Competitive Programming

Methods to Solve (2000-present)

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All OJ Problem Title CP4 Hint DACU Point
10740 Fetching from uHunt non-starred standard K-Best Shortest Paths problem 0.0
10989 Fetching from uHunt non-starred this is the basic problem solvable with Stoer Wagner's algorithm 0.0
11594 Fetching from uHunt non-starred use Gomory-Hu tree 0.0
11603 Fetching from uHunt non-starred get the maximum spanning tree of the input table; then check if its all pairs maximum flow equals to the input table 0.0
mnist10class mnist10class non-starred partial scoring problem - neural network 258 8.3
mnist2class mnist2class non-starred partial scoring problem - neural network 242 8.0
mwvc mwvc non-starred optimization problem involving large MWVC instance up to N ≤ 4000. To get high score for this problem, you need to us... 48 9.6
tsp tsp non-starred optimization problem involving large TSP instance up to N ≤ 1000. To get high score for this problem, you need to use... 1334 9.6
12478 Fetching from uHunt 1.4a, One-Liner I/O try one of the eight names 0.0
13025 Fetching from uHunt 1.4a, One-Liner I/O giveaway, just print the one-line answer 0.0
addtwonumbers addtwonumbers 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just sum the two input integers 3953 1.2
ameriskur ameriskur 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print n*0.09144 2275 1.3
bergmal bergmal 1.4a, One-Liner I/O simply echo the input 740 1.2
bitteeinbit bitteeinbit 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print the first char of the input 273 1.3
carrots carrots 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print P 15155 1.3
decimaldeletion decimaldeletion 1.4a, One-Liner I/O x.5 can be rounded up or down 67 1.7
digitswap digitswap 1.4a, One-Liner I/O read the 2-digits input; print in reverse 1227 1.3
dragafra dragafra 1.4a, One-Liner I/O output n-m 1327 1.1
echoechoecho echoechoecho 1.4a, One-Liner I/O re-print the input 3x 1654 1.2
fifa fifa 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just output 2022+n//m (round down) 2348 1.2
fimmtudagstilbod fimmtudagstilbod 1.4a, One-Liner I/O one-liner formula or simple selection 544 1.5
flatbokuveisla flatbokuveisla 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print n mod m 942 1.2
flytibaka flytibaka 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just do nothing (e.g., submit a blank Python code) 688 1.4
greetings2 greetings2 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just reprint the input as requested 589 1.3
hello hello 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print "Hello World!" 39217 1.2
heroesofvelmar heroesofvelmar 1.4a, One-Liner I/O ad hoc card game; use the attached .json for the details; 3 cards have special cases 237 1.9
kvedja kvedja 1.4a, One-Liner I/O print 'Kvedja,\n' and the input name 960 1.2
lc2469 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4a, One-Liner I/O simple C to K/F conversion 0 0.0
leggjasaman leggjasaman 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just output n+m 6564 1.1
lubbilaerir lubbilaerir 1.4a, One-Liner I/O print the first character of the input 1128 1.1
metronome metronome 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just divide by 4.0 1614 1.3
ovissa ovissa 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just output the length of input string 6088 1.2
planina planina 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print (2^N+1)^2; OEIS A028400 5965 1.3
romans romans 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print round(X * 1087.7626) 2088 1.4
shortcuttowhat shortcuttowhat 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print (n+5)*3-10 1979 1.2
thelastproblem thelastproblem 1.4a, One-Liner I/O S can have space(s) 76 1.8
tilhamingju tilhamingju 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print the sentence as asked 1348 1.1
tolvunarfraedingartelja tolvunarfraedingartelja 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print n-1 1312 1.2
twosum twosum 1.4a, One-Liner I/O another a+b problem 1540 1.4
velkomin velkomin 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just print 'VELKOMIN!' 6081 1.1
vidsnuningur vidsnuningur 1.4a, One-Liner I/O just output the reverse of input string 2570 1.2
10071 Fetching from uHunt 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only super simple: output 2*v*t 0.0
11614 Fetching from uHunt 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only root of a quadratic equation 0.0
11805 Fetching from uHunt 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only very simple O(1) formula exists 0.0
aleidibio aleidibio 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only just output c-(a+b) 1233 1.2
betting betting 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only simple probability formula 788 1.2
bladra2 bladra2 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only use the given Physics formula 935 1.2
ekkidaudi ekkidaudi 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only simply reformat the input 910 1.5
faktor faktor 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only just print (I-1)*A+1 8022 1.2
gcvwr gcvwr 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only simple math 236 1.3
jackolanternjuxtaposition jackolanternjuxtaposition 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only just print N*T*M 53 1.7
r2 r2 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only just print 2*S-R1 14929 1.2
shandy shandy 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only just print min(B, L) * 2 267 1.3
titlecost titlecost 1.4b, I/O + Sequences Only take the min of length of s vs c 500 1.6
addingtrouble addingtrouble 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases just check if A+B == C 3686 1.3
blandadbest blandadbest 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases 2 cases 833 1.2
blueberrywaffle blueberrywaffle 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases formula with rounding; 2 cases 716 1.9
canadianseh canadianseh 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases just check the last three characters 771 1.5
chardonnay chardonnay 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases 2 cases (0 and 7 versus 1 to 6) 366 1.4
conteststruggles conteststruggles 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases simple formula; check if answer in [0..100] 729 2.2
fyi fyi 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases 2 cases; output 1/0 if the input starts with '555'/not, respectively 90 1.6
ginfizz ginfizz 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases 2 printout cases; slice vs slices 313 1.4
heysata heysata 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases 2 cases 436 1.3
hradgreining hradgreining 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases if-else; 2 cases 2253 1.3
hvertskalmaeta hvertskalmaeta 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases only 3 municipalities go to 'Akureyri' 383 1.5
isithalloween isithalloween 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases if-else; 2 cases 3761 1.3
laptopsticker laptopsticker 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases if-else; 2 cases; note: one centimeter for both sides 3329 1.5
mergjadmal mergjadmal 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases 2 cases 262 1.5
millifaersla millifaersla 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases pick the smallest among the three 939 1.2
mork mork 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases 2 cases; but there are 2 sub-cases for Jebb 110 2.1
moscowdream moscowdream 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases if-else; 2 cases; check n ≥ 3 3902 1.8
skak skak 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases only 2 cases; think about it 951 1.3
sorttwonumbers sorttwonumbers 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases swap a and b if a > b 1313 1.4
storafmaeli storafmaeli 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases divisibility by 10 test; 2 cases 3520 1.2
vajningsplikt vajningsplikt 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases selection; multiple cases; be careful 788 2.1
whichisgreater whichisgreater 1.4c, Selection Only, 2 Cases if-else; 2 cases 2253 1.3
grading grading 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 6 cases 2744 1.5
internationaldates internationaldates 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 3 cases 1307 1.5
judgingmoose judgingmoose 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 4 cases 9391 1.5
kikiboba kikiboba 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 4 cases 2691 1.3
onechicken onechicken 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 4 cases; piece vs pieces 6464 1.6
provincesandgold provincesandgold 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 6 cases 4756 1.4
quadrant quadrant 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 4 cases 33326 1.2
sith sith 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 3 cases 1137 1.6
stafur stafur 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 3 cases; be-careful with 'Y' 794 1.6
takkar takkar 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 3 cases 2003 1.2
temperature temperature 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 3 cases; derive formula 1776 2.2
testdrive testdrive 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 4 cases 848 2.1
undeadoralive undeadoralive 1.4d, Selection Only, 3+ Cases 4 cases 2319 1.4
01124 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e, Repetition Only LA 2681 - SouthEasternEurope06; just echo/re-print the input again 0.0
10055 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e, Repetition Only absolute function; the only trap is to use long long 0.0
11044 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e, Repetition Only one liner code/formula exists 0.0
11547 Fetching from uHunt 1.4e, Repetition Only a one liner O(1) solution exists 0.0
averagecharacter averagecharacter 1.4e, Repetition Only sum ASCII values of all characters; divide by the number of characters 365 1.6
codetosavelives codetosavelives 1.4e, Repetition Only repeat t times; convert to ints; sum; convert to digits again 238 1.5
cosmicpathoptimization cosmicpathoptimization 1.4e, Repetition Only ignore the long text; just find the average temperature of M planets 410 1.5
curvespeed curvespeed 1.4e, Repetition Only for each test case, just apply the formula 128 2.8
different different 1.4e, Repetition Only use abs function per test case 8964 2.3
hipphipp hipphipp 1.4e, Repetition Only print 'Hipp hipp hurra!' twenty times 9053 1.1
hipphipphurra hipphipphurra 1.4e, Repetition Only print 'Hipp hipp hurra, {name}', x times 735 1.3
inputscandal inputscandal 1.4e, Repetition Only read all lines first; print total lines; echo all lines 15 3.0
jumbojavelin jumbojavelin 1.4e, Repetition Only sum and offset by (N-1) 112 1.5
lc1281 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4e, Repetition Only break n into digits; do as asked 0 0.0
lc3110 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4e, Repetition Only one pass; do as asked 0 0.0
nsum nsum 1.4e, Repetition Only just sum the content of the small list 1406 1.3
qaly qaly 1.4e, Repetition Only trivial loop 5955 1.2
ratingproblems ratingproblems 1.4e, Repetition Only loop to sum the ratings; simple formula afterwards 2227 1.3
reduplikation reduplikation 1.4e, Repetition Only repeat s as the digit indicates 3273 1.2
takkfyrirmig takkfyrirmig 1.4e, Repetition Only loop n times; echo the names 769 1.2
tarifa tarifa 1.4e, Repetition Only one pass; array not needed 9768 1.3
telja telja 1.4e, Repetition Only simple loop 691 1.2
timeloop timeloop 1.4e, Repetition Only just print 'num Abracadabra' N times 17170 1.3
umferd umferd 1.4e, Repetition Only loop; count the dots 461 1.4
00621 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection case analysis for only 4 possible outputs 0.0
11172 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection very easy; one liner 0.0
11723 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection simple math 0.0
11727 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection sort the 3 numbers and get the median 0.0
12250 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection LA 4995 - KualaLumpur10; if-else 0.0
12289 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection just use if-else statements 0.0
12372 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection just check if all L, W, H ≤ 20 0.0
12468 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection easy; there are only 4 possibilities 0.0
12577 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection straightforward 0.0
12646 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection simply enumerate all cases 0.0
12917 Fetching from uHunt 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection simple O(1) check 0.0
astrologicalsign astrologicalsign 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection 12 cases (Capricorn is a bit different) 226 1.6
eligibility eligibility 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection 3 cases 1741 1.6
helpaphd helpaphd 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection 2 cases 2044 1.6
leftbeehind leftbeehind 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection 4 cases 2014 1.6
lessvsfewer lessvsfewer 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection case analysis; multiple test cases 375 2.1
nastyhacks nastyhacks 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection 3 cases 6308 1.3
numberfun numberfun 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection 2 cases (out of 6 combinations; addition/multiplication are commutative); remember integer division 3436 1.4
oddities oddities 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection 2 cases 11523 1.3
vedurheidar vedurheidar 1.4f, Multiple TC + Selection simple selection over n test cases 809 1.4
00272 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy replace all double quotes to TeX style quotes 0.0
10300 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy ignore the number of animals 0.0
11799 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy one linear scan; find max value 0.0
12279 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple linear scan 0.0
13012 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy giveaway 0.0
13034 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy giveaway, simple loop 13 times 0.0
13130 Fetching from uHunt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple 0.0
bestagjofin bestagjofin 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy loop; keep track of the gift with maximum fun 796 1.3
biladlyklabord biladlyklabord 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy one pass; ignore adjacent duplicate characters 258 1.6
callforproblems callforproblems 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy count number of odd difficulty ratings 1526 1.3
cold cold 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy linear pass; array not really needed 12609 1.3
divvyingup divvyingup 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy sum; simple if-else 406 1.6
fjoldibokstafa fjoldibokstafa 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy count azAZ letters in the input; one-liner is possible 608 1.4
fyrirtaekjanafn fyrirtaekjanafn 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy one pass; only keep the vowels (including 'y') 510 1.8
goombastacks goombastacks 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy just stack all the goombas and check 437 1.5
isyavowel isyavowel 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy count the occurrences of 'aeiou' vs 'aeiouy' in the input 735 1.2
jobexpenses jobexpenses 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple loop 1427 1.4
lc0009 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy compare x (read as string) and its reverse 0 0.0
lc1450 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy small Range-Update Point-Query task; complete search 0 0.0
lc2778 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple control flow 0 0.0
lc2798 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple control flow 0 0.0
lc2894 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy one pass; positive vs negative 0 0.0
licensetolaunch licensetolaunch 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy easy linear pass 1969 1.4
oddecho oddecho 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy just do as asked 1466 1.3
offworldrecords offworldrecords 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy check as required 150 1.8
pobudget pobudget 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple control flow 159 1.4
skammstofun skammstofun 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy take first character of each word if it is in Uppercase 360 1.5
skruop skruop 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple control flow 254 1.5
sottkvi sottkvi 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple control flow 404 1.5
spritt spritt 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy simple loop and selection 1415 1.4
tornbygge tornbygge 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy linear pass 272 1.8
training training 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy one pass and check 527 1.5
triplesevens triplesevens 1.4g, Control Flow, Easy check if there is 7 in all three wheels 924 1.4
11364 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy linear scan to get l and r; answer = 2*(r-l) 0.0
11498 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy just use if-else statements 0.0
11764 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy one linear scan to count high low jumps 0.0
12403 Fetching from uHunt 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy straightforward 0.0
babybites babybites 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy easy simulation 1624 1.7
busassignment busassignment 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy one pass 79 1.8
cinema2 cinema2 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy just a small variation from Kattis - cinema 181 1.8
earlywinter earlywinter 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy linear pass 543 1.9
electionparadox electionparadox 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy simple control flow 212 1.9
fadingwind fadingwind 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy just code as instructed 866 1.5
lc0027 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy can use Partition algorithm for in-place solution 0 0.0
lc2455 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy even and divisible by 3 means divisible by 6 0 0.0
lc3151 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy one pass; check adjacent parity 0 0.0
lc3190 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy one pass; find non-multiple of 3 0 0.0
mylla mylla 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy simulation 151 1.6
oddgnome oddgnome 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy linear pass 2388 1.6
smil smil 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy simple loop; test up to 4 patterns 1081 1.4
speeding speeding 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy just loop; keep the running max 84 1.4
speedlimit speedlimit 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy standard simulation problem 7164 1.4
stararrangements stararrangements 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy one loop 1637 1.4
statistics statistics 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy one pass; array not needed 2942 1.7
vedurvindhradi vedurvindhradi 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy 13 cases; easier to check with array and loop 316 1.6
zanzibar zanzibar 1.4h, Control Flow, Still Easy one pass; array not needed 2308 1.5
01709 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Function LA 7150 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; linear scan; probably one of the easiest WorldFinals problem; also available at Katti... 0.0
10424 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Function just do as asked 0.0
10550 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Function simple; do as asked; also available at Kattis - combinationlock 0.0
11078 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Function one linear scan; max function 0.0
11332 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Function simple recursion 0.0
11687 Fetching from uHunt 1.4i, Function direct simulation; also available at Kattis - digits 0.0
abc abc 1.4i, Function sort 3 numbers into ABC; then print output as needed 5282 1.8
arithmeticfunctions arithmeticfunctions 1.4i, Function implement the three functions as asked 140 1.7
artichoke artichoke 1.4i, Function LA 7150 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; linear scan; probably one of the easiest WorldFinals problem; also available at UVa 0... 1390 2.8
bidendalausbid bidendalausbid 1.4i, Function convert HH:MM to minutes; offset 24*60 minutes for past midnight cases 338 2.5
chugging chugging 1.4i, Function abstract the computation of drinking time as function; compute for Alice and for Bob; decide accordingly 211 1.6
combinationlock combinationlock 1.4i, Function simple; do as asked; also available at UVa 10550 - Combination Lock 633 2.5
digits digits 1.4i, Function direct simulation; also available at UVa 11687 - Digits 214 3.5
equalshots equalshots 1.4i, Function use a function to compute the alcohol content of each shot 373 1.3
filip filip 1.4i, Function create a 'reverse string' function; then if-else check 6345 1.3
logicfunctions logicfunctions 1.4i, Function implement the three simple logical Boolean operations 62 2.5
mia mia 1.4i, Function just if-else check 1136 2.1
sifferprodukt sifferprodukt 1.4i, Function easy digit product function 460 1.5
socialdistancing2 socialdistancing2 1.4i, Function 1D Boolean array of occupied seats; find 3 adjacent empty seats 188 1.9
treasurehunt treasurehunt 1.4i, Function simple simulation on 2D grid 1006 2.6
01585 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier LA 3354 - Seoul05; very easy one pass algorithm 0.0
11679 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simulate; see if all banks have ≥ 0 reserve 0.0
11942 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier check if input is sorted 0.0
12015 Fetching from uHunt 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier traverse the list twice 0.0
acm acm 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simple simulation; one pass 3526 1.5
airfaregrants airfaregrants 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier min(P)-max(P)/2; minimally 0 599 1.3
aldur aldur 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier find the minimum of a list of integers 512 1.3
atlogur atlogur 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier easy simulation; use 2 arrays or 1 array of pairs 134 2.4
barcelona barcelona 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier find the index of k in a 495 1.3
basketballoneonone basketballoneonone 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier linear pass 957 1.6
cetiri cetiri 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier sort 3 number helps; 3 cases 1165 1.9
champernowneverification champernowneverification 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier there are only 9 Champernowne words 752 1.5
coffeecupcombo coffeecupcombo 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier greedily purchase two cups upon encountering a coffee machine 849 1.6
cutinline cutinline 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier a simple list ADT problem (small N) 96 2.2
dagatal dagatal 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simple array of 12 integers 1347 1.2
forcedchoice forcedchoice 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simple in-small-array test 205 1.3
hitastig hitastig 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier get min and max of an array 395 1.6
hothike hothike 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier one pass; using array helps a bit 835 1.7
kakor kakor 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier sum array A 153 1.6
lc0066 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simulate +1 operation on an array of digits 0 0.0
lc0747 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier find max; one pass to compare 0 0.0
lc0922 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier one pass to reorganize the integers by parity 0 0.0
lc1470 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier split nums into half and reorganize 0 0.0
lc1491 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier (sum-max-min)/len 0 0.0
lc1929 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier just duplicate the list 0 0.0
lineup lineup 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier sort ascending/descending and compare; or linear pass 3703 1.6
lostlineup lostlineup 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simple 1D array manipulation 550 1.5
meanwords meanwords 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier use array of strings 403 1.7
ofugsnuid ofugsnuid 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simple list reversal problem; one liner with Python 636 1.4
peningar peningar 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier circular array; a bit of modular arithmetic; avoid cycle 428 2.2
trainboarding trainboarding 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier simulation with arrays 58 3.0
vaccineefficacy vaccineefficacy 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier use small arrays; just compute as described 102 2.6
vectorfunctions vectorfunctions 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier a good tutorial problem involving C++ std::vector functions 70 2.1
vefthjonatjon vefthjonatjon 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier use counter array of size 3; loop; find min 908 1.6
zoom zoom 1.4j, 1D Array, Easier store in 1D array; access indices that are multiples of k 302 1.6
cyaniderivers cyaniderivers 1.4k, 1D Character Array find longest consecutive '0's; divide by 2 274 2.2
finalexam2 finalexam2 1.4k, 1D Character Array compare array with itself (but shifted by one index) 2779 1.5
intuitiveelements intuitiveelements 1.4k, 1D Character Array check characters in string 103 1.6
kcuddlanod kcuddlanod 1.4k, 1D Character Array reverse a string (char array); replace 2 and 5; compare 337 1.8
lc0058 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4k, 1D Character Array split and report as asked 0 0.0
lc1446 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4k, 1D Character Array one pass through array of chars 0 0.0
lc2828 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4k, 1D Character Array tokenize; get first characters; compare 0 0.0
leynithjonusta leynithjonusta 1.4k, 1D Character Array reprint input without spaces 1519 1.3
pokechat pokechat 1.4k, 1D Character Array 1D array indexing 1970 1.5
radgreining1 radgreining1 1.4k, 1D Character Array start with n unknowns; put m sequences one after another and check accordingly 376 1.6
stickykeys stickykeys 1.4k, 1D Character Array one pass check on an array of characters 1411 1.5
ullendullendoff ullendullendoff 1.4k, 1D Character Array array; extract the required index 689 1.7
01641 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy scan row by row; flip the status of inside/outside polygon due to the presence of character slash or backslash 0.0
10963 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy for two blocks to be merge-able, the gaps between their columns must be the same 0.0
12503 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy easy simulation 0.0
12554 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy easy simulation 0.0
12658 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy character recognition check 0.0
12696 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy LA 6608 - Phuket 2013; easy problem 0.0
12750 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy simply loop through the given dataset in O(n) and output the answer 0.0
12798 Fetching from uHunt 1.4l, Easy simply loop through the given dataset in O(N*M) and output the answer 0.0
armystrengtheasy armystrengtheasy 1.4l, Easy also see Kattis - armystrengthhard 1585 2.1
armystrengthhard armystrengthhard 1.4l, Easy also see Kattis - armystrengtheasy; re-read the problem statement several times to unveil a trivial solution 1466 2.2
batterup batterup 1.4l, Easy easy one loop 4542 1.3
brokenswords brokenswords 1.4l, Easy easy counting problem 367 1.7
cinema cinema 1.4l, Easy easy simulation 129 2.6
dontfalldownstairs dontfalldownstairs 1.4l, Easy easy linear pass check 114 2.2
doublepassword doublepassword 1.4l, Easy two to the power of number of different digits 608 1.4
drinkingsong drinkingsong 1.4l, Easy just one loop; but be careful of with the grammar 336 2.4
endurvinnsla endurvinnsla 1.4l, Easy just count 'ekki plast' and compute the answer 136 2.2
findingana findingana 1.4l, Easy simple string search/find operation 424 1.3
hairofthedog hairofthedog 1.4l, Easy find adjacent sober-drunk sequence 412 1.3
hangingout hangingout 1.4l, Easy simple loop 2218 1.3
haughtycuisine haughtycuisine 1.4l, Easy just remember the last one 390 1.6
hissingmicrophone hissingmicrophone 1.4l, Easy simple loop 7690 1.3
keysphonewallet keysphonewallet 1.4l, Easy check 3 specific items from a short list 740 1.3
kinahvisl kinahvisl 1.4l, Easy find the difference of two strings; plus one 486 1.4
lc1455 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4l, Easy tokenize and check 0 0.0
methodicmultiplication methodicmultiplication 1.4l, Easy reading comprehension; very easy answer 381 1.6
mosquito mosquito 1.4l, Easy direct simulation 822 1.9
mult mult 1.4l, Easy simple control flow 701 1.6
multiplications multiplications 1.4l, Easy multiply N integers; use long long; modular arithmetic 33 2.5
nop nop 1.4l, Easy one loop; simply count and modify distances between two UPPERCASE characters 94 2.1
overdraft overdraft 1.4l, Easy find the lowest balance over all n transactions 356 1.7
pokerhand pokerhand 1.4l, Easy frequency count; report max 2173 1.4
ptice ptice 1.4l, Easy just a simple simulation 2100 1.5
pubrunda pubrunda 1.4l, Easy just check as asked; linear pass 105 2.1
scalingrecipe scalingrecipe 1.4l, Easy apply math scaling formula with loop; be careful of precision issue 229 1.6
sevenwonders sevenwonders 1.4l, Easy one pass 4776 1.4
spellingbee spellingbee 1.4l, Easy trivial; just do as asked; string property checks 17 3.2
stopwatch stopwatch 1.4l, Easy linear pass; simulation 390 1.3
volim volim 1.4l, Easy simple simulation 1855 1.7
waterjournal waterjournal 1.4l, Easy check if a and/or b are/is seen in the log and decide the output accordingly 577 1.7
yinyangstones yinyangstones 1.4l, Easy trick question; just check if number of whites equals to number of blacks 1365 1.8
10114 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy just simulate the process 0.0
10141 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy solvable with one linear scan 0.0
10324 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy simplify using 1D array: change counter 0.0
10919 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy process the requirements as the input is read; also available at Kattis - prerequisites 0.0
11559 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy one linear pass 0.0
11586 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy TLE if brute force; find the pattern 0.0
11661 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy linear scan 0.0
11683 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy one linear pass is enough 0.0
11786 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy need to observe the pattern 0.0
12614 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy this problem has nice bitmask story camouflage; the final solution--after some thought--is very easy 0.0
13007 Fetching from uHunt 1.4m, Still Easy simple simulation 0.0
architecture architecture 1.4m, Still Easy 2D array problem with an easy two 1D arrays solution 78 2.7
bossbattle bossbattle 1.4m, Still Easy trick question 1391 1.8
bottleopening bottleopening 1.4m, Still Easy two cases; simple construction for k < n 220 1.7
boundingrobots boundingrobots 1.4m, Still Easy maintain separate variables 1141 1.6
brokencalculator brokencalculator 1.4m, Still Easy trivial; just do as asked 13 3.7
driversdilemma driversdilemma 1.4m, Still Easy only 6 different cases; note that starting fuel is C/2 200 2.0
eventplanning eventplanning 1.4m, Still Easy just simulate; 2D loop 458 2.0
exactlyelectrical exactlyelectrical 1.4m, Still Easy Manhattan distance; waste energy at the end by moving 1 cell around target 469 2.0
eyeofsauron eyeofsauron 1.4m, Still Easy simple string check 998 1.3
flipflow flipflow 1.4m, Still Easy simulation 222 2.1
fromatob fromatob 1.4m, Still Easy we can only go up via (a bunch of) +1 move(s); we can only go down via (an optional +1 move to make even) and then divid... 44 3.1
ghostleg ghostleg 1.4m, Still Easy 1D array; simulation 772 1.4
guillaume guillaume 1.4m, Still Easy Scan from the back; avoid division by 0 73 3.3
lc0007 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4m, Still Easy interpret x as string; reverse; convert to int again; check range 0 0.0
lc1342 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.4m, Still Easy logarithmic steps simulation 0 0.0
makingameowth makingameowth 1.4m, Still Easy tricky simulation 474 1.6
missingnumbers missingnumbers 1.4m, Still Easy two linear loops; use a small array of Booleans 1622 1.7
peasoup peasoup 1.4m, Still Easy one linear pass 771 2.4
prerequisites prerequisites 1.4m, Still Easy process the requirements as the input is read; also available at UVa 10919 - Prerequisites? 284 1.9
pyramids pyramids 1.4m, Still Easy find the simple pattern to construct a pyramid of a certain height 459 1.5
sauna sauna 1.4m, Still Easy one pass; keep min and max 499 1.4
sok sok 1.4m, Still Easy case analysis 750 1.7
spacerace spacerace 1.4m, Still Easy easy control flow 140 2.2
thanos thanos 1.4m, Still Easy simple simulation; R is at least 2 2503 2.5
vote vote 1.4m, Still Easy follow the requirements 1584 2.2
00119 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium simulate the give and receive process 0.0
00573 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium simulation; several corner cases 0.0
00661 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium simulation 0.0
01237 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium LA 4142 - Jakarta08; input is small 0.0
11507 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium simulation; if-else 0.0
11956 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium simulation; ignore '.' 0.0
12157 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium LA 4405 - KualaLumpur08; compute and compare the two plans 0.0
12545 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium analyzing patterns; not that hard; also available at Kattis - bitsequalizer 0.0
12643 Fetching from uHunt 1.4n, Medium it has tricky test cases 0.0
anotherbrick anotherbrick 1.4n, Medium simple simulation 1424 1.9
astackofgold astackofgold 1.4n, Medium linear pass 506 1.4
babypanda babypanda 1.4n, Medium think backwards from m back to 0; n is not needed 338 2.2
basicprogramming1 basicprogramming1 1.4n, Medium a nice summative problem for programming examination of a basic programming methodology course 201 4.0
battlesimulation battlesimulation 1.4n, Medium one pass; special check on 3! = 6 possible combinations of 3 combo moves 900 2.8
beekeeper beekeeper 1.4n, Medium single loop; be careful that vowel set here includes 'y' 1025 2.7
bitsequalizer bitsequalizer 1.4n, Medium analyzing patterns; also available at UVa 12545 - Bits Equalizer 174 4.5
bottledup bottledup 1.4n, Medium find integer a and b so that a*v1 + b*v2 == s; single loop 637 2.6
climbingworm climbingworm 1.4n, Medium simulation; similar with UVa 00573 - The Snail 222 2.4
codecleanups codecleanups 1.4n, Medium a bit tricky 515 2.4
cowcrane cowcrane 1.4n, Medium reading comprehension; case analysis; eventually there are only 4 possible cases 181 3.9
deathtaxes deathtaxes 1.4n, Medium direct simulation; a bit of reading comprehension 179 3.3
howl howl 1.4n, Medium simply extend the input by one correct character; case analysis exercise 288 1.8
risdomare risdomare 1.4n, Medium find max of pair(A+S, A or S based on preference); or sort the pairs first 379 2.0
shatteredcake shatteredcake 1.4n, Medium sum the area of the pieces and relate it with L*W 957 1.6
snowfall snowfall 1.4n, Medium linear pass 156 1.6
warringscoring warringscoring 1.4n, Medium just do as asked; 1D array manipulation 193 3.2
00162 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game simulation; straightforward 0.0
00462 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) simulation; card 0.0
00555 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game 0.0
10205 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game 0.0
10315 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) tedious problem 0.0
10388 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card simulation; uses random number to determine moves; need data structure to maintain the face-up and face-down cards 0.0
10646 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) shuffle cards with some rules and then get a certain card 0.0
11225 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) card game 0.0
11678 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) just an array manipulation problem 0.0
12247 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) This is a starred problem; refer to CP3/4 book 0.0
12366 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) set and pair checks; various corner cases; but the given sample I/O is quite thorough 0.0
12952 Fetching from uHunt 1.6a, Game (Card) returning the max of (A, B) is always the best strategy for this problem 0.0
bela bela 1.6a, Game (Card) simple card scoring problem 3731 1.3
karte karte 1.6a, Game (Card) simple 1600 1.7
memorymatch memorymatch 1.6a, Game (Card) interesting simulation game; many corner cases 161 4.0
shuffling shuffling 1.6a, Game (Card) simulate card shuffling operation 218 2.8
00255 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) check the validity of chess moves 0.0
00278 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) basic chess knowledge is needed; derive the closed form formulas 0.0
00696 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) ad hoc; chess 0.0
10196 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) ad hoc; chess; tedious 0.0
10284 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) FEN = Forsyth-Edwards Notation is a standard notation for describing board positions in a chess game 0.0
10849 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) chess 0.0
11494 Fetching from uHunt 1.6b, Game (Chess) ad hoc;chess 0.0
bijele bijele 1.6b, Game (Chess) super simple 10381 1.4
checkmateinone checkmateinone 1.6b, Game (Chess) case analysis; only move rook once; cannot jump over own King; do not move rook to position that can be attacked by the ... 191 4.5
chess chess 1.6b, Game (Chess) bishop movements; either impossible, 0, 1, or 2 ways - one of this can be invalid; just use brute force 856 2.9
empleh empleh 1.6b, Game (Chess) the reverse problem of Kattis - helpme 245 1.8
helpme helpme 1.6b, Game (Chess) convert the given chess board into chess notation 302 2.4
hexagonalrooks hexagonalrooks 1.6b, Game (Chess) count number of two consecutive rook movements on hexagonal grid; try all possible 91 (intermediate) cells after simplif... 18 3.2
00340 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier determine strong and weak matches 0.0
00489 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier just do as asked 0.0
00947 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier similar to UVa 340 0.0
10189 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier simulate the classic Minesweeper game; similar to UVa 10279 0.0
10279 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier a 2D array helps; similar to UVa 10189 0.0
10409 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier just simulate the die movement 0.0
10530 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier use a 1D flag array; also available at Kattis - guessinggame 0.0
11459 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier simulate it; similar to UVa 647 0.0
12239 Fetching from uHunt 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier try all 90^2 pairs; see if all numbers in [0..N] are there 0.0
connectthedots connectthedots 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier classic children game; output formatting 213 3.6
gamerank gamerank 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier simulate the ranking update process 732 3.9
guessinggame guessinggame 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier use a 1D flag array; also available at UVa 10530 - Guessing Game 684 2.7
pvbg pvbg 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier find min plus 1 727 1.8
trik trik 1.6c, Game (Others), Easier simple simulation game 7191 1.4
00114 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder simulation of pinball machine 0.0
00141 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder solvable with one linear scan 0.0
00220 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow the game rules; a bit tedious 0.0
00227 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder parse the input; array manipulation 0.0
00232 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder complex array manipulation problem 0.0
00339 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow problem description 0.0
00379 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow problem description 0.0
00584 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder simulation; games; reading comprehension 0.0
00647 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder childhood board game; also see UVa 11459 0.0
10363 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder check validity of Tic Tac Toe game; tricky; also available at Kattis - tictactoe2 0.0
10443 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder 2D arrays manipulation; also available at Kattis - rockscissorspaper 0.0
10813 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder follow the problem description 0.0
10903 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder count wins and losses; output win average; also available at Kattis - rockpaperscissors 0.0
11013 Fetching from uHunt 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder check permutations of 5 cards to determine the best run; brute force the 6th card and replace one of your card with it 0.0
battleship battleship 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder simulation; reading comprehension; many corner cases 120 5.4
matchgame matchgame 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder two cases for yes: 1 (sample 2) or 2 digits (sample 2) difference; no for 3 digits differences; be careful for cases lik... 204 4.6
rockpaperscissors rockpaperscissors 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder count wins and losses; output win average; also available at UVa 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors ... 820 3.7
rockscissorspaper rockscissorspaper 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder 2D arrays manipulation; also available at UVa 10443 - Rock, Scissors, Paper 153 4.8
tictactoe2 tictactoe2 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder check validity of Tic Tac Toe game; tricky; also available at UVa 10363 - Tic Tac Toe 167 5.3
turtlemaster turtlemaster 1.6d, Game (Others), Harder interesting board game to teach programming for children; simulation 323 2.9
00362 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier typical file download situation 0.0
00637 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier application in printer driver software 0.0
01586 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier LA 3900 - Seoul07; basic Chemistry 0.0
10082 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier use 2D mapper array to simplify the problem; also available at Kattis - wertyu 0.0
10554 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier are you concerned with your weights? 0.0
11530 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier handphone users encounter this issue in the past 0.0
11744 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier this is another topic on Computer Organization; this time on Digital Logic design 0.0
11945 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier a bit of output formatting 0.0
11984 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier F to C conversion and vice versa 0.0
12195 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier count the number of correct measures 0.0
12808 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier basic Physics formula for freefall is H = 1/2*g*t*t or t = sqrt(2*H/g) and the formula for displacement is X = V*t; they... 0.0
13151 Fetching from uHunt 1.6e, Real Life, Easier marking programming exam; ad hoc; straightforward 0.0
attendance2 attendance2 1.6e, Real Life, Easier we frequently encounter this problem in real-life 220 1.9
calories calories 1.6e, Real Life, Easier are you concerned with your weights?; also available at UVa 10554 - Calories from Fat 328 2.0
chopin chopin 1.6e, Real Life, Easier you can learn a bit of music with this problem 823 1.8
compass compass 1.6e, Real Life, Easier your typical smartphone's compass function usually has this small feature 1529 2.0
cornhusker cornhusker 1.6e, Real Life, Easier do the estimation as explained 365 1.5
cprnummer cprnummer 1.6e, Real Life, Easier just do the check as described 197 1.5
elevatingtheprank elevatingtheprank 1.6e, Real Life, Easier (B-A)*4 + numbers of floors in [A+1..B-1] that are pressed 63 1.7
espresso espresso 1.6e, Real Life, Easier simple control flow 851 2.1
fbiuniversal fbiuniversal 1.6e, Real Life, Easier a bit of base number conversion; base 27 to base 10, if valid 369 2.2
fizzbuzz fizzbuzz 1.6e, Real Life, Easier actually just about easy divisibility properties 10274 1.3
fizzbuzz2 fizzbuzz2 1.6e, Real Life, Easier divisibility properties; very similar to Kattis - fizzbuzz 212 2.7
generalizedfizzbuzz generalizedfizzbuzz 1.6e, Real Life, Easier easy divisibility properties 83 1.6
heartrate heartrate 1.6e, Real Life, Easier real life problem 3205 1.3
lc0412 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.6e, Real Life, Easier classic Fizz Buzz 0 0.0
lettasta lettasta 1.6e, Real Life, Easier just simulate as asked 230 1.4
measurement measurement 1.6e, Real Life, Easier going down: multiply; going up: divide 641 2.0
parking parking 1.6e, Real Life, Easier a possible real life application; simple loops and if-statements are enough to solve this problem 1523 1.6
trainpassengers trainpassengers 1.6e, Real Life, Easier create a verifier; be careful of corner cases 1807 2.1
transitwoes transitwoes 1.6e, Real Life, Easier a possible real life scenario; simulate as asked 353 1.3
wertyu wertyu 1.6e, Real Life, Easier use 2D mapper array to simplify the problem; also available at UVa 10082 - WERTYU 768 2.9
00161 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium this is a typical situation on the road 0.0
00187 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium an accounting problem 0.0
00447 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium life simulation model 0.0
00457 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium simplified game of life simulation; similar idea with UVa 00447; explore the Internet for that term 0.0
00857 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium MIDI; application in computer music 0.0
10191 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium you may want to apply this to your own schedule 0.0
10528 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium music knowledge in problem description 0.0
10812 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium be careful with boundary cases! 0.0
11736 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium this is a (simplified) introduction to Computer Organization on how computer stores data in memory 0.0
11743 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium Luhn's algorithm to check credit card numbers; search the Internet to learn more 0.0
12555 Fetching from uHunt 1.6f, Real Life, Medium one of the first question asked when a new baby is born; requires a bit of input processing 0.0
beatspread beatspread 1.6f, Real Life, Medium be careful with boundary cases!; also available at UVa 10812 - Beat the Spread 980 2.4
bubbletea bubbletea 1.6f, Real Life, Medium simple simulation 1694 2.6
carousel 1.6f, Real Life, Medium single loop; keep best; skip a > m 711 2.4
climbingstairs climbingstairs 1.6f, Real Life, Medium observation: go to office (k), go to registration desk (r), go up/down 1 floor until you reach n steps, go home; repetit... 210 4.1
dodecaphony dodecaphony 1.6f, Real Life, Medium music lesson; do as asked 98 3.2
fastfood fastfood 1.6f, Real Life, Medium eventually just one pass due to the constraints 1169 1.9
luhnchecksum luhnchecksum 1.6f, Real Life, Medium very similar (~95%) to UVa 11743 836 1.6
musicalscales musicalscales 1.6f, Real Life, Medium music lesson; use array(s) to help simplify the code 674 1.6
recipes recipes 1.6f, Real Life, Medium real life problem for a cook; just simulate the requirements 731 1.8
score score 1.6f, Real Life, Medium medium difficulty; do as asked; just be careful 173 3.5
streamlag streamlag 1.6f, Real Life, Medium easier if we compute the required lag in offline mode, i.e., read all the packet arrival times upfront 397 3.1
taktsvedjur taktsvedjur 1.6f, Real Life, Medium combo hits calculation is important in rhythm games 316 2.3
toilet toilet 1.6f, Real Life, Medium simulation; be careful of corner cases 1756 2.4
utf8 utf8 1.6f, Real Life, Medium parsing; prefix checks 65 2.5
wordcloud wordcloud 1.6f, Real Life, Medium just a simulation; but be careful of corner cases 322 2.4
workingfromhome workingfromhome 1.6f, Real Life, Medium contextual COVID-19 pandemic-related situation; just simulate the requirement 236 4.5
00139 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder calculate phone bill; string manipulation 0.0
00145 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder similar to UVa 00139 0.0
