is small 0.0
12498 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
12515 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
12801 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; still possible to be optimized further 0.0
12844 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 5 nested loops; scaled down version of UVa 10202; do observations first 0.0
00253 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all; similar problem in UVa 11959 0.0
00296 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all 10000 possible codes; 4 nested loops; use similar solution as Master-Mind game 0.0
00386 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 4 nested loops with pruning 0.0
10360 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H also solvable using 1024^2 DP max sum 0.0
10365 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H use 3 nested loops with pruning 0.0
10483 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 2 nested loops for a; b; derive c from a; b; there are 354 answers for range [0.01 .. 255.99]; similar to UVa 11236 0.0
10502 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 6 nested loops; rectangle 0.0
10660 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 7 nested loops; Manhattan distance 0.0
10973 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops with pruning 0.0
11108 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all 2^5 = 32 values with pruning; also available at Kattis - tautology 0.0
11236 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops for a; b; c; derive d from a; b; c; check if you have 949 lines of output 0.0
11342 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H pre-calculate squared values from 0^2 to 224^2; use 3 nested loops to generate the answers; use map to avoid duplicates 0.0
11548 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 4 nested loops; string; pruning 0.0
11565 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops with pruning 0.0
11804 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 5 nested loops 0.0
11959 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all possible dice positions; compare with the 2nd one 0.0
11975 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops; simulate the game as asked 0.0
12337 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all possible row x col size and test if it is beautiful 0.0
00140 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) max n is just 8; use next_permutation; the algorithm inside next_permutation is iterative 0.0
00146 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) use next_permutation 0.0
00234 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 5173 - WorldFinals Phoenix94; use next_permutation; simulation 0.0
00418 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) use next_permutation to permute the 4 molecule locations and then use 12^6 six-nested-loops to check the area of the sup... 0.0
01064 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 3808 - WorldFinals Tokyo07; permutation of up to 5 messages; simulation; mind the word 'consecutive' 0.0
01209 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 3173 - Manila06; STL next and prev_permutation 0.0
10997 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) not an easy problem; require analysis to realize that the search space is small; also available at Kattis - medals 0.0
11412 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) next_permutation; find one possibility from 6! 0.0
11742 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all permutations 0.0
12249 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 4994 - KualaLumpur10; try all permutations; a bit of string matching 0.0
00435 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) only 2^20 possible coalition combinations 0.0
00517 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) convert (a; b) to (0; 1) first so that we only work with integers; there can only be 2^16 possibilities although s can b... 0.0
00639 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) generate 2^(4x4) = 2^16 combinations and prune 0.0
01047 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 3278 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; try all 2^n subsets of towers to be taken; use inclusion-exclusion principle 0.0
11205 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^15 bitmask 0.0
11659 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^20 bitmask and check 0.0
12346 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 5723 - Phuket11; try all 2^n combinations; pick the best one 0.0
12348 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 5725 - Phuket11; try all 2^n combinations 0.0
12406 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^p possible bitmasks; change '0's to '2's 0.0
12694 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 6606 - Phuket13; it is safest to just brute force all 2^20 possibilities; greedy solution should be possible too 0.0
13103 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^k combinations; swapping a 0-bit with another 0-bit or 1-bit with another 1-bit has no effect 0.0
00102 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers try all 6 combinations of possible answers 0.0
00188 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers 3 nested loops; keep trying until an answer is found 0.0
00471 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers somewhat similar to UVa 00725 0.0
00725 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers 0.0
10908 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers 4 nested loops; try all possible odd square lengths 0.0
00100 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier simply do as asked; the only trap is that j can be < i 0.0
00371 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 100 0.0
00382 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier do trial division 0.0
00654 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just use brute force 0.0
00906 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier compute c from d = 1 until a/b < c/d 0.0
01225 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier LA 3996 - Danang07; N is small 0.0
01583 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier N is small; prepare an array of size 100044; that is the largest possible digit sum for this problem 0.0
10346 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier interesting simulation problem 0.0
10370 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier compute average; see how many are above it; also available at Kattis - aboveaverage 0.0
10783 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier input range is very small; just brute force it 0.0
10879 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just use brute force 0.0
11001 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force math; maximize function 0.0
11150 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346; be careful with boundary cases! 0.0
11247 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force around the answer to be safe 0.0
11313 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346 0.0
11689 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346; also available at Kattis - sodasurpler 0.0
11877 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346 0.0
11934 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just do plain brute-force 0.0
12527 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all; check repeated digits 0.0
12938 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier complete search; 4 digits; square numbers 0.0
13059 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just simulate the counting; it will only runs in logarithmic steps; use long long 0.0
13131 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force version of modified sumDiv(N) function 0.0
00493 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder simulate the spiral process 0.0
00550 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder rotamult property; try one by one starting from 1 digit 0.0
00616 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder brute force up to sqrt(n); get pattern 0.0
00697 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder output formatting and basic Physics 0.0
00846 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder uses the sum of arithmetic progression formula 0.0
10025 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder simplify the formula first; iterative 0.0
10035 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder count the number of carry operations 0.0
11130 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder mirror the billiard table to the right (and/or top) so that we will only deal with one straight line instead of bouncing... 0.0
11254 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder use sum of AP; brute force all values of r from sqrt(2n) down to 1; stop at the first valid a 0.0
11490 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder let missing_people = 2*a^2; thickness_of_soldiers = b; derive a formula involving a; b; and the given S 0.0
11968 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder average; fabs; if ties; choose the smaller one! 0.0
12169 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder brute force constants a and b between [0..10 000] and do O(n) checks; break early as soon as a solution is found; also... 0.0
12290 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder no -1 in the answer 0.0
12665 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder be careful with boundary conditions 0.0
12792 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder simulate the process to get the answer 0.0
12895 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder verbatim brute force check 0.0
00130 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem the original Josephus problem 0.0
00133 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem brute force; similar to UVa 130 0.0
00151 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem the original Josephus problem 0.0
00305 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem the answer can be precalculated 0.0
00402 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem modified Josephus; simulation 0.0
00440 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem brute force; similar to UVa 151 0.0
01176 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem LA 2346 - Dhaka01; special case when k = 2; use Josephus recurrence; simulation 0.0
10015 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem modified Josephus; dynamic k; variant of UVa 305 0.0
10771 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem brute force; input size is small 0.0
10774 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem repeated special case of Josephus when k = 2 0.0
11351 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem use general case Josephus recurrence 0.0
00380 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) simple backtracking; but we have to work with strings 0.0
00487 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) use map to store the generated words 0.0
00524 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) involving prime number 0.0
00529 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) use backtracking to get the solution 0.0
00571 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) solution can be suboptimal; add flag to avoid cycling 0.0
00598 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) print all solutions with backtracking 0.0
00628 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking; follow the rules in description 0.0
00677 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) print all solutions with backtracking 0.0
00729 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) generate all possible bit strings 0.0
00868 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking from row 1 to N; 4 choices per step; some constraints 0.0
10344 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) 5 operands + 3 operators 0.0
10452 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) at each pos; Indy can go forth/left/right; try all 0.0
10503 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) max 13 spaces only 0.0
10576 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) generate all; prune; take max 0.0
10624 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking with divisibility check 0.0
10776 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) recursive backtracking 0.0
10950 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) sort the input; run backtracking; the output should be sorted; only display the first 100 sorted output 0.0
11201 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking involving strings 0.0
11961 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) up to 4^10 possible DNA strings; mutation power is at most K ≤ 5 so the search space is much smaller; sort the output... 0.0
12840 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) simple backtracking 0.0
00129 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtracking; string processing check; a bit of output formatting 0.0
00208 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) LA 5147 - WorldFinals SanAntonio91; backtracking with some pruning 0.0
00222 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) LA 5161 - WorldFinals Indianapolis93; cannot use DP 'tank' is floating-point; use backtracking 0.0
00301 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) 2^22 with pruning is possible 0.0
00307 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) sort the sticks in descending length; group similar lengths; brute force the number of sticks; backtracking to check fea... 0.0
00331 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) n <= 5... 0.0
00416 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtrack; try all 0.0
00433 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) similar to UVa 416 0.0
00565 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtracking with lots of pruning 0.0
01262 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) LA 4845 - Daejeon10; sort grid columns; process common passwords in lexicographic order; skip two similar passwords 0.0
10001 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) the upperbound of 2^32 is scary but with efficient pruning; we can pass the time limit as the test case is not extreme 0.0
10063 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) do as asked 0.0
10094 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) this problem is like the n-queens chess problem; but must find/use the pattern! 0.0
10460 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) similar nature with UVa 10063 0.0
10475 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) generate and prune; try all 0.0
10582 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) simplify complex input first; then backtrack 0.0
11052 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) the worst case time complexity of 2^1000 looks scary but the search space is apparently not that big 0.0
11753 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) the state is probably too big if we use DP; but we can pass the time limit with just backtracking 0.0
00679 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search; bit manipulation solutions exist 0.0
00957 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search complete search binary search: upper_bound 0.0
10057 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search involves the median; use STL sort; upper_bound; lower_bound and some checks 0.0
10077 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search 0.0
10474 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search simple: use sort and then lower_bound 0.0
10567 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search store inc indices of each char of S in 52 vectors; binary search for the position of the char in the correct vector 0.0
10611 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search 0.0
10706 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search some mathematical insights 0.0
10742 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search use sieve; binary search 0.0
11057 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search sort; target pair problem 0.0
11621 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search generate numbers with factor 2 and/or 3; sort; upper_bound 0.0
11876 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search [lower|upper]_bound on sorted sequence N 0.0
12192 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search input array is specially sorted; lower_bound 0.0
12965 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search sort producer/consumer prices; the answer is one of the prices mentioned; use binary searches to count the answer 0.0
01753 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E LA 8043 - WorldFinals RapidCity17; BSTA + Physics; also available at Kattis - speed 0.0
10341 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E bisection method; for alternative solutions; see 0.0
11413 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation 0.0
11627 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E binary search the answer + Physics simulation; also available at Kattis - slalom2 0.0
11881 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E bisection method 0.0
11935 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation 0.0
12032 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation 0.0
12190 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + algebra 0.0
12791 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + math formula to check if the leader pilot can overtake the backmarker pilot at that lap 0.0
13142 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + Physics simulation 0.0
00183 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others simple exercise of DnC 0.0
00608 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others classical problem; after each weighing; we can halve the search space 0.0
01738 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others LA 7578 - WorldFinals Phuket16; BST insertion then tree equality check; also available at Kattis - ceiling 0.0
10385 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others the function is unimodal; ternary search 0.0
11147 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others implement the given recursive DnC 0.0
11701 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others a kind of ternary search 0.0
12893 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others convert the given code into recursive DnC 0.0
00410 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) load balancing 0.0
01193 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) LA 2519 - Beijing02; interval covering 0.0
10020 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) interval covering 0.0
10249 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) greedy; sorting 0.0
10382 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) interval covering; also available at Kattis - grass 0.0
11264 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) coin change variant 0.0
11292 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort; greedy matching; also available at Kattis - loowater 0.0
11389 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) load balancing 0.0
12210 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) greedy; sorting 0.0
12321 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) interval covering 0.0
12405 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) simpler interval covering problem 0.0
10763 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
10785 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11269 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11369 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11729 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11900 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
12485 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
13031 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
13109 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
10026 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 0.0
10037 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also see Kattis - bridge 0.0
11100 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also available at Kattis - trip2007 0.0
11103 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also available at Kattis - wffnproof 0.0
12673 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H LA 6530 - LatinAmerica13; greedy; sorting 0.0
12834 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 0.0
13054 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 0.0
01153 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
10954 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
12390 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
13177 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
10152 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10340 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10440 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10602 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10656 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10672 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy; also available at Kattis - marblestree 0.0
10700 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10714 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy; also available at Kattis - ants 0.0
11054 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
11520 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
11532 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
12482 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
00311 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
00668 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
10718 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
10821 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
10982 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11157 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11230 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11240 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11330 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11335 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11491 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11567 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11583 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11890 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
12124 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
12516 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
13082 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
00108 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 2D range sum 0.0
00507 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard problem 0.0
00787 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 1D range product; be careful with 0; use Java BigInteger 0.0
00836 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum convert '0' to -INF 0.0
00983 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 2D range sum; get submatrix 0.0
01105 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum LA 5132 - WorldFinals Orlando11; more advanced 2D Range Sum Queries 0.0
10074 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard problem 0.0
10667 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard problem 0.0
10684 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard; Kadane's algorithm 0.0
10755 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 2D range sum in 2 of the 3 dimensions; max 1D range sum with Kadane's algorithm on the 3rd dimension 0.0
10827 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum copy n*n matrix into n*2n matrix; then this problem becomes a standard max 2D range sum problem again 0.0
11951 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum use long long; max 2D range sum; prune the search space whenever possible 0.0
12640 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard; Kadane's algorithm 0.0
13095 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum create 10 range sum queries; you don't need Fenwick Tree actually 0.0
00111 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS be careful of the ranking system 0.0
00231 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS straightforward 0.0
00437 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS can be modeled as LIS 0.0
00481 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS O(n log k) LIS+solution 0.0
00497 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS solution must be printed 0.0
01196 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS LA 2815 - Kaohsiung03; sort all the blocks in increasing L[i]; then we get the classical LIS problem 0.0
10131 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS sort elephants based on decreasing IQ; LIS on increasing weight 0.0
10154 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS LIS variant 0.0
10534 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS must use O(n log k) LIS twice 0.0
11368 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS sort in one dimension; Dilworth's theorem; LIS in the other; also available at Kattis - nesteddolls 0.0
11456 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS max(LIS(i)+LDS(i)-1), ∀i ∈ [0...n-1]; also available at Kattis - trainsorting 0.0
11790 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS combination of LIS LDS; weighted 0.0
00431 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK classic 0-1 Knapsack Problem; output any optimal solution as there is a special checker for this problem 0.0
00562 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK use a one dimensional table 0.0
00990 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK print the solution 0.0
01213 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK LA 3619 - Yokohama06; extension of 0-1 KNAPSACK; s: (id, remN, remK) instead of s: (id, remN) 0.0
10130 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK very basic 0-1 KNAPSACK problem 0.0
10261 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK s: (current_car; left; right) 0.0
10616 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK input can be -ve; use long long 0.0
10664 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK Subset Sum 0.0
10690 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK DP Subset Sum with negative offset technique; with addition of simple math 0.0
10819 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK 0-1 knapsack with 'credit card' twist 0.0
11003 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK try all max weight from 0 to max(weight[i] capacity[i]); forall i in [0..n-1]; if a max weight is known; how many boxes ... 0.0
11341 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK s: (id; h_learned; h_left); t: learn module 'id' by 1 hour or skip it 0.0
11566 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK KNAPSACK variant: double each dim sum; add one parameter to see if we have bought too many dishes 0.0
11658 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK s: (id; share); t: form/ignore coalition with id 0.0
11832 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK interesting DP; s: (id; val); use offset to handle negative numbers; t: plus or minus; print solution 0.0
12621 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK DP Subset Sum; simplify the multiple of 10 0.0
00147 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE similar to UVa 357 and 674 0.0
00166 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE two coin change variants in one problem 0.0
00242 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE LA 5181 - WorldFinals Nashville95; Complete Search + DP Coin-Change 0.0
00357 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE similar to UVa 147 and 674 0.0
00674 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE basic coin change problem 0.0
10313 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE modified coin change and DP 1D range sum 0.0
10448 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE after dealing with traversal on tree; you can reduce the original problem into coin change; not trivial 0.0
11137 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE use long long 0.0
11259 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE part of the problem is DP COIN-CHANGE with restricted number of coins per type; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
11517 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE a variation to the coin change problem; also available at Kattis - exactchange2 0.0
00216 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP LA 5155 - WorldFinals KansasCity92; DP TSP problem; but still solvable with backtracking 0.0
01281 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP LA 6028 - WorldFinals Warsaw12; DP TSP variant; also available at Kattis - bustour 0.0
10496 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP DP or recursive backtracking with sufficient pruning; also available at Kattis - beepers 0.0
11795 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP DP TSP variant; counting paths on DAG; DP+bitmask; let Mega Buster owned by a dummy 'Robot 0' 0.0
12841 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP simply find and print the lexicographically smallest Hamiltonian path; use DP-TSP technique 0.0
00116 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 similar to UVa 10337 0.0
00196 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 3.5g 0.0
00215 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 3.5g 0.0
01261 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 LA 4844 - Daejeon10; a simple backtracking problem; but we use a setÿto prevent the same state (a substring) from being... 0.0
10003 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (l; r) 0.0
10036 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 must use offset technique as value can be negative 0.0
10086 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 3.5g 0.0
10337 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 DP; shortest paths on DAG 0.0
10446 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 edit the given recursive function a bit; add memoization 0.0
10520 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 just write the given formula as a top-down DP with memoization 0.0
10721 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (n; k); t: try all from 1 to m 0.0
10910 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 two dimensional DP table 0.0
10912 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (len; last; sum); t: try next char 0.0
10943 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (n; k); t: try all the possible splitting points; alternative solution is to use the closed form mathematical formula... 0.0
10980 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 simple DP 0.0
11026 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 DP; similar idea with binomial theorem 0.0
11407 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 can be memoized 0.0
11420 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (prev; id; numlck); lock/unlock this chest 0.0
11450 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 standard DP 0.0
11703 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 can be memoized 0.0
12654 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (hole); t: use patch T1 or patch T2 0.0
12951 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (day, has_stock); t: ignore, buy (if does not have stock), or sell (if has stock) 0.0
13141 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (level, branch_previously); t: not branching if branch_previously or branching (one side) otherwise 0.0
00662 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (L; R; k); that denotes the minimum distance sum to cover restaurants at index [L..R] with k depots left 0.0
10039 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 create the graph first; then apply DP; s: (city; curtime); t: try all feasible trains 0.0
10069 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 use Java BigInteger 0.0
10081 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (i, j); #tight words of length i that end in digit j divided by #words: (k+1)^n; also available at Kattis - tight 0.0
10120 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 DP; special case for N >= 49 0.0
10164 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 a bit number theory (modulo); backtracking; do memoization on DP s: (sum; taken) 0.0
10239 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 convert double to long long first; medium DP; either put this book in the current shelf (if possible) or put it in a new... 0.0
10400 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 backtracking with clever pruning is sufficient 0.0
10465 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 one dimensional DP table 0.0
10651 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 small problem size; doable with backtracking 0.0
11485 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 the problem description looks scary but the solution is not that complex 0.0
11514 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 modified 0-1 Knapsack; Batman can use or skip a certain super power; check if the best configuration uses ≤ E calorie... 0.0
11908 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 sort the advertisements based on starting level; ending level; and cost; DP 1 dimension 0.0
12324 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 spheres > n are useless 0.0
12862 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 1D DP to compute the path cost from every vertex that goes up to the mountain top; compute answer 0.0
12955 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 there are only 8 eligible factorials under 100000; we can use DP; s: (i, sum); t: take/stay, take/move, don't take/move 0.0
00260 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs 6 neighbors per cell 0.0
00280 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs reachability check; traverse the graph 0.0
00459 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs also solvable with UFDS 0.0
10687 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs build graph; geometry; reachability 0.0
11518 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs unlike UVa 11504, we treat SCCs as CCs; also available at Kattis - dominoes2 0.0
11749 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs find the largest CC with highest average PPA; also solvable with UFDS 0.0
11841 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs implicit graph; check if there is a CC from x = y = z = 0 to say 'Benny wins' 0.0
11902 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs disable vertex one by one; check if the reachability from vertex 0 changes 0.0
11906 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs DFS/BFS for reachability; several tricky cases; be careful when M = 0; N = 0; or M = N 0.0
00352 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count number of CCs; see UVa 00572 0.0
00469 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count size of a CC 0.0
00572 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count number of CCs 0.0
00657 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier there are three colors here; non-standard but still relatively easy floodfill problem 0.0
00722 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count the size of CCs 0.0
00871 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier find the largest CC size 0.0
10336 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count and rank CCs with similar color 0.0
11244 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count number of CCs 0.0
11470 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier you can do flood fill layer by layer; however; there is other way to solve this problem; e.g. by finding the patterns 0.0
11561 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier flood fill with extra blocking constraint; also available at Kattis - gold 0.0
11953 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier interesting twist of flood fill problem 0.0
00601 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder floodfill is one of the component 0.0
00705 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder build the implicit graph first 0.0
00758 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder floodfill 0.0
00776 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder label CCs with indices; format output 0.0
00782 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder replace spaces with hexes in the grid; similar to UVa 784 and 785 0.0
00784 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder similar to UVa 782 and 785 0.0
00785 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder similar to UVa 782 and 784 0.0
00852 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder interesting board game 'Go' 0.0
01103 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder LA 5130 - WorldFinals Orlando11; major hint: each hieroglyph has unique number of white CCs 0.0
10592 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder floodfill ; two layers 0.0
10707 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder check graph isomorphism; a tedious problem; involving connected components 0.0
10946 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder find CCs and rank them by their size 0.0
11094 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder tricky flood fill; scrolling 0.0
11110 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder flood fill satisfy the constraints given 0.0
11585 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder polynomial-time verifier for an NP-complete puzzle Nurikabe; this verifier requires clever usage of flood fill algorithm 0.0
00124 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort use backtracking to generate valid toposorts 0.0
00200 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort toposort 0.0
00872 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort similar to UVa 00124; use backtracking 0.0
10305 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort simply run toposort algorithm 0.0
11060 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort Kahn's algorithm---modified BFS toposort 0.0
11686 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort cycle check + toposort if DAG; also available at Kattis - pickupsticks 0.0
00840 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check a simple problem to detect cycle in a graph; however the output format is not clearly specified 0.0
10004 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check bipartite graph check 0.0
10116 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check traversal on implicit graph; cycle check 0.0
10505 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check bipartite; take max(left; right) 0.0
10510 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check use DFS to identify forward/cross edges; involving Strongly Connected graph 0.0
11080 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check bipartite graph check; tricky cases 0.0
11396 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check it is just a bipartite graph check 0.0
00315 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding articulation points 0.0
00610 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding bridges 0.0
00796 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding bridges 0.0
10199 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding articulation points 0.0
10765 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding articulation points 0.0
12363 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges LA 5796 - Latin America; transform input to graph of its bridges; see if b is reachable from a with only the bridges 0.0
12783 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding bridges 0.0
00247 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs SCC + printing solution 0.0
01229 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs LA 4099 - Iran07; identify the SCC of the graph; these vertices and the vertices that have path towards them are the ans... 0.0
10731 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs SCC + printing solution; also available at Kattis - test2 0.0
11504 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs count the number of SCCs without incoming edge from a vertex outside that SCC; also available at Kattis - dominos 0.0
11709 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs find the number of SCCs 0.0
11770 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs similar to UVa 11504 0.0
11838 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs see if input graph is an SCC 0.0
00118 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
00168 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc Adjacency Matrix; parsing; traversal 0.0
00173 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc non classic graph traversal variant; use bitmask to record vertices visited by Paskill and Lisper as they move through t... 0.0
00318 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc graph traversal; be careful of corner cases 0.0
00614 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
00824 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
10113 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc just graph traversal; but uses fraction and GCD 0.0
10377 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
11831 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
12376 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc simulated greedy traversal on DAG 0.0
12442 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc modified DFS; special graph 0.0
12582 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc given graph DFS traversal; count the degree of each vertex 0.0
12648 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc simple graph (DAG) traversal; DFS 0.0
13015 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc modified DFS; special graph; DAG; also available at Kattis - promotions 0.0
13038 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc simple, use DFS to find the length of the deepest branch 0.0
00908 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard basic MST problem 0.0
01174 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard LA 3988 - SouthWesternEurope07; classic MST; just need a mapper to map city names to indices 0.0
01208 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard LA 3171 - Manila06; MST 0.0
01235 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard LA 4138 - Jakarta08; the underlying problem is MST 0.0
10034 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard straightforward MST problem; also available at Kattis - freckles 0.0
11228 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard split output for short vs long edges 0.0
11631 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard weight of (all graph edges - all MST edges) 0.0
11710 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard output 'Impossible' if the graph is still disconnected after running MST 0.0
11733 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard maintain cost at every update 0.0
11747 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard sum the edge weights of the chords 0.0
11857 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard find weight of the last edge added to MST by Kruskal's; also available at Kattis - drivingrange 0.0
00534 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants minimax; also solvable with Floyd Warshall's 0.0
00544 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants maximin; also solvable with Floyd Warshall's 0.0
01013 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 2478 - WorldFinals Honolulu02; very interesting MST variant 0.0
01160 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 3644 - SouthWesternEurope06; count the number of edges not taken by Kruskal's 0.0
01216 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 3678 - Kaohsiung06; minimum 'spanning forest' 0.0
01234 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 4110 - Singapore07; 'maximum' spanning tree 0.0
01265 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 4848 - Daejeon10; very interesting non-standard variant of 'maximum' spanning tree 0.0