00333 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder this problem has buggy test data with blank lines that potentially cause lots of Presentation Errors 0.0
00346 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder musical chord; major/minor 0.0
00403 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder emulation of printer driver; tedious 0.0
00448 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder tedious hexadecimal to assembly language conversion 0.0
00449 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder easier if you have a musical background 0.0
00538 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder the problem's premise is quite true 0.0
00706 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder like in old digital display 0.0
01061 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder LA 3736 - WorldFinals Tokyo07; try all eight possible blood + Rh types with the information given 0.0
01091 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder LA 4786 - WorldFinals Harbin10; tedious simulation and reading comprehension 0.0
10415 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder about musical instruments; also available at Kattis - saxophone 0.0
10659 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder typical presentation programs do this 0.0
11223 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder tedious morse code conversion 0.0
11279 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder an extension of UVa 11278 problem; it is interesting to compare QWERTY and DVORAK keyboard layout 0.0
12342 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder tax computation can be tricky indeed 0.0
12394 Fetching from uHunt 1.6g, Real Life, Harder interesting problem with real life back story; be careful of various corner cases 0.0
bungeejumping bungeejumping 1.6g, Real Life, Harder real life Physics simulation; need someone who is good with Physics to understand the problem and derive the required fo... 64 4.8
creditcard creditcard 1.6g, Real Life, Harder real life issue; precision error issue if we do not convert double (with just 2 digits after decimal point) into long lo... 123 6.3
demeritpoints demeritpoints 1.6g, Real Life, Harder real-life; harder; multiple corner cases 65 6.5
saxophone saxophone 1.6g, Real Life, Harder about musical instruments; also available at UVa 10415 - Eb Alto Saxophone Player 268 2.4
tenis tenis 1.6g, Real Life, Harder Tennis scoring rules; tricky test cases; be careful 78 5.0
touchscreenkeyboard touchscreenkeyboard 1.6g, Real Life, Harder follow the requirements; sort 636 1.9
workout workout 1.6g, Real Life, Harder gym simulation; use 1D arrays to help you simulate the time quickly 151 5.7
00579 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier be careful with corner cases 0.0
00893 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier use Java GregorianCalendar; similar to UVa 11356 0.0
10683 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier simple clock system conversion 0.0
11219 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier be careful with boundary cases! 0.0
11356 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier very easy if you use Java GregorianCalendar 0.0
11650 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier some mathematics required; similar to UVa 11677 0.0
11677 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier similar idea with UVa 11650 0.0
11958 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier be careful with 'past midnight' 0.0
12019 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier Gregorian Calendar; get DAY_OF_WEEK 0.0
12136 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier LA 4202 - Dhaka08; check time 0.0
12148 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier easy with Gregorian Calendar; use method 'add' to add one day to previous date and see if it is the same as the current ... 0.0
12531 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier angles between two clock hands 0.0
13275 Fetching from uHunt 1.6h, Time, Easier QY-Y (if not 29 Feb) or NumOfLeapYears(QY)-NumOfLeapYears(Y) otherwise 0.0
countingdays countingdays 1.6h, Time, Easier computing number of elapsed days via black-box functions 64 2.6
datum datum 1.6h, Time, Easier Java GregorianCalendar, DAY_OF_WEEK 3019 1.4
friday friday 1.6h, Time, Easier the answer depends on the start day of the month 1059 1.9
justaminute justaminute 1.6h, Time, Easier linear pass; total seconds/(total minutes*60) 1512 1.7
klockan2 klockan2 1.6h, Time, Easier try all 24*60 possibilities 208 1.8
lc1154 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.6h, Time, Easier use Python datetime library 0 0.0
marswindow marswindow 1.6h, Time, Easier simple advancing of year and month by 26 months or 2 years+2 months each; direct formula exists 830 2.0
parentgap parentgap 1.6h, Time, Easier difference of two specific Sundays 336 2.3
savingdaylight savingdaylight 1.6h, Time, Easier convert hh:mm to minute; compute difference of ending and starting; then convert minute to hh:mm again 986 2.1
secondopinion secondopinion 1.6h, Time, Easier convert seconds to hours : minutes : seconds 823 1.5
spavanac spavanac 1.6h, Time, Easier convert hh:mm to minute, reduce by 45 minutes, then convert minute to hh:mm again 8877 1.4
00150 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder convert between Julian and Gregorian dates 0.0
00158 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder a simulation of calendar manager; it requires sorting and a bit of string processing 0.0
00170 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder simulation; time 0.0
00300 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder ad hoc; time 0.0
00602 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder Gregorian versus Julian calendar 0.0
10070 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder more than ordinary leap years 0.0
10339 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder find the formula 0.0
10371 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder follow the description, tedious; also available at Kattis - timezones 0.0
10942 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder try all 3! = 6 permutations of 3 integers to form YY MM DD; check validity of the date; pick the earliest valid date 0.0
11947 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder easier with Java GregorianCalendar 0.0
12439 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder inclusion-exclusion; lots of corner cases; be careful 0.0
12822 Fetching from uHunt 1.6i, Time, Harder convert hh:mm:ss to second to simplify the problem; then this is just a tedious simulation problem 0.0
bestbefore bestbefore 1.6i, Time, Harder tedious; 3! = 6 possibilities to check 148 4.0
birthdayboy birthdayboy 1.6i, Time, Harder convert mm-dd into [0..364]; use DAT; find largest gap via brute force 108 4.6
busyschedule busyschedule 1.6i, Time, Harder sort the time; be careful of corner cases 811 2.4
dst dst 1.6i, Time, Harder straightforward; modulo 611 2.1
natrij natrij 1.6i, Time, Harder convert hh:mm:ss to seconds; make sure the second time is larger than the first time; corner case: 24:00:00 1136 2.6
semafori semafori 1.6i, Time, Harder simple simulation 724 2.0
tgif tgif 1.6i, Time, Harder given the day of 1 Jan of an unspecified year, find the DAY_OF_WEEK of another day of that year; use Java GregorianCalen... 82 3.2
timezones timezones 1.6i, Time, Harder follow the description, tedious; also available at UVa 10371 - Time Zones 67 5.3
00185 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals also involving backtracking 0.0
00344 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals count Roman chars used in [1..N] 0.0
00759 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals validation problem 0.0
11616 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals Roman numeral conversion problem 0.0
12397 Fetching from uHunt 1.6j, Roman Numerals each Roman digit has a value 0.0
convertingromans convertingromans 1.6j, Roman Numerals important: "subtract any digit written to the left of a larger digit, even if they are not directly adjacent" 274 2.9
lc0013 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.6j, Roman Numerals classic Roman to Integer conversion 0 0.0
rimski rimski 1.6j, Roman Numerals to Roman/to Decimal conversion problem; use next permutation to be sure 118 4.5
romanholidays romanholidays 1.6j, Roman Numerals generate and sort the first 1K Roman strings; ''M'' is at index 945; append prefix 'M' for numbers larger than 1K 92 3.6
00444 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier each char is mapped to 2 or 3 digits 0.0
00458 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier shift ASCII values by -7 0.0
00641 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier reverse the given formula and simulate 0.0
00795 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier prepare an 'inverse mapper' 0.0
00865 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple character substitution mapping 0.0
01339 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier count character frequencies of both strings; sort and compare 0.0
10019 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier find the pattern 0.0
10222 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple decoding mechanism 0.0
10851 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier ignore border; treat '\/' as 1/0 0.0
10878 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier treat space/'o' as 0/1; then it is binary to decimal conversion 0.0
10896 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier try all possible keys; use tokenizer 0.0
10921 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple conversion problem 0.0
11220 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier follow instruction in the problem 0.0
11278 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier map QWERTY keys to DVORAK 0.0
11541 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier read char by char and simulate 0.0
11946 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier ad hoc 0.0
12896 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple cipher; use mapper 0.0
13107 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple encode; be careful with 20-26 0.0
13145 Fetching from uHunt 1.6k, Cipher, Easier shift alphabet values by +6 characters to read the problem statement; simple Caesar Cipher problem 0.0
conundrum conundrum 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple cipher 5240 1.4
cypherdecypher cypherdecypher 1.6k, Cipher, Easier encrypt n messages as requested 169 1.7
drmmessages drmmessages 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple decrypt; follow instruction 1949 1.6
drunkvigenere drunkvigenere 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple decrypt; reverse the given instruction 189 1.5
encodedmessage encodedmessage 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple 2D grid cipher 2316 1.4
kemija08 kemija08 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple vowel checks 3070 1.4
keytocrypto keytocrypto 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple decrypt 1029 1.7
lc0006 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.6k, Cipher, Easier index manipulation exercise 0 0.0
reverserot reverserot 1.6k, Cipher, Easier simple cipher 2641 1.7
runlengthencodingrun runlengthencodingrun 1.6k, Cipher, Easier encode and decode 1929 1.7
t9spelling t9spelling 1.6k, Cipher, Easier similar to (the reverse of) UVa 12896 2425 1.7
00245 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium LA 5184 - WorldFinals Nashville95 0.0
00483 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium read char by char from left to right 0.0
00492 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium ad hoc; similar to UVa 483 0.0
00632 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium simulate the process; use sorting 0.0
00739 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium straightforward conversion problem 0.0
00740 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium just simulate the process 0.0
11716 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium simple cipher 0.0
11787 Fetching from uHunt 1.6l, Cipher, Medium follow the description 0.0
anewalphabet anewalphabet 1.6l, Cipher, Medium simple cipher; 26 characters 4154 1.8
falsesecurity falsesecurity 1.6l, Cipher, Medium a bit tedious decoder problem 948 1.6
keylogger keylogger 1.6l, Cipher, Medium cipher problem; map sound to index; see sample input 1 227 2.3
permcode permcode 1.6l, Cipher, Medium reading comprehension problem 166 2.2
piglatin piglatin 1.6l, Cipher, Medium simple; check the vowels that include 'y' and process it 916 2.1
secretmessage secretmessage 1.6l, Cipher, Medium just do as asked; use 2D grid 2866 1.7
tajna tajna 1.6l, Cipher, Medium simple 2D grid cipher 471 2.1
00271 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) grammar check; linear scan 0.0
00327 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) implementation can be tricky 0.0
00391 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) use flags; tedious parsing 0.0
00397 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) iteratively perform the next operation 0.0
00442 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) properties of matrix chain multiplication 0.0
00486 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) parsing 0.0
00537 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple formula; parsing is difficult 0.0
01200 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) LA 2972 - Tehran03; tokenize input 0.0
10252 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) A-Z keys 0.0
10906 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) BNF parsing; iterative solution 0.0
11148 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) extract integers; simple/mixed fractions from a line; a bit of gcd 0.0
11878 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) expression parsing 0.0
12543 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) LA 6150 - HatYai12; iterative parser 0.0
12820 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) count letter frequencies; let n be the number of different letter frequencies; n has to be greater or equal to 2; then w... 0.0
13047 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple parsing; left-to-right or right-to-left checks 0.0
13093 Fetching from uHunt 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple string tokenize; take first characters of each word 0.0
autori autori 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple string tokenizer problem 11602 1.2
bannord bannord 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) parse the input against set of forbidden characters 601 1.7
freeforminput freeforminput 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) Texas 74; tedious parsing; simple summation 83 2.1
genealogical genealogical 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) iterative parser; need to be careful when trimming the tokens; do not print new line as the last line; otherwise this is... 77 3.5
headguard headguard 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) run length encoding 164 2.0
lc1678 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple iterative parser 0 0.0
liquidassets liquidassets 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) iterative parsing; process the two rules one after another 274 3.4
mumblerap mumblerap 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) find the largest integer in the string 597 1.7
pervasiveheartmonitor pervasiveheartmonitor 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) simple parsing; then finding average 950 1.7
screen screen 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) there are lots of simplifying specifications that makes this problem doable, especially with Python eval(expression) 39 3.5
timebomb timebomb 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) just a tedious input parsing problem; divisibility by 6 1174 1.8
tripletexting tripletexting 1.6m, Input Parsing (Iter) print characters that appear at least two times out of three 56 1.8
00110 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E actually an ad hoc sorting problem 0.0
00320 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E requires flood fill technique 0.0
00445 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simulation; output formatting 0.0
00488 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E use several loops 0.0
00490 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E 2d array manipulation; output formatting 0.0
01605 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E LA 4044 - NortheasternEurope07; we can answer this problem with just h=2 levels 0.0
10146 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E the problem description tries to hide the meaning of 'dictionary'; it is not a hard problem actually 0.0
10500 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simulate; output formatting 0.0
10894 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E how fast can you can solve this problem? 0.0
11074 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E output formatting 0.0
11482 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E tedious 0.0
11965 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E replace consecutive spaces with only one space 0.0
12364 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E 2D array check; check all possible digits [0..9] 0.0
13091 Fetching from uHunt 1.6n, Output Formatting, E just output formatting 0.0
afjormun afjormun 1.6n, Output Formatting, E format the output as requested 330 1.6
asciikassi asciikassi 1.6n, Output Formatting, E ASCII art; create 2D grid as per requirement 478 1.5
asciikassi2 asciikassi2 1.6n, Output Formatting, E ASCII art; create 2D grid as per requirement; a bit harder than asciikassi 273 2.1
display display 1.6n, Output Formatting, E unordered_map; map a digit -> enlarged 7x5 version 635 2.5
ethanol ethanol 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simple formatting 340 1.4
framvindustika framvindustika 1.6n, Output Formatting, E easy ASCII art progress bar 300 3.4
krizaljka krizaljka 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simple 2D character array formatting 483 1.8
lc1108 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.6n, Output Formatting, E just replace '.' with '[.]' 0 0.0
lc2710 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 1.6n, Output Formatting, E do as asked 0 0.0
mirror mirror 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simple 2D character array formatting 1757 1.7
mrcodeformatgrader mrcodeformatgrader 1.6n, Output Formatting, E tedious output formatting 441 2.0
multiplication multiplication 1.6n, Output Formatting, E tedious time waster output formatting problem 162 2.2
musicalnotation musicalnotation 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simple but tedious 421 2.0
okvir okvir 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simple 2D output formatting problem 399 2.0
okviri okviri 1.6n, Output Formatting, E use 2D array to simplify the process 447 1.9
skener skener 1.6n, Output Formatting, E enlarging 2D character array 2067 1.5
ultimatebinarywatch ultimatebinarywatch 1.6n, Output Formatting, E simple 2D output formatting problem; 4 vertical bitmasks 205 1.4
welcomesign welcomesign 1.6n, Output Formatting, E format the input into requested output 429 1.8
00144 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
00214 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier just simulate the process; be careful with subtract (-); divide (/); and negate (@); tedious 0.0
00335 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
00349 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
00556 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation 0.0
01721 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier LA 7162 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; tedious simulation problem; also available at Kattis - windows 0.0
10028 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier tedious simulation with several corner cases 0.0
10033 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier adhoc; simulation 0.0
10134 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier must be very careful with details 0.0
10281 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier distance = speed*time elapsed; also available at Kattis - averagespeed 0.0
10850 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier gossip spread simulation 0.0
11638 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation; needs to use bitmask for parameter C 0.0
12060 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier LA 3012 - Dhaka04; output format 0.0
12085 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier LA 2189 - Dhaka06; watch out for PE 0.0
12608 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier simulation with several corner cases 0.0
12700 Fetching from uHunt 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier just do as instructed 0.0
asciiaddition asciiaddition 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier a+b problem in text format 509 1.9
averagespeed averagespeed 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier distance = speed*time elapsed; also available at UVa 10281 - Average Speed 322 3.7
bluetooth bluetooth 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier input parsing; check many subcases 318 1.9
gerrymandering gerrymandering 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier just a reading comprehension problem; do as asked 1187 1.4
glitchbot glitchbot 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier O(n^2) simulation; only output one answer 1036 2.0
hnappasetningaskipti hnappasetningaskipti 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier peruse the given table.tsv to avoid silly typos 151 2.0
pachydermpeanutpacking pachydermpeanutpacking 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier time waster; simple one loop simulation 322 1.9
printingcosts printingcosts 1.6o, Time Waster, Easier clear time waster; the hard part is in parsing the costs of each character in the problem description 705 2.2
00337 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation; output related 0.0
00381 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
00405 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
00603 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
00618 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder tedious 0.0
00830 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder very hard to get AC; one minor error = WA; not recommended 0.0
00945 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulate the given cargo loading process 0.0
10142 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
10188 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
10267 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder simulation 0.0
10961 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder tedious simulation 0.0
11140 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder ad hoc 0.0
11717 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder tricky simulation 0.0
12280 Fetching from uHunt 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder a tedious problem 0.0
froggie froggie 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder just a simulation; but many corner cases; S can be 0 296 6.8
functionalfun functionalfun 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder just follow the description; 5 cases; tedious parsing problem; requires a kind of mapper 487 1.9
interpreter interpreter 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder need careful implementation; just follow the instruction 224 3.7
lumbercraft lumbercraft 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder time waster; 2D grid simulation 69 5.0
sabor sabor 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder ad hoc; hard simulation; analyze that the simulation terminates 53 5.2
touchdown touchdown 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder time waster; reading comprehension; several corner cases 114 3.6
windows windows 1.6p, Time Waster, Harder LA 7162 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; tedious simulation problem; also available at UVa 01721 - Window Manager 92 7.6
00414 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium get the longest stretch of Bs 0.0
00482 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium you may need to use a string tokenizer as the size of the array is not specified 0.0
00591 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium sum all items; get the average; sum the total absolute differences of each item from the average divided by two 0.0
10038 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D Boolean flags to check [1..n-1]; also available at Kattis - jollyjumpers 0.0
10050 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D boolean flag 0.0
11192 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium character array 0.0
11496 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium store data in 1D array; count the peaks 0.0
11608 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium use three arrays: created; required; available 0.0
11875 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium get median of a sorted input 0.0
12150 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium simple manipulation 0.0
12356 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium similar to deletion in doubly linked lists but we can still use a 1D array for the underlying data structure 0.0
12854 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D array of size 5; trivial 0.0
12959 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium just go through the 1D array 0.0
12996 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium we need 1D array to store the number of N mango types first 0.0
13026 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium you have to store the N strings in an array first 0.0
13181 Fetching from uHunt 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium find the largest gap between two Xs; special corner cases at the two end points 0.0
baloni baloni 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium clever use of 1D histogram array to decompose the shots as per requirement 689 3.5
dihedralgroup dihedralgroup 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium check a circular array clockwise or counter-clockwise; modulo 159 2.5
downtime downtime 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D array; use Fenwick Tree-like operation for Range Update Point Query 1068 3.2
erase erase 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium if N is odd, the second line has to be the inverse of the first; if N is even, both lines have to be the same 2166 1.6
fluortanten fluortanten 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium remove Bjorn first; then do O(n) pass to check where is Bjorn's optimal position 181 3.1
greedilyincreasing greedilyincreasing 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium just 1D array manipulation; this is not the DP-LIS problem 1151 1.9
jollyjumpers jollyjumpers 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium 1D Boolean flags to check [1..n-1]; also available at UVa 10038 - Jolly Jumpers 413 3.4
lc0088 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium do merge of Merge sort 0 0.0
lc0125 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium parse input; reverse; compare 0 0.0
lc0228 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium one pass; string formatting 0 0.0
lc0985 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium sum all even integers first (sum_even); for each query, you can update sum_even in O(1) 0 0.0
lc3069 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium use two arrays; do as asked 0 0.0
lc3131 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium find the difference of min integer in both arrays 0 0.0
lc3392 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium one pass through array as asked 0 0.0
lc3423 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium simple circular array processing 0 0.0
rankproblem rankproblem 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium list (array) manipulation problem 120 2.8
trackingshares trackingshares 2.2a, 1D Array, Medium keep track of the shares in small arrays and simulate 73 2.2
00230 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder string parsing; maintain sorted books by author names then by title; the input size is small; we do not need balanced BS... 0.0
00394 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder any n-dimensional array is stored in computer memory as a single dimensional array; follow the problem description 0.0
00467 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder linear scan; 1D boolean flag 0.0
00665 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use 1D boolean flags; each =; <; or > tells us an information; check if there is only one candidate false coin left at t... 0.0
00946 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder just 1D array manipulation; be careful with the special restriction 0.0
10978 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder 1D string array 0.0
11093 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder linear scan; circular array; a bit challenging 0.0
11222 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use several 1D arrays 0.0
11850 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder for each integer location from 0 to 1322; can Brenda reach (anywhere within 200 miles of) any charging stations? 0.0
12662 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder 1D array manipulation; brute force 0.0
13048 Fetching from uHunt 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use 1D Boolean array; simulate 0.0
astro astro 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use large Boolean array 115 4.3
charged charged 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder convoluted problem statement; ignore E and F; for each cell, compute sum of Vs using rx/ry; convert the value of each ce... 61 1.8
crashingrobots crashingrobots 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder just simulate the x/y/direction of the N robots 107 4.6
divideby100 divideby100 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder big 1D character array processing; be careful 557 4.2
flippingpatties flippingpatties 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use 1D int array of size 43 201; at each time t, we need one cook (hand) at time t-2d (to start), t-d (to flip), ... 116 2.4
inverteddeck inverteddeck 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder can we sort the array with just one contiguous swap?; compress duplicates; use sentinel so that we only check /&bsol... 203 3.7
keypad keypad 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder 2D array manipulation 200 3.3
lc1869 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder split s using 0 as delimiter; take token with the max length; do the same but using 1 as delimiter; compare 0 0.0
lc2574 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder compute prefix sum and suffix sum first 0 0.0
mastermind mastermind 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder 1D array manipulation to count r and s 446 2.4
physicalmusic physicalmusic 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder a reading comprehension problem to come up with a simple algorithm to determine the answer 168 5.5
piperotation piperotation 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder use 1D Boolean array to check if cell (r, c) needs to be connected from the top (r-1) or left (c-1) and pass information... 50 2.6
pivot pivot 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder static range min/max query problem; special condition allows this problem to be solvable in O(n) using help of 1D arrays 1723 3.2
queens queens 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder simple N queens verifier program; use several 1D Boolean arrays to help do this check in O(N) 725 3.3
rockband rockband 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder interesting usage of 1D array to simplify the solution; a bit of sorting to arrange the output 194 3.9
traffic traffic 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder just simulate the movement of the car for 'longer than 10^6', analyze the required bound 233 4.1
upsanddownsofinvesting upsanddownsofinvesting 2.2b, 1D Array, Harder simplify by a factor of two by realizing that peaks and valleys are symmetrical 147 3.6
00541 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier count the number of 1s for each row/col; which must be even; if there is an error; see if the odd number of 1s appear on... 0.0
00585 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier recursive grammar check and output formatting 0.0
10703 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier use 2D boolean array of size 500*500 0.0
10920 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simulate the process 0.0
11040 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier non trivial 2D array manipulation 0.0
11349 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier use long long to avoid issues 0.0
11581 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simulate the process 0.0
11835 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier do as asked 0.0
12187 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simulate the process 0.0
12667 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier use both 1D and 2D arrays to store submission status 0.0
12981 Fetching from uHunt 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier small 2x2 matrix rotation 0.0
compromise compromise 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 2D array manipulation; take the majority bits of each column; output either 0 or 1 for ties 363 2.2
epigdanceoff epigdanceoff 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier count number of CCs on 2D grid; simpler solution exists: count the number of blank columns plus one 505 1.9
fallingsnow2 fallingsnow2 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier count frequency of 'S' on each column 447 1.4
fastestavailableroute fastestavailableroute 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier count the number of dots in a 2D grid; scale up by a factor of s 126 2.5
flowshop flowshop 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier interesting 2D array manipulation 392 2.5
guesswho guesswho 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 2D and 1D array; simulate and eliminate impossible candidates 197 1.6
hakkari hakkari 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier find indices of the '*' 659 1.3
imageprocessing imageprocessing 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier interesting 2D array manipulation 344 2.1
laegdyfirlandinu laegdyfirlandinu 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier easy 2D array check 208 1.6
laptopstickers laptopstickers 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 2D array manipulation 318 2.5
lc0766 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 2D matrix diagonal checks 0 0.0
lc0832 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 2D matrix processing 0 0.0
lc0867 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier transpose a 2D matrix 0 0.0
lc1351 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier go row by row; right to left, O(m+n) 0 0.0
lc1572 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier sum the diagionals; do not overcount the center cell for odd n 0 0.0
lc1672 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier sum each row; keep the max row sum 0 0.0
lc2103 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 3 colours; 10 rods; 2D Boolean matrix 0 0.0
lc2133 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier check if each row and col of a square matrix contains 1 to n 0 0.0
lc2319 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 2D matrix property check 0 0.0
lc3386 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simple nx2 matrix processing 0 0.0
meddelande meddelande 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simple 2D array traversal; row major; skip '.' 1724 1.4
moderatepace moderatepace 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier sort each column; take the middle one 272 1.6
mylla2 mylla2 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simple 3x3 grid manipulation 247 1.6
nineknights nineknights 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier 2D array checks; 8 directions 881 1.9
patchwork patchwork 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier tedious 2D grid manipulation 109 2.0
prjonamynstur prjonamynstur 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier process-2d-grid-on-the-fly 395 1.5
rulen rulen 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier bitmask application; follow the instructions 59 2.9
starbattles1 starbattles1 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simple 2D array checks; use delta row/col technique to simplify the implementation 239 2.8
thisaintyourgrandpascheckerboard thisaintyourgrandpascheckerboard 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier simple 2D array manipulation 578 1.6
vemvinner vemvinner 2.2c, 2D Array, Easier small 3x3 array checks 408 2.1
00101 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder stack-like simulation; but we need to access the content of each stack too; so it is better to use 2D array 0.0
00434 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder a kind of visibility problem in geometry; solvable with using 2D array manipulation 0.0
00466 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder core functions: rotate and reflect 0.0
00512 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder apply all rows/columns modifications in descending order; for each query; report the new position of the cell or report ... 0.0
00707 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder this requires 3D array; but as there is no such category; it is classified here 0.0
10016 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder tedious 0.0
10855 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder string array; 90 degrees clockwise rotation 0.0
11360 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder do as asked 0.0
12291 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder do as asked; a bit tedious 0.0
12398 Fetching from uHunt 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder simulate backwards; do not forget to mod 10 0.0
2048 2048 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder just a 2D array manipulation problem; utilize symmetry using 90 degrees rotation(s) to reduce 4 cases into 1 3150 2.1
apples apples 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder 2D array manipulation; gravity simulation 439 3.6
falcondive falcondive 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder 2D array manipulation; translation vector of the Falcon 64 2.8
flagquiz flagquiz 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder array of array of strings; be careful; duplicates may exists 167 3.7
funhouse funhouse 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder 2D array manipulation; note the direction update 700 2.0
huntthewumpus huntthewumpus 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder tedious 2D array simulation 215 2.2
lc1380 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder compute the min of each row and max of each col first; then another O(mn) pass 0 0.0
prva prva 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder 2D array manipulation; check vertically and horizontally 756 1.7
rings2 rings2 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder more challenging 2D array manipulation; special output formatting style 385 3.8
tetris tetris 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder actually 3D pattern array to simulate various shape positions 322 1.8
waterworld waterworld 2.2d, 2D Array, Harder reading comprehension problem; compute average of a 2D array 68 2.2
00400 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier this command is very frequently used in UNIX 0.0
00855 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; median 0.0
10107 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier find median of a growing/dynamic list of integers; we can use multiple calls of nth_element in algorithm 0.0
10880 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier use sort 0.0
10905 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier modified comparison function; use sort 0.0
11039 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier use sort then count different signs 0.0
11588 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort simplifies the problem 0.0
11777 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort simplifies the problem 0.0
11824 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort simplifies the problem 0.0
12071 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier reading comprehension; sort the input; compute something 0.0
12541 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier LA 6148 - HatYai12; sort; youngest + oldest 0.0
12709 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier LA 6650 - Dhaka13; although the problem has a complicated story; it has a very easy solution with sort routine 0.0
12861 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort the timezones first and try adjacent pairings (two possibilities) 0.0
13113 Fetching from uHunt 2.2e, Sorting, Easier count the votes; sort; pick the top 2 0.0
basicprogramming2 basicprogramming2 2.2e, Sorting, Easier a nice problem about basic sorting applications 189 3.4
classfieldtrip classfieldtrip 2.2e, Sorting, Easier just sort the characters 1019 1.3
closingtheloop closingtheloop 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort first 1415 1.6
cups cups 2.2e, Sorting, Easier a bit of string parsing; sort 2987 1.5
ferskastajarmid ferskastajarmid 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort by controversiality*coolness (down); if tie, by alphabetical order 330 1.9
height height 2.2e, Sorting, Easier insertion sort simulation 899 2.0
judging judging 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort DOM judge and Kattis outputs; then do the O(n) merge procedure of mergesort to count common outputs 1183 2.5
lc0026 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort nums; call unique 0 0.0
lc0217 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; check adjacent integers 0 0.0
lc0242 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort both s and t and compare 0 0.0
lc0268 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort nums; find first i != nums[i] 0 0.0
lc0350 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier modification of merge of Merge sort 0 0.0
lc0414 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; remove duplicates; special cases for len 1 or 2 0 0.0
lc0905 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier custom comparison function; prioritize evens first 0 0.0
lc0977 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier square all integers; sort again 0 0.0
lc1051 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier compare each element of heights with its sorted counterpart 0 0.0
lc1200 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort arr to achieve min abs diff of adjacent integers 0 0.0
lc1464 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; use the largest two 0 0.0
lc2089 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; do as asked 0 0.0
lc2733 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier -1 for length 1 or 2; for length 3 or more; sort and report any index in [1..n-2] 0 0.0
lc2974 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; reverse each pair 0 0.0
magictrick magictrick 2.2e, Sorting, Easier can if all chars are unique or cannot otherwise; either sort s then check adjacent characters or use set to eliminate du... 1605 1.3
mjehuric mjehuric 2.2e, Sorting, Easier a direct simulation of a bubble sort algorithm 1349 1.6
musicaltrees musicaltrees 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort p and t; then just simulate as asked with Boolean array 23 2.8
nothanks nothanks 2.2e, Sorting, Easier sort; then linear pass to check adjacent sorted elements 441 2.4
sidewayssorting sidewayssorting 2.2e, Sorting, Easier stable_sort or sort multi-fields of columns of a 2D array; ignore case 857 2.0
stokigalistor stokigalistor 2.2e, Sorting, Easier compare original list with its sorted version 537 2.2
00123 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder modified comparison function; use sort 0.0
00450 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder tedious sorting problem 0.0
00790 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort; similar to UVa 10258 0.0
01610 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder LA 6196 - MidAtlanticUSA12; median 0.0
10194 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort 0.0
10258 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort; similar to UVa 00790 0.0
10698 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder multi-fields sorting; use sort 0.0
11300 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder use sort; involving the median 0.0
11321 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder be careful with negative mod! 0.0
12269 Fetching from uHunt 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort and check if Guido covers all land (end-to-end and side-to-side); also available at Kattis - lawnmower 0.0
addemup addemup 2.2f, Sorting, Harder create a helper function to read digits upside down; add all possibilities; sort; then use fast O(n) target pair solutio... 338 4.4
booking booking 2.2f, Sorting, Harder 2 events per booking (need room and release room); convert to minutes; be careful of leap year on 2016; sort the events;... 164 5.4
chartingprogress chartingprogress 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort using modified comparison function (by column); transpose the input 757 2.2
classy classy 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort using modified comparison function; a bit of string parsing/tokenization 1633 4.5
dirtydriving dirtydriving 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort; find max - derive the formula; reading comprehension problem 279 2.1
dyslectionary dyslectionary 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort the reverse of original string; output formatting 775 3.4
gearchanging gearchanging 2.2f, Sorting, Harder generate all O(N*M) possible gear ratios; sort; check consecutive ratios (it is ok to have duplicates) 161 3.2
includescoring includescoring 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort; custom comparison function, tedious 342 3.7
lawnmower lawnmower 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort and check if Guido covers all land (end-to-end and side-to-side); also available at UVa 12269 - Land Mower 448 2.1
lc0001 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2f, Sorting, Harder classic TWO-SUM problem; a possible O(n log n) solution is sort + two pointers 0 0.0
lc1356 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2f, Sorting, Harder transform arr[i] into tuple (bitcount of arr[i], arr[i]); sort; output the second field 0 0.0
lc1460 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2f, Sorting, Harder check if the sorted versions of target and arr are equal 0 0.0
lc2418 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sorting with custom comparison function 0 0.0
lc2785 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2f, Sorting, Harder separate vowels and consonants; only sort the vowels 0 0.0
lc3194 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort; use two pointers on extreme ends and move inside 0 0.0
longswaps longswaps 2.2f, Sorting, Harder observation: if k ≤ n/2, output 'Yes'; otherwise the middle chars at s[n-k..k-1] cannot move; sort s and compare the ... 172 3.3
musicyourway musicyourway 2.2f, Sorting, Harder stable_sort; custom comparison function 404 2.4
sortofsorting sortofsorting 2.2f, Sorting, Harder stable_sort or sort multi-fields 2667 2.2
statues statues 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort distinct statue heights; test all 4 possible diagonal placements, pick the min 106 2.8
zipfsong zipfsong 2.2f, Sorting, Harder sort; custom comparison function; zipf law 209 4.5
00299 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting can use O(n^2) bubble sort 0.0
00612 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting needs O(n^2) stable_sort 0.0
10327 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting solvable with O(n^2) bubble sort 0.0
10810 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort; also available at Kattis - ultraquicksort 0.0
11462 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting standard Counting Sort problem 0.0
11495 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort 0.0
11858 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort; 64-bit integer; also available at Kattis - froshweek 0.0
13212 Fetching from uHunt 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort 0.0
bread bread 2.2g, Special Sorting inversion count; hard to derive 249 5.0
excursion excursion 2.2g, Special Sorting inversion index; requires O(n log n) merge sort 387 4.3
froshweek froshweek 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort; 64-bit integer; also available at UVa 11858 - Frosh Week 694 5.6
gamenight gamenight 2.2g, Special Sorting Counting Sort is a subproblem; count frequency of A/B/Cs; complete search AA..ABB..BCC..C or AA..ACC..CBB..B 70 2.8
lc1122 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2g, Special Sorting counting sort variant using arr2 order 0 0.0
mali mali 2.2g, Special Sorting Counting Sort two arrays; greedy matching largest+smallest at that point 97 5.1
sort sort 2.2g, Special Sorting Counting Sort variant 318 2.3
ultraquicksort ultraquicksort 2.2g, Special Sorting requires O(n log n) merge sort; also available at UVa 10810 - Ultra Quicksort 180 5.2
00594 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation manipulate bit string with bitset 0.0
00700 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation can be solved with bitset 0.0
01241 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation LA 4147 - Jakarta08; easy 0.0
10264 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation heavy bitmask manipulation 0.0
10469 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation super simple if you use xor 0.0
11173 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation Divide and Conquer pattern or one liner bit manipulation 0.0
11760 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation separate row col checks; use two bitsets 0.0
11926 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation use 1M bitset to check if a slot is free 0.0
11933 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation simple bit exercise 0.0
12571 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation precalculate AND operations 0.0
12720 Fetching from uHunt 2.2h, Bit Manipulation observe the pattern in this binary to decimal conversion variant; involves modulo arithmetic 0.0
bitbybit bitbybit 2.2h, Bit Manipulation be very careful with and + or corner cases 955 2.9
bits bits 2.2h, Bit Manipulation use GNU C++ __builtin_popcount 1066 2.6
deathstar deathstar 2.2h, Bit Manipulation can be solved with bit manipulation 415 2.0
hypercube hypercube 2.2h, Bit Manipulation given a gray code; we can binary search its index: upper half/first digit 0 and bottom half/first digit 1 376 3.0
iboard iboard 2.2h, Bit Manipulation simulation; LSB to MSB; all ASCII values are 7-bits; we may need to add leading zeroes 363 2.3
lc0136 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2h, Bit Manipulation XOR all integers 0 0.0
lc0338 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2h, Bit Manipulation trivial with bit_count 0 0.0
lc1009 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2h, Bit Manipulation XOR x with (11..1) 0 0.0
lc2220 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2h, Bit Manipulation xor and bit_count 0 0.0
lc2859 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2h, Bit Manipulation use bit_count to identify Integers with k set bits 0 0.0
lc3226 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2h, Bit Manipulation variant of Leetcode 2220; manual check this time 0 0.0
lc3370 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2h, Bit Manipulation try all 2^i-1 for i in [0..10] 0 0.0
snappereasy snappereasy 2.2h, Bit Manipulation see Kattis - snapperhard 424 2.7
snapperhard snapperhard 2.2h, Bit Manipulation bit manipulation; find the pattern; the easier version is also available at Kattis - snappereasy 501 2.3
tictacstate tictacstate 2.2h, Bit Manipulation convert the octal state into 3x3 Tic-Tac-Toe state and decide the game's outcome; the 18-th bit is not used 403 2.5
zebrasocelots zebrasocelots 2.2h, Bit Manipulation zebra is 1; ocelot is 0; simulation of long long 563 3.2
00424 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition 0.0
00465 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger add/multiply; compare with 2^31-1$ 0.0
00619 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger 0.0
00713 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger StringBuffer reverse() 0.0
00748 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger exponentiation 0.0
01226 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer LA 3997 - Danang07; mod operation 0.0
01647 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer find the simple pattern first using brute force; then precompute the answers using BigInteger 0.0
10013 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition 0.0
10083 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger number theory 0.0
10106 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger multiplication 0.0
10198 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer recurrences; BigInteger 0.0
10430 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger; derive formula first 0.0
10433 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger: pow; substract; mod 0.0
10464 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Java BigDecimal class 0.0
10494 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger division 0.0
10519 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer recurrences; BigInteger 0.0
10523 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition; multiplication; and power 0.0
10669 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Big Integer is for 3^n; binary rep of set; also available at Kattis - threepowers 0.0
10925 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger addition and division 0.0
10992 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer input size is up to 50 digits 0.0
11448 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger subtraction 0.0
11664 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer simple simulation involving BigInteger 0.0
11821 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Java BigDecimal class 0.0
11830 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer use BigInteger string representation 0.0
11879 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer BigInteger: mod; divide; subtract; equals 0.0
12143 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer LA 4209 - Dhaka08; formula simplification---the hard part; use BigInteger---the easy part 0.0
12459 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer draw the ancestor tree to see the pattern 0.0
12930 Fetching from uHunt 2.2i, Big Integer Java BigDecimal class; compareTo 0.0
buka buka 2.2i, Big Integer a trivial problem if we use Python or Java BigInteger 152 1.8
disastrousdoubling disastrousdoubling 2.2i, Big Integer simulation; wrong answer if not using Big Integer 324 3.7
generalizedrecursivefunctions generalizedrecursivefunctions 2.2i, Big Integer direct implementation of the given generalized recursive functions; but using Big Integer 141 3.9
lidaskipting2 lidaskipting2 2.2i, Big Integer the most: n, the least: n//3 (plus 1 if it has remainder); use Big Integer 281 2.5
popkorn popkorn 2.2i, Big Integer simple formula; use Big Integer 761 3.1
primaryarithmetic primaryarithmetic 2.2i, Big Integer not a Big Integer problem but a simulation of basic addition 399 2.7
simpleaddition simpleaddition 2.2i, Big Integer that A+B on BigInteger question 1913 1.9
simplearithmetic simplearithmetic 2.2i, Big Integer trivial problem with Python (Big) Decimal 1113 4.5
threepowers threepowers 2.2i, Big Integer Big Integer is for 3^n; binary rep of set; also available at UVa 10669 - Three powers 700 2.6
wizardofodds wizardofodds 2.2i, Big Integer if K is bigger than 350, the answer is clear; else just check if 2^K ≥ N 488 2.6
00127 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack shuffling stack 0.0
00514 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack use stack to simulate the process 0.0
00732 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack use stack to simulate the process 0.0
01062 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack LA 3752 - WorldFinals Tokyo07; simulation with stack; maximum answer is 26 stacks; O(n) solution exists 0.0
10858 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack use stack 0.0
13055 Fetching from uHunt 2.2j, Stack nice problem about stack 0.0
bracketmatching bracketmatching 2.2j, Stack bracket matching; stack 1172 1.7
dream dream 2.2j, Stack stack simulation; reading comprehension problem, need other fast DS for mapping strings to indices 219 6.4
evenup evenup 2.2j, Stack use stack to solve this problem 1273 2.7
lc1598 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2j, Stack stack simulation; output last stack size 0 0.0
leidangur leidangur 2.2j, Stack stack simulation 333 2.1
pairingsocks pairingsocks 2.2j, Stack simulation using two stacks; just do as asked 556 3.0
restaurant restaurant 2.2j, Stack simulation with stack-based concept; drop plates at stack 2 (LIFO); use move 2-$gt;1 to reverse order; take from stack 1... 364 4.5
reversebinary reversebinary 2.2j, Stack decimal to binary; reverse it; binary to decimal 7144 1.5
symmetricorder symmetricorder 2.2j, Stack use stack to help reverse even-indexed names 3584 1.5
thegrandadventure thegrandadventure 2.2j, Stack stack simulation 348 2.0
throwns throwns 2.2j, Stack use stack of egg positions to help with the undo operation; be careful of corner cases involving modulo operation 1091 2.6
00551 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems bracket matching; use stack 0.0
00673 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems similar to UVa 551; classic 0.0
00727 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems Infix to Postfix conversion problem 0.0
11111 Fetching from uHunt 2.2k, Stack-based Problems bracket matching with twists 0.0
bracketsequence bracketsequence 2.2k, Stack-based Problems bracket matching variant; stack; push a pair of (+ result, * result) for each '('; pop topmost pair for each ')'; operat... 100 5.5
bungeebuilder bungeebuilder 2.2k, Stack-based Problems clever usage of stack; linear pass; bracket (mountain) matching variant 83 3.3
circuitmath circuitmath 2.2k, Stack-based Problems postfix calculator problem 918 2.4
delimitersoup delimitersoup 2.2k, Stack-based Problems bracket matching; stack 382 1.9
lc0020 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2k, Stack-based Problems bracket matching; stack 0 0.0
00246 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque card simulation with queue and deque 0.0
00540 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque modified queue 0.0
10172 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use both queue and stack 0.0
10901 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue; also available at Kattis - ferryloading3 0.0
10935 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue 0.0
11034 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue; also available at Kattis - ferryloading4 0.0
11797 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with 5 queues 0.0
11988 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque rare linked list problem 0.0
12100 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue 0.0
12108 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with N queues 0.0
12207 Fetching from uHunt 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use both queue and deque 0.0
backspace backspace 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque we can use deque (or vector) to help solve this problem 2517 3.0
bendilfaerslur bendilfaerslur 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque reverse list; splice list; append list; output formatting 268 2.5
ferryloading3 ferryloading3 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue; also available at UVa 10901 - Ferry Loading III 368 3.6
ferryloading4 ferryloading4 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque simulation with queue; also available at UVa 11034 - Ferry Loading IV 703 3.6
foosball foosball 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque queue simulation; tedious 186 3.7
integerlists integerlists 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use deque for fast deletion from front (normal) & back (reversed list); use stack to reverse the final list if it is... 882 4.8
joinstrings joinstrings 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque all '+' operations must be O(1) 959 4.1
lc1290 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque traverse the SLL and convert the bits into decimal 0 0.0
lyklagangriti lyklagangriti 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use list and its iterator; very similar to Kattis - sim 114 2.7
midi midi 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use deque/stack of stacks; other ways exist 452 2.1
server server 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque one first come first serve pass; we can use queue although overkill 3331 1.9
sim sim 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use list and its iterator 99 2.0
teque teque 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque all operations must be O(1) 766 3.3
trendingtopic trendingtopic 2.2l, List/Queue/Deque use queue of length 7 to maintain words in the past 7 days, unordered_map to count frequencies, sort to format the outpu... 181 5.8
01203 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue LA 3135 - Beijing04; use priority_queue 0.0
11995 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue stack; queue; and priority_queue 0.0
11997 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue sort the lists; merge two sorted lists using priority_queue to keep the K-th smallest sum every time 0.0
13190 Fetching from uHunt 2.3a, Priority Queue similar to UVa 01203; use PQ; use drug numbering id as tie-breaker 0.0
alehouse alehouse 2.3a, Priority Queue discretize the events; PQ simulation 223 4.6
clinic clinic 2.3a, Priority Queue interesting PQ simulation; reverse thinking; project to time 0 165 3.0
guessthedatastructure guessthedatastructure 2.3a, Priority Queue stack, queue, and priority_queue; also available at UVa 11995 - I Can Guess ... 2148 2.5
heap heap 2.3a, Priority Queue basic Binary (Max) Heap implementation task 11 5.8
janeeyre janeeyre 2.3a, Priority Queue simulate Anna's reading behavior with PQ; the input parsing is tedious 79 4.8
jugglingpatterns jugglingpatterns 2.3a, Priority Queue PQ simulation; reading comprehension 48 6.3
knigsoftheforest knigsoftheforest 2.3a, Priority Queue PQ simulation after sorting the entries by year 184 3.6
lc2558 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3a, Priority Queue max PQ simulation 0 0.0
numbertree numbertree 2.3a, Priority Queue not a direct priority queue problem, but the indexing strategy is similar to binary heap indexing 1760 2.1
pharmacy pharmacy 2.3a, Priority Queue simulation with PQ (time) and 2 normal queues (in-store vs remote) 118 3.4
rationalsequence2 rationalsequence2 2.3a, Priority Queue the L/R pattern can be easily derived and indexing strategy is similar to binary heap indexing 1388 1.5
rationalsequence3 rationalsequence3 2.3a, Priority Queue the reverse problem of rationalsequence2 587 1.8
stockprices stockprices 2.3a, Priority Queue PQ simulation; both max and min PQ 109 3.7
00499 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII keys 0.0
00895 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII get the letter frequency of each word; compare with puzzle line 0.0
10008 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
10062 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII character frequency count 0.0
10260 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT for soundex A-Z code mapping; also available at Kattis - soundex 0.0
10293 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
10625 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII character; frequency addition n times 0.0
11340 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII ASCII keys 0.0
11577 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
12626 Fetching from uHunt 2.3b, DAT, ASCII A-Z keys 0.0
alphabetspam alphabetspam 2.3b, DAT, ASCII count the frequencies of lowercase, uppercase, and whitespace characters 3902 1.4
cyclicalperiods cyclicalperiods 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT of last occurrence of 26 chars [`a`..`z`], keep the running max 112 3.0
keyboardd keyboardd 2.3b, DAT, ASCII frequency counting of A-Zs and spaces 92 2.0
lc0383 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII two DATs ('a'..'z'); check for all 'a'..'z' 0 0.0
lc0389 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII a-z keys; find the odd one out 0 0.0
lc0771 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT ('A'..'Z' and 'a'..'z'); simple check 0 0.0
lc1160 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII use two DATs ('a'..'z'); compare 0 0.0
lc1189 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT ('a'..'z'); per `balloon', we need 1 'ban' and 2 'lo' 0 0.0
lc1832 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT ('a'..'z'); check if all freq are non-zero 0 0.0
lc2278 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT ('a'..'z'); simple 0 0.0
lc2351 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT ('a'..'z'); find the first with freq 2 0 0.0
lc3146 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT ('a'..'z'); map character to index 0 0.0
quickbrownfox quickbrownfox 2.3b, DAT, ASCII pangram; frequency counting of 26 alphabets 4433 1.6
soundex soundex 2.3b, DAT, ASCII DAT for soundex A-Z code mapping; also available at UVa 10260 - Soundex 106 2.9
00755 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others Direct Addressing Table; convert the letters except Q and Z to 2-9; keep 0-9 as 0-9; sort the integers; find duplicates ... 0.0
01368 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others for each column j, find the highest frequency character among all j-th column of all m DNA strings 0.0
11203 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others count frequency of x/y/z 0.0
12650 Fetching from uHunt 2.3c, DAT, Others use 1D Boolean array for each person 0.0
bladra bladra 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT of frequencies of size k; find min 324 2.0
bookingaroom bookingaroom 2.3c, DAT, Others only 100 rooms; use 1D Boolean array 2849 1.7
busnumbers busnumbers 2.3c, DAT, Others only 1000 bus numbers; use 1D Boolean array 2776 2.4
dontbefake dontbefake 2.3c, DAT, Others it is sufficient to use DAT of size 86400 to get the required answers efficiently 100 2.9
freefood freefood 2.3c, DAT, Others only 365 days in a year 1965 1.5
hardware hardware 2.3c, DAT, Others parsing is tedious; count the frequency of digits 244 2.0
heimavinna heimavinna 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT of 1000 problems 431 1.4
lc0645 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT [1..10000]; find key with freq 2 (repeated) and 0 (missing) 0 0.0
lc0961 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT [0..10000]; find key with freq n 0 0.0
lc2341 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT [0..100]; trivial after frequencies of each integers are known 0 0.0
lc2784 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT [0..200]; check as asked 0 0.0
lc3158 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT [1..50]; xor those with freq = 2 0 0.0
lc3289 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT [0..100]; find two keys with freq = 2 0 0.0
princesspeach princesspeach 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT; linear pass 839 2.1
relocation relocation 2.3c, DAT, Others just use DAT 1112 1.5
simone simone 2.3c, DAT, Others DAT to count frequencies of [1..K] 106 1.6
superyatzy superyatzy 2.3c, DAT, Others use frequency counter DAT for side [1..6]; see if the frequency of any side + M is sufficient 282 1.6
10887 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) Use O(M*N*log(MN)*10) algorithm; concatenate all pairs of strings; put them in a set; report set size 0.0
11849 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) unordered_set is faster than set here; or use modified merge as the input is sorted; also available at Kattis - cd 0.0
12049 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) unordered_multiset manipulation 0.0
13148 Fetching from uHunt 2.3d, Hash Table (set) we can store all precomputed answers - which are given - into unordered_set 0.0
bard bard 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use one unordered_set per villager; simulate the singing process 637 2.6
boatparts boatparts 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set 1398 1.6
cd cd 2.3d, Hash Table (set) unordered_set is faster than set here; or use modified merge as the input is sorted; also available at UVa 11849 - CD 3176 5.3
deduplicatingfiles deduplicatingfiles 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use vector to store the strings; unordered_set to store unique strings; and complete search to compare the n^2 hash code... 583 4.4
engineeringenglish engineeringenglish 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set to remember duplicated words; transform to lowercase 1627 2.2
esej esej 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set to prevent duplicate 509 3.3
everywhere everywhere 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set 7015 1.4
greetingcard greetingcard 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set; only 12 neighbors 607 4.9
icpcawards icpcawards 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set; print first 12 distinct Universities (and their first teams) 2167 1.4
icpcrecordmatching icpcrecordmatching 2.3d, Hash Table (set) string processing; set of emails/names; sort the output 111 4.2
iwannabe iwannabe 2.3d, Hash Table (set) sort Pokenoms based on each stat; pick top K ids and put in an unordered_set; report final size of unordered_set 739 2.5
jage jage 2.3d, Hash Table (set) set simulation; sort at the end 408 2.2
keywords keywords 2.3d, Hash Table (set) pre-process the strings; put inside unordered_set; report final size 349 2.3
knotknowledge knotknowledge 2.3d, Hash Table (set) simple set difference problem 890 1.5
lc0349 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3d, Hash Table (set) set (no duplicate) intersection 0 0.0
lc0929 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3d, Hash Table (set) string processing; put to set; set size 0 0.0
lc2441 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3d, Hash Table (set) turn nums into a set; then do a complete search test 0 0.0
lc2442 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3d, Hash Table (set) simulate; add to set; report set size 0 0.0
lc3295 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3d, Hash Table (set) convert bannedWords list to set for faster lookup; then just check all string in message 0 0.0
nodup nodup 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set; string 3564 1.3
oddmanout oddmanout 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set to find and eliminate pairs 4450 1.5
pizzahawaii pizzahawaii 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use Python to help with (unordered) set intersection and difference operations 335 2.6
proofs proofs 2.3d, Hash Table (set) parsing; use unordered_set to store past conclusions; a few corner cases 48 2.4
pusluspil pusluspil 2.3d, Hash Table (set) set union problem 164 2.0
securedoors securedoors 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set to keep track of the people 2108 1.8
shiritori shiritori 2.3d, Hash Table (set) linear pass; use unordered_set to keep track of words that have been called 295 2.9
shoppinglist shoppinglist 2.3d, Hash Table (set) simple set intersection problem 16 4.4
shoppinglisteasy shoppinglisteasy 2.3d, Hash Table (set) see Kattis - shoppinglist 23 3.4
thoringtest thoringtest 2.3d, Hash Table (set) lowercase all inputs; see if all words are known by Thore; use set 38 2.8
tripodometer tripodometer 2.3d, Hash Table (set) let s = sum(d); subtract s by each d_i; keep the answers in a set; sort 185 2.1
upprodun upprodun 2.3d, Hash Table (set) not really a Hash Table problem but uses Hash Table concept; the number of teams in each room is the 'load factor' of th... 197 1.9
variabelnamn variabelnamn 2.3d, Hash Table (set) hash table (set) and DAT simulation 411 3.0
whatdoesthefoxsay whatdoesthefoxsay 2.3d, Hash Table (set) use unordered_set to record excluded sounds 2578 2.1
00484 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E maintain frequency with map 0.0
00860 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E frequency counting 0.0
00902 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E read char by char; count word freq 0.0
10282 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E a pure dictionary problem; use unordered_map; also available at Kattis - babelfish 0.0
10295 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to deal with Hay Points dictionary; also available at Kattis - haypoints 0.0
10374 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map for frequency counting 0.0
10686 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map to manage the data 0.0
11286 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to count frequencies of the sorted permutations of 5 ids; also available at Kattis - conformity 0.0
11348 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map and set to check uniqueness 0.0
11629 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map 0.0
12592 Fetching from uHunt 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map; string to string 0.0
akureyri akureyri 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E simple frequency counter 295 1.4
babelfish babelfish 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E a pure dictionary problem; use unordered_map; also available at UVa 10282 - Babelfish 2835 2.3
candystore candystore 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E we can use hash table; but easier solution exists 447 1.5
competitivearcadebasketball competitivearcadebasketball 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map 209 2.8
conformity conformity 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to count frequencies of the sorted permutations of 5 ids; also available at UVa 11286 - Conformity 1100 1.9
costumecontest costumecontest 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to map frequency of each category; get the minimum one; print output lexicographically 532 2.0
drinkmenu drinkmenu 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E hashmap simulation 242 1.5
eiginnofn eiginnofn 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use two hashtables (one set and one dictionary) 321 2.0
election2 election2 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E frequency counting; be careful of tie breaker 166 2.4
gandalfsspell gandalfsspell 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E map string to char and char to string 86 2.5
grandpabernie grandpabernie 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map plus (sorted) vector 1065 3.2
haypoints haypoints 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to deal with Hay Points dictionary; also available at UVa 10295 - Hay Points 1055 2.0
lc0594 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use Counter; then it is simple 0 0.0
lc1207 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use Counter and set (to test for uniqueness) 0 0.0
lc1287 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use Counter and test 0 0.0
lc1346 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use Counter and check; special case with 0 as its double is also 0 (its frequency must be at least 2) 0 0.0
lc1394 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use Counter; find key == value 0 0.0
marko marko 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E frequency counting with unordered_map 495 1.9
metaprogramming metaprogramming 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map; somewhat similar with Kattis - addingwords 820 2.4
nicknames nicknames 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map of frequency of prefixes 364 3.3
pakethanterare pakethanterare 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E map package name to version number 454 2.0
pencilcrayons pencilcrayons 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E for each box, count number of element > 1 (offset -1) 384 1.5
planets2 planets2 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E map species name to planet name; frequency counting 106 3.5
recount recount 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use map; frequency counting 1163 2.0
rollcall rollcall 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map to count frequency; sort 530 2.4
streetsahead streetsahead 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E map street name to linear indices; find the absolute differences of the indices per query 438 2.1
toktik toktik 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E standard frequency counter problem with hash table 451 1.5
translation translation 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E simple mapper 351 1.4
variablearithmetic variablearithmetic 2.3e, Hash Table (map), E use unordered_map as mapper 394 2.6
00417 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H generate all words; add to map for auto sorting 0.0
10132 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use map; brute force 0.0
10145 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use map and set 0.0
11572 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map to record the occurrence index of a certain snowflake size; use this to determine the answer in linear... 0.0
11860 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use set and map; linear scan 0.0
11917 Fetching from uHunt 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use map 0.0
addingwords addingwords 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map 1880 3.9
awkwardparty awkwardparty 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map to running max and running min; report the largest difference 611 3.0
basicinterpreter basicinterpreter 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H the harder version of Kattis - variablearithmetic; tedious; be careful; print string inside double quotes verbatim 152 6.7
bokforing bokforing 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map to map index to value; for each 'RESTART', clear the hash table in 'faster than O(N)' (amortized) and ... 493 3.8
conversationlog conversationlog 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use combo DS: unordered_map, set, plus (sorted) vector 507 2.8
iforaneye iforaneye 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map to map the various rules mentioned in the problem description; tedious 143 5.0
kaploeb kaploeb 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H hash the total time and lap count of each start number; sort at the end 899 2.3
magicalcows magicalcows 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map of farm size to frequency; small simulation; but since C is small, we can also use DAT 257 4.6
minorsetback minorsetback 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map of string to another unordered_map of int to string; need a bit of music theory to solve the problem; ... 147 3.6
parallelanalysis parallelanalysis 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H reading comprehension; use unordered_map to map memory address to last time it is written 80 4.8
recenice recenice 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map to prepare pronunciation of [1..999]; precalculate the answer afterwards using another unordered_map 225 3.1
snowflakes snowflakes 2.3f, Hash Table (map), H use unordered_map to record the occurrence index of a certain snowflake size; use this to determine the answer in linear... 404 4.4
00501 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use multiset with efficient iterator manipulation 0.0
00978 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) simulation; use multiset 0.0
10815 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use set and string 0.0
11062 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) similar to UVa 10815 with twists 0.0
11136 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use multiset 0.0
13037 Fetching from uHunt 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) we can use set or a sorted array 0.0
bst bst 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) simulate special BST [1..N] insertions using set 449 7.3
caching caching 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) combo ds (unordered_map and set) 210 5.8
candydivision candydivision 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) complete search from 1 to sqrt(N); insert all divisors into set for automatic sorting and elimination of duplicates 702 3.4
compoundwords compoundwords 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use set extensively; iterator 1807 1.7
coursescheduling coursescheduling 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) keep (ordered) set of courses and (unordered) map of course to students taking the course 40 3.1
ministryofmagic ministryofmagic 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) simulate directly, use of queue and set (PQ with update key/increase key; use STL set) 63 6.0
missinggnomes missinggnomes 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use set to keep ordered list of missing gnomes 659 2.6
orphanbackups orphanbackups 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use set for auto sorting 94 6.2
palindromicpassword palindromicpassword 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) there are not more than 900 3-digits number; generate all and store them in a (sorted) set; find ceil and floor of input... 431 3.3
raceday raceday 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use combo of map; multiset (the most important part for the rankings); and unordered_map 184 3.8
raidteams raidteams 2.3g, Balanced BST (set) use more than one PQs that can support erase operation 75 3.5
00939 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) map child name to his/her gene and parents' names 0.0
10138 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) map plates to bills; entrance time; and position 0.0
10226 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; sorted output; also available at Kattis - hardwoodspecies 0.0
10420 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) word frequency counting; use map 0.0
11239 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map and set to check previous strings; order needed; also available at Kattis - opensource 0.0
11308 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map and set 0.0
12504 Fetching from uHunt 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; string to string 0.0
administrativeproblems administrativeproblems 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use several maps as the output (of spy names) has to be sorted; be careful of corner cases 194 6.3
baconeggsandspam baconeggsandspam 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; sort 1712 1.6
cakeymccakeface cakeymccakeface 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) map differences to frequencies; return the one with maximum frequency and if ties, the smallest difference 197 3.8
doctorkattis doctorkattis 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) Max Priority Queue with frequent (increaseKey) updates; use map 114 4.7
fantasydraft fantasydraft 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map to keep ordering; simulate; need to erase 111 4.0
fodelsedagsmemorisering fodelsedagsmemorisering 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; sorted output 289 1.8
hardwoodspecies hardwoodspecies 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; sorted output; also available at UVa 10226 - Hardwood Species 378 2.7
kattissquest kattissquest 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map of priority queues; other solutions exist 834 3.1
maeting maeting 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) map name to frequencies; sort in non-increasing order 433 1.6
notamused notamused 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map; sorted output 601 2.0
opensource opensource 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use map and set to check previous strings; order needed; also available at UVa 11239 - Open Source 291 3.3
problemclassification problemclassification 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) mapper; frequency counting 345 3.1
srednji srednji 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) go left and right of B; use fast data structure like map to help determine the result fast 164 4.1
warehouse warehouse 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) use unordered_map and multimap 920 2.1
zoo zoo 2.3h, Balanced BST (map) parsing; keep last token; tolower; frequency counting with map; order needed 1499 1.7
10909 Fetching from uHunt 2.3i, Order Statistics Tree involves dynamic selection; use pb\_ds, Fenwick Tree, or augment balanced BST 0.0
babynames babynames 2.3i, Order Statistics Tree dynamic rank problem; use two pb_ds 87 5.5
continuousmedian continuousmedian 2.3i, Order Statistics Tree dynamic selection problem; specifically the median values; pb_ds helps 140 3.9
cookieselection cookieselection 2.3i, Order Statistics Tree map large integers to up to 600K integers; use pb_ds or Fenwick Tree and the select(median) operation of Fenwick Tree 923 4.3
gcpc gcpc 2.3i, Order Statistics Tree dynamic rank problem; pb_ds helps 876 5.3
00599 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures V-E = number of CCs; use a bitset of size 26 to count the number of vertices that have some edge 0.0
10895 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures transpose adjacency list 0.0
10928 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures counting out-degrees 0.0
11550 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures graph representation; incidence matrix 0.0
11991 Fetching from uHunt 2.4a, Graph Data Structures Adjacency List 0.0
abinitio abinitio 2.4a, Graph Data Structures combo: EL input, AM as working graph DS, AL output (in hash format); all operations must be O(V) or better 104 7.3
alphabetanimals alphabetanimals 2.4a, Graph Data Structures somewhat an Adjacency List data structure 478 3.4
chopwood chopwood 2.4a, Graph Data Structures Prüfer sequence; use priority_queue 258 3.5
cutthenegativity cutthenegativity 2.4a, Graph Data Structures AM to EL conversion 1213 1.4
flyingsafely flyingsafely 2.4a, Graph Data Structures trivial solution exists 1421 1.7
hermits hermits 2.4a, Graph Data Structures a simple Graph Data Structure application question 98 3.2
illuminatispotti illuminatispotti 2.4a, Graph Data Structures store the graph in an Adjacency Matrix; O(N^3) try-all possible triangles 30 4.3
popularitycontest popularitycontest 2.4a, Graph Data Structures a simple graph DS problem 107 2.0
railroad railroad 2.4a, Graph Data Structures do as asked; graph DS modification; bypass vertices with degree 2 95 6.3
traveltheskies traveltheskies 2.4a, Graph Data Structures (graph) DS manipulation; an array of ALs (one per each day); simulate the number of people day by day 188 3.2
tripplanning tripplanning 2.4a, Graph Data Structures use unordered_map to map bidirectional edges into 1-based indices; simulate the linear journey 232 2.4
weakvertices weakvertices 2.4a, Graph Data Structures graph edge existence checks 1775 1.5
00793 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find trivial; application of disjoint sets 0.0
01197 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find LA 2817 - Kaohsiung03; Connected Components 0.0
01329 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find LA 3027 - SouthEasternEurope04; interesting UFDS variant; modify the union and find routine 0.0
10158 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find advanced usage of disjoint sets with a nice twist; memorize list of enemies 0.0
10227 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find merge two disjoint sets if they are consistent; also available at Kattis - forests 0.0
10507 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find disjoint sets simplifies this problem 0.0
10583 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find count disjoint sets after all unions 0.0
10608 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find find the set with the largest element 0.0
10685 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find find the set with the largest element 0.0
11503 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find maintain set attribute (size) in rep item; also available at Kattis - virtualfriends 0.0
11690 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find check if total money from each member is 0 0.0
11987 Fetching from uHunt 2.4b, Union-Find maintain set attribute (size and sum) in rep item; new operation: move; key idea: do not destroy the parent array struct... 0.0
almostunionfind almostunionfind 2.4b, Union-Find new operation: move; idea: do not destroy the parent array structure; also available at UVa 11987 - Almost Union-Find 618 7.0
bridgesandtunnels bridgesandtunnels 2.4b, Union-Find map buildings to integer IDs; UFDS; size of set 57 3.2
chatter chatter 2.4b, Union-Find UFDS simulation using random number generation 59 3.1
control control 2.4b, Union-Find LA 7480 - Singapore15; simulation of UFDS; size of set; number of disjoint sets 424 4.6
forests forests 2.4b, Union-Find merge two disjoint sets if they are consistent; also available at UVa 10227 - Forests 127 3.0
ladice ladice 2.4b, Union-Find size of set; decrement one per usage 615 2.8
more10 more10 2.4b, Union-Find UFDS; a bit of string processing; tedious 94 7.1
skolavslutningen skolavslutningen 2.4b, Union-Find group classes that share the same column into the same CC; report number of CCs 152 1.9
swaptosort swaptosort 2.4b, Union-Find it boils down to finding CCs of 1 with N-1; 2 with N-2; and so on... 423 3.9
tildes tildes 2.4b, Union-Find basic UFDS with size of set query 165 2.6
unionfind unionfind 2.4b, Union-Find basic UFDS; similar to UVa 00793 1086 4.8
virtualfriends virtualfriends 2.4b, Union-Find maintain set attribute (size) in rep item; also available at UVa 11503 - Virtual Friends 1078 3.9
00297 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS simple quadtree problem 0.0
01232 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS LA 4108 - Singapore07; we have to use a Segment Tree; note that this problem is not about RSQ/RMQ 0.0
01513 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS LA 5902 - NorthWesternEurope11; not stack but dynamic RSQ problem; use DAT (for mapping) and Fenwick Tree (for RSQ); als... 0.0
11235 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS range maximum query 0.0
11297 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS Quad Tree with updates or use 2D segment tree 0.0
11350 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS simple tree data structure question 0.0
11402 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS Segment Tree with lazy updates 0.0
11423 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS clever usage of Fenwick Tree and large array; important hint: look at the constraints carefully 0.0
12086 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS LA 2191 - Dhaka06; pure dynamic RSQ problem; solvable with Fenwick Tree or Segment Tree 0.0
12299 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS Segment Tree with a few point (not range) updates; RMQs 0.0
12532 Fetching from uHunt 2.4c, Tree-related DS clever usage of Fenwick/Segment Tree 0.0
fenwick fenwick 2.4c, Tree-related DS basic Fenwick Tree; use long long 695 4.5
justforsidekicks justforsidekicks 2.4c, Tree-related DS use six Fenwick Trees, one for each gem type 359 3.8
moviecollection moviecollection 2.4c, Tree-related DS LA 5902 - NorthWesternEurope11; not a stack but a dynamic RSQ problem; also available at UVa 01513 - Movie collection 547 5.5
supercomputer supercomputer 2.4c, Tree-related DS easy problem if we use Fenwick Tree 760 3.8
turbo turbo 2.4c, Tree-related DS somewhat similar with UVa 01513/Kattis - moviecollection; use DAT (for mapping) and Fenwick Tree (for RSQ) 507 4.3
worstweather worstweather 2.4c, Tree-related DS store the year+rain data in a (sorted) array; binary search; Segment Tree/Sparse Table: static RMaxQueries 118 7.7
00165 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able requires some DP too; can be pre-calculated 0.0
00167 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able 8-queens chess problem 0.0
00256 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able brute force; math; pre-calculate-able 0.0
00347 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able simulate the process; pre-calculate-able 0.0
00750 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able classic backtracking problem; only 92 possible 8-queens positions 0.0
00861 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able backtracking with pruning as in 8-queens recursive backtracking solution; then pre-calculate the results 0.0
10128 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able backtracking with pruning; try all $N!$ permutations that satisfy the requirement; 13! will TLE; pre-calculate the resul... 0.0
10177 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able 2/3/4 nested loops; precalculate 0.0
10276 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able insert a number one by one 0.0
11085 Fetching from uHunt 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able see UVa 750; pre-calculation 0.0
4thought 4thought 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able brute force 4^3 possibilities; integer division; pre-calculate 2353 2.8
cardtrick2 cardtrick2 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able n <= 13, we can simulate the process using queue and precalculate all 13 possible answers 869 1.6
chocolates chocolates 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able RxC ≤ 16; use iterative bitmask to try all combinations; test combination with 2 floodfills (on 1s/chocolates and on ... 48 5.0
contingencyplanning contingencyplanning 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able precalculate answers for n <= 11; output 'JUST RUN!!' for n >= 12 412 2.0
foolingaround foolingaround 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able there are only 379 different values of N where Bob wins; pre-calculateable 117 5.8
gridmagic gridmagic 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able run a complete search solution and pre-calculate the answers 104 2.2
lastfactorialdigit lastfactorialdigit 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able very easy due to small range of N; pre-calculateable 4942 1.3
luckynumber luckynumber 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able there is an increasing and decreasing output pattern; for N > 25, the answer is 0; for N ∈ [2..25], use naive brut... 275 4.7
mancala mancala 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able we can generate all possible winnable Mancala boards from smaller Mancala boards 320 1.7
primematrix primematrix 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able Notice that we can just find 1 row answer for 2 ≤ n ≤ 50; then store the results; we can use this to generate the ... 140 4.2
sgcoin sgcoin 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able we can either brute force short string message; precompute all possible hash values; or come up with O(1) solution 271 2.4
theplank theplank 3.2a, Pre-calculate-able n ≤ 24; backtrack (or DP) and save all 24 answers 142 2.0
00105 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) height map; sweep left-right 0.0
00592 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) key idea: there are only 3^5*2 possible states: the status of each person and whether it is day or night 0.0
00617 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all integer speeds from 30 to 60 mph 0.0
01260 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) LA 4843 - Daejeon10; check all 0.0
01588 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) LA 3712 - NorthEasternEurope06; good iterative brute force problem; beware of corner cases 0.0
10041 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all possible locations 0.0
10487 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) sort and then do O(n^2) pairings; also available at Kattis - closestsums 0.0
10570 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force all possible final configurations (ascending/descending) and see which one requires the smallest number of e... 0.0
10670 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops; with sorting; also available at Kattis - reduction 0.0
10730 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops with pruning can still pass the time limit; compare this with UVa 11129; also available at Kattis - antia... 0.0
11242 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force plus sorting; also available at Kattis - tourdefrance 0.0
12205 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force; check intervals; also available at Kattis - telephones 0.0
12488 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops; simulate overtaking process 0.0
12583 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops; be careful of overcounting 0.0
13018 Fetching from uHunt 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 dices, small range; 2 nested loops 0.0
8queens 8queens 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) classic 8-Queens problem; write a checker 2385 3.2
antiarithmetic antiarithmetic 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops with pruning can still pass the time limit; compare this with UVa 11129; also available at UVa 10730 - An... 195 7.3
bestrelayteam bestrelayteam 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) sort runners based on flying start times; brute force first runner and pick top 3 other flying start runners 1420 1.9
bikegears bikegears 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2D nested loops; sort the output 185 5.4
blackfriday blackfriday 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2D nested loops; frequency counting 2384 2.2
closestsums closestsums 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) sort and then do O(n^2) pairings; also available at UVa 10487 - Closest Sums 1105 2.9
codeguessing codeguessing 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all possible two digits for Bob 154 2.1
countdoubles countdoubles 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all contiguous subarrays of m elements 311 2.0
erosionfilter erosionfilter 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) for each Ai, just try a few indices around it 93 4.6
golombrulers golombrulers 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2D nested loops; additional 1D loops for checking 297 3.2
kafkaesque kafkaesque 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2D nested loops; simple 293 1.7
largesthoarding largesthoarding 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2D nested loops; try all possible heights and try all N skycrapers 149 3.7
lc0796 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all possible shifts; 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc1385 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all pairs; 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc1512 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all pairs; 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc2643 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) for each row; sum the row; keep running max 0 0.0