10048 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants classic MiniMax path problem 0.0
10099 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants maximin; also solvable with Floyd Warshall's 0.0
10147 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants 'minimum' spanning subgraph 0.0
10369 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants minimum spanning 'forest'; also available at Kattis - arcticnetwork 0.0
10397 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants 'minimum' spanning subgraph 0.0
10457 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants interesting MST modeling 0.0
10462 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants second best spanning tree 0.0
10600 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants second best spanning tree 0.0
10842 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants find min weighted edge in 'max' spanning tree 0.0
00336 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP; BFS 0.0
00388 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier key idea: we want to minimize planet movements because every edge used decreases value by 5% 0.0
00429 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier each word is a vertex; connect 2 words with an edge if differ by 1 letter 0.0
00627 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier also print the path 0.0
00762 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP solvable with BFS; use mapper 0.0
00924 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier the spread is like BFS traversal 0.0
01148 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier LA 3502 - SouthWesternEurope05; single source single target shortest path problem but exclude endpoints 0.0
10009 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP solvable with BFS 0.0
10610 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP solvable with BFS 0.0
10653 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier need efficient BFS implementation 0.0
10959 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier SSSP from source 0 to the rest 0.0
12160 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier LA 4408 - KualaLumpur08; s: (4-digits number); edges: button pushes; BFS 0.0
00314 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder pre-process the input graph first; s: (r, c, dir); 5 edges: turn left/right or move 1/2/3 steps; BFS 0.0
00383 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder simple SSSP solvable with BFS; use mapper 0.0
00532 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 3D BFS; also available at Kattis - dungeon 0.0
00859 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder BFS 0.0
00949 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder interesting graph data structure twist 0.0
10044 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder the input parsing part is troublesome 0.0
10067 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder implicit graph in problem statement 0.0
10977 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder BFS with blocked states 0.0
10993 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder s: (the current number modulo N); BFS 0.0
11049 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder some restricted moves; print the path 0.0
11101 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS from m1; get minimum at border of m2; also available at Kattis - mallmania 0.0
11352 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder filter the graph first; then it becomes SSSP 0.0
11377 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder a city to another city without/with airport has edge weight 1/0, respectively; BFS+deque; if the start and end city are ... 0.0
11573 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 0/1-weighted SSSP; BFS+deque; also available at Kattis - oceancurrents 0.0
11624 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS; also available at Kattis - fire3 0.0
11792 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder be careful with 'important station' 0.0
12826 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder SSSP from (r1; c1) to (r2; c2) avoiding (r3; c3); BFS 0.0
00439 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves one BFS per query is enough 0.0
00633 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves alternating Knight Moves and Bishop Moves (limited to distance 2)); solvable with just one BFS per query 0.0
10426 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves for each knight, do BFS when the monster is sleep/awake; try: one awake the monster, the rest go around 0.0
10477 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves s: (row; col; knight_state); implicit unweighted graph; different edges per different knight_state 0.0
00929 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier on a 2D maze/implicit graph 0.0
01112 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier LA 2425 - SouthwesternEurope01; SDSP 0.0
10389 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier use basic geometry skill to build the weighted graph; then run Dijkstra's; also available at Kattis - subway2 0.0
10986 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier direct Dijkstra's application 0.0
12878 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier Dijkstra's; record predecessor graph as there can be multiple shortest paths; also available at Kattis - flowerytrails 0.0
13127 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier Dijkstra's from multiple sources 0.0
00157 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder tedious input parsing; SSSP on graph with 2-valued weighted graph (1 or 3 units of time); print the shortest path 0.0
00523 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder this is actually an SSSP problem on weighted graph solvable with Dijkstra's; use the vertex splitting technique to handl... 0.0
00589 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder weighted SSSP: move box from s to t + unweighted SSSP: move player to correct position to push the box 0.0
00721 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder essentially this problem is just about SSSP from vertex 1 to all vertices and SDestinationSP from all vertices to vertex... 0.0
01202 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder LA 3133 - Beijing04; SSSP; Dijkstra's on a grid: treat each cell as a vertex; the idea is simple but one should be caref... 0.0
10166 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder this can be modeled as an SSSP problem 0.0
10187 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder special cases: start = destination: 0 litre; starting or destination city not found or destination city not reachable fr... 0.0
10278 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's from fire stations to all intersections; need pruning to pass the time limit; also available at Kattis - fire... 0.0
10280 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's; also available at Kattis - wine 0.0
10356 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder attach one extra info to each vertex: do we come to that vertex using cycle or not; Dijkstra's 0.0
10603 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder state: (a; b; c); source: (0; 0; c); 6 possible transitions 0.0
10801 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the graph carefully 0.0
10967 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the graph; SSSP 0.0
11338 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder the test data is weaker than what the problem description says (n ≤ 10 000); we use O(n^2) loop to build the w... 0.0
11367 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the graph carefully; state: (location, fuel), source s = (s, 0), sink t = (e, any), only enqueue fuel+1; also avai... 0.0
11492 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder vertex = word; edges as per problem description; connect source/sink to all words in start/finish language, respectively... 0.0
11833 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder stop Dijkstra's at service route path plus some modification 0.0
12047 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder clever usage of Dijkstra's; run Dijkstra's from source and from d from destination 0.0
12144 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's; store multiple predecessors 0.0
12950 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder clever usage of Dijstra's; instead of extending by one edge, we can extend by two edges at a time 0.0
00423 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight the graph is small; Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00558 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight check if negative cycle exists 0.0
10449 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight find the minimum weight path; which may be negative; be careful: INF negative weight is lower than INF 0.0
10557 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight check 'positive' cycle; check connectedness; also available at Kattis - xyzzy 0.0
11280 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight modified Bellman-Ford 0.0
12768 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight insert -F as edge weight; see if negative cycle exists; or find min SSSP value from s = 1 0.0
00341 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard the graph is small 0.0
00567 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard simple SSSP solvable with BFS; but the graph is small, so can be solved easier with Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00821 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard LA 5221 - WorldFinals Orlando00; one of the easiest ICPC WorldFinals problem 0.0
01233 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard LA 4109 - Singapore07; Floyd-Warshall can be used to find the minimum cost cycle in the graph 0.0
01247 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard LA 4524 - Hsinchu09; Floyd-Warshall with modification: prefer shortest path with less intermediate vertices 0.0
10171 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard easy with APSP information 0.0
10354 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard find and remove edges involved in boss's shortest paths; re-run shortest paths from home to market 0.0
10525 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard use two adjacency matrices: time and length; use modified Floyd-Warshall 0.0
10724 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard adding one edge only changes a few things 0.0
10793 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard Floyd-Warshall simplifies this problem 0.0
10803 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard graph is small 0.0
10947 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard graph is small 0.0
11015 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard graph is small 0.0
11463 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard solution is easy with APSP information 0.0
12319 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard Floyd-Warshall 2x and compare 0.0
13249 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard Floyd-Warshall; use O(N^2) check, not O(N^4) check to avoid TLE 0.0
00104 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants small arbitrage problem solvable with Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00125 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants modified Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00186 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants graph is small; print path 0.0
00274 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants variant of transitive closure problem 0.0
00334 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants transitive closure 0.0
00436 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants another arbitrage problem 0.0
00869 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants run Warshall's 2x on different graph; compare the two Adjacency Matrices 0.0
00925 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants transitive closure 0.0
01056 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants LA 3569 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; finding diameter of a small graph with Floyd-Warshall 0.0
01198 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants LA 2818 - Kaohsiung03; transitive closure 0.0
01757 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants LA 8047 - WorldFinals RapidCity17; Warshall's transitive closure; also available at Kattis - secretchamber 0.0
10246 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants modify the Floyd-Warshall recurrence a bit to handle the maximum cost to hold feast for Obelix 0.0
10331 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants use Floyd-Warshall to obtain the APSP information; then use brute force to count the time an edge is used; report accord... 0.0
10342 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants Floyd-Warshall to get APSP values; to get the second best shortest path, try to make a single mistake 0.0
10436 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants as there is vertex weight, use vertex splitting technique; run Floyd-Warshall on the still-small graph; print path 0.0
10987 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants creative usage of Floyd-Warshall algorithm; if we can detour without increasing cost, then delete the direct edge 0.0
11047 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants print path; special case: if origin = destination; print twice 0.0
00103 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG; backtracking OK 0.0
00452 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG 0.0
10000 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG; backtracking OK 0.0
10051 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG; DP 0.0
10259 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on implicit DAG; DP 0.0
10285 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on implicit DAG; however; the graph is small enough for recursive backtracking solution 0.0
10350 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG shortest paths; implicit DAG; DP 0.0
00825 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in grid (implicit DAG); DP; similar to UVa 00926 and 11067 0.0
00926 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in grid (implicit DAG); DP; similar to UVa 825 and 11067 0.0
00986 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG; DP; s: (x; y; lastmove; peaksfound); t: try NE/SE 0.0
00988 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG; DP 0.0
10401 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG; DP; s: (col; row); t: next col; avoid 2 or 3 adjacent rows 0.0
10544 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG 0.0
10564 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG (top-down); print one solution 0.0
10926 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG; DP 0.0
11067 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in grid (implicit DAG); DP; similar to UVa 825 and 926 0.0
11569 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier determine the length of one of the longest paths and then count the number of such longest paths in DAG 0.0
11655 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG and one more similar task: counting the number of vertices involved in the paths 0.0
11957 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG; DP 0.0
00590 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; day_left) 0.0
00607 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG returns pair of information 0.0
00757 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (lake_id, time_left); this time_left is best left as multiple of 5 minutes; output the optimal solution too 0.0
00907 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; night_left) 0.0
00910 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; move_left) 0.0
01025 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (station, cur_t); t: stay until meeting time (if at station N), or either go to right or go to left using any of the ... 0.0
10201 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos, fuel_left); also available at Kattis - adventuremoving4 0.0
10271 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG Observation: The 3rd chopstick can be any chopstick; s: (pos, K_left); t: ignore this chopstick, or take this chopstick ... 0.0
10543 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; speech_given) 0.0
10681 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; day_left) 0.0
10702 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; T_left); similar to UVa 12875 0.0
10874 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (row; left/right); t: go left/right 0.0
10913 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (r; c; neg_left; stat); t: down/(left/right) 0.0
11307 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG Min Chromatic Sum; max 6 colors 0.0
11487 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (r; c; cur_food; len); t: 4 dirs 0.0
11545 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (cPos; cTime; cWTime); t: move forward/rest 0.0
11782 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (id; rem_K); t: take root/try left-right subtree 0.0
12875 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG LA 6853 - Bangkok14; similar to UVa 10702; s: (cur_store; cur_concert); t: pick any next store for next concert 0.0
13122 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos, K_left); knapsack style DP; jump 1, 2, ..., K_left points; connect with the two points with a line with cost eq... 0.0
00112 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree backtracking 0.0
00115 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree tree traversal to determine relationships between vertices 0.0
00122 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree tree traversal 0.0
00536 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree reconstructing binary tree from preorder and inorder binary tree traversal 0.0
00548 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree reconstructing tree from in postorder 0.0
00615 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree graph property check 0.0
00699 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree preorder traversal 0.0
00712 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree simple binary tree traversal variant 0.0
00839 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree can be viewed as a recursive problem on tree 0.0
10308 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree diameter of tree 0.0
10459 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree diameter of tree 0.0
10701 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree reconstructing tree from pre inorder 0.0
10805 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree involving diameter of tree 0.0
11131 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree read tree; produce two postorder traversals 0.0
11234 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree converting post-order to level-order; binary tree 0.0
11615 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree counting size of subtrees 0.0
11695 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree cut the worst edge along the tree diameter; link two centers; also available at Kattis - flight 0.0
12186 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree the input graph is a tree 0.0
12347 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree given pre-order traversal of a BST; use BST property to get the BST; output the post-order traversal that BST 0.0
12379 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree find the diameter of tree first; we only traverse the diameter once and we traverse the other edges twice 0.0
00663 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph try disallowing an edge to see if MCBM changes; which implies that the edge has to be used 0.0
00670 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph MCBM 0.0
00753 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph initially a non standard matching problem but this problem can be reduced to a simple MCBM problem 0.0
10080 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph MCBM; also available at Kattis - gopher2 0.0
11138 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph a pure MCBM problem 0.0
12644 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph classic MCBM problem wrapped inside a creative problem statement 0.0
12668 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph LA 6525 - LatinAmerica13; split rows/columns due to the presence of pawns; then run MCBM 0.0
00117 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler tour; get cost of tour 0.0
00291 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler tour on a small graph; backtracking is sufficient 0.0
00302 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler tour; print the tour 0.0
10054 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph printing the Euler tour 0.0
10129 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler Graph property check 0.0
10203 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph the underlying graph is Euler graph 0.0
10596 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler Graph property check 0.0
01315 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find the pattern; hint: odd indices 0.0
10014 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier derive the required formula 0.0
10110 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier check if n is a square number 0.0
10170 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier one liner formula exists 0.0
10499 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple formula exists 0.0
10696 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier very simple formula simplification 0.0
10751 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier trivial for N = 1 and N = 2; derive the formula first for N > 2; hint: use diagonal as much as possible 0.0
10773 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier several tricky cases 0.0
10940 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find the pattern with brute force solution; then submit the optimized solution 0.0
11202 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier consider symmetry and flip 0.0
11393 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier draw several small Kn; derive the pattern 0.0
12004 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier try small n; get the pattern; use long long 0.0
12027 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier sqrt trick 0.0
12502 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier must understand the wording trick first 0.0
12725 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple O(1) adhoc math formula manipulation 0.0
12918 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier sum of arithmetic progression; long long 0.0
12992 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple formula, just 2*N-1 0.0
13049 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple; for each digit, you should not do more than 5 steps 0.0
13071 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple formula involving sum of arithmetic progression 0.0
13216 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier print the first few answer to see the clear pattern; use Big Integer 0.0
00651 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder use the given sample I/O to derive the simple formula 0.0
00913 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder derive the short formulas 0.0
10161 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder sqrt and ceil 0.0
10257 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder need some mathematical insights; also available at Kattis - dickandjane 0.0
10493 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder tree; derive the formula 0.0
10509 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there are only three different cases 0.0
10666 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder analyze the binary representation of X 0.0
10693 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder derive the short Physics formula 0.0
10710 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder a bit hard to derive the formula; modPow 0.0
10882 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder inclusion-exclusion principle 0.0
10970 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder direct formula exists; or use DP 0.0
10994 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder formula simplification 0.0
11038 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder define a function f that counts the number of 0s from 1 to n; also available at Kattis - howmanyzeros 0.0
11170 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder key derivation: cos(NA) = 2cos((N-1)A)*cos(A) - cos((N-2)A); cos(NA) is a polynomial of degree N in cos(A) 0.0
11231 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there is an O(1) formula 0.0
11246 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder derive the formula 0.0
11296 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder simple formula exists 0.0
11298 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder simple maths; derive the pattern first 0.0
11387 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder impossible for odd n or when n = 2; derive the formula 0.0
11718 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder convert loops to a closed form formula; use modPow to compute the results 0.0
12909 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder find the pattern; OEIS A001108 0.0
13096 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there are patterns; but the formula is quite hard to find 0.0
13140 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder write a brute force program; answer is when i ∈ [9 999..10 005] 0.0
00290 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion also involving palindrome 0.0
00343 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion try all possible pair of bases 0.0
00355 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion basic base number conversion 0.0
00389 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion use Java Integer class 0.0
00446 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion base number conversion 0.0
10473 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion Decimal to Hexadecimal and vice versa; if you use C/C ; you can use strtol 0.0
10551 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion also involving BigInteger mod; also available at Kattis - basicremains 0.0
11185 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion Decimal to base 3 0.0
11952 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion check base 2 to 18; special case for base 1 0.0
00377 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants base 4 operations 0.0
00575 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants base modification 0.0
00636 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants base number conversion up to base 99; Java BigInteger cannot be used as it is MAX_RADIX is limited to 36 0.0
10093 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants try all 0.0
10677 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants try all from r2 to r1 0.0
10931 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants convert decimal to binary; count number of 1s 0.0
11005 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants try all possible bases from 2 to 36 0.0
11121 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants search for the term 'negabinary' 0.0
11398 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants just follow the new rules 0.0
12602 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants simple base conversion 0.0
00136 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs use similar technique as UVa 443 0.0
00138 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs arithmetic progression formula; precalculation 0.0
00413 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs simulate; array manipulation 0.0
00443 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs try all 2^i * 3^j * 5^k * 7^l; sort 0.0
00640 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs DP bottom up; generate the numbers; flag once 0.0
00694 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs similar to UVa 100 0.0
00927 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs use sum of arithmetic series 0.0
00962 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs pre-calculate the answer 0.0
00974 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs there are not that many Kaprekar numbers 0.0
10006 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs non prime which has >= 3 prime factors 0.0
10042 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs prime factorization; sum the digits 0.0
10049 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs enough to get past > 2G by storing only the first 700K numbers of the Self-describing sequence 0.0
10101 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs follow the problem description carefully 0.0
10408 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs first; generate (i; j) pairs such that gcd(i; j) = 1; then sort 0.0
10930 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs ad-hoc; follow the rules given in description 0.0
11028 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs this is a 'dartboard sequence' 0.0
11063 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs see if a number is repeated; be careful with -ve 0.0
11461 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs answer is sqrt(b) - sqrt(a-1) 0.0
11660 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs simulate; break after $j$-th character 0.0
11970 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs square numbers; divisibility; brute force 0.0
12149 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs finding the pattern; square numbers 0.0
12751 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs sum of arithmetic series [1..N]; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
13161 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs sum of arithmetic series [1..N]; -6 for Rita or -3 for Theo; brute force Rita's age; also available at Kattis - candlebo... 0.0
00107 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm; power 0.0
00113 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use exp(ln(x)*y) 0.0
00474 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow this is just a log and pow exercise 0.0
00545 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm; power; similar to UVa 474 0.0
00701 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use log to count number of digits 0.0
10916 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm; power; also available at Kattis - factstone 0.0
11384 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow find the smallest power of two greater than n; can be solved easily using ceil(eps log2(n)) 0.0
11556 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow related to power of two; use long long; also available at Kattis - bestcompression 0.0
11636 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow uses logarithm 0.0
11666 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow find the formula! 0.0
11714 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use decision tree model to find min and second min; eventually the solution only involves logarithm 0.0
11847 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow O(1) math formula exists: floor(log2(n)) 0.0
11986 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow log2 (N 1); manual check for precision 0.0
12416 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow the answer is log2 of the max consecutive spaces in a line 0.0
00121 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid use Pythagorean theorem; grid 0.0
00264 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid; pattern 0.0
00808 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid; similar to UVa 10182 0.0
00880 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid; similar to UVa 264 0.0
10022 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid this is not an SSSP problem; find the pattern in this grid (triangle)-like system 0.0
10182 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid 0.0
10233 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid the number of items in row forms arithmetic progression series; use hypot 0.0
10620 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid just simulate the jumps; also available at Kattis - fleaonachessboard 0.0
10642 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid the reverse of UVa 264 0.0
10964 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid convert the coordinates to (x; y); then this problem is just about finding Euclidean distance between two coordinates 0.0
12705 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid we need to match grid cells to characters; there is a greedy solution; find the required pattern 0.0
00126 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial multiplication and tedious output formatting 0.0
00392 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial follow the orders; output formatting 0.0
00498 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial evaluation 0.0
00930 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial Ruffini's rule; roots of quadratic eq 0.0
10215 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial two trivial cases for smallest; derive the formula for largest which involves quadratic equation 0.0
10268 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial derivation; Horner's rule 0.0
10302 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial use long double 0.0
10326 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial given roots of the polynomial; reconstruct the polynomial; formatting 0.0
10586 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial compute number of prime factors of each integer in the desired range; use 1D RSQ DP; binary search 0.0
10719 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial division and remainder 0.0
00332 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions use GCD 0.0
00834 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions do as asked 0.0
10555 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions try every single possible repeating decimals 0.0
10814 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions BigInteger gcd 0.0
10976 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions total solutions is asked upfront; therefore do brute force twice 0.0
12068 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions involving fraction; use LCM and GCD 0.0
12848 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions find formula involving fraction and use GCD to simplify it 0.0
12970 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions simple Physics time comparison; GCD to simplify fraction 0.0
00276 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc multiplication of Egyptian hieroglyphs 0.0
00496 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc set manipulation 0.0
00613 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc analyze the number; determine the type; similar spirit with the cycle finding problem 0.0
10023 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc code Newton's method with BigInteger 0.0
10137 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc be careful with precision error; also available at Kattis - trip 0.0
10190 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc simulate the process 0.0
11042 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc case analysis; only 4 possible outputs 0.0
11055 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc not classic; observation needed to avoid brute-force solution 0.0
11241 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc the hardest case is computing Dew point given temperature and Humidex; derive it with Algebra 0.0
11526 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc brute force up to sqrt(n); find the pattern; avoid TLE 0.0
11715 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc physics simulation 0.0
11816 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc simple math; precision required 0.0
12036 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc use pigeon hole principle 0.0
00406 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; take the middle ones 0.0
00543 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; complete search; Goldbach's conjecture; similar to UVa 00686, 10311, and 10948 0.0
00686 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers similar to UVa 543; 10311; and 10948 0.0
00897 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; just need to check digit rotations 0.0
00914 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; be careful with L and U < 2 0.0
01644 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers LA 3883 - Tokyo07; sieve; prime check; upper bound - lower bound 0.0
10140 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; linear scan 0.0
10168 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers backtracking with pruning 0.0
10311 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers case analysis; brute force; similar to UVa 543; 686; and 10948 0.0
10394 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; check if p and p plus 2 are both primes; if yes; they are twin primes; precalculate the result 0.0
10490 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers ad Hoc; precalculate the answers 0.0
10650 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers 3 uni-distance consecutive primes 0.0
10852 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; p = 1; find the first prime number >= n/2 plus 1 0.0
10948 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers Goldbach's conjecture; similar to UVa 543; 686; and 10311 0.0
11752 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers try base: 2 to 2^16; composite power; sort 0.0
00960 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing there is a number theory behind this 0.0
01180 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing LA 2350 - Dhaka01; small prime check 0.0
01210 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing LA 3399 - Tokyo05; simple 0.0
10235 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing case analysis: prime/emirp/not prime; emirp is prime number that if reversed is still a prime number 0.0
10924 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing check if the sum of letter values is a prime 0.0
11287 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing yes if !isPrime(p) && a.modPow(p, p) = a; Big Integer; also available at Kattis - pseudoprime 0.0
12542 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing LA 6149 - HatYai12; brute force; use isProbablePrime to test primality 0.0
00516 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors problem involving prime-power factorization 0.0
00583 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors basic factorization problem 0.0
10392 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors enumerate the prime factors of input 0.0
11466 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors use efficient sieve implementation to get the largest prime factors 0.0
12703 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors uses small Fibonacci numbers up to 40 and simple prime factorization as a and b can be non-primes 0.0
12805 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors prime check; primes of format 4m-1 and 4m plus 1; simple prime factorization 0.0
00294 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numDiv(N) 0.0
00884 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numPF(N); precalculate 0.0
01246 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions LA 4340 - Amrita08; numDiv(N) 0.0
10179 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions EulerPhi(N) 0.0
10290 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions find number of odd divisors 0.0
10299 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions EulerPhi(N); also available at Kattis - relatives 0.0
10820 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions a[i] = a[i-1] plus 2*EulerPhi(i) 0.0
10958 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions 2 * numDiv(n*m*p*p) - 1 0.0
11064 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions N - EulerPhi(N) - numDiv(N) 0.0
11086 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions find numbers N with numPF(N) == 2 0.0
11226 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions sumPF(N); get length; DP 0.0
11353 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numPF(N); sort variant 0.0
11728 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions sumDiv(N) 0.0
12005 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numDiv(4N-3) 0.0
13185 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions just see UVa 13194 0.0
13194 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions similar to Kattis - almostperfect; sumDiv(N)-N; long long 0.0
10699 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve numDiffPF(N) for a range 0.0
10738 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve numDiffPF(N) for a range of N 0.0
10990 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve modified sieve to compute a range of Euler Phi values; use DP to compute depth Phi values; then finally use Max 1D Range... 0.0
11327 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve pre-calculate EulerPhi(N) 0.0
11426 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve pre-calculate EulerPhi(N) 0.0
12043 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve sumDiv(N) and numDiv(N); brute force 0.0
00106 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM brute force; use GCD to get relatively prime triples 0.0
00412 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM brute force; GCD to find elements with no common factor 0.0
10193 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM convert two binary strings S1 and S2 to decimal and check see if gcd(s1; s2) > 1 0.0
10407 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM subtract the set s with s[0]; find gcd 0.0
10892 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM number of divisor pairs of N: (m; n) such that gcd(m; n) = 1 0.0
11388 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM understand the relationship of GCD with LCM 0.0
11417 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM just use brute force as input is small 0.0
11774 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM find pattern involving gcd with small test cases 0.0
11827 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM GCD of many numbers; small input 0.0
12708 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM actually we do not need to compute the GCD; simply find an easy pattern to solve this problem 0.0
12852 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM LCM of the N given numbers times 35 0.0
00324 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial count digits of n! up to 366! 0.0
00568 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial can use Java BigInteger; slow but AC 0.0
00623 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial easy with Java BigInteger 0.0
10220 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial use Java BigInteger; precalculate 0.0
10323 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial overflow: n>13/-odd n; underflow: n$<$8/-even n; PS: actually; factorial of negative number is not defined 0.0
10338 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial use long long to store up to 20! 0.0
11076 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial do not use next_permutation for 12!; TLE; observe the digits in all permutations; hint: the solution involves factorial 0.0
12335 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial given the k-th permutation, recover the 1st permutation; use factorial; use Java BigInteger 0.0
12869 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial LA 6847 - Bangkok 2014; every zero in factorial(n) is due to multiplication of factor 2 and 5; factor 2 grows faster tha... 0.0
12934 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial can use brute force; stop at n not more than sqrt(k); m smaller than n 0.0