lc2824 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all pairs; 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc2903 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all pairs; 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc2960 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) simulation; 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc3033 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) do O(mn) pass to get the max of each column first; then do another O(mn) pass to fill in the matrix 0 0.0
lc3083 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all substrings of length 2; check if it is in the reverse of s 0 0.0
lc3162 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) try all pairs; 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc3184 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops 0 0.0
lc3264 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) O(kn) operations; just do as asked 0 0.0
liga liga 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2D nested loops; interesting logic game; each team is independent; if number played and number loss both not defined, as... 71 6.1
majstor majstor 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) for the second output line; just try each of 'S', 'P', or 'R' at every round and take the max 101 1.9
mathtrade mathtrade 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) just try all starting point and simulate 241 3.3
missingnumber missingnumber 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) rolling prefix tests; doable with just 2D nested loops 387 3.3
peg peg 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2D nested loops; try all possible moves 931 1.8
pet pet 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) very simple 2D nested loops problem 7932 1.4
putovanje putovanje 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) clever problem with hint that masks possible brute force solution; just use 2D nested loops 413 2.5
reduction reduction 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops; with sorting; also available at UVa 10670 - Work Reduction 119 5.8
register register 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) clever problem with hint that masks possible brute force solution; just use 2D nested loops 583 2.1
smoothiestand smoothiestand 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) simple 2D nested loops 195 3.0
straights straights 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 2 nested loops with pruning 227 3.3
summertrip summertrip 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) 3 loops TLE; clever 2D nested loops; try all possible ending index i; use DAT to remember the latest lowest starting ind... 632 2.4
telephones telephones 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force; check intervals; also available at UVa 12205 - Happy Telephones 302 2.6
tourdefrance tourdefrance 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) brute force plus sorting; also available at UVa 11242 - Tour de France 354 2.7
whogoesthere whogoesthere 3.2b, Iterative (Two Loops) small n and m; just simulate the process with 2D nested loop 157 4.1
00154 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
00441 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 6 nested loops; easy 0.0
00626 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
00703 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
00735 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; then count 0.0
10102 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops will do; we do not need BFS; get max of minimum Manhattan distance from a 1 to a 3 0.0
10662 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
11059 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; input is small 0.0
12498 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
12515 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 0.0
12801 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; still possible to be optimized further 0.0
12844 Fetching from uHunt 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 5 nested loops; scaled down version of UVa 10202; do observations first 0.0
busskortet busskortet 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E try all possible 500, 200, and 100 to ensure correctness 704 3.0
cinemaseating cinemaseating 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; O(8*R*C); with a small DAT for frequency counter 68 2.5
cudoviste cudoviste 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops; the inner loops is just 2x2; 5 possibilities of crushed cars; skip 2x2 area that contains building 1194 1.4
fourdierolls fourdierolls 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops 243 2.6
mathhomework mathhomework 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 257 2.1
namnsdag namnsdag 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops 60 2.0
npuzzle npuzzle 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops; easy 683 2.2
patuljci patuljci 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; n = 9 1123 1.8
radir radir 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 3 nested loops; never drop any card 70 3.1
restaurantopening restaurantopening 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops 307 1.9
safehouses safehouses 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops 261 3.1
set set 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E 4 nested loops; easy 364 1.8
triangledrama triangledrama 3.2c, Three+ Nested Loops, E try all O(N^3) triplets 46 2.5
00253 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all; similar problem in UVa 11959 0.0
00296 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all 10000 possible codes; 4 nested loops; use similar solution as Master-Mind game 0.0
00386 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 4 nested loops with pruning 0.0
10360 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H also solvable using 1024^2 DP max sum 0.0
10365 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H use 3 nested loops with pruning 0.0
10483 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 2 nested loops for a; b; derive c from a; b; there are 354 answers for range [0.01 .. 255.99]; similar to UVa 11236 0.0
10502 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 6 nested loops; rectangle 0.0
10660 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 7 nested loops; Manhattan distance 0.0
10973 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops with pruning 0.0
11108 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all 2^5 = 32 values with pruning; also available at Kattis - tautology 0.0
11236 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops for a; b; c; derive d from a; b; c; check if you have 949 lines of output 0.0
11342 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H pre-calculate squared values from 0^2 to 224^2; use 3 nested loops to generate the answers; use map to avoid duplicates 0.0
11548 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 4 nested loops; string; pruning 0.0
11565 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops with pruning 0.0
11804 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 5 nested loops 0.0
11959 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all possible dice positions; compare with the 2nd one 0.0
11975 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops; simulate the game as asked 0.0
12337 Fetching from uHunt 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all possible row x col size and test if it is beautiful 0.0
calculatingdartscores calculatingdartscores 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 6 nested loops but easy; see if a*i +b*j + c*k == n 752 2.8
goblingardenguards goblingardenguards 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops; use 2D Boolean array to avoid over counting 345 6.1
groupthink groupthink 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 3 nested loops; 4 cases 88 2.8
lektira lektira 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 2 nested loops to try all 2 cutting points plus 1 more loop to actually do the reversing of sub words 376 3.2
medals medals 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H not an easy problem; require analysis to realize that the search space is small; also available at UVa 10997 - Medals 69 5.9
misa misa 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H 4 nested loops; grid; check to 8 directions 502 2.2
tautology tautology 3.2d, Three+ Nested Loops, H try all 2^5 = 32 values with pruning; also available at UVa 11108 - Tautology 160 3.4
00140 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) max n is just 8; use next_permutation; the algorithm inside next_permutation is iterative 0.0
00146 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) use next_permutation 0.0
00234 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 5173 - WorldFinals Phoenix94; use next_permutation; simulation 0.0
00418 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) use next_permutation to permute the 4 molecule locations and then use 12^6 six-nested-loops to check the area of the sup... 0.0
01064 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 3808 - WorldFinals Tokyo07; permutation of up to 5 messages; simulation; mind the word 'consecutive' 0.0
01209 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 3173 - Manila06; STL next and prev_permutation 0.0
10997 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) not an easy problem; require analysis to realize that the search space is small; also available at Kattis - medals 0.0
11412 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) next_permutation; find one possibility from 6! 0.0
11742 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all permutations 0.0
12249 Fetching from uHunt 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) LA 4994 - KualaLumpur10; try all permutations; a bit of string matching 0.0
aldursrodun aldursrodun 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all n! permutations; gcd 281 3.0
classpicture classpicture 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all permutation; filter forbidden pairs; fast simulation 157 6.9
dancerecital dancerecital 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all R! permutations; compare adjacent routines 274 4.2
dreamer dreamer 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all 8! permutations of digits; check if the date is valid; output earliest valid date 406 2.0
towering towering 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all 6! permutations; get the one that works 986 2.1
veci veci 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all permutations; get the one that is larger than X 1193 1.8
victorythroughsynergy victorythroughsynergy 3.2e, Iterative (Permutation) try all 10! team formations; get the one that works 60 4.3
00435 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) only 2^20 possible coalition combinations 0.0
00517 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) convert (a; b) to (0; 1) first so that we only work with integers; there can only be 2^16 possibilities although s can b... 0.0
00639 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) generate 2^(4x4) = 2^16 combinations and prune 0.0
01047 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 3278 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; try all 2^n subsets of towers to be taken; use inclusion-exclusion principle 0.0
11205 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^15 bitmask 0.0
11659 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^20 bitmask and check 0.0
12346 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 5723 - Phuket11; try all 2^n combinations; pick the best one 0.0
12348 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 5725 - Phuket11; try all 2^n combinations 0.0
12406 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^p possible bitmasks; change '0's to '2's 0.0
12694 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) LA 6606 - Phuket13; it is safest to just brute force all 2^20 possibilities; greedy solution should be possible too 0.0
13103 Fetching from uHunt 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^k combinations; swapping a 0-bit with another 0-bit or 1-bit with another 1-bit has no effect 0.0
buildingboundaries buildingboundaries 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^3 = 8 orientations of 3 buildings; 3 horizontal packing; 3 vertical packing; 3! = 3 of 1 building on top of 2 ... 207 3.4
doubleplusgood doubleplusgood 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) only up to 2^17 possible combinations; use to_string and stoll 228 2.8
exammanipulation exammanipulation 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) only up to 2^10 possible answer keys; test which one is the most suitable one 232 5.5
geppetto geppetto 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^N subsets of ingredients 305 3.3
perket perket 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 2^N subsets of ingredients 511 2.2
squaredeal squaredeal 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all 3! permutations of rectangles and try all 2^3 combinations of rectangle orientations; test figure 1.a and 1.b co... 232 4.6
zagrade zagrade 3.2f, Iterative (Combination) try all subsets of bracket pairs to be removed 298 3.1
00102 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers try all 6 combinations of possible answers 0.0
00188 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers 3 nested loops; keep trying until an answer is found 0.0
00471 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers somewhat similar to UVa 00725 0.0
00725 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers 0.0
10908 Fetching from uHunt 3.2g, Try All Answers 4 nested loops; try all possible odd square lengths 0.0
99problems 99problems 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible candidate answers from 99 to 9999 213 1.6
communication communication 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible bytes; apply the bitmask formula 764 2.0
cookingwater cookingwater 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers 446 2.0
flexible flexible 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers 2354 1.7
heirsdilemma heirsdilemma 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers; small range; avoid division by zero (this digit is not used) 821 1.6
islands islands 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible subsets; prune the non-contiguous ones (only 55 valid bitmasks between [0..1023]); check the 'island' p... 443 2.6
lamps lamps 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible small range of the answer (number of days) 284 2.6
orderedproblemset orderedproblemset 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers (k) 347 1.8
owlandfox owlandfox 3.2g, Try All Answers try all answers; complete search 743 1.8
parking2 parking2 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible parking spaces; pick the best 2049 1.4
prinova prinova 3.2g, Try All Answers sort first, then try all possible answers, which are the values in betweens two even boy 'names' and values around A, A+... 96 4.2
savingforretirement savingforretirement 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers; small constraint 1248 1.7
successfulzoom successfulzoom 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers (k); the time complexity is like Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm 692 2.2
sunandmoon sunandmoon 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible answers up to 5000 532 2.1
tabsandspaces tabsandspaces 3.2g, Try All Answers try all possible tab lengths; pick the one with best space saving 55 2.9
walls walls 3.2g, Try All Answers try whether the answer is 1/2/3/4; or Impossible; use up to 4 nested loops 513 4.0
00100 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier simply do as asked; the only trap is that j can be < i 0.0
00371 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 100 0.0
00382 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier do trial division 0.0
00654 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just use brute force 0.0
00906 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier compute c from d = 1 until a/b < c/d 0.0
01225 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier LA 3996 - Danang07; N is small 0.0
01583 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier N is small; prepare an array of size 100044; that is the largest possible digit sum for this problem 0.0
10346 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier interesting simulation problem 0.0
10370 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier compute average; see how many are above it; also available at Kattis - aboveaverage 0.0
10783 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier input range is very small; just brute force it 0.0
10879 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just use brute force 0.0
11001 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force math; maximize function 0.0
11150 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346; be careful with boundary cases! 0.0
11247 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force around the answer to be safe 0.0
11313 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346 0.0
11689 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346; also available at Kattis - sodasurpler 0.0
11877 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346 0.0
11934 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just do plain brute-force 0.0
12527 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all; check repeated digits 0.0
12938 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier complete search; 4 digits; square numbers 0.0
13059 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just simulate the counting; it will only runs in logarithmic steps; use long long 0.0
13131 Fetching from uHunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force version of modified sumDiv(N) function 0.0
aboveaverage aboveaverage 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier compute average; see how many are above it; also available at UVa 10370 - Above Average 3190 2.0
damagedequation damagedequation 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all 4*4 = 16 possibilities and test them 62 2.1
dicecup dicecup 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier complete search; use map - order needed; pick the sum with the max frequency 5454 1.2
easiest easiest 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier complete search; sum of digit 3991 1.6
fleytitala fleytitala 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just simulate; the answer will converge quickly enough; prune early 388 3.0
growlinggears growlinggears 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier physics of parabola; derivation; try all gears 496 2.4
hailstone2 hailstone2 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier just simulate; Collatz conjecture has max length 1349 for any n up to $10^12 226 1.8
harshadnumbers harshadnumbers 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier sum of digits; brute force 1715 1.4
lc2176 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all (i, j) pairs and test 0 0.0
lc2427 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all x; a and b are small 0 0.0
lc2553 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier simulate; there are at most 6 digits per integer 0 0.0
lc3345 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier simulate; t is only up to 10 0 0.0
powersof2easy powersof2easy 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all integers in [0..n]; convert to string; search for 2^e as substring 13 3.5
refrigerator refrigerator 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier use two nested loops to try all 118 2.5
simplefactoring simplefactoring 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all possible d and e (f and g follow) 159 2.6
skotleikur skotleikur 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all i in [0..K]; no need to use Linear Diophantine Equation 261 2.2
smallestcalculatedvalue smallestcalculatedvalue 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all possible +, -, *, // in between a, b, c 840 2.9
socialrunning socialrunning 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier try all possible starting runner; first and last runners will run alone at first and last segment, respectively 138 1.8
sodaslurper sodaslurper 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier similar to UVa 10346; also available at UVa 11689 - Soda Surpler 1920 1.6
somesum somesum 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier use complete search to get the answer 575 1.8
sumoftheothers sumoftheothers 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier parsing; try each number as the sum; sum the rest 1261 1.9
treirad treirad 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force up to cubic root of N 819 1.7
tri tri 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force all possibilities 3924 1.6
trollhunt trollhunt 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force; simple 976 2.6
videospeedup videospeedup 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier brute force; simple for loop; do as asked 298 2.0
zamka zamka 3.2h, Math Simulation, Easier Sum of Digit problem; brute force is sufficient 5255 1.4
00493 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder simulate the spiral process 0.0
00550 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder rotamult property; try one by one starting from 1 digit 0.0
00616 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder brute force up to sqrt(n); get pattern 0.0
00697 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder output formatting and basic Physics 0.0
00846 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder uses the sum of arithmetic progression formula 0.0
10025 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder simplify the formula first; iterative 0.0
10035 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder count the number of carry operations 0.0
11130 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder mirror the billiard table to the right (and/or top) so that we will only deal with one straight line instead of bouncing... 0.0
11254 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder use sum of AP; brute force all values of r from sqrt(2n) down to 1; stop at the first valid a 0.0
11490 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder let missing_people = 2*a^2; thickness_of_soldiers = b; derive a formula involving a; b; and the given S 0.0
11968 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder average; fabs; if ties; choose the smaller one! 0.0
12169 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder brute force constants a and b between [0..10 000] and do O(n) checks; break early as soon as a solution is found; also... 0.0
12290 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder no -1 in the answer 0.0
12665 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder be careful with boundary conditions 0.0
12792 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder simulate the process to get the answer 0.0
12895 Fetching from uHunt 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder verbatim brute force check 0.0
crackingrsa crackingrsa 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder a bit number theory; solvable with complete search 258 2.3
disgruntledjudge disgruntledjudge 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder brute force constants a and b between [0..10 000] and do O(n) checks; break early as soon as a solution is found; also... 76 3.3
falling falling 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder rework the formula; complete search up to sqrt(D) 588 3.1
houselawn houselawn 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder just do ask asked; use long long 313 3.4
lipschitzconstant lipschitzconstant 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder sort; brute force; math observation 253 4.6
milestones milestones 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder brute force all possibilities, use floating point fraction as both numerator and denominator are very high 137 2.8
repeatingdecimal repeatingdecimal 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder simulate the process until we have printed c digits; append trailing zeroes if necessary 397 3.6
robotopia robotopia 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder 2 linear equations; 2 unknowns; small range 582 6.2
stopcounting stopcounting 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder observation; max prefix; brute force linear pass; from left/right 352 4.9
thanosthehero thanosthehero 3.2i, Math Simulation, Harder for-loop from backwards 320 3.9
00130 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem the original Josephus problem 0.0
00133 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem brute force; similar to UVa 130 0.0
00151 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem the original Josephus problem 0.0
00305 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem the answer can be precalculated 0.0
00402 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem modified Josephus; simulation 0.0
00440 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem brute force; similar to UVa 151 0.0
01176 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem LA 2346 - Dhaka01; special case when k = 2; use Josephus recurrence; simulation 0.0
10015 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem modified Josephus; dynamic k; variant of UVa 305 0.0
10771 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem brute force; input size is small 0.0
10774 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem repeated special case of Josephus when k = 2 0.0
11351 Fetching from uHunt 3.2j, Josephus Problem use general case Josephus recurrence 0.0
coconut coconut 3.2j, Josephus Problem maintain a circular linked list of hand symbols; variant of Josephus problem; other solution exists 636 1.6
eenymeeny eenymeeny 3.2j, Josephus Problem Josephus problem; small n; just simulate 492 1.7
musicalchairs musicalchairs 3.2j, Josephus Problem Josephus variant; brute force 139 4.0
toys toys 3.2j, Josephus Problem use general case Josephus recurrence 142 4.5
00380 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) simple backtracking; but we have to work with strings 0.0
00487 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) use map to store the generated words 0.0
00524 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) involving prime number 0.0
00529 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) use backtracking to get the solution 0.0
00571 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) solution can be suboptimal; add flag to avoid cycling 0.0
00598 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) print all solutions with backtracking 0.0
00628 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking; follow the rules in description 0.0
00677 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) print all solutions with backtracking 0.0
00729 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) generate all possible bit strings 0.0
00868 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking from row 1 to N; 4 choices per step; some constraints 0.0
10344 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) 5 operands + 3 operators 0.0
10452 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) at each pos; Indy can go forth/left/right; try all 0.0
10503 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) max 13 spaces only 0.0
10576 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) generate all; prune; take max 0.0
10624 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking with divisibility check 0.0
10776 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) recursive backtracking 0.0
10950 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) sort the input; run backtracking; the output should be sorted; only display the first 100 sorted output 0.0
11201 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking involving strings 0.0
11961 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) up to 4^10 possible DNA strings; mutation power is at most K ≤ 5 so the search space is much smaller; sort the output... 0.0
12840 Fetching from uHunt 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) simple backtracking 0.0
draughts draughts 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) backtracking with pruning; similar to Kattis - crackerbarrel/peggamefortwo 69 4.1
goodmorning goodmorning 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) we can use backtracking to generate all possible (small) numbers that can be pressed according to the constraints 347 2.7
gradecurving gradecurving 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) try all possible answers; function grows fast to 100 170 4.5
lc0039 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) generate answers with backtracking 0 0.0
natjecanje natjecanje 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) 4 options for each team with kayak: do nothing, pass to left (if damaged), keep to self (if damaged), pass to right (if ... 701 2.5
paintings paintings 3.2k, Backtracking (Easier) try all possible paintings based on Catherine's preference; skip hideous color pairs 162 3.6
00129 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtracking; string processing check; a bit of output formatting 0.0
00208 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) LA 5147 - WorldFinals SanAntonio91; backtracking with some pruning 0.0
00222 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) LA 5161 - WorldFinals Indianapolis93; cannot use DP 'tank' is floating-point; use backtracking 0.0
00301 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) 2^22 with pruning is possible 0.0
00307 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) sort the sticks in descending length; group similar lengths; brute force the number of sticks; backtracking to check fea... 0.0
00331 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) n <= 5... 0.0
00416 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtrack; try all 0.0
00433 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) similar to UVa 416 0.0
00565 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtracking with lots of pruning 0.0
01262 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) LA 4845 - Daejeon10; sort grid columns; process common passwords in lexicographic order; skip two similar passwords 0.0
10001 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) the upperbound of 2^32 is scary but with efficient pruning; we can pass the time limit as the test case is not extreme 0.0
10063 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) do as asked 0.0
10094 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) this problem is like the n-queens chess problem; but must find/use the pattern! 0.0
10460 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) similar nature with UVa 10063 0.0
10475 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) generate and prune; try all 0.0
10582 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) simplify complex input first; then backtrack 0.0
11052 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) the worst case time complexity of 2^1000 looks scary but the search space is apparently not that big 0.0
11753 Fetching from uHunt 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) the state is probably too big if we use DP; but we can pass the time limit with just backtracking 0.0
carvet carvet 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtrack; similar to Kattis - solitaire; checkers jumping style 120 3.9
dobra dobra 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) try all possible 3^n changes of '_' (to a vowel, an 'L', or other consonant not 'L'); prune invalid states; count valid ... 44 3.9
fruitbaskets fruitbaskets 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) interesting backtracking problem; compute the small numbers < 200; output all minus this value computed via backtrack... 493 4.1
pagelayout pagelayout 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) a bit of geometry; O(2^n imes n^2 iterative bitmask will TLE; need to use recursive backtracking with pruning 84 5.1
primes primes 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtrack; s: (id; num); prune if num exceeds Y; t: keeps this prime P[id] or try next prime factor; count num that is b... 165 5.8
solitaire solitaire 3.2l, Backtracking (Harder) backtrack; similar to Kattis - crackerbarrel and Kattis - peggamefortwo; but on simpler grid graph and there is no need ... 169 3.4
00679 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search; bit manipulation solutions exist 0.0
00957 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search complete search binary search: upper_bound 0.0
10057 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search involves the median; use STL sort; upper_bound; lower_bound and some checks 0.0
10077 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search 0.0
10474 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search simple: use sort and then lower_bound 0.0
10567 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search store inc indices of each char of S in 52 vectors; binary search for the position of the char in the correct vector 0.0
10611 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search 0.0
10706 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search binary search some mathematical insights 0.0
10742 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search use sieve; binary search 0.0
11057 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search sort; target pair problem 0.0
11621 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search generate numbers with factor 2 and/or 3; sort; upper_bound 0.0
11876 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search [lower|upper]_bound on sorted sequence N 0.0
12192 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search input array is specially sorted; lower_bound 0.0
12965 Fetching from uHunt 3.3a, Binary Search sort producer/consumer prices; the answer is one of the prices mentioned; use binary searches to count the answer 0.0
firefly firefly 3.3a, Binary Search sort stalactites vs stalagmites separately; brute force height; binary search the obstacles hit 323 4.0
lc0035 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search basic lower_bound 0 0.0
lc0374 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search classic binary search task 0 0.0
lc0506 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search we can sort the scores and use binary searches per query; alternative solution exists 0 0.0
lc0704 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search as the problem name implies 0 0.0
lc0744 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search we can do bisect_right; alternative solution exists 0 0.0
lc0852 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search interesting binary search modification on a 'mountain' array 0 0.0
lc1331 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search sort; lower_bound per query 0 0.0
lc1365 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3a, Binary Search sort; binary search per query 0 0.0
massivecardgame massivecardgame 3.3a, Binary Search sort once upfront; upperbound-lowerbound per query 803 3.0
outofsorts outofsorts 3.3a, Binary Search do O(log n) binary searches on unsorted array n times 107 3.7
roompainting roompainting 3.3a, Binary Search sort the cans at shop (can be used more than once); use lower_bound for what Joe needs at shop 416 3.8
synchronizinglists synchronizinglists 3.3a, Binary Search sort and lower_bound 2130 1.5
01753 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E LA 8043 - WorldFinals RapidCity17; BSTA + Physics; also available at Kattis - speed 0.0
10341 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E bisection method; for alternative solutions; see 0.0
11413 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation 0.0
11627 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E binary search the answer + Physics simulation; also available at Kattis - slalom2 0.0
11881 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E bisection method 0.0
11935 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation 0.0
12032 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation 0.0
12190 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + algebra 0.0
12791 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + math formula to check if the leader pilot can overtake the backmarker pilot at that lap 0.0
13142 Fetching from uHunt 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + Physics simulation 0.0
bootstrappingnumber bootstrappingnumber 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA+exponent 520 2.9
carefulascent carefulascent 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + Physics simulation 558 1.8
financialplanning financialplanning 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + observation 108 3.5
freeweights freeweights 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation; Mathematical observation 356 4.5
hindex hindex 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + another binary search 460 3.3
htoo htoo 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation; use DAT 200 2.4
lc0069 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + square check 0 0.0
lc0274 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simple check 0 0.0
lc0275 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + check citations 0 0.0
monk monk 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation; cool 86 3.3
slalom2 slalom2 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + Physics simulation; also available at UVa 11627 - Slalom 43 5.4
smallschedule smallschedule 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + greedy or math 302 3.1
speed speed 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E LA 8043 - WorldFinals RapidCity17; BSTA + Physics; also available at UVa 01753 - Need for Speed 955 3.2
suspensionbridges suspensionbridges 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + Maths; be careful of precision error 409 4.6
svada svada 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation; process the two types of monkeys separately 144 3.5
taxing taxing 3.3b, Bisection and BSTA, E BSTA + simulation; use double; be careful of precision errors 143 4.7
00183 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others simple exercise of DnC 0.0
00608 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others classical problem; after each weighing; we can halve the search space 0.0
01738 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others LA 7578 - WorldFinals Phuket16; BST insertion then tree equality check; also available at Kattis - ceiling 0.0
10385 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others the function is unimodal; ternary search 0.0
11147 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others implement the given recursive DnC 0.0
11701 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others a kind of ternary search 0.0
12893 Fetching from uHunt 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others convert the given code into recursive DnC 0.0
a1paper a1paper 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others division of A1 paper is a kind of DnC principle 1212 3.9
bottleflip bottleflip 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others r is not needed; ternary search the optimal water height; derive center of mass formula 202 2.4
cantor cantor 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others ternary search; also available at UVa 11701 - Cantor 255 2.7
ceiling ceiling 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others LA 7578 - WorldFinals Phuket16; BST insertion then tree equality check; also available at UVa 01738 - Ceiling Function 1871 1.9
euclideantsp euclideantsp 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others that complex formula described in problem description is unimodal; c ranges from ≥ 0.1 to ≤ 500.0; ternary search;... 288 2.3
goingtoseed goingtoseed 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others divide to search into four regions; extension of binary/ternary search concept 199 6.3
grazedgrains grazedgrains 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others recursive subdivision the area into four regions that keeps getting smaller; in-circle checks 560 2.9
jewelrybox jewelrybox 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others the objective function is unimodal; ternary search 775 1.6
qanat qanat 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others the low rating is misleading; this is a difficult math problem that requires (two) ternary searches; other solution exis... 173 2.2
reconnaissance reconnaissance 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others the objective function is unimodal; ternary search 101 3.8
sretan sretan 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others the pattern is like Gray code; find the pattern via Divide and Conquer 110 4.1
sylvester sylvester 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others 2D grid; DnC into 4 regions; count how many times that cell is part of the fourth quadrant 359 2.2
tricktreat tricktreat 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others ternary search; the function is unimodal 156 3.9
zipline zipline 3.3c, Ternary Search & Others min = straight line distance; max = use ternary search 555 3.5
00410 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) load balancing 0.0
01193 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) LA 2519 - Beijing02; interval covering 0.0
10020 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) interval covering 0.0
10249 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) greedy; sorting 0.0
10382 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) interval covering; also available at Kattis - grass 0.0
11264 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) coin change variant 0.0
11292 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort; greedy matching; also available at Kattis - loowater 0.0
11389 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) load balancing 0.0
12210 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) greedy; sorting 0.0
12321 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) interval covering 0.0
12405 Fetching from uHunt 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) simpler interval covering problem 0.0
avoidland avoidland 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) observe that number of rows with 0 pawn and rows with > 1 pawns should be the same; greedy bipartite matching 256 3.4
classrooms classrooms 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) variant of interval covering; multiple rooms 229 5.9
color color 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort the sock colors and greedily assign them to washing machines 980 2.2
distributingseats distributingseats 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort; greedy bipartite matching; assign passenger to earliest available row first 60 5.8
fishmongers fishmongers 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort; greedy bipartite matching 160 3.6
froshweek2 froshweek2 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) greedy; sort first; similar to Dragon of Loowater; greedy matching 489 2.3
grass grass 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) interval covering; also available at UVa 10382 - Watering Grass 330 5.3
inflation inflation 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort; greedy matching 711 1.8
intervalcover intervalcover 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) classic interval covering; be very careful with floating point errors 268 5.6
intervalscheduling intervalscheduling 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) classic interval scheduling; sort by non-decreasing ending times 420 1.6
jamboree jamboree 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) greedy load balancing like UVa 00410 427 3.0
lc0455 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort; greedy bipartite matching 0 0.0
loowater loowater 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort; greedy matching; also available at UVa 11292 - The Dragon of Loowater 710 3.0
messages messages 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) simple string matching; sort; like greedy interval covering 134 5.2
remorse remorse 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) simplified Huffman coding; only first 26 203 2.2
speedrun speedrun 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) sort by non-decreasing end times; classic interval covering 28 2.3
squarepegs squarepegs 3.4a, Greedy (Classical) convert square to circular; sort; greedy matching 265 3.1
10763 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
10785 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11269 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11369 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11729 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
11900 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
12485 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
13031 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
13109 Fetching from uHunt 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 0.0
acappellarecording acappellarecording 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort; greedy 432 2.8
acm2 acm2 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 790 2.6
akcija akcija 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 2658 2.0
aprizenoonecanwin aprizenoonecanwin 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 790 2.5
cocktail cocktail 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort; greedy 1493 2.8
fallingapart fallingapart 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 1011 1.6
fridge fridge 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 429 3.1
gettowork gettowork 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 255 2.2
help help 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 60 7.5
hotsprings hotsprings 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 86 1.9
icpcteamselection icpcteamselection 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 586 3.0
lc0561 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort non-decreasing; take every even indices 0 0.0
lc1913 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort; use the last and first two 0 0.0
linesperhour linesperhour 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort; greedy 595 1.7
minimumscalar minimumscalar 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E one sort increasing; one sort decreasing 1202 2.3
pikemaneasy pikemaneasy 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 473 3.5
pizzubestun pizzubestun 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort; greedy every two indices; a bit different between odd and even n 483 2.1
planetaris planetaris 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 143 2.8
plantingtrees plantingtrees 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 3462 2.0
redistribution redistribution 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 537 2.0
sangbok sangbok 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort; greedy 200 1.9
shopaholic shopaholic 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort prices in descending order, pick every third item 959 2.4
stadiljus stadiljus 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E sort; greedy 373 2.2
standings standings 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 329 4.1
textmessaging textmessaging 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 222 2.9
toflur toflur 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 511 2.4
universityzoning universityzoning 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting; use Manhattan distance to compute distances 446 2.9
woodcutting woodcutting 3.4b, Involving Sorting, E greedy; sorting 572 3.1
10026 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 0.0
10037 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also see Kattis - bridge 0.0
11100 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also available at Kattis - trip2007 0.0
11103 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also available at Kattis - wffnproof 0.0
12673 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H LA 6530 - LatinAmerica13; greedy; sorting 0.0
12834 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 0.0
13054 Fetching from uHunt 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 0.0
airconditioned airconditioned 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 1116 3.9
andrewant andrewant 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 97 4.9
birds birds 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 566 3.5
ceremony ceremony 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 849 4.3
dasort dasort 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 284 2.9
delivery delivery 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H sort, process positive and negative delivery separately; go to rightmost, come back and fill as many from the right 253 3.3
fairdivision fairdivision 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 74 4.4
implementationirregularities implementationirregularities 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H sort; greedy 338 3.2
intergalacticbidding intergalacticbidding 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 346 3.4
keepitcool keepitcool 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting 290 2.4
lc0055 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H for each position i, check if we can (greedily) jump to index i; if we can; greedily extend furthest jump, if we can 0 0.0
lopsidedlineup lopsidedlineup 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H sort; greedy 178 2.9
trip2007 trip2007 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also available at UVa 11100 - The Trip, 2007 191 2.8
wffnproof wffnproof 3.4c, Involving Sorting, H greedy; sorting; also available at UVa 11103 - WFF'N Proof 117 2.9
01153 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
10954 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
12390 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
13177 Fetching from uHunt 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 0.0