00160 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs precalculate small primes as prime factors of 100! is < 100$ 0.0
00993 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs find divisors from 9 down to 1; similar to UVa 10527 0.0
10061 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs in Decimal; '10' with 1 zero is due to factor 2*5 0.0
10139 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs factorize m; see if it has support in n!; Legendre's formula; also available at Kattis - factovisors 0.0
10484 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs prime factors of factorial; D can be negative 0.0
10527 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs similar to UVa 00993; also available at Kattis - persistent 0.0
10622 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs GCD of all prime powers; note if x is negative; also available at Kattis - perfectpowers 0.0
10680 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs use primefactors([1..N]) to get LCM(1; 2; ...; N) 0.0
10780 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs similar to UVa 10139 0.0
10791 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs analyze the prime factors of N 0.0
11347 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs prime-power factorization; numDiv(N) 0.0
11395 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs key hint: a square number multiplied by powers of two; i.e. 2^k * i^2 for k >= 0; i >= 1 has odd sum of divisors 0.0
11889 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs LCM; involving prime factorization 0.0
13067 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs cryptic problem description, it turns out that the restaurant uses prime power system; output sum of prime powers 0.0
00128 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic (a * b) % s = ((a % s) * (b % s)) % s 0.0
10127 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic no factor of 2 and 5 implies that there is no trailing zero 0.0
10174 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic no Spinster number 0.0
10176 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic convert binary to decimal digit by digit; do modulo 131071 to the intermediate result 0.0
10212 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic multiply numbers from N down to N-M+1; use / 10 to discard the trailing zero(es); use % 1 Billion 0.0
10489 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic keep values small with modulo 0.0
10090 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid use solution for Linear Diophantine Equation 0.0
10104 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid pure Ext Euclid problem 0.0
10633 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid let C = N-M, N = 10a+b, and M = a; Linear Diophantine Equation: 9a+b = C 0.0
10673 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid uses Extended Euclidean 0.0
10922 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test test divisibility by 9 0.0
10929 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test test divisibility by 11 0.0
11344 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test use divisibility theory of [1..12] 0.0
11371 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test the solving strategy is given 0.0
00495 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers O(n) DP; Big Integer 0.0
00580 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers related to Tribonacci series 0.0
00763 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Zeckendorf representation; greedy; Big Integer 0.0
00900 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; the pattern ~ Fibonacci 0.0
00948 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Zeckendorf representation; greedy 0.0
01258 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers LA 4721 - Phuket09; Fibonacci variant; Zeckendorf representation; greedy 0.0
10183 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers get the number of Fibonaccis when generating them; BigInteger 0.0
10334 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; Big Integer 0.0
10450 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; the pattern ~ Fibonacci 0.0
10497 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the pattern ~ Fibonacci 0.0
10579 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers very easy with Java BigInteger 0.0
10689 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers easy; Pisano period 0.0
10862 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the pattern ends up ~ Fibonacci 0.0
11000 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; the pattern is similar to Fibonacci 0.0
11089 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the list of Fi-binary Numbers follow the Zeckendorf's theorem 0.0
11161 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Fibonacci median 0.0
11780 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the background problem is Fibonacci numbers 0.0
12281 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Zeckendorf theorem a bit of combinatorics 0.0
12620 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Pisano period of 10^2 = 300 0.0
00326 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients difference table 0.0
00369 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients be careful with overflow issue 0.0
00485 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients binomial coefficients BigInteger 0.0
00530 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients work with doubles; optimize computation 0.0
00911 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients there is a formula for this: result = n! / (z_1! * z_2! * z_3! * ... * z_k!$) 0.0
10105 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients similar to UVa 911 0.0
10375 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients the main task is to avoid overflow 0.0
10532 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients modified binomial coefficient 0.0
10541 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients a good combinatorics problem 0.0
11955 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients pure application; DP 0.0
12712 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients the answer is sum i=M to N of C(L*L;i)*i!; but simplify the computation of this formula instead of running it directly 0.0
00991 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers Catalan Numbers 0.0
10007 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers answer is Cat(n) * n!; BigInteger 0.0
10223 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers you can precalculate the answers as there are only 19 Catalan Numbers < 2^{32}-1 0.0
10303 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers generate Cat(n) as shown in this section; use Java BigInteger 0.0
10312 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers number of binary bracketing = Cat(n); number of bracketing = Super-Catalan numbers 0.0
10643 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers Cat(n) is part of a bigger problem 0.0
10079 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier derive the one liner formula 0.0
11115 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier N^D; use Java BigInteger 0.0
11310 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier requires DP: let dp[i] be the number of ways the cakes can be packed for a box 2*i 0.0
11401 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier spot the pattern 0.0
11480 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier try all r; but simpler formula exists 0.0
11597 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier uses knowledge of graph theory; the answer is very trivial 0.0
11609 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier N * 2^(N-1); use Java BigInteger for the modPow part 0.0
12463 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier double the socks and the shoes to simplify the problem 0.0
00153 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder find formula for this; similar with UVa 941 0.0
00941 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder formula to get the n-th permutation 0.0
01224 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder LA 3904 - Seoul07; derive formula from observing the small instances first 0.0
10359 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder derive the formula; use Java BigInteger 0.0
10733 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder Burnside's lemma 0.0
10784 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder the number of diagonals in n-gon = n*(n-3)/2; use it to derive the solution 0.0
10790 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder uses arithmetic progression formula 0.0
10918 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder there are two related recurrences here 0.0
11069 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder use Dynamic Programming 0.0
11204 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder only first choice matters 0.0
11270 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder sequence A004003 in OEIS 0.0
11538 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder count along rows; columns; and diagonals 0.0
11554 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder similar to UVa 11401 0.0
12001 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder counting; combinatorics 0.0
12022 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder number of ways n competitors can rank in a competition allowing for the possibility of ties; sequence A000670 in OEIS 0.0
01636 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier LA 4596 - NorthEasternEurope09; ad hoc probability question, one tricky special case involving all zeroes 0.0
10238 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP; s: (dice_left, score); try F values; Big Integer; no need to simplify the fraction; see UVa 10759 0.0
10328 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP; 1-D state; Big Integer 0.0
10491 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier two ways to get a car: either pick a cow first; then switch to a car; or pick a car first; and then switch to another ca... 0.0
10759 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP; s: (dice_left; score); try 6 values; gcd; similar to UVa 10238 0.0
11181 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier iterative brute force; try all possibilities 0.0
12024 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier derangement 0.0
12114 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple probability 0.0
12230 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple expected value problem 0.0
12457 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple expected value problem; use DP 0.0
12461 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier brute force small n to see that the answer is very easy 0.0
00542 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder divide and conquer 0.0
00557 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder one possible solution involves combinatorics which can be computed with DP 0.0
10056 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder get the closed form formula 0.0
10218 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder probability and a bit of binomial coefficients 0.0
10648 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP; s: (rem_boxes; num_empty) 0.0
10777 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder expected value 0.0
11021 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder probability 0.0
11176 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP, s: (rem_games, streak); t: lose this game, or win the next W = [1..n] games and lose the (W+1)-th game 0.0
11346 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder a bit of geometry 0.0
11500 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder Gambler's Ruin Problem 0.0
11628 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder p[i] = ticket bought by i at the last round/total tickets bought at the last round by all n; gcd 0.0
11762 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder use Sieve of Eratosthenes to know the rank of each prime number; DP; expected value 0.0
00202 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding do expansion digit by digit until it cycles 0.0
00275 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding similar to UVa 202 except the output format 0.0
00350 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding very basic cycle-finding problem; simply run Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm 0.0
00408 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding problem with easier solution: it is a good choice if step < mod and GCD(step, mod) == 1 0.0
00547 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding a problem about 'eventually constant' sequence; similar flavor as cycle-finding 0.0
00942 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding similar to UVa 202 0.0
00944 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding similar to UVa 10591 0.0
10162 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle after 100 steps; use Java BigInteger to read the input; precalculate 0.0
10515 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding concentrate on the last digit 0.0
10591 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding this sequence is 'eventually periodic'; similar to UVa 944 0.0
11036 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding; evaluate Reverse Polish f with a stack 0.0
11053 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding; the answer is N-lambda 0.0
11511 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding on vectors; the pattern will cycle fast 0.0
11549 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding repeat squaring with limited digits until it cycles; Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm is only used to detect the cycle; w... 0.0
11634 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding; f(a) = (a*a/100) % 10000; or use DAT 0.0
12464 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding although n can be very huge; the pattern is actually cyclic; find the length of the cycle l and modulo n with l 0.0
13217 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding the given function cycles very early so we can pre-calculate the answers although $n$ is very big 0.0
00847 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) simulate the perfect play; also available at Kattis - amultiplicationgame 0.0
10111 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) Tic-Tac-Toe; minimax; backtracking 0.0
10368 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) minimax; backtracking; also available at Kattis - euclidsgame 0.0
10404 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) 2 players game; Dynamic Programming; also available at Kattis - bachetsgame 0.0
10536 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) model the 4*4 board and 48 possible pins as bitmask; then this is a simple two player game 0.0
10578 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) backtracking; try all; see who wins the game 0.0
11489 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) game theory; reducible to simple math 0.0
12293 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) analyze the game tree of smaller instances to get the mathematical insight to solve this problem 0.0
12469 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) game playing; Dynamic Programming; pruning 0.0
00374 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power solvable with Java BigInteger modPow; or write your own code 0.0
01230 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power LA 4104 - Singapore07; modPow 0.0
10229 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power Fibonacci; modPow 0.0
10518 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power derive the pattern of the answers for small $n$; the answer is 2*fib(n)-1; then use UVa 10229 solution 0.0
10655 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power derive the square matrix 0.0
10870 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power form the required matrix first; power of matrix 0.0
11029 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power combination of logarithmic trick to get the first three digits and 'big mod' trick to get the last three digits 0.0
11486 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power model as adjacency matrix; raise the adjacency matrix to the power of N in O(log N) to get the number of paths 0.0
11582 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power Pisano period: The sequence f(i)%n is periodic; use modPow 0.0
12470 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power similar to UVa 10229; the 3*3 matrix is = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 1 1]; the answer is at matrix[1][1] after it is raised to the... 0.0
12796 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power count the number of paths of length L in an undirected graph where L can be up to 2^30 0.0
00179 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder use brute force 0.0
00213 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder LA 5152 - WorldFinals SanAntonio91 0.0
00306 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder can be made faster by avoiding cycle 0.0
00385 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder a kind of decryption problem; tedious 0.0
00468 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder letter frequency mapping 0.0
00554 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder try all shifts; output formatting 0.0
00726 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder frequency cypher 0.0
00741 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder simulate the process 0.0
00850 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder plaintext attack; tricky test cases 0.0
00856 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder 3 nested loops; one for each digit 0.0
11385 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder string manipulation and Fibonacci 0.0
11697 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder follow the description; a bit tedious; also available at Kattis - playfair 0.0
00134 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check; tedious 0.0
00171 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check; tedious 0.0
00172 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) another recursive parser; tedious 0.0
00384 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
00464 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) generate output based on the given BNF grammar 0.0
00533 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
00586 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check and output formatting 0.0
00620 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
00622 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check/evaluation 0.0
00743 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
10854 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive parsing plus counting 0.0
11070 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar evaluation 0.0
11291 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
00325 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression trivial with regex 0.0
00494 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression trivial with regex 0.0
00576 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression solvable with regex 0.0
10058 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression solvable with regex 0.0
00159 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious output formatting problem 0.0
00330 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H use map to help 0.0
00338 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious 0.0
00373 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H check 'g' versus 'p'; ad hoc 0.0
00426 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tokenize; sort; reformat output 0.0
00570 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H use map to help 0.0
00645 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H use recursion to simulate directory structure as it helps the output formatting 0.0
00848 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious string processing 0.0
00890 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H simulation; follow the steps; tedious 0.0
00918 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious; follow the steps 0.0
01219 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H LA 3791 - Tehran06 0.0
10333 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H a real time waster problem 0.0
10562 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H output formatting with clever recursion 0.0
10761 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tricky with output formatting; note that 'END' is part of input 0.0
10800 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious problem 0.0
10875 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H simple but tedious problem 0.0
11403 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H similar with UVa 00338; tedious 0.0
12155 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H LA 4403 - KualaLumpur08; use proper index manipulation 0.0
00409 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison tokenize and compare with list of excuses 0.0
00644 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison use brute force 0.0
00671 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison string comparison 0.0
00912 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison simulation; find and replace 0.0
11048 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison flexible string comparison with respect to a dictionary 0.0
11056 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison sorting; case-insensitive string comparison 0.0
11233 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison string comparison 0.0
11713 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison modified string comparison 0.0
11734 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison custom comparison 0.0
00263 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc sort digits; convert to integers; check cycle 0.0
00892 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc basic string processing problem 0.0
00943 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc the Portuguese rule is not given; use translation service in the Internet to help you solve this problem 0.0
01215 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc LA 3669 - Hanoi06 0.0
10045 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc brute force string processing 0.0
10115 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc simply do as asked in the problem description; uses string 0.0
10126 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc sort the words to simplify this problem; also available at Kattis - zipfslaw 0.0
10197 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc must follow the description very closely 0.0
10361 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc read; tokenize; process as requested 0.0
10391 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc more like a data structure problem 0.0
10393 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc follow problem description 0.0
10508 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc number of words = number of letters plus 1 0.0
10679 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc the test data weak; just checking if T is a prefix of S is AC when it should not 0.0
11452 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc string period; small input; brute force 0.0
11483 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc straightforward; use 'escape character' 0.0
11839 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc illegal if mark 0 or >1 alternatives 0.0
11962 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc find formula; similar to UVa 941; base 4 0.0
12243 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc simple string tokenizer problem 0.0
12414 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc brute force problem involving string 0.0
12916 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc factorize n; string period; also see UVa 11452 0.0
00164 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic String Alignment/Edit Distance 0.0
00526 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic String Alignment/Edit Distance 0.0
00531 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence; print the solution 0.0
01192 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic LA2460 - Singapore01; classic String Alignment DP problem with a bit of (unclear) output formatting 0.0
01207 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic LA 3170 - Manila06; classical String Edit problem 0.0
01244 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic LA 4336 - Amritapuri08; store the best path between i; j; the DP table contains strings 0.0
10066 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence problem; but not on 'string' 0.0
10100 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence 0.0
10192 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence 0.0
10405 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic very classic Longest Common Subsequence problem 0.0
10635 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic find LCS of two permutations; also available at Kattis - princeandprincess 0.0
12747 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic similar to UVa 10635 0.0
13146 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic classic Edit Distance problem 0.0
11022 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: the min weight of substring [i..j]; also available at Kattis - stringfactoring 0.0
11081 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic DP on string; s: (t; i; j; k) 0.0
11084 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic using next_permutation/brute force is probably not the best approach; there is a DP formulation for this 0.0
11258 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic dp(i) = int from substring [i..k] dp(k) 0.0
11361 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic counting paths in DAG; need insights for efficient implementation; K > 90 is useless; double DP; use prefix-sum idea 0.0
11552 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic dp(i; c) = minimum number of chunks after considering the first i segments ending with character c 0.0
12855 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: (pos, len) that describes the cost to transform the string so that S[0..pos-1] are all already 'B's and S[pos..pos+le... 0.0
00455 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching find s in s+s; similar with UVa 10298 0.0
00886 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching convert first letter of given name and all the letters of the surname into digits; special string matching where we want... 0.0
01449 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching LA 4670 - Hefei09; just use strstr; Suffix Array will get TLE as there are too many long strings to be processed 0.0
10298 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching find s in s+s; similar with UVa 00455; also available at Kattis - powerstrings 0.0
11362 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching string sort; matching 0.0
11576 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching modified string matching; complete search; also available at Kattis - scrollingsign 0.0
11837 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching transform the input of X notes into X-1 distances; then apply KMP 0.0
00422 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking 0.0
00604 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking; sort and compare 0.0
00736 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; a bit modified 0.0
10010 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking 0.0
11283 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking; do not count twice 0.0
00719 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array min lexicographic rotation; O(n log n) build SA 0.0
00760 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Common Substring of two strings 0.0
01223 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array LA 3901 - Seoul07; Longest Repeated Substring (or KMP) 0.0
01254 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array LA 4657 - Jakarta09; Suffix Array with Segment Tree or Sparse Table; LCP range 0.0
01584 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array LA 3225 - Seoul04; min lexicographic rotation; similar with UVa 00719; other solutions exist 0.0
11107 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Common Substring of > 1/2 of the strings; also available at Kattis - lifeforms 0.0
11512 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Repeated Substring 0.0
11855 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Repeated Substring that appears X times (2 ≤ X < N); also available at Kattis - buzzwords 0.0
12506 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array we can use Trie to solve this problem 0.0
11475 Fetching from uHunt 6.6a, String Hashing similar with UVa 12467 0.0
12467 Fetching from uHunt 6.6a, String Hashing hashing/'border' of KMP; see UVa 11475 0.0
12604 Fetching from uHunt 6.6a, String Hashing try Rabin-Karp/KMP up to 62 times 0.0
00148 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram uses backtracking 0.0
00156 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram easier with algorithm::sort 0.0
00195 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram use algorithm::next_permutation 0.0
00454 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram anagram 0.0
00630 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram ad hoc; string 0.0
00642 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram go through the given small dictionary for the list of possible anagrams 0.0
10098 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram very similar to UVa 195 0.0
12641 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram anagram problem variation 0.0
12770 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram count frequencies; print odd frequency characters with except the last one -- put it in the middle of a palindrome 0.0
00257 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check (DP-able) plus brute force checks for non embedding criteria 0.0
00353 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) brute force all substrings; count how many substrings are palindrome 0.0
00401 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) simple palindrome check 0.0
10848 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) related to UVa 10453; palindrome check, character frequency check, and a few others 0.0
10945 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check; ignore case and punctuation 0.0
11221 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check; we deal with a matrix (magic square) this time 0.0
11309 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check; on HH:MM format 0.0
11584 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) use two O(n^2) DP string; one for palindrome check and the other for partitioning 0.0
11888 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) let ss = s+s; find reverse(s) in ss, but it cannot match the first n chars or the last n chars of ss 0.0
12960 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) additional twist; special positioning; DP pair 0.0
01239 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) LA 4144 - Jakarta08; as S <= 1000; brute-force is enough; consider odd and even length palindromes 0.0
10018 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) generating palindrome with specific math simulation; very easy 0.0
10453 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) s: (l; r); t: (l 1; r-1) if S[l] == S[r]; or one plus min of(l 1; r) or (l; r-1); also print the required solution; simi... 0.0
10617 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) s: (l; r); counting substrings that are palindrome 0.0
10739 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) similar to UVa 10453; 11151; and 11404 0.0
11151 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) s: (l; r); similar to UVa 10453; 10739; and 11404 0.0
11404 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) similar to UVa 10453; 10739; and 11151; print the solution in lexicographically smallest manner 0.0
12718 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) LA 6659 - Dhaka13; try all substrings; count character frequencies in them and analyze 0.0
00152 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points sort the 3D points first 0.0
00587 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 0.0
00920 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 0.0
01595 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points use set to record the positions of all sorted points; check half of the points if the symmetries are in the set too? 0.0
10357 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist; simple Physics simulation 0.0
10466 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 0.0
10585 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points sort the points 0.0
10832 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points 3D Euclidean distance; simulation 0.0
10865 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points points and quadrants; simple; also available at Kattis - browniepoints 0.0
10927 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points sort points by gradient; Euclidean dist 0.0
11012 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points find i and j for which this function is maximal: |x_i-x_j| |y_i-y_j| |z_i-z_j|; the solution must be faster than O(n^2) 0.0
11505 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist; also available at Kattis - logo 0.0
11894 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points about rotating and translating points 0.0
12704 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points circle; radius; but eventually just about computing Euclidean distance 0.0
00191 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segment intersection 0.0
00378 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines library routines: areParallel; areSame; areIntersect 0.0
00833 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines recursive check; use the ccw tests 0.0
00837 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segments; sort x-coords first 0.0
00866 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines use line segment intersection library; O(n^2) solution can pass 0.0
01249 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines LA 4601 - SoutheastUSA09; vector 0.0
10242 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines toVec; translate points w.r.t. that vector 0.0
10250 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines vector; rotation 0.0
10263 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines use distToLineSegment 0.0
10902 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segment intersection 0.0
11068 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines simple 2 linear equations with 2 unknowns 0.0
11343 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segment intersection 0.0
11519 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines n vectors that sum to 0; given n-1 vectors, find the unknown vector; also available at Kattis - logo2 0.0
11783 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines O(N^2) brute force line segment intersection tests 0.0
13117 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines dist + distToLineSegment 0.0
01388 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles LA 3708 - NortheasternEurope06; divide the circle into n sectors first and then into (n m) sectors 0.0
10005 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles complete search; use circle2PtsRad 0.0
10136 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles complete search; use circle2PtsRad; similar with UVa 10005 0.0
10180 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles closest point from AB to origin; arc 0.0
10209 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles square; arcs; similar with UVa 10589 0.0
10221 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles finding arc and chord length of a circle 0.0
10283 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles derive the formula 0.0
10287 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles derive the formula 0.0
10432 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles simple problem: area of n-sided reg-polygon in a circle 0.0
10451 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles inner/outer circle of n-sided reg polygon 0.0
10573 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles there is no 'impossible' case 0.0
10589 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles check if point is inside intersection of 4 circles 0.0
10678 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles area of an ellipse; generalization of the formula for area of a circle 0.0
12578 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles area of rectangle and circle 0.0
12748 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles brute force and simple in-circle test 0.0
00313 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) use trigonometry to project the light to the ground through the pipes; sort the intervals; merge overlapping intervals; ... 0.0
00427 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) for each 2 consecutive corridors, try rotating the piano by a angle α ∈ [0.1..89.9] degrees; trigonometry 0.0
10210 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) basic trigonometry 0.0
10286 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) Law of Sines 0.0
10387 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) expanding surface; trigonometry 0.0
10792 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) derive the trigonometry formulas 0.0
11326 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) trigonometry; tangent; reflection trick 0.0
11854 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) Pythagorean theorem/triple; also available at Kattis - egypt 0.0
11909 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) Law of Sines (or tangent); two possible cases 0.0
12901 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) tangent, sine, arcsin, etc 0.0
00143 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles count integer points in triangle; beware of precision issue 0.0
00190 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle's circumcircle 0.0
00375 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle'sincircles 0.0
00438 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles compute triangle's circumcircle 0.0
10195 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle'sincircle; Heron's formula 0.0
10347 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles given 3 medians of a triangle; find its area 0.0
10522 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles derive the formula; uses Heron's formula 0.0
10577 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles get center radius of outer circle from 3 points; get all vertices; get the min-x/max-x/min-y/max-y of the polygon; also ... 0.0
10991 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles Heron's formula; Law of Cosines; area of sector 0.0
11152 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle's (in/circum)circle; Heron's formula 0.0
11164 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles use Triangle properties 0.0
11281 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles circumcircle for a non obtuse triangle; largest side of the triangle for an obtuse triangle 0.0
11437 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles hint: 1/7 0.0
11479 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles property check 0.0
11579 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles sort; greedily check if three successive sides satisfy triangle inequality and if it is the largest triangle found so fa... 0.0
11936 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles see if 3 sides form a valid triangle 0.0
13215 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles area of rectangle minus area of squares and equilateral triangles 0.0
00155 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals recursive counting 0.0
00209 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals LA 5148 - WorldFinals SanAntonio91; brute force check; answer is either triangle, parallelogram, or hexagon 0.0
00460 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangle-rectangle intersection 0.0
00476 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals basic problem; also see related problems: UVa 00477 and 00478 0.0
00477 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals similar with UVa 00476 and 00478 0.0
11207 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals cutting rectangle into 4-equal-sized squares 0.0
11314 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals a thin line cake that is formed by stretching line segment AB until it hits the y and x-axis is the quadrilateral with s... 0.0
11345 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangle-rectangle intersection 0.0
11455 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals property check 0.0
11639 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangle-rectangle intersection; use flag array 0.0
11648 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals derive the closed form formula 0.0
11800 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals use next_permutation to try all possible 4! = 24 permutations of 4 points; check the requirements 0.0
11834 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals packing two circles in a rectangle 0.0
12256 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals LA 5001 - KualaLumpur10; first 3 sides are 1, 1, 1; the 4th side onwards are sum of previous threes 0.0
12611 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals a problem involving a rectangle and a circle 0.0
12894 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals continuation of UVa 12611; another problem involving a rectangle and a circle 0.0
00478 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier inPolygon/Triangle/Circle/Rectangle 0.0
00634 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier basic inPolygon routine; notice that the input polygon can be convex or concave 0.0
00681 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier CH; with output formatting 0.0
01206 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier LA 3169 - Manila06; CH; input is formatted in complex manner 0.0
10060 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier area of polygon; area of circle 0.0
10112 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier test if point inPolygon/inTriangle; similar with UVa 478 0.0
11072 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier find CH and then check if the query point inside is inside the convex hull 0.0
11096 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier very classic CH problem; perimeter of polygon 0.0
11447 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier area of polygon 0.0
11473 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier modified perimeter of polygon 0.0
11626 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier find CH; be careful with collinear points 0.0
00109 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder find CH; test if point inPolygon; compute area of polygon 0.0
00132 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder brute force as instructed in problem description; use polygon routines 0.0
00137 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder convex polygon intersection; line segment intersection; inPolygon; CH; area; inclusion-exclusion principle 0.0
00218 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder LA 5157 - WorldFinals KansasCity92; find CH; perimeter of polygon 0.0
00361 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder check if a point is inside CH of Cop/Robber; if $pt$ is inside CH, pt satisfies the requirement 0.0
00596 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder basic CH problem; but output formatting is a bit tedious 0.0
00858 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder vertical line and polygon intersection; sort; alternating segments 0.0