annoyedcoworkers annoyedcoworkers 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy PQ simulation 964 3.6
arraysmoothening arraysmoothening 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy PQ simulation 1291 2.6
ballotboxes ballotboxes 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 776 4.4
canvas canvas 3.4d, Involving PQ PQ simulation; process from N canvases to 1 all-white canvas; take two minimum canvas size; greedy; add them and re-enqu... 214 3.5
entertainmentbox entertainmentbox 3.4d, Involving PQ sort; greedy simulation; Priority Queue with update key (we can use multiset) 274 6.0
vegetables vegetables 3.4d, Involving PQ store cut lengths as fractions; keep taking the largest portion; greedy; try to cut 1/2,1/3,1/4,etc; re-enqueue the resu... 347 3.4
workstations workstations 3.4d, Involving PQ greedy; priority queue 1110 3.6
10152 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10340 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10440 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10602 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10656 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10672 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy; also available at Kattis - marblestree 0.0
10700 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
10714 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy; also available at Kattis - ants 0.0
11054 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
11520 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
11532 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
12482 Fetching from uHunt 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 0.0
ants ants 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy; also available at UVa 10714 - Ants 1145 2.5
applesack applesack 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 202 3.5
bank bank 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 2389 2.6
colourwars colourwars 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 199 3.1
driver driver 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 198 3.8
horrorfilmnight horrorfilmnight 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 207 3.4
knitpicking knitpicking 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 82 2.4
marblestree marblestree 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy; also available at UVa 10672 - Marbles on a tree 258 3.0
pripreme pripreme 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 259 2.7
simplicity simplicity 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 694 2.5
skocimis skocimis 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 2156 1.6
teacherevaluation teacherevaluation 3.4e, Non Classical, Easier greedy 262 3.0
00311 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
00668 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
10718 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
10821 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
10982 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11157 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11230 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11240 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11330 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11335 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11491 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11567 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11583 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
11890 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
12124 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
12516 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
13082 Fetching from uHunt 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 0.0
cardtrading cardtrading 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 38 5.0
dvds dvds 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 731 2.9
logland logland 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 47 5.8
playground playground 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 60 4.7
stockbroker stockbroker 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 578 3.4
virus virus 3.4f, Non Classical, Harder greedy 753 3.6
00108 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 2D range sum 0.0
00507 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard problem 0.0
00787 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 1D range product; be careful with 0; use Java BigInteger 0.0
00836 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum convert '0' to -INF 0.0
00983 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 2D range sum; get submatrix 0.0
01105 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum LA 5132 - WorldFinals Orlando11; more advanced 2D Range Sum Queries 0.0
10074 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard problem 0.0
10667 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard problem 0.0
10684 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard; Kadane's algorithm 0.0
10755 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 2D range sum in 2 of the 3 dimensions; max 1D range sum with Kadane's algorithm on the 3rd dimension 0.0
10827 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum copy n*n matrix into n*2n matrix; then this problem becomes a standard max 2D range sum problem again 0.0
11951 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum use long long; max 2D range sum; prune the search space whenever possible 0.0
12640 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum standard; Kadane's algorithm 0.0
13095 Fetching from uHunt 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum create 10 range sum queries; you don't need Fenwick Tree actually 0.0
alicedigital alicedigital 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 1D range sum variant; the solution is not DP; notice that m is small 687 4.2
commercials commercials 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum transform each input by -P; Kadane's algorithm 1570 2.0
fieldtrip fieldtrip 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum necessary condition: s (sum of class section sizes) must be divisible by 3; use DP 1D range sum to do select(s/3) and se... 32 3.0
foldedmap foldedmap 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum 2D range sum; brute force the position of starting tile 49 4.6
gangur gangur 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum DP suffix sum + linear pass; alternative solution exists 614 2.4
nered nered 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum 2D range sum; brute force possible rectangular submatrix and keep the one with minimum modification 41 3.2
prozor prozor 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum 2D range sum with fix range; output formatting 558 1.6
purplerain purplerain 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum max 1D range sum variant; Kadane's algorithm 288 4.3
sellingspatulas sellingspatulas 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum -8 per time slot initially; read sale data; 1D range sum; complete search 109 8.0
shortsell shortsell 3.5a, Max 1D/2D Range Sum similar to Kadane's algorithm; linear pass; prefix sum 104 4.1
00111 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS be careful of the ranking system 0.0
00231 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS straightforward 0.0
00437 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS can be modeled as LIS 0.0
00481 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS O(n log k) LIS+solution 0.0
00497 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS solution must be printed 0.0
01196 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS LA 2815 - Kaohsiung03; sort all the blocks in increasing L[i]; then we get the classical LIS problem 0.0
10131 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS sort elephants based on decreasing IQ; LIS on increasing weight 0.0
10154 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS LIS variant 0.0
10534 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS must use O(n log k) LIS twice 0.0
11368 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS sort in one dimension; Dilworth's theorem; LIS in the other; also available at Kattis - nesteddolls 0.0
11456 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS max(LIS(i)+LDS(i)-1), ∀i ∈ [0...n-1]; also available at Kattis - trainsorting 0.0
11790 Fetching from uHunt 3.5b, LIS combination of LIS LDS; weighted 0.0
alphabet alphabet 3.5b, LIS find LIS of a short string; the answer is 26-LIS_length 666 3.2
increasingsubsequence increasingsubsequence 3.5b, LIS LIS; n ≤ 200$; print lexicographically smallest solution, 99% similar to 'longincsubseq' 352 4.1
longincsubseq longincsubseq 3.5b, LIS standard O(n log k) LIS; print any solution 579 5.7
manhattanmornings manhattanmornings 3.5b, LIS utilize symmetries to simplify the problem; then run LIS variant in O(N log K) 154 4.7
nesteddolls nesteddolls 3.5b, LIS sort in one dimension; Dilworth's theorem; LIS in the other; also available at UVa 11368 - Nested Dolls 115 7.1
studentsko studentsko 3.5b, LIS sort skills of N players; map them to K teams; find LNDS in O(N log K); answer is N-LNDS 124 3.9
trainsorting trainsorting 3.5b, LIS max(LIS(i)+LDS(i)-1), ∀i ∈ [0...n-1]; also available at UVa 11456 522 5.4
00431 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK classic 0-1 Knapsack Problem; output any optimal solution as there is a special checker for this problem 0.0
00562 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK use a one dimensional table 0.0
00990 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK print the solution 0.0
01213 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK LA 3619 - Yokohama06; extension of 0-1 KNAPSACK; s: (id, remN, remK) instead of s: (id, remN) 0.0
10130 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK very basic 0-1 KNAPSACK problem 0.0
10261 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK s: (current_car; left; right) 0.0
10616 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK input can be -ve; use long long 0.0
10664 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK Subset Sum 0.0
10690 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK DP Subset Sum with negative offset technique; with addition of simple math 0.0
10819 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK 0-1 knapsack with 'credit card' twist 0.0
11003 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK try all max weight from 0 to max(weight[i] capacity[i]); forall i in [0..n-1]; if a max weight is known; how many boxes ... 0.0
11341 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK s: (id; h_learned; h_left); t: learn module 'id' by 1 hour or skip it 0.0
11566 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK KNAPSACK variant: double each dim sum; add one parameter to see if we have bought too many dishes 0.0
11658 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK s: (id; share); t: form/ignore coalition with id 0.0
11832 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK interesting DP; s: (id; val); use offset to handle negative numbers; t: plus or minus; print solution 0.0
12621 Fetching from uHunt 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK DP Subset Sum; simplify the multiple of 10 0.0
knapsack knapsack 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK basic DP KNAPSACK; print the solution 687 4.8
muzicari muzicari 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK set Knapsack of size = T, each break length as item weight, and value = 1/2 (put that break at 'virtual knapsack 1/2', r... 343 4.9
ninepacks ninepacks 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK brute force all possible sums; use DP SUBSET-SUM on each hotdog and bun packs; clever problem 499 4.4
orders orders 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK interesting KNAPSACK variant; print the solution 713 4.5
presidentialelections presidentialelections 3.5c, 0-1 KNAPSACK pre-process the input to discard non winnable states; be careful of negative total voters; then standard DP KNAPSACK 116 5.7
00147 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE similar to UVa 357 and 674 0.0
00166 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE two coin change variants in one problem 0.0
00242 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE LA 5181 - WorldFinals Nashville95; Complete Search + DP Coin-Change 0.0
00357 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE similar to UVa 147 and 674 0.0
00674 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE basic coin change problem 0.0
10313 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE modified coin change and DP 1D range sum 0.0
10448 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE after dealing with traversal on tree; you can reduce the original problem into coin change; not trivial 0.0
11137 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE use long long 0.0
11259 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE part of the problem is DP COIN-CHANGE with restricted number of coins per type; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
11517 Fetching from uHunt 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE a variation to the coin change problem; also available at Kattis - exactchange2 0.0
bagoftiles bagoftiles 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE count number of ways to do COIN-CHANGE; meet in the middle; DP combinatorics (n choose k) to find the answer for a+b 102 6.5
canonical canonical 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE complete search possible range of counter examples; do both greedy COIN-CHANGE and DP COIN-CHANGE 502 5.7
exactchange2 exactchange2 3.5d, COIN-CHANGE a variation to the Coin-Change problem; also available at UVa 11517 - Exact Change 708 5.4
00216 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP LA 5155 - WorldFinals KansasCity92; DP TSP problem; but still solvable with backtracking 0.0
01281 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP LA 6028 - WorldFinals Warsaw12; DP TSP variant; also available at Kattis - bustour 0.0
10496 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP DP or recursive backtracking with sufficient pruning; also available at Kattis - beepers 0.0
11795 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP DP TSP variant; counting paths on DAG; DP+bitmask; let Mega Buster owned by a dummy 'Robot 0' 0.0
12841 Fetching from uHunt 3.5e, TSP simply find and print the lexicographically smallest Hamiltonian path; use DP-TSP technique 0.0
beepers beepers 3.5e, TSP DP or recursive backtracking with sufficient pruning; also available at UVa 10496 - Collecting Beepers 196 4.6
bustour bustour 3.5e, TSP LA 6028 - WorldFinals Warsaw12; DP TSP variant; also available at UVa 01281 - Bus Tour 124 6.1
cycleseasy cycleseasy 3.5e, TSP Count number of HAMILTONIAN-TOURs 108 4.1
errands errands 3.5e, TSP map location names to integer indices; DP TSP 51 7.0
maximizingyourpay maximizingyourpay 3.5e, TSP Max-Traveling-Salesman-Problem; can go back to vertex 0 early; use DP bitmask 60 6.4
pokemongogo pokemongogo 3.5e, TSP DP TSP variant; there can be more than one Pokemon in the same location 154 5.0
race race 3.5e, TSP try all possible subset of locations; run DP TSP variant from start to ending to see if the plan is doable; keep the bes... 65 7.5
00116 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 similar to UVa 10337 0.0
00196 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 3.5g 0.0
00215 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 3.5g 0.0
01261 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 LA 4844 - Daejeon10; a simple backtracking problem; but we use a setÿto prevent the same state (a substring) from being... 0.0
10003 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (l; r) 0.0
10036 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 must use offset technique as value can be negative 0.0
10086 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 3.5g 0.0
10337 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 DP; shortest paths on DAG 0.0
10446 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 edit the given recursive function a bit; add memoization 0.0
10520 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 just write the given formula as a top-down DP with memoization 0.0
10721 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (n; k); t: try all from 1 to m 0.0
10910 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 two dimensional DP table 0.0
10912 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (len; last; sum); t: try next char 0.0
10943 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (n; k); t: try all the possible splitting points; alternative solution is to use the closed form mathematical formula... 0.0
10980 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 simple DP 0.0
11026 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 DP; similar idea with binomial theorem 0.0
11407 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 can be memoized 0.0
11420 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (prev; id; numlck); lock/unlock this chest 0.0
11450 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 standard DP 0.0
11703 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 can be memoized 0.0
12654 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (hole); t: use patch T1 or patch T2 0.0
12951 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (day, has_stock); t: ignore, buy (if does not have stock), or sell (if has stock) 0.0
13141 Fetching from uHunt 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (level, branch_previously); t: not branching if branch_previously or branching (one side) otherwise 0.0
herbmixing herbmixing 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (g, r) 529 1.4
hopavinna hopavinna 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (participate_before, i); t: if participate_before, you can choose to skip assignment i; or do assignment i 72 3.2
keyboardconcert keyboardconcert 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (pos, cur); at tune[pos], playing instrument cur; t: try staying or switch; better solution exists 100 4.5
nikola nikola 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (pos, last_jump); t: jump forward or backward 295 3.6
permutationdescent permutationdescent 3.5f, DP level 1 derive the required formula; use memoization 291 1.8
spiderman spiderman 3.5f, DP level 1 simple DP; go up or down; print solution 1010 3.9
ticketpricing ticketpricing 3.5f, DP level 1 LA 6867 - Rocky Mountain15; similar with UVa 11450 discussed in this book; real life problem; print (the first) part of ... 138 4.9
weightofwords weightofwords 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (cur_l, cur_w); t: try all 26 characters; print any solution 286 2.6
wordclouds wordclouds 3.5f, DP level 1 s: (i); t: try breaking to next row at subsequent j = [i..N]; O(N^2) DP 104 5.0
00662 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (L; R; k); that denotes the minimum distance sum to cover restaurants at index [L..R] with k depots left 0.0
10039 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 create the graph first; then apply DP; s: (city; curtime); t: try all feasible trains 0.0
10069 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 use Java BigInteger 0.0
10081 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (i, j); #tight words of length i that end in digit j divided by #words: (k+1)^n; also available at Kattis - tight 0.0
10120 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 DP; special case for N >= 49 0.0
10164 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 a bit number theory (modulo); backtracking; do memoization on DP s: (sum; taken) 0.0
10239 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 convert double to long long first; medium DP; either put this book in the current shelf (if possible) or put it in a new... 0.0
10400 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 backtracking with clever pruning is sufficient 0.0
10465 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 one dimensional DP table 0.0
10651 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 small problem size; doable with backtracking 0.0
11485 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 the problem description looks scary but the solution is not that complex 0.0
11514 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 modified 0-1 Knapsack; Batman can use or skip a certain super power; check if the best configuration uses ≤ E calorie... 0.0
11908 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 sort the advertisements based on starting level; ending level; and cost; DP 1 dimension 0.0
12324 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 spheres > n are useless 0.0
12862 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 1D DP to compute the path cost from every vertex that goes up to the mountain top; compute answer 0.0
12955 Fetching from uHunt 3.5g, DP level 2 there are only 8 eligible factorials under 100000; we can use DP; s: (i, sum); t: take/stay, take/move, don't take/move 0.0
damsindistress damsindistress 3.5g, DP level 2 bottom up DP; the input is already in topological order 431 3.9
debugging debugging 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (n); t: divide the program into [2..n] blocks 226 6.0
drivinglanes drivinglanes 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (st, ln); t: try all other lanes; be careful of corner cases 105 3.7
kutevi kutevi 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (360 integer degrees) 170 2.6
predictinggme predictinggme 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (day, has_stock, stock_value); t: skip to tomorrow/buy today's stock/sell the stock and jump two days 125 4.3
tight tight 3.5g, DP level 2 s: (i, j); #tight words of length i that end in digit j divided by #words: (k+1)^n; also available at UVa 10081 - Tight ... 100 3.5
walrusweights walrusweights 3.5g, DP level 2 backtracking with memoization 570 3.8
watersheds watersheds 3.5g, DP level 2 DP on an implicit DAG 41 3.2
00260 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs 6 neighbors per cell 0.0
00280 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs reachability check; traverse the graph 0.0
00459 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs also solvable with UFDS 0.0
10687 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs build graph; geometry; reachability 0.0
11749 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs find the largest CC with highest average PPA; also solvable with UFDS 0.0
11841 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs implicit graph; check if there is a CC from x = y = z = 0 to say 'Benny wins' 0.0
11902 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs disable vertex one by one; check if the reachability from vertex 0 changes 0.0
11906 Fetching from uHunt 4.2a, Finding CCs DFS/BFS for reachability; several tricky cases; be careful when M = 0; N = 0; or M = N 0.0
cartrouble cartrouble 4.2a, Finding CCs graph traversal on forward and reverse graphs 106 4.4
daceydice daceydice 4.2a, Finding CCs reachability test of a state-space graph; s: (r, c, where_is_five) 171 3.5
moneymatters moneymatters 4.2a, Finding CCs see if the sum of vertex weights of each CC = 0 990 3.1
pearwise pearwise 4.2a, Finding CCs clever problem wording; can be reduced into basic graph traversal 159 3.7
reachableroads reachableroads 4.2a, Finding CCs report number of CC-1 892 2.1
sailingfriends sailingfriends 4.2a, Finding CCs find number of CCs without any boat in a medium-sized undirected graph 293 2.5
securitybadge securitybadge 4.2a, Finding CCs reachability test; clever idea to compress ids 129 7.6
skyislands skyislands 4.2a, Finding CCs reachability test 37 2.1
terraces terraces 4.2a, Finding CCs group cells with similar height together; if it cannot flow to any other component with lower height, add the size of th... 339 3.6
wheresmyinternet wheresmyinternet 4.2a, Finding CCs check connectivity to vertex 1 1716 3.7
00352 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count number of CCs; see UVa 00572 0.0
00469 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count size of a CC 0.0
00572 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count number of CCs 0.0
00657 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier there are three colors here; non-standard but still relatively easy floodfill problem 0.0
00722 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count the size of CCs 0.0
00871 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier find the largest CC size 0.0
10336 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count and rank CCs with similar color 0.0
11244 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier count number of CCs 0.0
11470 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier you can do flood fill layer by layer; however; there is other way to solve this problem; e.g. by finding the patterns 0.0
11561 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier flood fill with extra blocking constraint; also available at Kattis - gold 0.0
11953 Fetching from uHunt 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier interesting twist of flood fill problem 0.0
amoebas amoebas 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier easy floodfill 1079 1.8
countingstars countingstars 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier basic flood fill problem; count CCs 1494 2.7
floodit floodit 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier multiple calls of flood fill tests 74 2.9
fontan fontan 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier modified multi-sources BFS/floodfill 866 2.0
gold gold 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier flood fill with extra blocking constraint; also available at UVa 11561 - Getting Gold 735 2.2
lc0733 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier basic flood fill problem 0 0.0
wheresmywaterfall wheresmywaterfall 4.2b, Flood Fill, Easier identical with Kattis - fontan 230 3.0
00601 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder floodfill is one of the component 0.0
00705 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder build the implicit graph first 0.0
00758 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder floodfill 0.0
00776 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder label CCs with indices; format output 0.0
00782 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder replace spaces with hexes in the grid; similar to UVa 784 and 785 0.0
00784 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder similar to UVa 782 and 785 0.0
00785 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder similar to UVa 782 and 784 0.0
00852 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder interesting board game 'Go' 0.0
01103 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder LA 5130 - WorldFinals Orlando11; major hint: each hieroglyph has unique number of white CCs 0.0
10592 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder floodfill ; two layers 0.0
10707 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder check graph isomorphism; a tedious problem; involving connected components 0.0
10946 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder find CCs and rank them by their size 0.0
10kindsofpeople 10kindsofpeople 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder intelligent flood fill; just run once to avoid TLE as there are many queries 2380 3.9
11094 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder tricky flood fill; scrolling 0.0
11110 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder flood fill satisfy the constraints given 0.0
11585 Fetching from uHunt 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder polynomial-time verifier for an NP-complete puzzle Nurikabe; this verifier requires clever usage of flood fill algorithm 0.0
coast coast 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder intelligent flood fill; just run once to avoid TLE as there are many queries 1339 3.2
island island 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder super tedious flood fill; involving one directional flood fill involving bridges 'B's; bridges may connect islands in cy... 113 6.2
islands3 islands3 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder optimistic flood fill; assume all Cs are Ls 936 2.1
vindiagrams vindiagrams 4.2c, Flood Fill, Harder challenging and tedious flood fill problem 76 5.3
00124 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort use backtracking to generate valid toposorts 0.0
00200 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort toposort 0.0
00872 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort similar to UVa 00124; use backtracking 0.0
10305 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort simply run toposort algorithm 0.0
11060 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort Kahn's algorithm---modified BFS toposort 0.0
11686 Fetching from uHunt 4.2d, Topological Sort cycle check + toposort if DAG; also available at Kattis - pickupsticks 0.0
brexit brexit 4.2d, Topological Sort toposort; chain reaction; modified Kahn's algorithm 826 3.6
brexitnegotiations brexitnegotiations 4.2d, Topological Sort toposort with modified Kahn's algorithm; greedy 270 4.8
builddeps builddeps 4.2d, Topological Sort the graph is acyclic; toposort with DFS from the changed file 626 4.7
collapse collapse 4.2d, Topological Sort similar with Kattis - brexit 77 5.8
conservation conservation 4.2d, Topological Sort modified Kahn's algorithm; greedily process all steps in a certain lab before alternating to the other lab 133 4.2
curveknights curveknights 4.2d, Topological Sort input is a DAG; multi-sources, find toposort; propagate using topological order 46 3.3
digicomp2 digicomp2 4.2d, Topological Sort toposort helps avoid TLE; do not simulate the process n times as n can be as big as 10^18 288 5.9
grapevine grapevine 4.2d, Topological Sort BFS variant; like Kahn's algorithm, only propagate from a person once his/her skepticism level is cleared; be careful wi... 84 6.4
managingpackaging managingpackaging 4.2d, Topological Sort if the graph is cyclic, output 'cannot be ordered'; otherwise, find the lexicographically smallest topological order 128 5.9
pickupsticks pickupsticks 4.2d, Topological Sort cycle check + toposort if DAG; also available at item UVa 11686 - Pick up sticks 373 4.7
00840 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check a simple problem to detect cycle in a graph; however the output format is not clearly specified 0.0
10004 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check bipartite graph check 0.0
10116 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check traversal on implicit graph; cycle check 0.0
10505 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check bipartite; take max(left; right) 0.0
10510 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check use DFS to identify forward/cross edges; involving Strongly Connected graph 0.0
11080 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check bipartite graph check; tricky cases 0.0
11396 Fetching from uHunt 4.2e, Graph Properties Check it is just a bipartite graph check 0.0
amanda amanda 4.2e, Graph Properties Check add edge only among airports where only one end point has lounge; bicolouring/bipartite check; pick colour with smaller ... 368 5.2
ballsandneedles ballsandneedles 4.2e, Graph Properties Check cycle check on 2 similar graphs; easier solution exists 161 3.2
breakingbad breakingbad 4.2e, Graph Properties Check check if we can decompose the vertices into two disjoint sets; bipartite graph check 643 4.2
hoppers hoppers 4.2e, Graph Properties Check the answer is number of CC-1 if there is at least one non-bipartite component in the graph; or number of CC otherwise 234 3.9
molekule molekule 4.2e, Graph Properties Check undirected tree is also Bipartite/bi-colorable; bi-color it with 0 and 1; direct all edges from 0 to 1 (or vice versa) 175 3.5
pubs pubs 4.2e, Graph Properties Check isolated vertex has no solution; this is actually not a bipartite graph check; we can do alternate labeling of vertices ... 216 3.5
runningmom runningmom 4.2e, Graph Properties Check find a cycle in a directed graph 591 3.8
torn2pieces torn2pieces 4.2e, Graph Properties Check construct graph from strings; traversal from source to target; reachability check; print path 1115 3.6
00315 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding articulation points 0.0
00610 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding bridges 0.0
00796 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding bridges 0.0
10199 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding articulation points 0.0
10765 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding articulation points 0.0
12363 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges LA 5796 - Latin America; transform input to graph of its bridges; see if b is reachable from a with only the bridges 0.0
12783 Fetching from uHunt 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges finding bridges 0.0
birthday birthday 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges check if the input graph contains any bridge; N is small though so weaker solution can still be accepted 323 4.3
caveexploration caveexploration 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges find size of bi-connected components that contains vertex 0; identify the bridges 848 3.3
gymleadersterritory gymleadersterritory 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges if all edges connected to vertex k are bridges, then `YES`; otherwise `NO` 165 3.5
intercept intercept 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges Articulation Points in SSSP Spanning DAG; clever modification of Dijkstra's 112 6.6
kingpinescape kingpinescape 4.2f, Cut Vertices/Bridges DFS from headquarter (may also be a leaf); find all L leaves; add ceil(L/2.0) edges to connect 2 leaves (correctly) to p... 54 6.5
00247 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs SCC + printing solution 0.0
01229 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs LA 4099 - Iran07; identify the SCC of the graph; these vertices and the vertices that have path towards them are the ans... 0.0
10731 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs SCC + printing solution; also available at Kattis - test2 0.0
11504 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs count the number of SCCs without incoming edge from a vertex outside that SCC; also available at Kattis - dominos 0.0
11709 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs find the number of SCCs 0.0
11770 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs similar to UVa 11504 0.0
11838 Fetching from uHunt 4.2g, Finding SCCs see if input graph is an SCC 0.0
cantinaofbabel cantinaofbabel 4.2g, Finding SCCs build directed graph 'can_speak'; compute the largest SCC of 'can_speak'; keep this largest SCC 1294 3.2
dominos dominos 4.2g, Finding SCCs count the number of SCCs without incoming edge from a vertex outside that SCC; also available at UVa 11504 - Dominos 248 6.2
equivalences equivalences 4.2g, Finding SCCs contract input directed graph into SCCs; count SCCs that have in-/out-degrees = 0; report the max 281 5.4
loopycabdrivers loopycabdrivers 4.2g, Finding SCCs print all SCCs that have size ≥ 2; tricky output ordering 55 5.5
reversingroads reversingroads 4.2g, Finding SCCs if #SCC = 1, print 'valid'; or try reversing one of the m directed edges until we either have #SCC = 1, or print 'invali... 640 3.7
test2 test2 4.2g, Finding SCCs SCC + printing solution; also available at UVa 10731 - Test 20 5.5
00118 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
00168 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc Adjacency Matrix; parsing; traversal 0.0
00173 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc non classic graph traversal variant; use bitmask to record vertices visited by Paskill and Lisper as they move through t... 0.0
00318 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc graph traversal; be careful of corner cases 0.0
00614 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
00824 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
10113 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc just graph traversal; but uses fraction and GCD 0.0
10377 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
11518 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc unlike UVa 11504, we treat SCCs as CCs; also available at Kattis - dominoes2 0.0
11831 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc traversal on implicit graph 0.0
12376 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc simulated greedy traversal on DAG 0.0
12442 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc modified DFS; special graph 0.0
12582 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc given graph DFS traversal; count the degree of each vertex 0.0
12648 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc simple graph (DAG) traversal; DFS 0.0
13015 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc modified DFS; special graph; DAG; also available at Kattis - promotions 0.0
13038 Fetching from uHunt 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc simple, use DFS to find the length of the deepest branch 0.0
ads ads 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc modified traversal; can we reach an illegal character from a frame - remove that ads once 218 5.1
brickwall brickwall 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc s: (n1, n2, n3); number of type 1/2/3 bricks used so far; max is (c1, c2, c3); prefix sum to check if a position has a b... 215 5.1
connectn connectn 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc ad hoc straight-line (implicit) graph traversal 480 3.6
dominoes2 dominoes2 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc unlike UVa 11504, we treat SCCs as CCs; also available at UVa 11518 - Dominos 2 599 3.3
droppingdirections droppingdirections 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc modified graph: a vertex is (origin intersection id, intersection id); modified DFS from vertices leading to goal; count... 87 3.5
faultyrobot faultyrobot 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc interesting graph traversal variant; add one more state to each vertex: bug_used 556 3.6
promotions promotions 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc modified DFS; special graph; DAG; also available at UVa 13015 - Promotions 129 5.5
silueta silueta 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc 2D grid processing initially; modified DFS to count perimeter of polygon in grid 37 5.3
succession succession 4.2h, Really Ad Hoc (upwards) traversal of family DAG; use unordered_maps; make the founder has very large starting blood to avoid fraction 165 3.1
00908 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard basic MST problem 0.0
01174 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard LA 3988 - SouthWesternEurope07; classic MST; just need a mapper to map city names to indices 0.0
01208 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard LA 3171 - Manila06; MST 0.0
01235 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard LA 4138 - Jakarta08; the underlying problem is MST 0.0
10034 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard straightforward MST problem; also available at Kattis - freckles 0.0
11228 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard split output for short vs long edges 0.0
11631 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard weight of (all graph edges - all MST edges) 0.0
11710 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard output 'Impossible' if the graph is still disconnected after running MST 0.0
11733 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard maintain cost at every update 0.0
11747 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard sum the edge weights of the chords 0.0
11857 Fetching from uHunt 4.3a, MST, Standard find weight of the last edge added to MST by Kruskal's; also available at Kattis - drivingrange 0.0
buildinghighways buildinghighways 4.3a, MST, Standard this is a special MST problem; the final solution is just a formula 1624 1.9
cats cats 4.3a, MST, Standard standard MST 456 4.1
cheatingstudents cheatingstudents 4.3a, MST, Standard standard MST; times two 181 3.2
communicationssatellite communicationssatellite 4.3a, MST, Standard standard MST; complete graph with n ≤ 2 000 227 3.5
drivingrange drivingrange 4.3a, MST, Standard find weight of the last edge added to MST by Kruskal's; also available at UVa 11857 - Driving Range 336 3.5
freckles freckles 4.3a, MST, Standard straightforward MST problem; also available at UVa 10034 - Freckles 412 4.6
islandhopping islandhopping 4.3a, MST, Standard MST on small complete graph 440 3.0
jurassicjigsaw jurassicjigsaw 4.3a, MST, Standard just a reading comprehension problem; afterwards it is just a basic MST problem 110 2.2
lostmap lostmap 4.3a, MST, Standard actually just a standard MST problem 782 2.1
minspantree minspantree 4.3a, MST, Standard very standard MST problem; check if a spanning tree is formed; also output the edges in any spanning tree in lexicograph... 862 4.0
00534 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants minimax; also solvable with Floyd Warshall's 0.0
00544 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants maximin; also solvable with Floyd Warshall's 0.0
01013 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 2478 - WorldFinals Honolulu02; very interesting MST variant 0.0
01160 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 3644 - SouthWesternEurope06; count the number of edges not taken by Kruskal's 0.0
01216 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 3678 - Kaohsiung06; minimum 'spanning forest' 0.0
01234 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 4110 - Singapore07; 'maximum' spanning tree 0.0
01265 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants LA 4848 - Daejeon10; very interesting non-standard variant of 'maximum' spanning tree 0.0
10048 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants classic MiniMax path problem 0.0
10099 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants maximin; also solvable with Floyd Warshall's 0.0
10147 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants 'minimum' spanning subgraph 0.0
10369 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants minimum spanning 'forest'; also available at Kattis - arcticnetwork 0.0
10397 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants 'minimum' spanning subgraph 0.0
10457 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants interesting MST modeling 0.0
10462 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants second best spanning tree 0.0
10600 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants second best spanning tree 0.0
10842 Fetching from uHunt 4.3b, MST, Variants find min weighted edge in 'max' spanning tree 0.0
arcticnetwork arcticnetwork 4.3b, MST, Variants minimum spanning 'forest'; also available at UVa 10369 - Arctic Networks 435 4.4
firetrucksarered firetrucksarered 4.3b, MST, Variants output any spanning tree that connects n people 162 3.4
inventing inventing 4.3b, MST, Variants clever modification of Kruskal's; every time two CCs are about to be connected, give weight (w+1) to all pairs of edges ... 75 3.8
landline landline 4.3b, MST, Variants MST with special leaf vertices; get (M)ST of secure buildings; connect unsecure buildings (new leaf) to (M)ST of secure ... 168 5.7
millionairemadness millionairemadness 4.3b, MST, Variants MiniMax path problem 649 2.4
muddyhike muddyhike 4.3b, MST, Variants MiniMax path problem 209 3.9
naturereserve naturereserve 4.3b, MST, Variants Prim's algorithm from multiple sources 180 4.6
treehouses treehouses 4.3b, MST, Variants 'minimum' spanning subgraph; very similar to UVa 10397 185 4.2
00336 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP; BFS 0.0
00388 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier key idea: we want to minimize planet movements because every edge used decreases value by 5% 0.0
00429 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier each word is a vertex; connect 2 words with an edge if differ by 1 letter 0.0
00627 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier also print the path 0.0
00762 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP solvable with BFS; use mapper 0.0
00924 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier the spread is like BFS traversal 0.0
01148 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier LA 3502 - SouthWesternEurope05; single source single target shortest path problem but exclude endpoints 0.0
10009 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP solvable with BFS 0.0
10610 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple SSSP solvable with BFS 0.0
10653 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier need efficient BFS implementation 0.0
10959 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier SSSP from source 0 to the rest 0.0
12160 Fetching from uHunt 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier LA 4408 - KualaLumpur08; s: (4-digits number); edges: button pushes; BFS 0.0
buttonbashing buttonbashing 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier very similar to UVa 12160 728 3.4
elevatortrouble elevatortrouble 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier s: (cur_level); only 1M floors; go up/down; BFS 362 3.1
grid grid 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier modified BFS with step size multiplier 1026 2.8
horror horror 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier SSSP from all sources = horror movies; report lowest ID with the highest unweighted SSSP distance 500 3.3
interplanetarytunnels interplanetarytunnels 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier simple BFS from pa; output dist[pb]/2 (round up) 273 2.2
modulosolitaire modulosolitaire 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier s: (cur_sj); try all n (n ≤ 10) possible moves 286 3.0
onaveragetheyrepurple onaveragetheyrepurple 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier reading comprehension; the answer is just unweighted SSSP from 1 to N, minus one; BFS 739 2.7
spiral spiral 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier generate the 2D 100x100 spiraling grid first; involving small primes; BFS 148 3.5
wettiles wettiles 4.4a, SSSP, BFS, Easier multi-sources BFS; limited flood fill or unweighted SSSP limited to step T 227 3.6
00314 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder pre-process the input graph first; s: (r, c, dir); 5 edges: turn left/right or move 1/2/3 steps; BFS 0.0
00383 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder simple SSSP solvable with BFS; use mapper 0.0
00532 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 3D BFS; also available at Kattis - dungeon 0.0
00859 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder BFS 0.0
00949 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder interesting graph data structure twist 0.0
10044 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder the input parsing part is troublesome 0.0
10067 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder implicit graph in problem statement 0.0
10977 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder BFS with blocked states 0.0
10993 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder s: (the current number modulo N); BFS 0.0
11049 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder some restricted moves; print the path 0.0
11101 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS from m1; get minimum at border of m2; also available at Kattis - mallmania 0.0
11352 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder filter the graph first; then it becomes SSSP 0.0
11377 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder a city to another city without/with airport has edge weight 1/0, respectively; BFS+deque; if the start and end city are ... 0.0
11573 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 0/1-weighted SSSP; BFS+deque; also available at Kattis - oceancurrents 0.0
11624 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS; also available at Kattis - fire3 0.0
11792 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder be careful with 'important station' 0.0
12826 Fetching from uHunt 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder SSSP from (r1; c1) to (r2; c2) avoiding (r3; c3); BFS 0.0
beehives2 beehives2 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder find the girth (length of shortest cycle) of input graph; multiple calls of BFS 98 4.4
bryr bryr 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 0/1-weighted SSSP; solvable with BFS and deque; 0-weight for single-lane bridge, 1-weight for double-lane bridge 70 2.5
colorland colorland 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder BFS; use binary search on sorted indices of color locations to get the next spot with the same color 17 4.3
conquestcampaign conquestcampaign 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS 353 1.9
dungeon dungeon 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 3D BFS; also available at UVa 00532 - Dungeon Master 288 3.6
erdosnumbers erdosnumbers 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder use unordered_map as Adjacency List of author names; BFS from 'PAUL_ERDOS' 159 4.4
erraticants erraticants 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder simulate; move twice per single move to differentiate the path; revisit the path using BFS 340 5.1
escapewallmaria escapewallmaria 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder BFS on grid graph; generate edges dynamically according to the rules 32 2.7
fire2 fire2 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder very similar to UVa 11624 395 4.2
fire3 fire3 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS; also available at UVa 11624 - Fire! 289 5.4
landlocked landlocked 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 0/1-weighted SSSP; 0-weight for same country; 1-weight for different country; multi-sources; BFS+deque; 8 directions 42 4.6
lava lava 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder BFS; interesting output; very real life situation 79 4.5
lost lost 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder interesting twist of BFS/SSSP spanning tree 269 4.7
mallmania mallmania 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS from m1; get minimum at border of m2; also available at UVa 11101 - Mall Mania 48 4.9