01111 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder LA 5138 - WorldFinals Orlando11; CH; output minimax distance of each CH side to the other vertices 0.0
10002 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder centroid; center of CH; area of polygon 0.0
10065 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder find area of polygon; the CH; then area of CH 0.0
10256 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder given 2 CHs, output 'No' if there is a point in 1st CH inside the 2nd one; 'Yes' otherwise 0.0
10406 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder vector; rotate; translate; then cutPolygon 0.0
10445 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder angle checks; use library code; some corner cases exist 0.0
10652 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder rotate; translate; CH; area; also available at Kattis - wrapping 0.0
11265 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder seems to be a complex problem; but essentially just cutPolygon; inPolygon; area 0.0
00535 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance 0.0
00737 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry cube and cube intersection 0.0
00815 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry LA 5215 - WorldFinals Eindhoven99; volume; greedy 0.0
01280 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry LA 6027 - WorldFinals Warsaw12; BSTA+geometric formula; also available at Kattis - bottles 0.0
10297 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry volumes of cylinders and cones; inclusion-exclusion; also available at Kattis - beavergnaw 0.0
10316 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance; also available at Kattis - airlinehub 0.0
10897 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance 0.0
11817 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance; 3D Euclidean distance; also available at Kattis - tunnelingtheearth 0.0
00131 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with 2^5 bitmask to help deciding which card is retained in hand/exchanged with the top of deck; use 5! per... 0.0
00211 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking map the complex bone IDs to pips using 2D array; use backtracking to try the placement of various domino bones 0.0
00387 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking use backtracking to try placement of various puzzle pieces 0.0
00710 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with memoization/pruning 0.0
00711 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with pruning 0.0
01052 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking LA 3565 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; backtracking with some form of bitmask 0.0
10202 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking; pruning 0.0
10309 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking brute force the first row in 2^10; the rest follows 0.0
10318 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking the order is not important, so we can try pressing the buttons in increasing order, row by row, column by column 0.0
10422 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking Depth Limited Search (up to 11 moves); also available at Kattis - knightsfen 0.0
10890 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking looks like a DP problem but the state---involving bitmask---cannot be memoized; fortunately the grid size is small 0.0
11090 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking this is the simplest form of Min Mean Cycle problem; however it has small constraints and thus this problem is still sol... 0.0
11127 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with bitmask 0.0
11195 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking use backtracking with bitmask 0.0
11451 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking the input constraints are small; backtracking with bitmask without memoization; or use DP 0.0
11464 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking brute force the first row in 2^15; the rest follows 0.0
11471 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking reduce search space by grouping tiles of the same type; recursive backtracking 0.0
11699 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking try all the possible row combinations on which we put rooks and keep the best 0.0
00298 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (row; col; 49 possible speeds) 0.0
00928 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (row; col; direction; step) 0.0
01600 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E LA 3670 - Hanoi06; s: (row; col; k_left); reset k_left to the original k as soon as the robot enters a non obstacle cell 0.0
10047 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (row, col, dir, color) 0.0
10097 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (N1; N2); implicit unweighted graph 0.0
10306 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (conventional-value, infotechnological-value); BFS; also available at Kattis - ecoins 0.0
10682 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (current_city; current_speed); output path 0.0
11513 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (vector of 9 integers); SDSP; BFS 0.0
11974 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (bitmask); BFS; similar with UVa 12135 0.0
12135 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E LA 4201 - Dhaka08; s: (bitmask); BFS; similar with UVa 11974 0.0
00321 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (position; bitmask 2^10); print the path 0.0
00704 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H state-space search; use meet-in-the-middle to bring down 4^16 to 2*4^8 0.0
00816 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 5216 - WorldFinals Orlando00; build the graph; then run BFS with state s: (row; col; dir) 0.0
00985 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H 4 rotations is the same as 0 rotations; s: (row; col; rotation = [0..3]); find the shortest path from state [1][1][0] to... 0.0
01251 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 4637 - Tokyo09 0.0
01253 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 4645 - Tokyo09; tedious state modeling 0.0
01714 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 7155 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; s: (row, col, char_typed); also available at Kattis - keyboard 0.0
10021 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (row; col; cube position which is a permutation of 6 sides) or up to 10*10*720 = 72000 distinct states 0.0
10085 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H each vertex is the 9 puzzle configuration; BFS from starting configuration to all vertices; print longest shortest path 0.0
11160 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (rA; cA; rB; cB; rC; cC); move A; B; C together 0.0
11198 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (permutation); tricky to code 0.0
11212 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H meet in the middle 0.0
11329 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (bitmask); 4 bits for die position; 16 bits for cells with fleas; 6 bits for side with a flea; use map; tedious 0.0
12445 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H meet in the middle; similar with UVa 11212; uses heavy bitmasking for the 6 operations 0.0
12569 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (robot_pos, obstacle_mask); BFS 0.0
00658 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (bitmask---whether a bug is present or not); the state-space graph is weighted 0.0
01048 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra LA 3561 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; tedious state-space search problem; use Dijkstra's 0.0
01057 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra LA 3570 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; Floyd-Warshall; APSP; reduce to weighted SSSP problem; Dijkstra's 0.0
10269 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra use Floyd-Warshall to pre-compute APSP using only Villages; use Dijkstra's on s: (u, super_run_left) 0.0
10923 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (ship_position; location_of_enemies; location_of_obstacles; steps_so_far); implicit weighted graph 0.0
11374 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra each vertex has one more parameter: has the Commercial-Xpress ticket been used? 0.0
00672 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (gangster_id, openness_level); do not use cur_time as part of the state 0.0
00882 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (lo, hi, mailbox_left); try all; also available at Kattis - mailbox 0.0
01172 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 LA 3986 - SouthWesternEurope07; weighted bipartite matching with additional constraints 0.0
01211 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 LA 3404 - Tokyo05; precompute T[L], the time to run a path of length L; s: (i) - checkpoint i is we change tire 0.0
10163 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 try all possible safe line L and run DP; s: (id; N_left); t: hire/skip person id for looking at K storage; the DP part i... 0.0
10604 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 the mixing can be done with any pair of chemicals until there are only two chemicals left; memoize the remaining chemica... 0.0
10645 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (days_left, budget_left, prev_dish, prev_dish_cnt); the first 2 params are knapsack-style; the last 2 params to deter... 0.0
10898 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 similar to DP bitmask; store state as integer 0.0
11002 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 a simple DP; use negative offset technique 0.0
11285 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 maintain the best CAD and USD each day; also available at Kattis - exchangerates 0.0
11523 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 each part between non-recyclable items must be solved separately; for each part; use O(n^3) DP 0.0
11555 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 sort; compute tree positions; s: (l_left, r_left), t: put next tree on the left/right; also available at Kattis - aspena... 0.0
12208 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 actually just a simple combinatorics; it is classified here due to the usage of map data structure as the DP table as th... 0.0
12563 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 knapsack style DP; sing or skip a song; special base case; memo of pairs 0.0
00473 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 the input constraint is not clear; therefore use resizeable vector and compact states 0.0
00812 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 5212 - WorldFinals Eindhoven99; mix between greedy and DP 0.0
01222 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 3797 - Tehran06; DP on Tree 0.0
01231 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 4106 - Singapore07; dimension reduction 0.0
01238 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 4143 - Jakarta08; offset technique 0.0
10029 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 use map as memo table 0.0
10118 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 DP bitmask; not trivial 0.0
10304 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 classical DP; requires 1D range sum and Knuth-Yao speed up to get O(n^2) solution 0.0
10482 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 drop one parameter to save memory 0.0
10559 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 DP with clever state and transitions 0.0
10626 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 drop parameter n1; recover it from b (number of coke bought), n5, and n10; also available at Kattis - coke 0.0
12870 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 6848 - Bangkok14; split DP for fishing and nourishing; try all combination of K fishing + 2K nourishing events 0.0
00702 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (n_above, n_below, go_up) 0.0
10722 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in implicit DAG; s: (N_digits_left; B; first; previous_digit_is_one) and use a bit of simple combinatoric... 0.0
11125 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in implicit DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 8 parameters 0.0
11133 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 2 parameters 0.0
11375 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; 2 parameters; be careful that we can create a 0 with 6 sticks; need to use Java BigInteger 0.0
11432 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 6 parameters 0.0
12063 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; s: (zeros; ones; mod); we do not need a parameter to denote the current bit as it can be recovere... 0.0
01076 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4126 - WorldFinals Banff08; preprocess the strings; challenging DP bitmask; output up to 42 possible solutions 0.0
01099 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4794 - WorldFinals Harbin10; s: (w; bitmask); recover parameter value h 0.0
01240 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4146 - Jakarta08; a medium-level DP problem 0.0
01252 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4643 - Tokyo09; DP, s: (mask1, mask2) where mask1/mask2 describes the features/answers, respectively 0.0
10123 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask DP; s: (bitmask) that describes objects that have been taken; use Physics to determine whether those taken objects will ... 0.0
10149 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask DP with bitmask; uses card rules; tedious 0.0
10364 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask bitmask technique can be used 0.0
10817 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask s: (id; bitmask) 0.0
10911 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask the intro problem of this book; DP with bitmask; weighted MCM; small complete weighted graph 0.0
11218 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask still solvable with complete search 0.0
11391 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 3 parameters with 1 bitmask parameter that describes the 2D grid 0.0
11472 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 4 parameters with 1 bitmask parameter 0.0
11806 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; s: (r; c; rem_cheerleader; bitmask); bitmask is a 4 bit integer to check if all 4 corners have at... 0.0
11825 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask first; use iterative brute force: try which subset of vertices can cover all vertices; then use DP to figure out the bes... 0.0
12030 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; s: (idx; bitmask; all1; has2); t: try all shoes that has not bee... 0.0
00259 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard assignment problem; matching with capacity; similar to UVa 10092; 11045; and 12873; but actually the input constraint is... 0.0
00820 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard LA 5220 - WorldFinals Orlando00; very basic max flow problem 0.0
10092 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard assignment problem; matching with capacity; similar to UVa 259; 11045; and 12873 0.0
10511 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard matching; max flow; print the assignment; also available at Kattis - councilling 0.0
10779 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard build a flow graph s.t. each augmenting path corresponds to a series of exchange of duplicate stickers; repeat until thi... 0.0
11045 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard assignment problem; matching with capacity; similar to UVa 259; 10092; and 12873; but actually the input constraint is a... 0.0
11082 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard very similar to Kattis - tomography 0.0
11167 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard many edges in the flow graph; compress the capacity-1 edges when possible; use Dinic's 0.0
11418 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard two layers of graph matching (not really bipartite matching); use max flow solution 0.0
12873 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard LA 6851 - Bangkok14; assignment problem; similar to UVa 00259, 11045, and 10092; use Dinic's 0.0
00563 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants check whether the maximum number of independent paths on the flow graph equals to b banks 0.0
01242 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants LA 4271 - Hefei08; to have a necklace; we need to be able to two edge-disjoint s-t flows 0.0
10330 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow; vertex capacities 0.0
10480 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants straightforward min cut problem 0.0
11380 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow modeling with vertex capacities; similar to UVa 12125 0.0
11506 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants min cut with vertex capacities 0.0
11757 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants creative problem about min cut; build the flow graph with a bit of simple geometry involving circle; then find the min c... 0.0
11765 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants interesting min cut variant 0.0
12125 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow modeling with vertex capacities; similar to UVa 11380; also available at Kattis - marchofpenguins 0.0
00193 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E optimization version of Max Independent Set problem on general graph which is NP-Hard with small input 0.0
00539 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E LONGEST-PATH problem; small input/general graph 0.0
00574 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E print all solutions with backtracking 0.0
00624 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E input size is small; backtracking is enough 0.0
00775 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E backtracking suffices as the search space is small; it is more likely to have a HAMILTONIAN-TOUR in a dense graph, so we... 0.0
00989 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E classic SUDOKU puzzle; the small 9x9 instance is solvable with backtracking with pruning; use bitmask to speed up 0.0
10957 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E very similar with UVa 989; if you can solve that one; you can modify your code a bit to solve this one 0.0
11088 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E similar to UVa 10911 but partitioning of three persons to one team; PARTITION-INTO-TRIANGLES 0.0
12455 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E SUBSET-SUM; try all; see the harder UVa 12911 that requires meet in the middle 0.0
01098 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H LA 4793 - WorldFinals Harbin10; HAMILTONIAN-TOUR; backtracking+pruning; meet in the middle 0.0
01217 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H LA 3681 - Kaohsiung06; TSP-like optimization problem; which is NP-Hard; solvable with A*/IDA* 0.0
10032 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H PARTITION; DP Knapsack with optimization to avoid TLE; also available at Kattis - tugofwar 0.0
10125 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H SUBSET-SUM; 4-SUM variant; use unordered_map to map sum of a and b in S and their two indices; also available at Kattis ... 0.0
10160 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H optimization version of Min Vertex Cover on general graph; Dominating Set; which is NP-Hard; strategies: backtracking; s... 0.0
10571 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H hard backtracking problem; it has similar flavor as Su Doku puzzle 0.0
11065 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H optimization version of MAX-INDEPENDENT-SET problem on general graph; also report the number of Independent Sets; bitmas... 0.0
11095 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H optimization version of Min Vertex Cover on general graph which is NP-Hard 0.0
12911 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H SUBSET-SUM; we cannot use DP as 1 ≤ N ≤ 40 and -10^9 ≤ T ≤ 10^9; use meet in the middle 0.0
01194 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 2523 - Beijing02; Min Vertex Cover/MVC 0.0
01347 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 3305 - SoutheasternEurope05; this is the pure version of Bitonic TSP problem; you may want to start from here 0.0
10243 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E this problem can be reduced to the Min Vertex Cover problem on Tree; there is a polynomial DP solution for this variant 0.0
10349 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MIS: V-MCBM; also available at Kattis - antennaplacement 0.0
10859 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E Min-Vertex-Cover; on several trees; maximize number of edges with its two endpoints covered 0.0
11159 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MAX-INDEPENDENT-SET; on Bipartite Graph; ans equals to its MCBM 0.0
11357 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E not a pure CNF SAT(isfiability) problem; it is a special case as only one clause needs to be satisfied 0.0
11419 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MVC; Konig theorem 0.0
12083 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 3415 - NorthwesternEurope05; MIS; also available at Kattis - guardianofdecency 0.0
12168 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 4288 - NorthwesternEurope08; MIS; also available at Kattis - catvsdog 0.0
13115 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E just a SUDOKU solution verifier; an NP-problem 0.0
01086 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 4452 - WorldFinals Stockholm09; can be modeled as a 2-SAT problem 0.0
01096 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 4791 - WorldFinals Harbin10; Bitonic TSP variant; print the actual path 0.0
01184 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 2696 - Dhaka02; MPC on DAG ~ MCBM 0.0
01201 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 3126 - NorthwesternEurope04; MPC on DAG; also available at Kattis - taxicab 0.0