oceancurrents oceancurrents 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 0/1-weighted SSSP; BFS+deque; also available at UVa 11573 - Ocean Currents 118 5.4
showroom showroom 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder 0/1-weighted SSSP; solvable with BFS and deque; 0-weight for passing a door, 1-weight for passing a car 256 4.4
sixdegrees sixdegrees 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder map strings to integers; BFS from all sources; prune at depth 6; compare size of unreachable vertices with the size of a... 83 5.3
slikar slikar 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder very similar to Kattis - fire2 and UVa 11624 204 3.4
zoning zoning 4.4b, SSSP, BFS, Harder multi-sources BFS 140 4.5
00439 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves one BFS per query is enough 0.0
00633 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves alternating Knight Moves and Bishop Moves (limited to distance 2)); solvable with just one BFS per query 0.0
10426 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves for each knight, do BFS when the monster is sleep/awake; try: one awake the monster, the rest go around 0.0
10477 Fetching from uHunt 4.4c, Knight Moves s: (row; col; knight_state); implicit unweighted graph; different edges per different knight_state 0.0
grasshopper grasshopper 4.4c, Knight Moves BFS on implicit Knight jump graph 136 4.0
hidingplaces hidingplaces 4.4c, Knight Moves SSSP from (r, c); find cells with max distance; print 607 1.9
knightjump knightjump 4.4c, Knight Moves unweighted SSSP from the cell that contains 'K' to (1, 1) using Knight jump movements; avoid '#' cells 292 2.5
00929 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier on a 2D maze/implicit graph 0.0
01112 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier LA 2425 - SouthwesternEurope01; SDSP 0.0
10389 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier use basic geometry skill to build the weighted graph; then run Dijkstra's; also available at Kattis - subway2 0.0
10986 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier direct Dijkstra's application 0.0
12878 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier Dijkstra's; record predecessor graph as there can be multiple shortest paths; also available at Kattis - flowerytrails 0.0
13127 Fetching from uHunt 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier Dijkstra's from multiple sources 0.0
flowerytrails flowerytrails 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier Dijkstra's; record predecessor graph as there can be multiple shortest paths; also available at UVa 12878 - Flowery Trai... 305 3.9
george george 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier not easy, rating deceptive: Dijkstra's but with a few constraints; some roads are blocked at certain timings; similar wi... 205 2.0
getshorty getshorty 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier log(f) when f in [0..1] is negative; log(f1 * f2 * ... * fn) = log(f1) + log(f2) + ... + log(fn); longest path; use max... 1572 3.4
hopscotch50 hopscotch50 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier MSSP from all 1s; implicit weighted graph; stop at first cell with value k 200 2.3
shortestpath1 shortestpath1 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier very standard Dijkstra's problem 1470 3.5
shortestpath2 shortestpath2 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier Dijkstra's with modification; edges only available periodically; be careful with P = 0 case 423 3.9
subway2 subway2 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier use basic geometry skill to build the weighted graph; then run Dijkstra's; also available at UVa 10389 - Subway 70 5.9
texassummers texassummers 4.4d, SSSP, Dijkstra, Easier Dijkstra's; complete weighted graph; print path 97 4.0
00157 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder tedious input parsing; SSSP on graph with 2-valued weighted graph (1 or 3 units of time); print the shortest path 0.0
00523 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder this is actually an SSSP problem on weighted graph solvable with Dijkstra's; use the vertex splitting technique to handl... 0.0
00589 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder weighted SSSP: move box from s to t + unweighted SSSP: move player to correct position to push the box 0.0
00721 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder essentially this problem is just about SSSP from vertex 1 to all vertices and SDestinationSP from all vertices to vertex... 0.0
01202 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder LA 3133 - Beijing04; SSSP; Dijkstra's on a grid: treat each cell as a vertex; the idea is simple but one should be caref... 0.0
10166 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder this can be modeled as an SSSP problem 0.0
10187 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder special cases: start = destination: 0 litre; starting or destination city not found or destination city not reachable fr... 0.0
10278 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's from fire stations to all intersections; need pruning to pass the time limit; also available at Kattis - fire... 0.0
10280 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's; also available at Kattis - wine 0.0
10356 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder attach one extra info to each vertex: do we come to that vertex using cycle or not; Dijkstra's 0.0
10603 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder state: (a; b; c); source: (0; 0; c); 6 possible transitions 0.0
10801 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the graph carefully 0.0
10967 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the graph; SSSP 0.0
11338 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder the test data is weaker than what the problem description says (n ≤ 10 000); we use O(n^2) loop to build the w... 0.0
11367 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the graph carefully; state: (location, fuel), source s = (s, 0), sink t = (e, any), only enqueue fuel+1; also avai... 0.0
11492 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder vertex = word; edges as per problem description; connect source/sink to all words in start/finish language, respectively... 0.0
11833 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder stop Dijkstra's at service route path plus some modification 0.0
12047 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder clever usage of Dijkstra's; run Dijkstra's from source and from d from destination 0.0
12144 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's; store multiple predecessors 0.0
12950 Fetching from uHunt 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder clever usage of Dijstra's; instead of extending by one edge, we can extend by two edges at a time 0.0
backpackbuddies backpackbuddies 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Run Dijkstra's 2x on slightly different graphs; be careful of corner cases 84 4.6
blockcrusher blockcrusher 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's from top row to bottom row (or vice versa); print path 257 5.1
detour detour 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder SSSP from destination/Amsterdam; from all vertices, block outgoing edge that is part of the shortest paths to destinatio... 167 4.0
emptyingbaltic emptyingbaltic 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's variant; grow spanning tree from drain/source 287 5.4
fendofftitan fendofftitan 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's; s: (numTitans, numShamans, minWeight) 1797 2.5
firestation firestation 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's from fire stations to all intersections; need pruning to pass the time limit; also available at UVa 10278 - F... 67 6.5
forestfruits forestfruits 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's from clearing 1; sort clearings with fruits by increasing distances; find the required formula; be careful of... 103 4.1
fulltank fulltank 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the graph carefully; state: (location, fuel), source s = (s, 0), sink t = (e, any), only enqueue fuel+1; also avai... 192 4.8
geezerscripts geezerscripts 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder model the directed weighted graph carefully; Dijkstra's 68 2.7
gruesomecave gruesomecave 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder need to understand the meaning of 'risk' of an empty cell; SSSP from E to D using least risky path; Dijkstra's 87 3.6
hittast hittast 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's from 2 sources on 2 different weighted graphs; find the best meeting point 277 1.9
invasion invasion 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder SSSP with multiple and successive sources; multiple calls of Dijkstra's (gets lighter each time if pruned properly) 46 4.3
passingsecrets passingsecrets 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder harder form of Dijkstra's; print path 36 4.9
shoppingmalls shoppingmalls 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder special graph construction; multiple queries; Dijkstra's and print path 79 4.5
tide tide 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder SSSP with complex rules; 3 different weights (0, 1, or 10 seconds); Dijkstra's 21 5.4
upandaway upandaway 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder s: (m, k_left); t: next mountain; SSSP 70 4.6
visualgo visualgo 4.4e, SSSP, Dijkstra, Harder Dijkstra's produces SSSP spanning DAG if there are multiple shortest paths from s to t; counting paths on DAG 496 3.4
00423 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight the graph is small; Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00558 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight check if negative cycle exists 0.0
10449 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight find the minimum weight path; which may be negative; be careful: INF negative weight is lower than INF 0.0
10557 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight check 'positive' cycle; check connectedness; also available at Kattis - xyzzy 0.0
11280 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight modified Bellman-Ford 0.0
12768 Fetching from uHunt 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight insert -F as edge weight; see if negative cycle exists; or find min SSSP value from s = 1 0.0
crosscountry crosscountry 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight medium complete graph with N ≤ 1000; Bellman-Ford can still pass (or use Dijkstra's) 217 3.0
hauntedgraveyard hauntedgraveyard 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight Bellman-Ford; negative cycle check needed 95 8.2
shortestpath3 shortestpath3 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight Bellman-Ford; do DFS/BFS from vertices that are part of any negative cycle 524 5.1
xyzzy xyzzy 4.4f, SSSP, -ve weight check 'positive' cycle; check connectedness; also available at UVa 10557 152 6.7
00341 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard the graph is small 0.0
00567 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard simple SSSP solvable with BFS; but the graph is small, so can be solved easier with Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00821 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard LA 5221 - WorldFinals Orlando00; one of the easiest ICPC WorldFinals problem 0.0
01233 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard LA 4109 - Singapore07; Floyd-Warshall can be used to find the minimum cost cycle in the graph 0.0
01247 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard LA 4524 - Hsinchu09; Floyd-Warshall with modification: prefer shortest path with less intermediate vertices 0.0
10171 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard easy with APSP information 0.0
10354 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard find and remove edges involved in boss's shortest paths; re-run shortest paths from home to market 0.0
10525 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard use two adjacency matrices: time and length; use modified Floyd-Warshall 0.0
10724 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard adding one edge only changes a few things 0.0
10793 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard Floyd-Warshall simplifies this problem 0.0
10803 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard graph is small 0.0
10947 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard graph is small 0.0
11015 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard graph is small 0.0
11463 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard solution is easy with APSP information 0.0
12319 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard Floyd-Warshall 2x and compare 0.0
13249 Fetching from uHunt 4.5a, APSP, Standard Floyd-Warshall; use O(N^2) check, not O(N^4) check to avoid TLE 0.0
allpairspath allpairspath 4.5a, APSP, Standard basic Floyd-Warshall; tricky negative cycle checks 772 5.5
importspaghetti importspaghetti 4.5a, APSP, Standard smallest cycle; print path by breaking the self-loop into i - other vertex j - i 292 5.1
slowleak slowleak 4.5a, APSP, Standard APSP; FW twice 279 5.6
transportationplanning transportationplanning 4.5a, APSP, Standard APSP; FW; for each unused edge, use it and see how much distance is reduced; get minimum; O(n^4) 65 3.9
00104 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants small arbitrage problem solvable with Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00125 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants modified Floyd-Warshall 0.0
00186 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants graph is small; print path 0.0
00274 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants variant of transitive closure problem 0.0
00334 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants transitive closure 0.0
00436 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants another arbitrage problem 0.0
00869 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants run Warshall's 2x on different graph; compare the two Adjacency Matrices 0.0
00925 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants transitive closure 0.0
01056 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants LA 3569 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; finding diameter of a small graph with Floyd-Warshall 0.0
01198 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants LA 2818 - Kaohsiung03; transitive closure 0.0
01757 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants LA 8047 - WorldFinals RapidCity17; Warshall's transitive closure; also available at Kattis - secretchamber 0.0
10246 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants modify the Floyd-Warshall recurrence a bit to handle the maximum cost to hold feast for Obelix 0.0
10331 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants use Floyd-Warshall to obtain the APSP information; then use brute force to count the time an edge is used; report accord... 0.0
10342 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants Floyd-Warshall to get APSP values; to get the second best shortest path, try to make a single mistake 0.0
10436 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants as there is vertex weight, use vertex splitting technique; run Floyd-Warshall on the still-small graph; print path 0.0
10987 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants creative usage of Floyd-Warshall algorithm; if we can detour without increasing cost, then delete the direct edge 0.0
11047 Fetching from uHunt 4.5b, APSP, Variants print path; special case: if origin = destination; print twice 0.0
arbitrage arbitrage 4.5b, APSP, Variants arbitrage problem; similar to UVa 00104 and 00436 324 3.3
assembly assembly 4.5b, APSP, Variants we can model the problem as a small connectivity graph; use Warshall's transitive closure algorithm to check if there is... 305 3.9
isahasa isahasa 4.5b, APSP, Variants map strings to integers; the real n is ≤ 500; Warshall's transitive closure algorithm 2x; first on 'is' relationships... 171 7.2
kastenlauf kastenlauf 4.5b, APSP, Variants n ≤ 100; Warshall's transitive closure problem 713 3.8
secretchamber secretchamber 4.5b, APSP, Variants LA 8047 - WorldFinals RapidCity17; Warshall's transitive closure; also available at UVa 01757 - Secret Chamber ... 1187 2.2
00103 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG; backtracking OK 0.0
00452 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG 0.0
10000 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG; backtracking OK 0.0
10051 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on DAG; DP 0.0
10259 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on implicit DAG; DP 0.0
10285 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG longest paths on implicit DAG; however; the graph is small enough for recursive backtracking solution 0.0
10350 Fetching from uHunt 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG shortest paths; implicit DAG; DP 0.0
baas baas 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG try all possible vertex to be 'optimized'; LONGEST-PATH on DAG 55 4.5
delftdistance delftdistance 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG SSSP on DAG (4 N/E/S/W vertices on each square/round buildings); t: two straights, two 90 degrees straight turns, two ro... 161 3.8
excavatorexpedition excavatorexpedition 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG s: (pos); t: try all directed edge; +1/-1 weight; LONGEST-PATH on DAG problem; be careful of negative final answer 70 5.4
fibtour fibtour 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG only ~90 Fibonacci numbers not more than 10^18; LONGEST-PATH on DAG problem; special case for first two Fibonacci number... 105 6.4
lc0064 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG basic SSSP on DAG 0 0.0
monopoly monopoly 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG K, b, r are all irrelevant; vertex value is either +ve (salary) or -ve (tax); LONGEST-PATH on DAG (u < v); exclude so... 69 3.0
mravi mravi 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG reverse edge directions to change the input tree into a DAG; find longest path from leaf that contains ant to root 197 2.7
safepassage safepassage 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG SSSP; implicit DAG; s: (cloak_pos, bitmask); try all ways to go back and forth between gate and dorm; report minimum 387 4.9
savinguniverse savinguniverse 4.6a, S/Longest Paths on DAG s: (cur_SE; Q_pos); t: stay in this search engine or switch to one other; unweighted SSSP on DAG 122 4.7
00825 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in grid (implicit DAG); DP; similar to UVa 00926 and 11067 0.0
00926 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in grid (implicit DAG); DP; similar to UVa 825 and 11067 0.0
00986 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG; DP; s: (x; y; lastmove; peaksfound); t: try NE/SE 0.0
00988 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG; DP 0.0
10401 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG; DP; s: (col; row); t: next col; avoid 2 or 3 adjacent rows 0.0
10544 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG 0.0
10564 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG (top-down); print one solution 0.0
10926 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG; DP 0.0
11067 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in grid (implicit DAG); DP; similar to UVa 825 and 926 0.0
11569 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier determine the length of one of the longest paths and then count the number of such longest paths in DAG 0.0
11655 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG and one more similar task: counting the number of vertices involved in the paths 0.0
11957 Fetching from uHunt 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in implicit DAG; DP 0.0
compositions compositions 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier LA 7365 - Greater NY15; s: (N_left); t: try all values, skip some numbers 160 2.3
gourmeten gourmeten 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier s: (M_left); t: eat any of the N dishes one more time 378 1.8
helpfulcurrents helpfulcurrents 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier problem description ensures a DAG; counting path modulo 1000003; output "begin repairs" if Lysias's castle is unreachabl... 51 5.3
lc0062 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier basic counting paths in DAG 0 0.0
lc0063 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in DAG with some obstacles 0 0.0
marypartitions marypartitions 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier 3 ≤ m, so we will only use a few power values; counting paths on DAG 245 3.5
rampantgrowth rampantgrowth 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier can be modeled as counting paths in DAG problem 333 1.8
robotsonagrid robotsonagrid 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier counting paths in grid (implicit DAG); DP 147 4.3
runningsteps runningsteps 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier LA 7360 - Greater NY15; s: (leg, l2, r2, l1, r1); t: left/right leg 1/2 steps; use unordered_map as memo table; use prun... 168 2.6
scenes scenes 4.6b, Counting Paths, Easier s: (pos, ribbon_left); t: try all possible heights; ignore the flat scenes first and subtract those cases at the end 407 3.6
00590 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; day_left) 0.0
00607 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG returns pair of information 0.0
00757 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (lake_id, time_left); this time_left is best left as multiple of 5 minutes; output the optimal solution too 0.0
00907 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; night_left) 0.0
00910 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; move_left) 0.0
01025 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (station, cur_t); t: stay until meeting time (if at station N), or either go to right or go to left using any of the ... 0.0
10201 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos, fuel_left); also available at Kattis - adventuremoving4 0.0
10271 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG Observation: The 3rd chopstick can be any chopstick; s: (pos, K_left); t: ignore this chopstick, or take this chopstick ... 0.0
10543 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; speech_given) 0.0
10681 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; day_left) 0.0
10702 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos; T_left); similar to UVa 12875 0.0
10874 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (row; left/right); t: go left/right 0.0
10913 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (r; c; neg_left; stat); t: down/(left/right) 0.0
11307 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG Min Chromatic Sum; max 6 colors 0.0
11487 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (r; c; cur_food; len); t: 4 dirs 0.0
11545 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (cPos; cTime; cWTime); t: move forward/rest 0.0
11782 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (id; rem_K); t: take root/try left-right subtree 0.0
12875 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG LA 6853 - Bangkok14; similar to UVa 10702; s: (cur_store; cur_concert); t: pick any next store for next concert 0.0
13122 Fetching from uHunt 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos, K_left); knapsack style DP; jump 1, 2, ..., K_left points; connect with the two points with a line with cost eq... 0.0
adventuremoving4 adventuremoving4 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (pos, fuel_left); also available at UVa 10201 - Adventures in Moving - Part IV 315 5.4
cardmagic cardmagic 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (deck, tgt_left); t: val 1 to K ≤ tgt_left 133 3.9
drinkresponsibly drinkresponsibly 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (cur_drink, money_left, u_left); be careful with precision errors; print solution 98 4.2
maximizingwinnings maximizingwinnings 4.6c, Conversion to DAG separate the maximizing and minimizing problem; s: (cur_room, turns_left); t: go to other room or stay 193 3.9
quantumsuperposition quantumsuperposition 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (id, u, step); id is either DAG 1 or DAG 2, u is current vertex, step is the number of step used; t: try all neighbor... 172 6.0
shortestpath4 shortestpath4 4.6c, Conversion to DAG s: (u, vtx_left); t: neighbors of u 76 3.0
00112 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree backtracking 0.0
00115 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree tree traversal to determine relationships between vertices 0.0
00122 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree tree traversal 0.0
00536 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree reconstructing binary tree from preorder and inorder binary tree traversal 0.0
00548 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree reconstructing tree from in postorder 0.0
00615 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree graph property check 0.0
00699 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree preorder traversal 0.0
00712 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree simple binary tree traversal variant 0.0
00839 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree can be viewed as a recursive problem on tree 0.0
10308 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree diameter of tree 0.0
10459 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree diameter of tree 0.0
10701 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree reconstructing tree from pre inorder 0.0
10805 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree involving diameter of tree 0.0
11131 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree read tree; produce two postorder traversals 0.0
11234 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree converting post-order to level-order; binary tree 0.0
11615 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree counting size of subtrees 0.0
11695 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree cut the worst edge along the tree diameter; link two centers; also available at Kattis - flight 0.0
12186 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree the input graph is a tree 0.0
12347 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree given pre-order traversal of a BST; use BST property to get the BST; output the post-order traversal that BST 0.0
12379 Fetching from uHunt 4.6d, Tree find the diameter of tree first; we only traverse the diameter once and we traverse the other edges twice 0.0
adjoin adjoin 4.6d, Tree the key parts are finding tree diameter and its center (along that diameter); also see UVa 11695 373 5.3
appealtotheaudience appealtotheaudience 4.6d, Tree LONGEST-PATH on tree + greedy matching (strongest player plays the most and so on) 31 3.1
decisions decisions 4.6d, Tree collapse a sub-tree into a super vertex if all f values on its leaves are equal; count size of min BDD tree recursively 151 3.1
flight flight 4.6d, Tree cut the worst edge along the tree diameter; link two centers; also available at UVa 11695 - Flight Planning 46 6.3
frozenrose frozenrose 4.6d, Tree tree traversal; is it better to close the valve that goes in to a vertex u or close subset of valve(s) in subtree of u 56 3.5
kitten kitten 4.6d, Tree simple rooted tree traversal; from a vertex back to root 1278 1.7
lc0100 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.6d, Tree recursive check if two binary trees are the same 0 0.0
lc0104 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.6d, Tree recursive height check 0 0.0
lc0965 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.6d, Tree recursive check if all values in the tree is the same 0 0.0
lc1161 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 4.6d, Tree DFS/BFS on tree; get the level with max sum 0 0.0
mazemakers mazemakers 4.6d, Tree long problem statement to describe a custom 2D grid graph; just a graph traversal: check if all cells are visited and th... 171 2.8
tourists tourists 4.6d, Tree APSP on Tree (special requirements); LCA 431 3.8
whostheboss whostheboss 4.6d, Tree sort; create the tree graph; DFS from root; parent array and size of subtree (a bit of DP) 29 6.1
00663 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph try disallowing an edge to see if MCBM changes; which implies that the edge has to be used 0.0
00670 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph MCBM 0.0
00753 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph initially a non standard matching problem but this problem can be reduced to a simple MCBM problem 0.0
10080 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph MCBM; also available at Kattis - gopher2 0.0
11138 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph a pure MCBM problem 0.0
12644 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph classic MCBM problem wrapped inside a creative problem statement 0.0
12668 Fetching from uHunt 4.6e, Bipartite Graph LA 6525 - LatinAmerica13; split rows/columns due to the presence of pawns; then run MCBM 0.0
absurdistan3 absurdistan3 4.6e, Bipartite Graph can be modeled as MCBM; or greedy graph construction with PQ 312 5.6
bookclub bookclub 4.6e, Bipartite Graph check if perfect MCBM is possible 307 4.5
elementarymath elementarymath 4.6e, Bipartite Graph left set: (a, b); right set: possible scores; possible if MCBM = n; use long long 365 5.1
escapeplan escapeplan 4.6e, Bipartite Graph left set: robots; right set: holes; 3 version of similar bipartite graphs; MCBM 98 5.7
flippingcards flippingcards 4.6e, Bipartite Graph left set: n card numbers; right set: 2*n picture numbers; possible if MCBM = n; need fast algorithm 169 7.0
gopher2 gopher2 4.6e, Bipartite Graph MCBM; also available at UVa 10080 - Gopher II 337 4.3
paintball paintball 4.6e, Bipartite Graph very similar with bookclub 335 4.3
pianolessons pianolessons 4.6e, Bipartite Graph straightforward MCBM 151 4.5
00117 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler tour; get cost of tour 0.0
00291 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler tour on a small graph; backtracking is sufficient 0.0
00302 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler tour; print the tour 0.0
10054 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph printing the Euler tour 0.0
10129 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler Graph property check 0.0
10203 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph the underlying graph is Euler graph 0.0
10596 Fetching from uHunt 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler Graph property check 0.0
catenyms catenyms 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler graph property check; 26 vertices; directed non simple graph; printing the Euler tour in lexicographic order 67 7.1
eulerian eulerian 4.6f, Eulerian Graph basic Eulerian graph property checks 58 2.9
eulerianpath eulerianpath 4.6f, Eulerian Graph Euler graph property check; directed graph; printing the Euler tour 219 5.6
grandopening grandopening 4.6f, Eulerian Graph false alarm case is trivial; model the movement as a directed graph; check if Eulerian path exists 89 5.9
railroad2 railroad2 4.6f, Eulerian Graph x-shaped level junctions have even degrees - ignore X; y-shaped switches have degree 3 - Y has to be even 2188 1.4
01315 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find the pattern; hint: odd indices 0.0
10014 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier derive the required formula 0.0
10110 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier check if n is a square number 0.0
10170 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier one liner formula exists 0.0
10499 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple formula exists 0.0
10696 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier very simple formula simplification 0.0
10751 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier trivial for N = 1 and N = 2; derive the formula first for N > 2; hint: use diagonal as much as possible 0.0
10773 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier several tricky cases 0.0
10940 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find the pattern with brute force solution; then submit the optimized solution 0.0
11202 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier consider symmetry and flip 0.0
11393 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier draw several small Kn; derive the pattern 0.0
12004 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier try small n; get the pattern; use long long 0.0
12027 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier sqrt trick 0.0
12502 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier must understand the wording trick first 0.0
12725 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple O(1) adhoc math formula manipulation 0.0
12918 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier sum of arithmetic progression; long long 0.0
12992 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple formula, just 2*N-1 0.0
13049 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple; for each digit, you should not do more than 5 steps 0.0
13071 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple formula involving sum of arithmetic progression 0.0
13216 Fetching from uHunt 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier print the first few answer to see the clear pattern; use Big Integer 0.0
alloys alloys 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier easy formula; be careful when c < 1.0 202 3.8
averageseasy averageseasy 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find O(n) formula; also see Kattis - averageshard 758 2.4
averageshard averageshard 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find O(n) formula; also see Kattis - averageseasy 605 2.6
bishops bishops 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier chess pattern involving bishops; from IPSC 2004 1185 2.2
chanukah chanukah 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simple formula involving sum of arithmetic progression 1064 1.5
crne crne 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier simulate cutting process on small numbers; get formula 477 2.5
distributingpoffins distributingpoffins 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier easy pattern; either 0 or 1 158 2.1
electricaloutlets electricaloutlets 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier there is a one liner formula for this problem; don't overthink it 179 1.3
eveningout1 eveningout1 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier take the minimum of A%B or B-A%B 202 2.6
geneblock geneblock 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier deduct by 7 until N ends with a 7 304 2.0
lastminute lastminute 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier greedily pair A/B unique with A/B reuse to maximize the answer; simple formula 63 2.2
lc2413 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier a simple number theory; n or 2n 0 0.0
limbo1 limbo1 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier if we go L only, we have 1,2,4,7,11,16; then add R 127 3.5
longestprimesum longestprimesum 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier just divide by 2 296 2.2
malfunctioningrobot malfunctioningrobot 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier Manhattan Distance with zig zag pattern; special case (-1) for different dx/dy parities 103 2.2
ordinals ordinals 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find the pattern up to n = 8; pre-calculate-able 312 1.9
pauleigon pauleigon 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier easy to derive 1614 1.8
sequentialmanufacturing sequentialmanufacturing 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier we can control the input; the answer involves max element 51 2.9
soylent soylent 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier ceiling function 3008 1.7
spehrling spehrling 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier find the simple formula 209 2.2
sumkindofproblem sumkindofproblem 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier sum of arithmetic progression 3258 1.7
twostones twostones 5.2a, Finding Formula, Easier just check odd or even 15317 1.3
00651 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder use the given sample I/O to derive the simple formula 0.0
00913 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder derive the short formulas 0.0
10161 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder sqrt and ceil 0.0
10257 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder need some mathematical insights; also available at Kattis - dickandjane 0.0
10493 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder tree; derive the formula 0.0
10509 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there are only three different cases 0.0
10666 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder analyze the binary representation of X 0.0
10693 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder derive the short Physics formula 0.0
10710 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder a bit hard to derive the formula; modPow 0.0
10882 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder inclusion-exclusion principle 0.0
10970 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder direct formula exists; or use DP 0.0
10994 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder formula simplification 0.0
11038 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder define a function f that counts the number of 0s from 1 to n; also available at Kattis - howmanyzeros 0.0
11170 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder key derivation: cos(NA) = 2cos((N-1)A)*cos(A) - cos((N-2)A); cos(NA) is a polynomial of degree N in cos(A) 0.0
11231 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there is an O(1) formula 0.0
11246 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder derive the formula 0.0
11296 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder simple formula exists 0.0
11298 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder simple maths; derive the pattern first 0.0
11387 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder impossible for odd n or when n = 2; derive the formula 0.0
11718 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder convert loops to a closed form formula; use modPow to compute the results 0.0
12909 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder find the pattern; OEIS A001108 0.0
13096 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there are patterns; but the formula is quite hard to find 0.0
13140 Fetching from uHunt 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder write a brute force program; answer is when i ∈ [9 999..10 005] 0.0
appallingarchitecture appallingarchitecture 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder get formula of center of gravity; involving averages 139 4.0
beautifulprimes beautifulprimes 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder use all 2s first; use 11 to increase digits 171 4.1
dickandjane dickandjane 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder need some mathematical insights; also available at UVa 10257 - Dick and Jane 87 5.8
doorman doorman 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder find the required formula 1116 2.3
eatingout eatingout 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there is a one liner formula for this problem 480 3.1
floorplan floorplan 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder do not brute force; there are easy ways to generate the answer with simple formulas 213 3.5
howmanyzeros howmanyzeros 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder find formula to count 0's from 0 to x; inclusion-exclusion 498 4.2
invokereasy invokereasy 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder convoluted problem statement; derive the short formula 130 2.2
limbo2 limbo2 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder the expansion alternates right/down; filling order alternates down/right; size doubles each time 44 3.5
loorolls loorolls 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder Nick replaces his regular roll immediately; but he does NOT do that immediately with his backup rolls k = 2, 3, ... 258 1.9
mortgage mortgage 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder geometric progression; divergent but finite; special case when r = 1.0 (no interest) 51 7.9
neighborhoodwatch neighborhoodwatch 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder sum of AP; inclusion-exclusion 319 3.1
nine nine 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder find the required formula 681 3.2
otherside otherside 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder there is an O(1) solution for this problem; not easy to spot though 351 5.0
pleasegofirst pleasegofirst 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder linear pass; monitor size of group and last appearance of member of the group to compute the savings 90 3.0
pyramidkonstruktion pyramidkonstruktion 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder sum of AP; maximize 4x2 LEGO bricks; we can merge two 2x2 LEGO bricks into one 4x2; we need one 2x2 LEGO brick for the t... 58 3.1
rectangularspiral rectangularspiral 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder the first 3 minimal moves always 1R, 2U, 3D that will bring us to coordinate (-2, 2); case analysis 96 3.3
sequence sequence 5.2b, Finding Formula, Harder this is NOT an LIS problem; the longest possible answer is a LIS that consists of powers of twos 310 3.6
00290 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion also involving palindrome 0.0
00343 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion try all possible pair of bases 0.0
00355 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion basic base number conversion 0.0
00389 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion use Java Integer class 0.0
00446 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion base number conversion 0.0
10473 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion Decimal to Hexadecimal and vice versa; if you use C/C ; you can use strtol 0.0
10551 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion also involving BigInteger mod; also available at Kattis - basicremains 0.0
11185 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion Decimal to base 3 0.0
11952 Fetching from uHunt 5.2c, Base Number Conversion check base 2 to 18; special case for base 1 0.0
alienmath alienmath 5.2c, Base Number Conversion a bit of string processing, then base conversion 208 2.9
allaboutthatbase allaboutthatbase 5.2c, Base Number Conversion check base 1 to 36; base 1 is special; Big Integer 927 2.9
arithmetic arithmetic 5.2c, Base Number Conversion conversion of octal (per 4 bits) to hexa (per 3 bits); be careful with leading zeroes 726 3.9
arithmeticdecoding arithmeticdecoding 5.2c, Base Number Conversion binary to decimal; but do as asked 46 3.1
basicremains basicremains 5.2c, Base Number Conversion also involving Big Integer modulo; also available at UVa 10551 - Basic Remains 174 3.4
lc0067 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 5.2c, Base Number Conversion convert a and b from bin to dec; add them; convert the result back to bin 0 0.0
lc0171 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 5.2c, Base Number Conversion interpret columnTitle in base 26 0 0.0
oktalni oktalni 5.2c, Base Number Conversion convert each 3-bits of binary strings to octal; Big Integer 634 1.8
whichbase whichbase 5.2c, Base Number Conversion try reading input in base 8/10/16 523 2.4
00377 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants base 4 operations 0.0
00575 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants base modification 0.0
00636 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants base number conversion up to base 99; Java BigInteger cannot be used as it is MAX_RADIX is limited to 36 0.0
10093 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants try all 0.0
10677 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants try all from r2 to r1 0.0
10931 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants convert decimal to binary; count number of 1s 0.0
11005 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants try all possible bases from 2 to 36 0.0
11121 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants search for the term 'negabinary' 0.0
11398 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants just follow the new rules 0.0
12602 Fetching from uHunt 5.2d, Base Number Variants simple base conversion 0.0
aliennumbers aliennumbers 5.2d, Base Number Variants source base to decimal; decimal to target base 1050 2.1
babylonian babylonian 5.2d, Base Number Variants base 60 464 2.2
basic basic 5.2d, Base Number Variants parsing; state processing; base number; tedious 47 6.4
crypto crypto 5.2d, Base Number Variants assert(N <= 100000000) does NOT get RTE; so brute force can actually pass... 270 3.7
ignore ignore 5.2d, Base Number Variants actually a base 7 conversion problem as only 7 digits are meaningful when rotated 268 3.2
mixedbasearithmetic mixedbasearithmetic 5.2d, Base Number Variants mix of base 10 and two versions of base 26 54 5.9
parsinghex parsinghex 5.2d, Base Number Variants a bit of string parsing; hexadecimal to decimal 529 2.9
slystudents slystudents 5.2d, Base Number Variants compute gcd; convert decimal to base 3 72 2.5
sumsquareddigits sumsquareddigits 5.2d, Base Number Variants base number conversion; square the digits 1503 1.4
00136 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs use similar technique as UVa 443 0.0
00138 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs arithmetic progression formula; precalculation 0.0
00413 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs simulate; array manipulation 0.0
00443 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs try all 2^i * 3^j * 5^k * 7^l; sort 0.0
00640 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs DP bottom up; generate the numbers; flag once 0.0
00694 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs similar to UVa 100 0.0
00927 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs use sum of arithmetic series 0.0
00962 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs pre-calculate the answer 0.0
00974 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs there are not that many Kaprekar numbers 0.0
10006 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs non prime which has >= 3 prime factors 0.0
10042 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs prime factorization; sum the digits 0.0
10049 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs enough to get past > 2G by storing only the first 700K numbers of the Self-describing sequence 0.0
10101 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs follow the problem description carefully 0.0
10408 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs first; generate (i; j) pairs such that gcd(i; j) = 1; then sort 0.0
10930 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs ad-hoc; follow the rules given in description 0.0
11028 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs this is a 'dartboard sequence' 0.0
11063 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs see if a number is repeated; be careful with -ve 0.0
11461 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs answer is sqrt(b) - sqrt(a-1) 0.0
11660 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs simulate; break after $j$-th character 0.0
11970 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs square numbers; divisibility; brute force 0.0
12149 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs finding the pattern; square numbers 0.0
12751 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs sum of arithmetic series [1..N]; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
13161 Fetching from uHunt 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs sum of arithmetic series [1..N]; -6 for Rita or -3 for Theo; brute force Rita's age; also available at Kattis - candlebo... 0.0
candlebox candlebox 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs sum of arithmetic series [1..N]; -6 for Rita or -3 for Theo; brute force Rita's age; also available at UVa 13161 - Candl... 448 2.6
collatz collatz 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs similar to UVa 00694; just do as asked 757 3.7
hailstone hailstone 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs similar to Kattis - collatz; just do as asked; no need to write recursive solution 224 3.2
lc3099 to replace with LeetCode link soon... 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs compute sum of digits; check as asked 0 0.0
permutedarithmeticsequence permutedarithmeticsequence 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs sort differences of adjacent items 1262 2.0
rationalsequence rationalsequence 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs pattern finding; tree traversal on a special tree 458 4.6
sheldon sheldon 5.2e, Number Systems/Seqs brute force; try all possibilities of Sheldon Numbers; convert binary string to ULL; put into sorted set 129 4.8
00107 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm; power 0.0
00113 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use exp(ln(x)*y) 0.0
00474 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow this is just a log and pow exercise 0.0
00545 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm; power; similar to UVa 474 0.0
00701 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use log to count number of digits 0.0
10916 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm; power; also available at Kattis - factstone 0.0
11384 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow find the smallest power of two greater than n; can be solved easily using ceil(eps log2(n)) 0.0
11556 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow related to power of two; use long long; also available at Kattis - bestcompression 0.0
11636 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow uses logarithm 0.0
11666 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow find the formula! 0.0