01212 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 3483 - Hangzhou05; MWIS on Bipartite Graph 0.0
01220 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 3794 - Tehran06; Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem on tree; DP; also check if the MIS is unique 0.0
10319 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H can be modeled as a 2-SAT problem 0.0
11294 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H can be modeled as a 2-SAT problem; also available at Kattis - wedding 0.0
00714 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and greedy 0.0
10566 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier bisection method 0.0
10606 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier the solution is simply the highest square number <= N but this problem involves BigInteger; we can use a (rather slow) b... 0.0
10668 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier bisection method; also available at Kattis - expandingrods 0.0
10804 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and MCBM; similar with UVa 11262 0.0
10816 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and Dijkstra's 0.0
11262 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and MCBM; similar with UVa 10804 0.0
11646 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier the circle is at the center of track 0.0
12097 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and geometric formula 0.0
12851 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and 3D geometry volume of cone; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
12853 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and circumferences of two related circles 0.0
12908 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and sum of arithmetic progression formula 0.0
01221 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder LA 3795 - Tehran06; +MCBM 0.0
01577 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder LA 6398 - WorldFinals StPetersburg13; BSTA+greedy; also available at Kattis - low 0.0
10372 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and Physics 0.0
10537 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder +Dijkstra's on State-Space graph 0.0
10983 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and max flow 0.0
11516 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder +greedy; also available at Kattis - wifi 0.0
11670 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and O(N) greedy simulation 0.0
12255 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder LA 5000 - KualaLumpur10; binary search the answer and greedy 0.0
12428 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and a bit of graph theory about bridges 0.0
10789 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier check if a letter's frequency (using DAT) is a prime 0.0
11960 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier modified Sieve; number of divisors; static Range Maximum Query; use Sparse Table data structure 0.0
11966 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier use union find to keep track of the number of disjoint sets/constellations; if Euclidian dist <= D; union the two stars 0.0
11967 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier brute force; use map as we cannot store the actual tic-tac-toe board; remember n coordinates and check if there are k co... 0.0
12318 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier brute force with unordered_set 0.0
12460 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier a simple BFS problem; use set of string data structure to speed up the check if a word is inside dictionary 0.0
13135 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier simple DP; use unordered_map to map the (large) answer S back to (small) N, which turns out to be not more than 10&thins... 0.0
00843 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder backtracking; try mapping each letter to another letter in alphabet; use Trie data structure for speed up 0.0
00922 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder compute the area of the polygon; define a rectangle with every pair of points; use set to see if a third point of the re... 0.0
10150 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder s: (string); BFS; use trie to quickly identify neighbor that is one Hamming distance away; also available at Kattis - do... 0.0
10734 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder involving triangle/cosine rule; use a data structure that tolerates floating point error due to triangle side normalizat... 0.0
11474 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder UFDS; connect all tree branches; connect two reachable trees (use geometry); connect trees that can reach doctor 0.0
11525 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder use Fenwick Tree and binary search the answer to find the lowest index i that has RSQ(1;i) = Si 0.0
00142 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; point-in-rectangle; dist 0.0
00184 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; collinear test 0.0
00201 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS counting square of various sizes; try all 0.0
00270 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS gradient sorting; complete search 0.0
00356 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS Euclidean distance; brute force 0.0
00638 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force 4 corner points 0.0
00688 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; chop the region into small rectangles and decide if a small rectangle is covered by an antenna or not; if i... 0.0
10012 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS try all 8! permutations; Euclidean dist 0.0
10167 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force A and B; ccw tests 0.0
10301 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS circle-circle intersection; backtracking 0.0
10310 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS complete search; Euclidean distance dist; also available at Kattis - doggopher 0.0
10823 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS complete search; check if point inside circles/squares 0.0
11227 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; collinear test 0.0
11515 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS circle-circle intersection; backtracking or brute force subsets with bitmask; also available at Kattis - cranes 0.0
11574 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS try all pairs of boats; 0.0 if one pair collide; or, use a quadratic equation; also available at Kattis - collidingtraff... 0.0
10514 Fetching from uHunt 8.7f, Geometry+Other use basic geometry to compute edge weights of the graph of islands and the two riverbanks; SSSP; Dijkstra's 0.0
11008 Fetching from uHunt 8.7f, Geometry+Other collinear test; DP bitmask 0.0
12322 Fetching from uHunt 8.7f, Geometry+Other first; use atan2 to convert angles to 1D intervals; then sort it and use a greedy scan to get the answer 0.0
00273 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other line segment intersection and Warshall's transitive closure algorithm 0.0
00393 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other build the small visibility graph with line segment intersection checks; run Floyd-Warshall routine to get the answer 0.0
00521 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other vertices = drivers; add an edge between two drivers if they can meet (determined with mathematical rule (gcd)); if the g... 0.0
01039 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 3270 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; build the graph with simple geometry; then use Floyd-Warshall 0.0
01092 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4787 - WorldFinals Harbin10; compress graph; traversal from exit with S/W direction; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
01243 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4272 - Hefei08; Warshall's transitive closure; SCC; transitive reduction of a directed graph 0.0
01263 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4846 - Daejeon10; geometry; SCC; see two related problems: UVa 11504 and 11770 0.0
10068 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other use BFS from each position to create the APSP data; use backtracking with bitmask and pruning to get the best solution 0.0
10075 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other Great Circle Distance (gcDistance) with APSP 0.0
11267 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other bipartite check; MST; accept -ve weight 0.0
11635 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other Dijkstra's BFS (or 2 Dijkstra's) 0.0
11721 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other find nodes that can reach SCCs with neg cycle 0.0
11730 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other factoring; BFS 0.0
12070 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 3290 - Dhaka05; BFS brute force 0.0
12101 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other BFS; involving prime numbers 0.0
12159 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4407 - KualaLumpur08; use simple CCW tests (geometry) to build the bipartite graph; MCBM 0.0
12797 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other iterative subset; pick subset of UPPERCASE letters for this round; BFS to find the SSSP; pick the best 0.0
01069 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other LA 4119 - WorldFinals Banff08; string parsing, divisibility of polynomial, brute force, and modPow 0.0
01195 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other LA 2565 - Kanazawa02; use sieve to generate the list of primes; brute force each prime p; and use binary search to find ... 0.0
10325 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other inclusion exclusion principle; brute force subset for small M <= 15; lcm-gcd 0.0
10419 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other print path; prime 0.0
10427 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other numbers in [10^(k-1)..10^k-1] has k digits 0.0
10539 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other sieve; get 'almost primes' by listing the powers of each prime, sort them; binary search 0.0
10637 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other involving prime numbers and gcd 0.0
10717 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other complete search + GCD/LCM 0.0
11099 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other generate list of small primes; generate all multiples of each prime factor starting from base using backtracking; do not... 0.0
11282 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other derangement and binomial coefficient; Big Integer 0.0
11415 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other count the number of factors for each integer; find the number of factors for each factorial number and store it in an ar... 0.0
11428 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other complete search and binary search 0.0
12218 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other brute force recursive bitmask with prime check; also available at Kattis - industrialspy 0.0
12802 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other actually a very easy problem; given n; just output 2n; but it has two components: primality check of n and checking if n... 0.0
00976 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP flood fill to separate North and South banks; compute the cost of installing a bridge at each column; DP 0.0
10917 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP counting paths in DAG; build the DAG; Dijkstra's from 'home'; also available at Kattis - walkforest 0.0
10937 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP BFS -> APSP information for TSP; then DP or backtracking 0.0
10944 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP BFS -> APSP information for TSP; then use DP as n <= 16 0.0
11284 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP SSSP pre-processing; TSP variant = we can go home early; tweak DP TSP recurrence a bit: at each state, we have one more ... 0.0
11324 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP LONGEST-PATH on DAG; first, transform the graph into DAG of its SCCs; toposort 0.0
11331 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP bipartite graph checks; compute size of left/right sets per bipartite component; DP SUBSET-SUM 0.0
11405 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP BFS from k and each P---max 9 items to get APSP information for TSP; then use DP-TSP 0.0
11643 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP distance between any 2 interesting positions are computed using a pre-calculated BFS table (corner cases exist); DP TSP 0.0
11693 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP compute shortest paths information using Floyd-Warshall; then use DP; also available at Kattis - speedyescape 0.0
11813 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP Dijsktra's -> APSP information for TSP; then use DP; n <= 10 0.0
00967 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ similar to UVa 00897; but this time the output part can be speed up using DP 1D range sum 0.0
10200 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ complete search; test if isPrime(n^2 n 41) for all n in [a..b]; finally use DP 1D RSQ to speed up the solution 0.0
10533 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ sieve; check if a prime is a digit prime; DP 1D range sum 0.0
10871 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ need 1D Range Sum Query 0.0
10891 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ Double DP; 1D RSQ plus another DP to evaluate decision tree; s: (i, j); try all splitting points; minimax 0.0
11032 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ observation: sod(i) can be only from 1 to 63; use 1D Range Sum Query for fun(a; b) 0.0
11105 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ need 1D Range Sum Query; also available at Kattis - hnumbers 0.0
11408 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ need 1D Range Sum Query 0.0
12028 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ generate the array; sort it; prepare 1D Range Sum Query; then the solution will be much simpler 0.0
12904 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ 3 nested loops; brute force a; b; c; use prefix sum to speed up the checks 0.0
00295 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E BSTA x: if the person has diameter x, can he go from left to right? graph connectivity; similar with UVa 10876 0.0
01250 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E LA 4607 - SoutheastUSA09; geometry; SSSP on DAG -> DP; DP 1D range sum 0.0
10856 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E compute number of prime factors of each integer in the desired range; use 1D RSQ DP; binary search 0.0
10876 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E binary search the answer and graph connectivity (geometry/Euclidian distance and union find); similar with UVa 295 0.0
11610 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E first; reverse primes less than 10^6; then; append zero(es) if necessary; use Fenwick Tree and binary search 0.0
00811 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 5211 - WorldFinals Eindhoven99; get CH and perimeter of polygon; generate all subsets iteratively with bitmask 0.0
01040 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 3271 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; try all subsets of 2^20 cities; MST; complex output formatting 0.0
01079 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 4445 - WorldFinals Stockholm09; iterative complete search (permutation); BSTA + greedy 0.0
01093 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 4788 - WorldFinals Harbin10; try all possible roots; DP on tree 0.0
11288 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H Floyd-Warshall/APSP; iterative brute force subset and permutation; DP; also available at Kattis - carpool 0.0
12392 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H brute force permute up to 5!; recursive string parsing (simple BNF) 0.0
00588 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery cutPolygon 0.0
01304 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery LA 2512 - SouthEasternEurope02; cutPolygon and area of polygon 0.0
01571 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery LA 3617 - Yokohama06; cutPolygon 0.0
10078 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery isConvex 0.0
00652 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* classic sliding block 8-puzzle; IDA* 0.0
00656 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* we can use IDDFS with pruning 0.0
10181 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* similar with UVa 652 but larger (now 15 instead of 8); we can use IDA* 0.0
11163 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* another puzzle game solvable with IDA* 0.0
10296 Fetching from uHunt 9.chi1, Chinese Postman basic Chinese Postman Problem; also available at Kattis - joggingtrails 0.0
00756 Fetching from uHunt 9.chi2, Chinese Remainder CRT or brute force 0.0
10245 Fetching from uHunt 9.clos, Closest Pair classic 0.0
11378 Fetching from uHunt 9.clos, Closest Pair also a closest pair problem 0.0
10165 Fetching from uHunt 9.comb, Comb Game Theory Nim game; application of Sprague-Grundy theorem 0.0
11311 Fetching from uHunt 9.comb, Comb Game Theory there are 4 heaps; Nim sum 0.0
01266 Fetching from uHunt 9.cons, Construction LA 3478 - LatinAmerica05; follow the given construction strategy 0.0
10741 Fetching from uHunt 9.cons, Construction similar idea as 2D Magic Square; but now in 3D; just follow the given construction strategy 0.0
10506 Fetching from uHunt 9.debr, De Bruijn Sequence any valid solution is AC; generate all possible next digit (up to base 10/digit [0..9]); check if it is still a valid Ou... 0.0
11439 Fetching from uHunt 9.edmo, Edmonds' Matching BSTA (the minimum weight); use it to reconstruct the graph; perfect matching on medium-sized general graph 0.0
10934 Fetching from uHunt 9.eggd, Egg Dropping Puzzle Egg dropping puzzle; interesting DP; try all possible answers 0.0
01185 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems LA 2697 - Dhaka02; number of digits of factorial; use logarithm to solve it; log(n!) = log(n * (n-1) * ... * 1) = log(n)... 0.0
01645 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems LA 6368 - Chengdu12; number of rooted trees with n vertices in which vertices at the same level have the same degree 0.0
10088 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Pick's Theorem 0.0
10178 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Euler's Formula; a bit of union find 0.0
10213 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Moser's circle; the formula is hard to derive; g(n) = nC4 nC2 1 0.0
10219 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems count the length of nCk; BigInteger 0.0
10720 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems similar to UVa 11414 and 12786; Erdos-Gallai Theorem 0.0
10843 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Cayley's Formula to count the number of spanning trees of a graph with n vertices is n^n-2; use Java BigInteger 0.0
11414 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems similar to UVa 10720 and 12786; Erdos-Gallai Theorem 0.0
11719 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems count the number of spanning tree in a complete bipartite graph; use Java BigInteger 0.0
12786 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems similar to UVa 10720 and 11414; Erdos-Gallai Theorem 0.0
12876 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems LA 6854 - Bangkok14; involving degree of vertex; Handshaking lemma 0.0
12967 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems OEIS A173033 0.0
13108 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Moser's circle; the formula is hard to derive; g(n) = nC4 + nC2 + 1 0.0
00684 Fetching from uHunt 9.gaus, Gauss Elimination modified Gaussian elimination to find (integral) determinant of a square matrix 0.0
11319 Fetching from uHunt 9.gaus, Gauss Elimination solve the system of the first 7 linear equations; then use all 1500 equations for 'smart sequence' checks 0.0
01045 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres LA 3276 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; try all configurations; weighted matching; pick the best; Kuhn-Munkres 0.0
10746 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres min weighted bipartite matching 0.0
10888 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres BFS/SSSP; min weighted bipartite matching 0.0
11553 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres brute force; DP bitmask; or Hungarian 0.0
10938 Fetching from uHunt 9.lowe, Lowest Common Anc basic LCA problem 0.0
12238 Fetching from uHunt 9.lowe, Lowest Common Anc similar to UVa 10938 0.0
00348 Fetching from uHunt 9.matr, Matrix Chain Mult DP; s(i, j); output the optimal solution; the optimal sequence is not unique 0.0
10594 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow basic min cost max flow problem 0.0
10806 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow send 2 edge-disjoint flows with min cost 0.0
11301 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow modeling; vertex capacity; MCMF 0.0
12821 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow similar to UVa 10806 0.0
00120 Fetching from uHunt 9.panc, Pancake Sorting greedy pancake sorting 0.0
11476 Fetching from uHunt 9.poll, Pollard's rho basic integer factorization problem that requires Pollard's rho algorithm 0.0
00261 Fetching from uHunt 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 0.0
01121 Fetching from uHunt 9.slid, Sliding Window LA 2678 - SouthEasternEurope06; sliding window variant 0.0
11536 Fetching from uHunt 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 0.0
00254 Fetching from uHunt 9.towe, Tower of Hanoi define a recursive formula 0.0
10017 Fetching from uHunt 9.towe, Tower of Hanoi classical problem 0.0
10254 Fetching from uHunt 9.towe, Tower of Hanoi find pattern; use Java BigInteger 0.0

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