11714 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use decision tree model to find min and second min; eventually the solution only involves logarithm 0.0
11847 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow O(1) math formula exists: floor(log2(n)) 0.0
11986 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow log2 (N 1); manual check for precision 0.0
12416 Fetching from uHunt 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow the answer is log2 of the max consecutive spaces in a line 0.0
3dprinter 3dprinter 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow ceil(log2(n))+1 3758 2.0
bestcompression bestcompression 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow related to power of two; use long long; also available at UVa 11556 - Best Compression Ever 719 2.1
bus bus 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow involving powers of two 1785 1.7
cokolada cokolada 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow the answers involve powers of two and a simulation 605 2.2
differentdistances differentdistances 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow power 1833 1.6
factstone factstone 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm; power; also available at UVa 10916 - Factstone Benchmark 200 3.6
lemonadetrade lemonadetrade 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use logarithm transformation technique; linear pass 82 5.3
pot pot 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow the power is always the last digit 8562 1.3
schoolspirit schoolspirit 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow compute group score using power of 0.8 as described; simulation 371 1.5
slatkisi slatkisi 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow power of 10; division; rounding 331 2.3
stirlingsapproximation stirlingsapproximation 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow O(n) pass; use log transformation to help beat TLE 157 4.5
tetration tetration 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow n to the power of 1/n 718 1.6
thebackslashproblem thebackslashproblem 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow actually power of two 349 2.2
triangle triangle 5.2f, Log, Exp, Pow use log 10 to compute the required answer 722 2.7
00121 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid use Pythagorean theorem; grid 0.0
00264 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid; pattern 0.0
00808 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid; similar to UVa 10182 0.0
00880 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid; similar to UVa 264 0.0
10022 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid this is not an SSSP problem; find the pattern in this grid (triangle)-like system 0.0
10182 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid grid 0.0
10233 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid the number of items in row forms arithmetic progression series; use hypot 0.0
10620 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid just simulate the jumps; also available at Kattis - fleaonachessboard 0.0
10642 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid the reverse of UVa 264 0.0
10964 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid convert the coordinates to (x; y); then this problem is just about finding Euclidean distance between two coordinates 0.0
12705 Fetching from uHunt 5.2g, Grid we need to match grid cells to characters; there is a greedy solution; find the required pattern 0.0
beehouseperimeter beehouseperimeter 5.2g, Grid transform the hexagonal grid like Kattis - honeyheist; flood fill from outside Alice's house; count #walls touched 155 4.0
fleaonachessboard fleaonachessboard 5.2g, Grid just simulate the jumps; also available at UVa 10620 - A Flea on a Chessboard 77 5.7
honeyheist honeyheist 5.2g, Grid transform the hexagonal grid input into 2D grid first; then run SSSP on unweighted graph; BFS 135 3.8
maptiles2 maptiles2 5.2g, Grid simple conversion between two grid indexing systems 1338 1.6
settlers2 settlers2 5.2g, Grid we can convert a hexagonal grid into a 2D grid 224 4.2
00126 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial multiplication and tedious output formatting 0.0
00392 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial follow the orders; output formatting 0.0
00498 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial evaluation 0.0
00930 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial Ruffini's rule; roots of quadratic eq 0.0
10215 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial two trivial cases for smallest; derive the formula for largest which involves quadratic equation 0.0
10268 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial derivation; Horner's rule 0.0
10302 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial use long double 0.0
10326 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial given roots of the polynomial; reconstruct the polynomial; formatting 0.0
10586 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial compute number of prime factors of each integer in the desired range; use 1D RSQ DP; binary search 0.0
10719 Fetching from uHunt 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial division and remainder 0.0
ada ada 5.2h, Polynomial polynomial problem; apply the given procedure recursively 346 2.8
bastubad bastubad 5.2h, Polynomial sort the Finns by non-increasing t; add quadratic equations; take max at f(0), f(t), and if a is negative, also f(-b/2a)... 133 4.2
curvyblocks curvyblocks 5.2h, Polynomial differentiate degree 3 to degree 2 polynomial; get roots of quadratic equation; the two blocks will touch at either root... 89 4.3
dfyrirdreki dfyrirdreki 5.2h, Polynomial standard degree 2 polynomial problem 296 1.5
hammingellipses hammingellipses 5.2h, Polynomial reduce this problem into a series of polynomial multiplications; we can still use O(n^2) polynomial multiplication; or D... 97 3.2
plot plot 5.2h, Polynomial analyze the given pseudocode; the required pattern involves Binomial Coefficients 210 2.5
polymul1 polymul1 5.2h, Polynomial basic polynomial multiplication problem 646 2.0
00332 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions use GCD 0.0
00834 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions do as asked 0.0
10555 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions try every single possible repeating decimals 0.0
10814 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions BigInteger gcd 0.0
10976 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions total solutions is asked upfront; therefore do brute force twice 0.0
12068 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions involving fraction; use LCM and GCD 0.0
12848 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions find formula involving fraction and use GCD to simplify it 0.0
12970 Fetching from uHunt 5.2i, Fractions simple Physics time comparison; GCD to simplify fraction 0.0
bestrational bestrational 5.2i, Fractions just use limit_denominator of Fraction class in Python 153 4.9
deadfraction deadfraction 5.2i, Fractions try every single possible repeating decimals; also available at UVa 10555 - Dead Fraction 153 4.9
fraction fraction 5.2i, Fractions continued fraction to normal fraction and vice versa 154 3.8
fractionallotion fractionallotion 5.2i, Fractions brute force x > n; compute y; stop when y < x 349 2.9
jointattack jointattack 5.2i, Fractions fraction; flip the fraction after each step; gcd 182 2.6
mixedfractions mixedfractions 5.2i, Fractions convert fraction to mixed fraction 5154 1.5
rationalarithmetic rationalarithmetic 5.2i, Fractions fraction; use GCD to simplify output 661 3.3
rationalratio rationalratio 5.2i, Fractions express repeating decimal as reduced fraction; use Python fractions 216 5.5
temperatureconfusion temperatureconfusion 5.2i, Fractions simple conversion; fraction; GCD 393 2.1
thermostat thermostat 5.2i, Fractions convert one temperature to another; use fraction; use Java BigInteger; gcd 81 3.4
00276 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc multiplication of Egyptian hieroglyphs 0.0
00496 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc set manipulation 0.0
00613 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc analyze the number; determine the type; similar spirit with the cycle finding problem 0.0
10023 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc code Newton's method with BigInteger 0.0
10137 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc be careful with precision error; also available at Kattis - trip 0.0
10190 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc simulate the process 0.0
11042 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc case analysis; only 4 possible outputs 0.0
11055 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc not classic; observation needed to avoid brute-force solution 0.0
11241 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc the hardest case is computing Dew point given temperature and Humidex; derive it with Algebra 0.0
11526 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc brute force up to sqrt(n); find the pattern; avoid TLE 0.0
11715 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc physics simulation 0.0
11816 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc simple math; precision required 0.0
12036 Fetching from uHunt 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc use pigeon hole principle 0.0
matrix matrix 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc use simple linear algebra; one special case when c = 0 784 3.1
trip trip 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc be careful with precision error; also available at UVa 10137 - The Trip 103 5.5
yoda yoda 5.2j, Really Ad Hoc ad hoc; 9 digits comparison 1607 2.1
00406 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; take the middle ones 0.0
00543 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; complete search; Goldbach's conjecture; similar to UVa 00686, 10311, and 10948 0.0
00686 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers similar to UVa 543; 10311; and 10948 0.0
00897 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; just need to check digit rotations 0.0
00914 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; be careful with L and U < 2 0.0
01644 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers LA 3883 - Tokyo07; sieve; prime check; upper bound - lower bound 0.0
10140 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; linear scan 0.0
10168 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers backtracking with pruning 0.0
10311 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers case analysis; brute force; similar to UVa 543; 686; and 10948 0.0
10394 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; check if p and p plus 2 are both primes; if yes; they are twin primes; precalculate the result 0.0
10490 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers ad Hoc; precalculate the answers 0.0
10650 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers 3 uni-distance consecutive primes 0.0
10852 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve; p = 1; find the first prime number >= n/2 plus 1 0.0
10948 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers Goldbach's conjecture; similar to UVa 543; 686; and 10311 0.0
11752 Fetching from uHunt 5.3a, Prime Numbers try base: 2 to 2^16; composite power; sort 0.0
enlarginghashtables enlarginghashtables 5.3a, Prime Numbers use sieve up to 40 000; prime test numbers greater than 2n; check primality of n itself 448 3.4
pallatolur pallatolur 5.3a, Prime Numbers 2 is the only even prime 118 2.1
primesieve primesieve 5.3a, Prime Numbers use sieve up to 10^8; it is fast enough 865 4.5
reseto reseto 5.3a, Prime Numbers sieve of Eratosthenes until the k-th crossing 460 2.7
00960 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing there is a number theory behind this 0.0
01180 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing LA 2350 - Dhaka01; small prime check 0.0
01210 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing LA 3399 - Tokyo05; simple 0.0
10235 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing case analysis: prime/emirp/not prime; emirp is prime number that if reversed is still a prime number 0.0
10924 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing check if the sum of letter values is a prime 0.0
11287 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing yes if !isPrime(p) && a.modPow(p, p) = a; Big Integer; also available at Kattis - pseudoprime 0.0
12542 Fetching from uHunt 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing LA 6149 - HatYai12; brute force; use isProbablePrime to test primality 0.0
flowergarden flowergarden 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing Euclidean dist; small prime check; use isProbablePrime; simulation; faster solutions exist 317 4.4
goldbach2 goldbach2 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing simple brute force problem; use isProbablePrime; faster solutions exist 1219 2.7
mostdifficult mostdifficult 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing use Java BigInteger.isProbablePrime; observe something involving odd x (only possible if p = 2 (even) works) 168 3.1
primes2 primes2 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing convert input to either base 2/8/10/16; skip those that cause NumberFormatException error; use isProbablePrime test and ... 289 4.7
pseudoprime pseudoprime 5.3b, (Prob) Prime Testing yes if !isPrime(p) && a.modPow(p, p) = a; Big Integer; also available at UVa 11287 - Pseudoprime Numbers 347 3.5
00516 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors problem involving prime-power factorization 0.0
00583 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors basic factorization problem 0.0
10392 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors enumerate the prime factors of input 0.0
11466 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors use efficient sieve implementation to get the largest prime factors 0.0
12703 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors uses small Fibonacci numbers up to 40 and simple prime factorization as a and b can be non-primes 0.0
12805 Fetching from uHunt 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors prime check; primes of format 4m-1 and 4m plus 1; simple prime factorization 0.0
pascal pascal 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors find lowest prime factor of N; special case: N = 1 351 3.8
primalrepresentation primalrepresentation 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors factorization problem; use sieve to avoid TLE; use long long; 231-1 is a prime 258 5.4
primereduction primereduction 5.3c, Finding Prime Factors factorization problem 465 3.9
00294 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numDiv(N) 0.0
00884 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numPF(N); precalculate 0.0
01246 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions LA 4340 - Amrita08; numDiv(N) 0.0
10179 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions EulerPhi(N) 0.0
10290 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions find number of odd divisors 0.0
10299 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions EulerPhi(N); also available at Kattis - relatives 0.0
10820 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions a[i] = a[i-1] plus 2*EulerPhi(i) 0.0
10958 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions 2 * numDiv(n*m*p*p) - 1 0.0
11064 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions N - EulerPhi(N) - numDiv(N) 0.0
11086 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions find numbers N with numPF(N) == 2 0.0
11226 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions sumPF(N); get length; DP 0.0
11353 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numPF(N); sort variant 0.0
11728 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions sumDiv(N) 0.0
12005 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions numDiv(4N-3) 0.0
13185 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions just see UVa 13194 0.0
13194 Fetching from uHunt 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions similar to Kattis - almostperfect; sumDiv(N)-N; long long 0.0
almostperfect almostperfect 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions sumDiv(N)-N; minor variation 1507 3.2
divisors divisors 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions return numDiv(nCk); but do not compute nCk directly; work with its prime factors 208 5.2
listgame listgame 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions simply return numPF(X) 1938 3.1
relatives relatives 5.3d, Prime Factors Functions EulerPhi(N); also available at UVa 10299 - Relatives 231 3.8
10699 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve numDiffPF(N) for a range 0.0
10738 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve numDiffPF(N) for a range of N 0.0
10990 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve modified sieve to compute a range of Euler Phi values; use DP to compute depth Phi values; then finally use Max 1D Range... 0.0
11327 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve pre-calculate EulerPhi(N) 0.0
11426 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve pre-calculate EulerPhi(N) 0.0
12043 Fetching from uHunt 5.3e, Modified Sieve sumDiv(N) and numDiv(N); brute force 0.0
data data 5.3e, Modified Sieve numDiffPF(V) for V up to N x 1000; Brute force combination/all subsets; DP Subset 68 5.9
farey farey 5.3e, Modified Sieve pre-calculate EulerPhi(N); do prefix sum (1D RSQ) of EulerPhi(N) from 1 to each N; the answer is related to this value 257 3.6
fareysums fareysums 5.3e, Modified Sieve modified sieve; Euler Phi; a bit of pattern finding involving Euler Phi values 137 4.4
nonprimefactors nonprimefactors 5.3e, Modified Sieve numDiv(i) - numDiffPF(i) ∀i in the range; the I/O files are large so Buffered I/O speed is needed 389 5.6
00106 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM brute force; use GCD to get relatively prime triples 0.0
00412 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM brute force; GCD to find elements with no common factor 0.0
10193 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM convert two binary strings S1 and S2 to decimal and check see if gcd(s1; s2) > 1 0.0
10407 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM subtract the set s with s[0]; find gcd 0.0
10892 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM number of divisor pairs of N: (m; n) such that gcd(m; n) = 1 0.0
11388 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM understand the relationship of GCD with LCM 0.0
11417 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM just use brute force as input is small 0.0
11774 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM find pattern involving gcd with small test cases 0.0
11827 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM GCD of many numbers; small input 0.0
12708 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM actually we do not need to compute the GCD; simply find an easy pattern to solve this problem 0.0
12852 Fetching from uHunt 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM LCM of the N given numbers times 35 0.0
dasblinkenlights dasblinkenlights 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM just check if the LCM of p and q ≤ s 1745 1.7
diagonalcut diagonalcut 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM find formula involving GCD 810 3.5
doodling doodling 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM need to observe pattern; involving LCM/GCD 30 4.9
fairwarning fairwarning 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM compute gcd of differences; use Big Integer 78 3.6
gcd gcd 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM trivial gcd 510 1.7
interviewquestion interviewquestion 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM go through the transcript; use gcd to identify a and b 177 2.9
jackpot jackpot 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM similar to Kattis - smallestmultiple; use Java BigInteger or other faster solutions 379 3.2
locustlocus locustlocus 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM get the smallest y+lcm(c1,c2) of all k pairs 449 2.1
prsteni prsteni 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM GCD of first circle radius with subsequent circle radiuses 993 1.6
smallestmultiple smallestmultiple 5.3f, GCD and/or LCM simple LCMs of all numbers; use Java BigInteger to be safe 335 3.5
00324 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial count digits of n! up to 366! 0.0
00568 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial can use Java BigInteger; slow but AC 0.0
00623 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial easy with Java BigInteger 0.0
10220 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial use Java BigInteger; precalculate 0.0
10323 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial overflow: n>13/-odd n; underflow: n$<$8/-even n; PS: actually; factorial of negative number is not defined 0.0
10338 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial use long long to store up to 20! 0.0
11076 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial do not use next_permutation for 12!; TLE; observe the digits in all permutations; hint: the solution involves factorial 0.0
12335 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial given the k-th permutation, recover the 1st permutation; use factorial; use Java BigInteger 0.0
12869 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial LA 6847 - Bangkok 2014; every zero in factorial(n) is due to multiplication of factor 2 and 5; factor 2 grows faster tha... 0.0
12934 Fetching from uHunt 5.3g, Factorial can use brute force; stop at n not more than sqrt(k); m smaller than n 0.0
eulersnumber eulersnumber 5.3g, Factorial simulate the computation of the approximation (involving factorial) using double data type; the answer will converge; su... 963 1.9
howmanydigits howmanydigits 5.3g, Factorial good problem; number of digits in factorial; similar as Kattis - inversefactorial 1071 3.7
inversefactorial inversefactorial 5.3g, Factorial good problem; number of digits in factorial 1059 5.3
loworderzeros loworderzeros 5.3g, Factorial last non zero digit of factorial; classic 288 4.2
namethatpermutation namethatpermutation 5.3g, Factorial permutation number; involving factorial 154 4.8
tutorial tutorial 5.3g, Factorial factorial is just part of the problem; pruning 1249 2.8
00160 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs precalculate small primes as prime factors of 100! is < 100$ 0.0
00993 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs find divisors from 9 down to 1; similar to UVa 10527 0.0
10061 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs in Decimal; '10' with 1 zero is due to factor 2*5 0.0
10139 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs factorize m; see if it has support in n!; Legendre's formula; also available at Kattis - factovisors 0.0
10484 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs prime factors of factorial; D can be negative 0.0
10527 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs similar to UVa 00993; also available at Kattis - persistent 0.0
10622 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs GCD of all prime powers; note if x is negative; also available at Kattis - perfectpowers 0.0
10680 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs use primefactors([1..N]) to get LCM(1; 2; ...; N) 0.0
10780 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs similar to UVa 10139 0.0
10791 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs analyze the prime factors of N 0.0
11347 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs prime-power factorization; numDiv(N) 0.0
11395 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs key hint: a square number multiplied by powers of two; i.e. 2^k * i^2 for k >= 0; i >= 1 has odd sum of divisors 0.0
11889 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs LCM; involving prime factorization 0.0
13067 Fetching from uHunt 5.3h, Working with PFs cryptic problem description, it turns out that the restaurant uses prime power system; output sum of prime powers 0.0
consecutivesums consecutivesums 5.3h, Working with PFs work with factor; sum of Arithmetic Progression series 239 5.2
factovisors factovisors 5.3h, Working with PFs factorize m; see if it has support in n!; Legendre's formula; also available at UVa 10139 - Factovisors 373 6.4
fundamentalneighbors fundamentalneighbors 5.3h, Working with PFs reverse prime power notation 237 4.5
iks iks 5.3h, Working with PFs sieve of Eratosthenes; prime factorize each number; spread the factors around to maximize final GCD/minimize total opera... 115 3.0
olderbrother olderbrother 5.3h, Working with PFs just check if q = p^k 420 3.4
parket parket 5.3h, Working with PFs just factorize (R+B) 172 2.6
perfectpowers perfectpowers 5.3h, Working with PFs GCD of all prime powers; note if x is negative; also available at UVa 10622 - Perfect P-th Power 590 5.3
persistent persistent 5.3h, Working with PFs similar to UVa 00993; also available at UVa 10527 - Persistent Numbers 161 3.8
rsamistake rsamistake 5.3h, Working with PFs factorize two long-longs; to differentiate no versus partial credit, check for any prime factor with power 2 (or more) 60 3.9
zadaca zadaca 5.3h, Working with PFs find lowest frequencies of each prime factors, that is the GCD; output the answer modulo 10^9 113 3.6
00128 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic (a * b) % s = ((a % s) * (b % s)) % s 0.0
10127 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic no factor of 2 and 5 implies that there is no trailing zero 0.0
10174 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic no Spinster number 0.0
10176 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic convert binary to decimal digit by digit; do modulo 131071 to the intermediate result 0.0
10212 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic multiply numbers from N down to N-M+1; use / 10 to discard the trailing zero(es); use % 1 Billion 0.0
10489 Fetching from uHunt 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic keep values small with modulo 0.0
anothercandies anothercandies 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic simple modular arithmetic 1843 2.7
modulo modulo 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic very simple problem 5658 1.4
ones ones 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic no factor of 2 and 5 implies that there is no trailing zero; also available at UVa 10127 - Ones 567 4.6
threedigits threedigits 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic simulate factorial computation; remove trailing zeroes; keep many last few non-zero digits using modulo 289 5.9
vauvau vauvau 5.3i, Modular Arithmetic modular arithmetic problem 1265 1.8
10090 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid use solution for Linear Diophantine Equation 0.0
10104 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid pure Ext Euclid problem 0.0
10633 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid let C = N-M, N = 10a+b, and M = a; Linear Diophantine Equation: 9a+b = C 0.0
10673 Fetching from uHunt 5.3j, Extended Euclid uses Extended Euclidean 0.0
candydistribution candydistribution 5.3j, Extended Euclid the problem boils down to finding C-1 (mod K); be careful when the answer is "IMPOSSIBLE" or ≤ K 199 4.9
jughard jughard 5.3j, Extended Euclid somewhat Linear Diophantine Equation 132 3.3
modulararithmetic modulararithmetic 5.3j, Extended Euclid the division operation requires modular inverse; use Extended Euclidean algorithm 333 2.9
soyoulikeyourfoodhot soyoulikeyourfoodhot 5.3j, Extended Euclid Linear Diophantine Equation; still solvable with brute force 103 5.2
10922 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test test divisibility by 9 0.0
10929 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test test divisibility by 11 0.0
11344 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test use divisibility theory of [1..12] 0.0
11371 Fetching from uHunt 5.3k, Divisibility Test the solving strategy is given 0.0
cocoacoalition cocoacoalition 5.3k, Divisibility Test after observations: the answer is 1 (simple divisibility test), 2 (simple factorization test), or 3 355 5.2
divisible divisible 5.3k, Divisibility Test divisibility; linear pass algorithm 327 4.3
jazzitup jazzitup 5.3k, Divisibility Test square free divisibility test 59 2.1
magical3 magical3 5.3k, Divisibility Test divisibility test of n-3; a few corner cases 348 6.1
meowfactor meowfactor 5.3k, Divisibility Test divisibility test of 9^ans; small range of ans 310 3.5
multtable multtable 5.3k, Divisibility Test divisibility tests 478 3.7
positivedivisors positivedivisors 5.3k, Divisibility Test just do trial divisions, use deque to add from front and back 207 3.1
shortcut shortcut 5.3k, Divisibility Test find the largest divisor of (b-1) ≥ k 96 3.7
thinkingofanumber thinkingofanumber 5.3k, Divisibility Test simple range; use min/max properly; then small divisibility tests 379 3.8
00495 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers O(n) DP; Big Integer 0.0
00580 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers related to Tribonacci series 0.0
00763 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Zeckendorf representation; greedy; Big Integer 0.0
00900 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; the pattern ~ Fibonacci 0.0
00948 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Zeckendorf representation; greedy 0.0
01258 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers LA 4721 - Phuket09; Fibonacci variant; Zeckendorf representation; greedy 0.0
10183 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers get the number of Fibonaccis when generating them; BigInteger 0.0
10334 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; Big Integer 0.0
10450 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; the pattern ~ Fibonacci 0.0
10497 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the pattern ~ Fibonacci 0.0
10579 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers very easy with Java BigInteger 0.0
10689 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers easy; Pisano period 0.0
10862 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the pattern ends up ~ Fibonacci 0.0
11000 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers combinatorics; the pattern is similar to Fibonacci 0.0
11089 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the list of Fi-binary Numbers follow the Zeckendorf's theorem 0.0
11161 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Fibonacci median 0.0
11780 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers the background problem is Fibonacci numbers 0.0
12281 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Zeckendorf theorem a bit of combinatorics 0.0
12620 Fetching from uHunt 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Pisano period of 10^2 = 300 0.0
anti11 anti11 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers this problem degenerates into a modified Fibonacci numbers 518 2.7
batmanacci batmanacci 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Fibonacci; observation on N; Divide and Conquer 331 3.8
fibonaccisum fibonaccisum 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers Zeckendorf's theorem 125 2.3
rijeci rijeci 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers simple simulation with a single loop; Fibonacci 2478 1.5
snakesandmasters snakesandmasters 5.4a, Fibonacci Numbers N-th Fibonacci mod 10^6 90 3.6
00326 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients difference table 0.0
00369 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients be careful with overflow issue 0.0
00485 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients binomial coefficients BigInteger 0.0
00530 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients work with doubles; optimize computation 0.0
00911 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients there is a formula for this: result = n! / (z_1! * z_2! * z_3! * ... * z_k!$) 0.0
10105 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients similar to UVa 911 0.0
10375 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients the main task is to avoid overflow 0.0
10532 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients modified binomial coefficient 0.0
10541 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients a good combinatorics problem 0.0
11955 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients pure application; DP 0.0
12712 Fetching from uHunt 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients the answer is sum i=M to N of C(L*L;i)*i!; but simplify the computation of this formula instead of running it directly 0.0
election election 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients compute the answers with help of binomial coefficients 213 6.2
insert insert 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients simulation of BST insertion; then C(l+r, r) for each vertex where l/r are the sizes of the left/right subtree of that ve... 259 2.0
lockedtreasure lockedtreasure 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients the answer is nCm-1 321 2.8
oddbinom oddbinom 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients OEIS A006046 245 3.5
perica perica 5.4b, Binomial Coefficients sorting + binomial coefficient; take i-th largest element and use its binomial coefficient to get the number of times it... 120 5.9
00991 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers Catalan Numbers 0.0
10007 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers answer is Cat(n) * n!; BigInteger 0.0
10223 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers you can precalculate the answers as there are only 19 Catalan Numbers < 2^{32}-1 0.0
10303 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers generate Cat(n) as shown in this section; use Java BigInteger 0.0
10312 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers number of binary bracketing = Cat(n); number of bracketing = Super-Catalan numbers 0.0
10643 Fetching from uHunt 5.4c, Catalan Numbers Cat(n) is part of a bigger problem 0.0
catalan catalan 5.4c, Catalan Numbers basic Catalan Numbers 521 3.6
catalansquare catalansquare 5.4c, Catalan Numbers Catalan Numbers++; follow the description 507 3.5
fiat fiat 5.4c, Catalan Numbers N-th Catalan Number; use Fermat's little theorem 75 6.7
10079 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier derive the one liner formula 0.0
11115 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier N^D; use Java BigInteger 0.0
11310 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier requires DP: let dp[i] be the number of ways the cakes can be packed for a box 2*i 0.0
11401 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier spot the pattern 0.0
11480 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier try all r; but simpler formula exists 0.0
11597 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier uses knowledge of graph theory; the answer is very trivial 0.0
11609 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier N * 2^(N-1); use Java BigInteger for the modPow part 0.0
12463 Fetching from uHunt 5.4d, Others, Easier double the socks and the shoes to simplify the problem 0.0
character character 5.4d, Others, Easier OEIS A000295 841 2.4
honey honey 5.4d, Others, Easier OEIS A002898 415 2.4
integerdivision integerdivision 5.4d, Others, Easier count frequencies of each remainder of [0..d-1]; add C(freq, 2) per such remainder 242 3.3
00153 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder find formula for this; similar with UVa 941 0.0
00941 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder formula to get the n-th permutation 0.0
01224 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder LA 3904 - Seoul07; derive formula from observing the small instances first 0.0
10359 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder derive the formula; use Java BigInteger 0.0
10733 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder Burnside's lemma 0.0
10784 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder the number of diagonals in n-gon = n*(n-3)/2; use it to derive the solution 0.0
10790 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder uses arithmetic progression formula 0.0
10918 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder there are two related recurrences here 0.0
11069 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder use Dynamic Programming 0.0
11204 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder only first choice matters 0.0
11270 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder sequence A004003 in OEIS 0.0
11538 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder count along rows; columns; and diagonals 0.0
11554 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder similar to UVa 11401 0.0
12001 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder counting; combinatorics 0.0
12022 Fetching from uHunt 5.4e, Others, Harder number of ways n competitors can rank in a competition allowing for the possibility of ties; sequence A000670 in OEIS 0.0
anagramcounting anagramcounting 5.4e, Others, Harder use Big Integer 1117 3.1
incognito incognito 5.4e, Others, Harder count frequencies; combinatorics; minus one 791 2.7
kitchencombinatorics kitchencombinatorics 5.4e, Others, Harder use fast data structures to help; combinatorics; intermediate result may overflow 198 5.0
tritiling tritiling 5.4e, Others, Harder there are two related recurrences here; also available at UVa 10918 - Tri Tiling 465 2.1
01636 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier LA 4596 - NorthEasternEurope09; ad hoc probability question, one tricky special case involving all zeroes 0.0
10238 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP; s: (dice_left, score); try F values; Big Integer; no need to simplify the fraction; see UVa 10759 0.0
10328 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP; 1-D state; Big Integer 0.0
10491 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier two ways to get a car: either pick a cow first; then switch to a car; or pick a car first; and then switch to another ca... 0.0
10759 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP; s: (dice_left; score); try 6 values; gcd; similar to UVa 10238 0.0
11181 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier iterative brute force; try all possibilities 0.0
12024 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier derangement 0.0
12114 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple probability 0.0
12230 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple expected value problem 0.0
12457 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple expected value problem; use DP 0.0
12461 Fetching from uHunt 5.5a, Probability, Easier brute force small n to see that the answer is very easy 0.0
bobby bobby 5.5a, Probability, Easier computation of expected value 618 2.8
deceptivedice deceptivedice 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP probability; expected value 30 3.0
dicebetting dicebetting 5.5a, Probability, Easier s: (dice_left, distinct_numbers_so_far); each throw can increase distinct_numbers_so_far or not 261 3.3
dicegame dicegame 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple comparison of two expected values 3410 1.5
diehard diehard 5.5a, Probability, Easier complete search: try all two dice that John and Hans picks, then simulate all 6x6 = 36 possible pairings, skipping ties 250 2.6
expectedearnings expectedearnings 5.5a, Probability, Easier expected value; 2 cases 68 2.3
monopol monopol 5.5a, Probability, Easier basic probability with two subtasks 971 1.4
odds odds 5.5a, Probability, Easier complete search; simple probability 142 2.5
orchard orchard 5.5a, Probability, Easier DP probability; s: (current R, G, B, Y, S_left); t: Raven's move, fruit basket, or one up to four fruits; a bit tedious 82 2.7
password password 5.5a, Probability, Easier expected value; the given probabilities already sum to 1.0 980 2.2
secretsanta secretsanta 5.5a, Probability, Easier simple probability; derangement vs factorial; the answer for larger N converges 321 2.7
00542 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder divide and conquer 0.0
00557 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder one possible solution involves combinatorics which can be computed with DP 0.0
10056 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder get the closed form formula 0.0
10218 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder probability and a bit of binomial coefficients 0.0
10648 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP; s: (rem_boxes; num_empty) 0.0
10777 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder expected value 0.0
11021 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder probability 0.0
11176 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP, s: (rem_games, streak); t: lose this game, or win the next W = [1..n] games and lose the (W+1)-th game 0.0
11346 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder a bit of geometry 0.0
11500 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder Gambler's Ruin Problem 0.0
11628 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder p[i] = ticket bought by i at the last round/total tickets bought at the last round by all n; gcd 0.0
11762 Fetching from uHunt 5.5b, Probability, Harder use Sieve of Eratosthenes to know the rank of each prime number; DP; expected value 0.0
2naire 2naire 5.5b, Probability, Harder probability; expected value 192 2.7
anotherdice anotherdice 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP probability; s: (n_left, d_left, mask); try all possible copies of each value; combinatorics 58 4.1
anthony anthony 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP probability; need to drop one parameter (N or M) and recover it from the other one 203 5.2
bond bond 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP probability; bitmask; just be careful with precision error 103 5.9
bribe bribe 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP probability; bitmask, need to drop one parameter (cur_money) and recover it from the bitmask 53 6.3
genius genius 5.5b, Probability, Harder generate X sequentially as asked; compute probability of X winning; bottom-up DP; sum the probability of having at least... 51 2.8
gnollhypothesis gnollhypothesis 5.5b, Probability, Harder linearity of expectation; try all possible d consecutive non-chosen monsters behind monster i (wrap around); nCk 135 3.3
goodcoalition goodcoalition 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP probability; like KNAPSACK 276 3.4
lostinthewoods lostinthewoods 5.5b, Probability, Harder simulate random walks of various lengths and distribute the probabilities per iteration; the answer will converge eventu... 77 3.1
pegsandlegs pegsandlegs 5.5b, Probability, Harder DAG; DP probabilities/expected value; bottom up DP; topological order is already given 97 3.2
pollygone pollygone 5.5b, Probability, Harder DP probability; bottom up; s: (probability); t: what can each opened box do to the probabilities computed so far 94 5.0
raffle raffle 5.5b, Probability, Harder the probability of winning a prize if we add x name cards is C(x, 1) * C(n, p-1) / C(n+x, p); this is unimodal; ternary ... 328 4.3
00202 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding do expansion digit by digit until it cycles 0.0
00275 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding similar to UVa 202 except the output format 0.0
00350 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding very basic cycle-finding problem; simply run Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm 0.0
00408 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding problem with easier solution: it is a good choice if step < mod and GCD(step, mod) == 1 0.0
00547 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding a problem about 'eventually constant' sequence; similar flavor as cycle-finding 0.0
00942 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding similar to UVa 202 0.0
00944 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding similar to UVa 10591 0.0
10162 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle after 100 steps; use Java BigInteger to read the input; precalculate 0.0
10515 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding concentrate on the last digit 0.0
10591 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding this sequence is 'eventually periodic'; similar to UVa 944 0.0
11036 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding; evaluate Reverse Polish f with a stack 0.0
11053 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding; the answer is N-lambda 0.0
11511 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding on vectors; the pattern will cycle fast 0.0
11549 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding repeat squaring with limited digits until it cycles; Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm is only used to detect the cycle; w... 0.0
11634 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding cycle-finding; f(a) = (a*a/100) % 10000; or use DAT 0.0
12464 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding although n can be very huge; the pattern is actually cyclic; find the length of the cycle l and modulo n with l 0.0
13217 Fetching from uHunt 5.6a, Cycle Finding the given function cycles very early so we can pre-calculate the answers although $n$ is very big 0.0
cool1 cool1 5.6a, Cycle Finding the first part is a cycle-finding problem; state is small (8M); be careful of the definition of trail 142 7.1
fibonaccicycles fibonaccicycles 5.6a, Cycle Finding detect cycle of fib(n)%k using fast data structure 118 3.2
happyprime happyprime 5.6a, Cycle Finding simple cycle-finding; TLE otherwise; small prime check 1151 2.5
rats rats 5.6a, Cycle Finding string processing plus cycle-finding; unordered_set 92 6.3
00847 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) simulate the perfect play; also available at Kattis - amultiplicationgame 0.0
10111 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) Tic-Tac-Toe; minimax; backtracking 0.0
10368 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) minimax; backtracking; also available at Kattis - euclidsgame 0.0
10404 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) 2 players game; Dynamic Programming; also available at Kattis - bachetsgame 0.0
10536 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) model the 4*4 board and 48 possible pins as bitmask; then this is a simple two player game 0.0
10578 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) backtracking; try all; see who wins the game 0.0
11489 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) game theory; reducible to simple math 0.0
12293 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) analyze the game tree of smaller instances to get the mathematical insight to solve this problem 0.0
12469 Fetching from uHunt 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) game playing; Dynamic Programming; pruning 0.0
alexandbarb alexandbarb 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) analyze the requirements for winning states; simple solution 179 3.1
amultiplicationgame amultiplicationgame 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) simulate the perfect play; also available at UVa 00847 - A multiplication game 213 4.7
bachetsgame bachetsgame 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) 2 players game; Dynamic Programming; also available at UVa 10404 - Bachet's Game 724 2.1
blockgame2 blockgame2 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) observe the pattern; 2 winnable cases if N == M and N%M == 0; only 1 move if M < N < 2M; we can always win if N &g... 314 3.2
breakingbranches breakingbranches 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) analyze small test cases to get the solution 105 1.6
chocolatedivision chocolatedivision 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) try on small RxC to find the pattern 428 1.8
cuttingbrownies cuttingbrownies 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) observe the pattern; involves logarithm 166 4.1
euclidsgame euclidsgame 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) minimax; backtracking; also available at UVa 10368 - Euclid's Game 199 4.8
ivana ivana 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) brute force all possible first move (break cycle into a chain); DP; s: (l, r), maximize difference between two consecuti... 55 5.3
joylessgame joylessgame 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) game theory 384 4.3
knightpacking knightpacking 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) basic game theory; trivial pattern 1676 1.3
linije linije 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) game theory; check conditions on how Mirko can win and when Slavko can win; involves MCBM 39 7.9
peachpowderpolygon peachpowderpolygon 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) there is a simple pattern 121 2.1
peggamefortwo peggamefortwo 5.7a, Game Theory (Basic) game theory; minimax; 2 alternating players; backtracking/DP on special grid; harder version of Kattis - crackerbarrel 206 3.1
00374 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power solvable with Java BigInteger modPow; or write your own code 0.0
01230 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power LA 4104 - Singapore07; modPow 0.0
10229 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power Fibonacci; modPow 0.0
10518 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power derive the pattern of the answers for small $n$; the answer is 2*fib(n)-1; then use UVa 10229 solution 0.0
10655 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power derive the square matrix 0.0
10870 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power form the required matrix first; power of matrix 0.0
11029 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power combination of logarithmic trick to get the first three digits and 'big mod' trick to get the last three digits 0.0
11486 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power model as adjacency matrix; raise the adjacency matrix to the power of N in O(log N) to get the number of paths 0.0
11582 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power Pisano period: The sequence f(i)%n is periodic; use modPow 0.0
12470 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power similar to UVa 10229; the 3*3 matrix is = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 1 1]; the answer is at matrix[1][1] after it is raised to the... 0.0
12796 Fetching from uHunt 5.8a, Matrix Power count the number of paths of length L in an undirected graph where L can be up to 2^30 0.0
checkingforcorrectness checkingforcorrectness 5.8a, Matrix Power Java Big Integer; one subtask uses modPow 244 4.1
porpoises porpoises 5.8a, Matrix Power Fibonacci; matrix power; modulo 268 2.9
powers powers 5.8a, Matrix Power when a is even, the answer is (a/2)^b, otherwise the answer is 0 180 5.4
squawk squawk 5.8a, Matrix Power count the number of paths of length L in an undirected graph after t steps that are reachable from source s 409 3.5
timing timing 5.8a, Matrix Power model the problem as a square matrix multiplication; matrix power or just simulate t times; post-process the answers 173 3.7
00179 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder use brute force 0.0
00213 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder LA 5152 - WorldFinals SanAntonio91 0.0
00306 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder can be made faster by avoiding cycle 0.0
00385 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder a kind of decryption problem; tedious 0.0
00468 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder letter frequency mapping 0.0
00554 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder try all shifts; output formatting 0.0
00726 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder frequency cypher 0.0
00741 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder simulate the process 0.0
00850 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder plaintext attack; tricky test cases 0.0
00856 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder 3 nested loops; one for each digit 0.0
11385 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder string manipulation and Fibonacci 0.0
11697 Fetching from uHunt 6.2a, Cipher, Harder follow the description; a bit tedious; also available at Kattis - playfair 0.0
crackingthecode crackingthecode 6.2a, Cipher, Harder one corner case involving the 25th to 26th character determination 48 6.4
goodmessages goodmessages 6.2a, Cipher, Harder cipher 86 3.3
grille grille 6.2a, Cipher, Harder involving 2D array with rotation 361 3.8
itsasecret itsasecret 6.2a, Cipher, Harder playfair cipher; 2D array; quite tedious 81 5.9
kleptography kleptography 6.2a, Cipher, Harder cipher 701 1.5
monumentmaker monumentmaker 6.2a, Cipher, Harder cipher; need a bit work; trimming tokens 76 4.8
overthehill1 overthehill1 6.2a, Cipher, Harder cipher; a bit of matrix multiplication 94 2.2
permutationencryption permutationencryption 6.2a, Cipher, Harder be careful of newline 1163 2.5
playfair playfair 6.2a, Cipher, Harder follow the description; a bit tedious; also available at UVa 11697 - Playfair Cipher 156 2.5
progressivescramble progressivescramble 6.2a, Cipher, Harder the encode part is trivial; the decode part requires a bit of thinking 977 2.1
sacredtexts sacredtexts 6.2a, Cipher, Harder find the value of each rune; understand the concept of Great circle first 52 4.1
textencryption textencryption 6.2a, Cipher, Harder convert input alphabets to UPPERCASEs; loop 305 3.2
ummcode ummcode 6.2a, Cipher, Harder cipher; just do as asked 144 3.5
00134 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check; tedious 0.0
00171 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check; tedious 0.0
00172 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) another recursive parser; tedious 0.0
00384 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
00464 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) generate output based on the given BNF grammar 0.0
00533 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
00586 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check and output formatting 0.0
00620 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
00622 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check/evaluation 0.0
00743 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
10854 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive parsing plus counting 0.0
11070 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar evaluation 0.0
11291 Fetching from uHunt 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive grammar check 0.0
calculator calculator 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive parser and evaluator 351 3.3
otpor otpor 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) parallel vs series evaluation; write a recursive parser; or use linear pass with stack 94 4.3
polish polish 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive parser 224 3.3
selectgroup selectgroup 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive parser; afterwards it is just set operations 138 3.5
subexpression subexpression 6.2b, Input Parsing (Rec) recursive parsing; use DP; similar to tree versus DAG 44 5.9
00325 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression trivial with regex 0.0
00494 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression trivial with regex 0.0
00576 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression solvable with regex 0.0
10058 Fetching from uHunt 6.2c, Regular Expression solvable with regex 0.0
apaxiaaans apaxiaaans 6.2c, Regular Expression solvable with regex 6751 1.4
countthevowels countthevowels 6.2c, Regular Expression one-liner with regular expression 816 1.4
hidden hidden 6.2c, Regular Expression just a careful 1D array manipulation; we can also use regex 1100 2.3
lindenmayorsystem lindenmayorsystem 6.2c, Regular Expression DAT; map char to string; simulation; max answer ≤ 30*5^5; we can also use regex 302 2.5
00159 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious output formatting problem 0.0
00330 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H use map to help 0.0
00338 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious 0.0
00373 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H check 'g' versus 'p'; ad hoc 0.0
00426 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tokenize; sort; reformat output 0.0
00570 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H use map to help 0.0
00645 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H use recursion to simulate directory structure as it helps the output formatting 0.0
00848 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious string processing 0.0
00890 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H simulation; follow the steps; tedious 0.0
00918 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious; follow the steps 0.0
01219 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H LA 3791 - Tehran06 0.0
10333 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H a real time waster problem 0.0
10562 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H output formatting with clever recursion 0.0
10761 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tricky with output formatting; note that 'END' is part of input 0.0
10800 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious problem 0.0
10875 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H simple but tedious problem 0.0
11403 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H similar with UVa 00338; tedious 0.0
12155 Fetching from uHunt 6.2d, Output Formatting, H LA 4403 - KualaLumpur08; use proper index manipulation 0.0
asciifigurerotation asciifigurerotation 6.2d, Output Formatting, H rotate the input 90 degrees clockwise; remove trailing whitespaces; tedious 521 3.5
imagedecoding imagedecoding 6.2d, Output Formatting, H simple Run-Length Encoding 321 3.4
juryjeopardy juryjeopardy 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious problem 309 2.3
mathworksheet mathworksheet 6.2d, Output Formatting, H print the width of each token appropriately 142 5.5
nizovi nizovi 6.2d, Output Formatting, H formatting with indentation; not that trivial but sample input/output helps 199 3.8
pathtracing pathtracing 6.2d, Output Formatting, H just simulate and draw the path; tedious 675 3.1
rot rot 6.2d, Output Formatting, H rotate 2D array by 90 degrees (easier) and 45 degrees (more challenging) 107 2.8
wordsfornumbers wordsfornumbers 6.2d, Output Formatting, H tedious problem; use mini program to generate [1..99]; also see Kattis - recenice that goes up to [1..999] 604 2.5
00409 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison tokenize and compare with list of excuses 0.0
00644 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison use brute force 0.0
00671 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison string comparison 0.0
00912 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison simulation; find and replace 0.0
11048 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison flexible string comparison with respect to a dictionary 0.0
11056 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison sorting; case-insensitive string comparison 0.0
11233 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison string comparison 0.0
11713 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison modified string comparison 0.0
11734 Fetching from uHunt 6.2e, String Comparison custom comparison 0.0
aaah aaah 6.2e, String Comparison just compare the length of the two strings 10978 1.6
detaileddifferences detaileddifferences 6.2e, String Comparison extremely simple string comparison problem 4320 1.4
phonelist phonelist 6.2e, String Comparison sort the numbers; see if num i is a prefix of num i+1 1955 4.3
rhyming rhyming 6.2e, String Comparison compare suffix of a common word with the list of other given words 296 2.5
smartphone smartphone 6.2e, String Comparison compare prefix so far with the target string and the 3 suggestions; output 1 of 4 options with shortest number of keypre... 354 2.6
softpasswords softpasswords 6.2e, String Comparison custom string comparison; follow the requirements 350 2.1
zyxab zyxab 6.2e, String Comparison custom string comparison; follow the requirements 1490 2.5
00263 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc sort digits; convert to integers; check cycle 0.0
00892 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc basic string processing problem 0.0
00943 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc the Portuguese rule is not given; use translation service in the Internet to help you solve this problem 0.0
01215 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc LA 3669 - Hanoi06 0.0
10045 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc brute force string processing 0.0
10115 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc simply do as asked in the problem description; uses string 0.0
10126 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc sort the words to simplify this problem; also available at Kattis - zipfslaw 0.0
10197 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc must follow the description very closely 0.0
10361 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc read; tokenize; process as requested 0.0
10391 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc more like a data structure problem 0.0
10393 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc follow problem description 0.0
10508 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc number of words = number of letters plus 1 0.0
10679 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc the test data weak; just checking if T is a prefix of S is AC when it should not 0.0
11452 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc string period; small input; brute force 0.0
11483 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc straightforward; use 'escape character' 0.0
11839 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc illegal if mark 0 or >1 alternatives 0.0
11962 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc find formula; similar to UVa 941; base 4 0.0
12243 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc simple string tokenizer problem 0.0
12414 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc brute force problem involving string 0.0
12916 Fetching from uHunt 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc factorize n; string period; also see UVa 11452 0.0
apaxianparent apaxianparent 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc really ad hoc; the rules are specific for this problem 707 1.5
help2 help2 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc match placeholder in one pattern with word in the other pattern; two similar placeholders in different patterns are cons... 170 6.6
irepeatmyself irepeatmyself 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc string period; complete search 380 2.4
kolone kolone 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc simulate the requirement; be careful of corner cases 316 2.6
nimionese nimionese 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc adhoc; simulate the requirement 184 2.2
orderlyclass orderlyclass 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc some counting problem on string; not heavy combinatoric; linear loop 128 3.9
periodicstrings periodicstrings 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc brute force; skip non divisor 299 3.0
quickestimate quickestimate 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc just use strlen 4219 1.4
raggedright raggedright 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc just simulate the requirement 1708 1.8
rotatecut rotatecut 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc simulation; use formula; stop after we have <4 letters 266 3.0
textureanalysis textureanalysis 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc one loop 571 2.4
tolower tolower 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc trivial string problem 696 1.8
zipfslaw zipfslaw 6.2f, Really Ad Hoc sort the words to simplify this problem; also available at UVa 10126 - Zipf's Law 157 5.7
00164 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic String Alignment/Edit Distance 0.0
00526 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic String Alignment/Edit Distance 0.0
00531 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence; print the solution 0.0
01192 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic LA2460 - Singapore01; classic String Alignment DP problem with a bit of (unclear) output formatting 0.0
01207 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic LA 3170 - Manila06; classical String Edit problem 0.0
01244 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic LA 4336 - Amritapuri08; store the best path between i; j; the DP table contains strings 0.0
10066 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence problem; but not on 'string' 0.0
10100 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence 0.0
10192 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic Longest Common Subsequence 0.0
10405 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic very classic Longest Common Subsequence problem 0.0
10635 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic find LCS of two permutations; also available at Kattis - princeandprincess 0.0
12747 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic similar to UVa 10635 0.0
13146 Fetching from uHunt 6.3a, DP String, Classic classic Edit Distance problem 0.0
inflagrantedelicto inflagrantedelicto 6.3a, DP String, Classic k_p is always 2 (read the problem description); k_r is the LCS of the two permutations plus one; O(n log k) solution 75 4.8
ls ls 6.3a, DP String, Classic Edit Distance variant 176 5.2
pandachess pandachess 6.3a, DP String, Classic LCS of 2 permutations → LIS; O(n log k) solution; also see UVa 10635 267 6.0
princeandprincess princeandprincess 6.3a, DP String, Classic find LCS of two permutations; also available at UVa 10635 - Prince and Princess 140 6.7
signals signals 6.3a, DP String, Classic LCS of 2 permutations → LIS; O(n log k) solution; also see UVa 10635 40 3.1
11022 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: the min weight of substring [i..j]; also available at Kattis - stringfactoring 0.0
11081 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic DP on string; s: (t; i; j; k) 0.0
11084 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic using next_permutation/brute force is probably not the best approach; there is a DP formulation for this 0.0
11258 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic dp(i) = int from substring [i..k] dp(k) 0.0
11361 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic counting paths in DAG; need insights for efficient implementation; K > 90 is useless; double DP; use prefix-sum idea 0.0
11552 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic dp(i; c) = minimum number of chunks after considering the first i segments ending with character c 0.0
12855 Fetching from uHunt 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: (pos, len) that describes the cost to transform the string so that S[0..pos-1] are all already 'B's and S[pos..pos+le... 0.0
chemistsvows chemistsvows 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: (pos); t: try all elements in periodic table, add 1 or 2 characters 110 3.3
cudak cudak 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: (prefix, digits_left, sum_left); t: try [0..9]; long long 61 6.4
digitsum digitsum 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic the sum of digits have fattern, find it; use a bit of DP to avoid re-computations 517 5.5
exam exam 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: (pos, correct_left); t: either your friend is wrong or your friend is right, process accordingly; easier solution exi... 891 1.9
haiku haiku 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: (pos, target); t: try all syllables 77 5.3
heritage heritage 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: (cur_pos); t: try all N words in dictionary; final answer modulo prime 348 5.2
hillnumbers hillnumbers 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic digit DP; s: (prev_digit, pos, is_rising, is_lower); try digit by digit 84 6.7
stringfactoring stringfactoring 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic s: the min weight of substring [i..j]; also available at UVa 11022 - String Factoring 57 5.1
zapis zapis 6.3b, DP String, Non Classic bracket matching variant; s: (l, r); t: try all possible position; combinatorics 89 5.1
00455 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching find s in s+s; similar with UVa 10298 0.0
00886 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching convert first letter of given name and all the letters of the surname into digits; special string matching where we want... 0.0
01449 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching LA 4670 - Hefei09; just use strstr; Suffix Array will get TLE as there are too many long strings to be processed 0.0
10298 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching find s in s+s; similar with UVa 00455; also available at Kattis - powerstrings 0.0
11362 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching string sort; matching 0.0
11576 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching modified string matching; complete search; also available at Kattis - scrollingsign 0.0
11837 Fetching from uHunt 6.4a, String Matching transform the input of X notes into X-1 distances; then apply KMP 0.0
avion avion 6.4a, String Matching trivial string matching; just find 'FBI' in the input 1361 1.4
deathknight deathknight 6.4a, String Matching trivial string matching; just find 'CD' in the input 1970 1.5
fiftyshades fiftyshades 6.4a, String Matching convert input to lower case; search occurrences of word 'pink' or 'rose' 310 1.4
geneticsearch geneticsearch 6.4a, String Matching multiple string matchings 346 2.1
hangman hangman 6.4a, String Matching find specific character in the given string and replace all occurrences; repeat 795 1.6
ostgotska ostgotska 6.4a, String Matching find substring 'ae' and count its frequency 657 1.7
powerstrings powerstrings 6.4a, String Matching find s in s+s; similar with UVa 00455; also available at UVa 10298 - Power Strings 451 5.2
quiteaproblem quiteaproblem 6.4a, String Matching trivial string matching per line 1212 2.1
redrover redrover 6.4a, String Matching brute force each substring; string matching 429 1.9
scrollingsign scrollingsign 6.4a, String Matching modified string matching; complete search; also available at UVa 11576 - Scrolling Sign 238 3.1
simon simon 6.4a, String Matching trivial string matching/string comparison 2203 2.4
simonsays simonsays 6.4a, String Matching trivial string matching/string comparison 5511 1.5
00422 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking 0.0
00604 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking; sort and compare 0.0
00736 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; a bit modified 0.0
10010 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking 0.0
11283 Fetching from uHunt 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking; do not count twice 0.0
boggle boggle 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking 323 3.8
hiddenwords hiddenwords 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking, a bit of memoization 72 6.8
kinarow kinarow 6.4b, String Matching, 2D brute the top left point of each possible x or o row, then straight-line (horizontal, vertical) or two diagonals 2D stri... 107 4.6
knightsearch knightsearch 6.4b, String Matching, 2D 2D grid; backtracking or DP 425 3.2
00719 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array min lexicographic rotation; O(n log n) build SA 0.0
00760 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Common Substring of two strings 0.0
01223 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array LA 3901 - Seoul07; Longest Repeated Substring (or KMP) 0.0
01254 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array LA 4657 - Jakarta09; Suffix Array with Segment Tree or Sparse Table; LCP range 0.0
01584 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array LA 3225 - Seoul04; min lexicographic rotation; similar with UVa 00719; other solutions exist 0.0
11107 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Common Substring of > 1/2 of the strings; also available at Kattis - lifeforms 0.0
11512 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Repeated Substring 0.0
11855 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Repeated Substring that appears X times (2 ≤ X < N); also available at Kattis - buzzwords 0.0
12506 Fetching from uHunt 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array we can use Trie to solve this problem 0.0
aliens aliens 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Repeated Substring that appears at least m times; Suffix Array; Use Sparse Table data structure to answer RMQs o... 89 6.3
automatictrading automatictrading 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Suffix Array; LCP of a range; use Sparse Table 160 5.2
baza baza 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Trie; store list of sorted indices that starts with that prefix; counting 83 5.5
burrowswheeler burrowswheeler 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array duplicate input string; basic Suffix Array construction problem; print the required characters 96 6.2
buzzwords buzzwords 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Longest Repeated Substring that appears X times (2 ≤ X < N); also available at UVa 11855 - Buzzwords 141 5.0
dvaput dvaput 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array easy Longest Repeated Substring problem 306 5.7
repeatedsubstrings repeatedsubstrings 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array simple LRS application 119 5.8
stringmultimatching stringmultimatching 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Suffix Array; multiple calls of String Matching 185 6.8
substrings substrings 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array Suffix Array; clever usage of LCP information; interesting problem 194 6.5
suffixarrayreconstruction suffixarrayreconstruction 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array clever creative problem involving Suffix Array concept; be careful that '*' can be more than one character 125 4.1
suffixsorting suffixsorting 6.5a, Suffix Trie/Tree/Array basic Suffix Array construction problem; be careful with terminating symbol 201 5.7
11475 Fetching from uHunt 6.6a, String Hashing similar with UVa 12467 0.0
12467 Fetching from uHunt 6.6a, String Hashing hashing/'border' of KMP; see UVa 11475 0.0
12604 Fetching from uHunt 6.6a, String Hashing try Rabin-Karp/KMP up to 62 times 0.0
animal animal 6.6a, String Hashing Singapore15 preliminary; hash the subtrees and compare them 203 6.8
hashing hashing 6.6a, String Hashing the problem description is very clear; good rolling hash practice; or use Suffix Array+Sparse Table 142 7.3
stringmatching stringmatching 6.6a, String Hashing try Rabin-Karp or KMP 719 4.5
typo typo 6.6a, String Hashing rolling hash; update hash value when character s[i] is deleted from string s; use 2 large prime modulo to be safe 122 6.7
00148 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram uses backtracking 0.0
00156 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram easier with algorithm::sort 0.0
00195 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram use algorithm::next_permutation 0.0
00454 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram anagram 0.0
00630 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram ad hoc; string 0.0
00642 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram go through the given small dictionary for the list of possible anagrams 0.0
10098 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram very similar to UVa 195 0.0
12641 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram anagram problem variation 0.0
12770 Fetching from uHunt 6.7a, Anagram count frequencies; print odd frequency characters with except the last one -- put it in the middle of a palindrome 0.0
multigram multigram 6.7a, Anagram brute force lengths that is divisor of the original length of the string; test 221 2.8
samedigitseasy samedigitseasy 6.7a, Anagram brute force math; check if x*y is an anagram of digits of x and y 180 2.7
00257 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check (DP-able) plus brute force checks for non embedding criteria 0.0
00353 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) brute force all substrings; count how many substrings are palindrome 0.0
00401 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) simple palindrome check 0.0
10848 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) related to UVa 10453; palindrome check, character frequency check, and a few others 0.0
10945 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check; ignore case and punctuation 0.0
11221 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check; we deal with a matrix (magic square) this time 0.0
11309 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) palindrome check; on HH:MM format 0.0
11584 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) use two O(n^2) DP string; one for palindrome check and the other for partitioning 0.0
11888 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) let ss = s+s; find reverse(s) in ss, but it cannot match the first n chars or the last n chars of ss 0.0
12960 Fetching from uHunt 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) additional twist; special positioning; DP pair 0.0
antipalindrome antipalindrome 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) try all substrings and check if any is palindrome 200 1.9
kaleidoscopicpalindromes kaleidoscopicpalindromes 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) test all; when you try enlarging k, the answers are actually 'small' 233 3.2
morsecodepalindromes morsecodepalindromes 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) digitise the Morse code; palindrome check; be careful with empty code 407 3.1
palindromesubstring palindromesubstring 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) try all pairs of O(n^2) substrings with at least 2 characters; keep the ones that are palindrome (use DP) in a sorted se... 298 4.2
peragrams peragrams 6.7b, Palindrome (Checking) only one odd frequency character can be in the center of palindrome once; the rest need to have even frequency 1692 1.7
01239 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) LA 4144 - Jakarta08; as S <= 1000; brute-force is enough; consider odd and even length palindromes 0.0
10018 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) generating palindrome with specific math simulation; very easy 0.0
10453 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) s: (l; r); t: (l 1; r-1) if S[l] == S[r]; or one plus min of(l 1; r) or (l; r-1); also print the required solution; simi... 0.0
10617 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) s: (l; r); counting substrings that are palindrome 0.0
10739 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) similar to UVa 10453; 11151; and 11404 0.0
11151 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) s: (l; r); similar to UVa 10453; 10739; and 11404 0.0
11404 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) similar to UVa 10453; 10739; and 11151; print the solution in lexicographically smallest manner 0.0
12718 Fetching from uHunt 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) LA 6659 - Dhaka13; try all substrings; count character frequencies in them and analyze 0.0
evilstraw evilstraw 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) greedily match leftmost char s[0]/rightmost char s[n-1] with rightmost/leftmost matching s[i], respectively 137 3.8
names names 6.7c, Palindrome (Generating) add a letter or change a letter; complete search 368 4.0
00152 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points sort the 3D points first 0.0
00587 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 0.0
00920 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 0.0
01595 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points use set to record the positions of all sorted points; check half of the points if the symmetries are in the set too? 0.0
10357 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist; simple Physics simulation 0.0
10466 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 0.0
10585 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points sort the points 0.0
10832 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points 3D Euclidean distance; simulation 0.0
10865 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points points and quadrants; simple; also available at Kattis - browniepoints 0.0
10927 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points sort points by gradient; Euclidean dist 0.0
11012 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points find i and j for which this function is maximal: |x_i-x_j| |y_i-y_j| |z_i-z_j|; the solution must be faster than O(n^2) 0.0
11505 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist; also available at Kattis - logo 0.0
11894 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points about rotating and translating points 0.0
12704 Fetching from uHunt 7.2a, Points circle; radius; but eventually just about computing Euclidean distance 0.0
browniepoints browniepoints 7.2a, Points points and quadrants; simple; also available at UVa 10865 - Brownie Points 154 2.3
cursethedarkness cursethedarkness 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 596 2.2
imperfectgps imperfectgps 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist; simulation 487 4.2
jointjogjam jointjogjam 7.2a, Points take the max Euclidean dist between two starting vs two ending points 448 1.6
logo 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist; also available at UVa 11505 - Logo 2.4
mandelbrot mandelbrot 7.2a, Points the modulus operation in complex number is like Euclidean dist; simulate as asked 616 3.0
sibice sibice 7.2a, Points Euclidean dist 7006 1.3
00191 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segment intersection 0.0
00378 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines library routines: areParallel; areSame; areIntersect 0.0
00833 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines recursive check; use the ccw tests 0.0
00837 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segments; sort x-coords first 0.0
00866 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines use line segment intersection library; O(n^2) solution can pass 0.0
01249 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines LA 4601 - SoutheastUSA09; vector 0.0
10242 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines toVec; translate points w.r.t. that vector 0.0
10250 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines vector; rotation 0.0
10263 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines use distToLineSegment 0.0
10902 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segment intersection 0.0
11068 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines simple 2 linear equations with 2 unknowns 0.0
11343 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines line segment intersection 0.0
11519 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines n vectors that sum to 0; given n-1 vectors, find the unknown vector; also available at Kattis - logo2 0.0
11783 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines O(N^2) brute force line segment intersection tests 0.0
13117 Fetching from uHunt 7.2b, Lines dist + distToLineSegment 0.0
completingthesquare completingthesquare 7.2b, Lines Euclidean dist checks; then translate a point with a vector 548 1.9
countingtriangles countingtriangles 7.2b, Lines actually the constraints simplify this problem to line segment intersection tests 258 2.5
goatrope goatrope 7.2b, Lines distance of point to line segments of a rectangle; we can use case analysis (only 8 possibilities) 854 1.6
hurricanedanger hurricanedanger 7.2b, Lines distance from point to line (not vector); be careful of precision error; work with integers 114 5.9
logo2 logo2 7.2b, Lines n vectors that sum to 0; given n-1 vectors, find the unknown vector; also available at UVa 11519 - Logo 2 114 5.6
platforme platforme 7.2b, Lines line segment intersection tests; N ≤ 100; complete search 210 2.7
rafting rafting 7.2b, Lines distance of points of one polygon to line segments of the other polygon; do this test for both inner to outer and outer ... 301 3.4
segmentdistance segmentdistance 7.2b, Lines if the two line segment intersects, output 0.00; otherwise, compute distance of all 4 end points to the other line segme... 227 4.1
svm svm 7.2b, Lines vector evaluation 172 4.3
triangleornaments triangleornaments 7.2b, Lines the problems can be decomposed into vector projections or to be precise: vector rejections 204 2.1
trojke trojke 7.2b, Lines complete search; 3 nested loops; check if three points have the same gradient 185 3.0
unlockpattern unlockpattern 7.2b, Lines complete search; Euclidean dist 902 1.7
01388 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles LA 3708 - NortheasternEurope06; divide the circle into n sectors first and then into (n m) sectors 0.0
10005 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles complete search; use circle2PtsRad 0.0
10136 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles complete search; use circle2PtsRad; similar with UVa 10005 0.0
10180 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles closest point from AB to origin; arc 0.0
10209 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles square; arcs; similar with UVa 10589 0.0
10221 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles finding arc and chord length of a circle 0.0
10283 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles derive the formula 0.0
10287 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles derive the formula 0.0
10432 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles simple problem: area of n-sided reg-polygon in a circle 0.0
10451 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles inner/outer circle of n-sided reg polygon 0.0
10573 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles there is no 'impossible' case 0.0
10589 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles check if point is inside intersection of 4 circles 0.0
10678 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles area of an ellipse; generalization of the formula for area of a circle 0.0
12578 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles area of rectangle and circle 0.0
12748 Fetching from uHunt 7.2c, Circles brute force and simple in-circle test 0.0
amsterdamdistance amsterdamdistance 7.2c, Circles arcs of circles; no need to model this as an SSSP problem/Dijkstra's 571 2.9
anthonyanddiablo anthonyanddiablo 7.2c, Circles area and perimeter of a circle 937 2.3
ballbearings ballbearings 7.2c, Circles O(1) adhoc math formula exists 227 3.8
biggest biggest 7.2c, Circles find biggest area of sector using simulation; use array (not that larget) to avoid precision error 147 6.6
dartscores dartscores 7.2c, Circles simple point in circle test; all integers 445 2.4
estimatingtheareaofacircle estimatingtheareaofacircle 7.2c, Circles PI estimation experiment 2084 1.6
fractalarea fractalarea 7.2c, Circles area of progressively smaller circles 224 3.1
halfacookie halfacookie 7.2c, Circles simple point rotation (without rotation matrix); circle; chord; segment 626 1.7
herman herman 7.2c, Circles simple; area of circle; normal vs Manhattan/taxicab 2124 1.5
ornaments ornaments 7.2c, Circles arch length plus two times tangent lengths 236 2.2
pizza2 pizza2 7.2c, Circles simple; involving circle; the formula is very easy to derive 3316 1.7
racingalphabet racingalphabet 7.2c, Circles circle; arc; simulation 992 1.5
sanic sanic 7.2c, Circles rolling a small circle inside a bigger circle; 'offset-by-one' 115 2.4
tracksmoothing tracksmoothing 7.2c, Circles actually clever; those round corners will form a circle 194 1.8
watchdog watchdog 7.2c, Circles in circle test; brute force 212 2.0
00313 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) use trigonometry to project the light to the ground through the pipes; sort the intervals; merge overlapping intervals; ... 0.0
00427 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) for each 2 consecutive corridors, try rotating the piano by a angle α ∈ [0.1..89.9] degrees; trigonometry 0.0
10210 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) basic trigonometry 0.0
10286 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) Law of Sines 0.0
10387 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) expanding surface; trigonometry 0.0
10792 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) derive the trigonometry formulas 0.0
11326 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) trigonometry; tangent; reflection trick 0.0
11854 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) Pythagorean theorem/triple; also available at Kattis - egypt 0.0
11909 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) Law of Sines (or tangent); two possible cases 0.0
12901 Fetching from uHunt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) tangent, sine, arcsin, etc 0.0
alldifferentdirections alldifferentdirections 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) use trigonometry to compute x and y displacement 446 2.6
bazen bazen 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) half area of triangle; six possible cases only 218 2.7
billiard billiard 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) enlarge the billiard table; then this is solvable with atan2 856 1.6
egypt egypt 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) Pythagorean theorem/triple; also available at UVa 11854 - Egypt 862 1.9
glassesfoggymomsspaghetti glassesfoggymomsspaghetti 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) trigonometry; atan; tan 100 2.2
humancannonball2 humancannonball2 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) trigonometry; simple Physics 2399 1.4
ladder ladder 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) simple trigonometry problem 6141 1.4
mountainbiking mountainbiking 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) up to 4 line segments; simple trigonometry; simple Physics/Kinematic equation 216 2.8
santaklas santaklas 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) another simple trigonometry problem: sine 422 2.5
vacuumba vacuumba 7.2d, Triangles (Trig) trigonometry to measure the X and Y displacements 689 1.9
00143 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles count integer points in triangle; beware of precision issue 0.0
00190 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle's circumcircle 0.0
00375 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle'sincircles 0.0
00438 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles compute triangle's circumcircle 0.0
10195 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle'sincircle; Heron's formula 0.0
10347 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles given 3 medians of a triangle; find its area 0.0
10522 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles derive the formula; uses Heron's formula 0.0
10577 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles get center radius of outer circle from 3 points; get all vertices; get the min-x/max-x/min-y/max-y of the polygon; also ... 0.0
10991 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles Heron's formula; Law of Cosines; area of sector 0.0
11152 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle's (in/circum)circle; Heron's formula 0.0
11164 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles use Triangle properties 0.0
11281 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles circumcircle for a non obtuse triangle; largest side of the triangle for an obtuse triangle 0.0
11437 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles hint: 1/7 0.0
11479 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles property check 0.0
11579 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles sort; greedily check if three successive sides satisfy triangle inequality and if it is the largest triangle found so fa... 0.0
11936 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles see if 3 sides form a valid triangle 0.0
13215 Fetching from uHunt 7.2e, Triangles + Circles area of rectangle minus area of squares and equilateral triangles 0.0
cropeasy cropeasy 7.2e, Triangles + Circles complete search 3 points/tree; check if the center is integer 178 3.0
exoplanetlighthouse exoplanetlighthouse 7.2e, Triangles + Circles decompose the diagram into two right triangles; cosine; arc of a circle; notice km vs m 36 1.7
greedypolygons greedypolygons 7.2e, Triangles + Circles the answer is the area of n smaller isosceles triangles + one full circle + a few rectangles 302 1.5
queenspatio queenspatio 7.2e, Triangles + Circles compute ring by ring; involving Trigonometry 71 2.9
stickysituation stickysituation 7.2e, Triangles + Circles see if 3 sides form a triangle; see UVa 11579 675 2.7
triarea triarea 7.2e, Triangles + Circles simple triangle area 1326 1.3
trilemma trilemma 7.2e, Triangles + Circles triangle properties; sort the 3 sides first 225 3.6
00155 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals recursive counting 0.0
00209 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals LA 5148 - WorldFinals SanAntonio91; brute force check; answer is either triangle, parallelogram, or hexagon 0.0
00460 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangle-rectangle intersection 0.0
00476 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals basic problem; also see related problems: UVa 00477 and 00478 0.0
00477 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals similar with UVa 00476 and 00478 0.0
11207 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals cutting rectangle into 4-equal-sized squares 0.0
11314 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals a thin line cake that is formed by stretching line segment AB until it hits the y and x-axis is the quadrilateral with s... 0.0
11345 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangle-rectangle intersection 0.0
11455 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals property check 0.0
11639 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangle-rectangle intersection; use flag array 0.0
11648 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals derive the closed form formula 0.0
11800 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals use next_permutation to try all possible 4! = 24 permutations of 4 points; check the requirements 0.0
11834 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals packing two circles in a rectangle 0.0
12256 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals LA 5001 - KualaLumpur10; first 3 sides are 1, 1, 1; the 4th side onwards are sum of previous threes 0.0
12611 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals a problem involving a rectangle and a circle 0.0
12894 Fetching from uHunt 7.2f, Quadrilaterals continuation of UVa 12611; another problem involving a rectangle and a circle 0.0
areal areal 7.2f, Quadrilaterals just output 4*sqrt(a) 3732 1.5
armcoordination armcoordination 7.2f, Quadrilaterals pick the easiest one: axis-aligned bounding square of the given circle 336 1.7
cetvrta cetvrta 7.2f, Quadrilaterals sort the x and y points, then you will know the 4th point 4727 1.3
flowlayout flowlayout 7.2f, Quadrilaterals simulate the process; output the final answers 965 2.0
frosting frosting 7.2f, Quadrilaterals area of rectangles; but do it cleverly to avoid TLE 303 3.8
grassseed grassseed 7.2f, Quadrilaterals one pass; area of rectangle 4980 1.3
hittingtargets hittingtargets 7.2f, Quadrilaterals simple inside rectangle and circle tests 1026 1.7
kornislav kornislav 7.2f, Quadrilaterals sort the 4 edges; and think which edges should be taken 2741 1.4
officespace officespace 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangles; small numbers; 2D Boolean arrays 143 5.5
pieceofcake2 pieceofcake2 7.2f, Quadrilaterals max of 4 rectangle areas; times thickness to get the volume 2078 1.3
rectanglearea rectanglearea 7.2f, Quadrilaterals simple rectangle area 310 1.6
rectanglesurrounding rectanglesurrounding 7.2f, Quadrilaterals rectangles; small; 2D Boolean arrays 187 3.8
roundedbuttons roundedbuttons 7.2f, Quadrilaterals in-rectangle/in-square test; in-4-circles tests 176 2.9
squarepeg squarepeg 7.2f, Quadrilaterals there is a simple check if we put the square in the center 172 1.6
taisformula taisformula 7.2f, Quadrilaterals area of consecutive trapezoids 923 1.5
trapizza trapizza 7.2f, Quadrilaterals compare area of trapezium versus circle 111 2.3
00478 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier inPolygon/Triangle/Circle/Rectangle 0.0
00634 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier basic inPolygon routine; notice that the input polygon can be convex or concave 0.0
00681 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier CH; with output formatting 0.0
01206 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier LA 3169 - Manila06; CH; input is formatted in complex manner 0.0
10060 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier area of polygon; area of circle 0.0
10112 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier test if point inPolygon/inTriangle; similar with UVa 478 0.0
11072 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier find CH and then check if the query point inside is inside the convex hull 0.0
11096 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier very classic CH problem; perimeter of polygon 0.0
11447 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier area of polygon 0.0
11473 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier modified perimeter of polygon 0.0
11626 Fetching from uHunt 7.3a, Polygon, Easier find CH; be careful with collinear points 0.0
convexhull convexhull 7.3a, Polygon, Easier basic convex hull problem; be careful with duplicate points and collinear points 644 4.8
convexhull2 convexhull2 7.3a, Polygon, Easier CH; collinear points 107 7.2
convexpolygonarea convexpolygonarea 7.3a, Polygon, Easier even more basic problem about area of polygon than Kattis - polygonarea 703 1.9
cookiecutter cookiecutter 7.3a, Polygon, Easier polygon area; polygon scaling; polygon translation 172 2.4
cuttingcorners cuttingcorners 7.3a, Polygon, Easier simulation of angle checks 95 3.5
dartscoring dartscoring 7.3a, Polygon, Easier CH; perimeter of CH 90 4.4
jabuke jabuke 7.3a, Polygon, Easier area of triangle; point in triangle; use easier method to see if area of three sub triangles equals to area of the origi... 614 1.9
polygonarea polygonarea 7.3a, Polygon, Easier basic polygon area computation; determine CCW/CW order by checking if the signed area is positive/negative, respectively... 967 2.8
robotprotection robotprotection 7.3a, Polygon, Easier simply find the area of convex hull 236 2.4
simplepolygon simplepolygon 7.3a, Polygon, Easier center of polygon; Graham's scan like angular sorting 155 5.5
00109 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder find CH; test if point inPolygon; compute area of polygon 0.0
00132 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder brute force as instructed in problem description; use polygon routines 0.0
00137 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder convex polygon intersection; line segment intersection; inPolygon; CH; area; inclusion-exclusion principle 0.0
00218 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder LA 5157 - WorldFinals KansasCity92; find CH; perimeter of polygon 0.0
00361 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder check if a point is inside CH of Cop/Robber; if $pt$ is inside CH, pt satisfies the requirement 0.0
00596 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder basic CH problem; but output formatting is a bit tedious 0.0
00858 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder vertical line and polygon intersection; sort; alternating segments 0.0
01111 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder LA 5138 - WorldFinals Orlando11; CH; output minimax distance of each CH side to the other vertices 0.0
10002 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder centroid; center of CH; area of polygon 0.0
10065 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder find area of polygon; the CH; then area of CH 0.0
10256 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder given 2 CHs, output 'No' if there is a point in 1st CH inside the 2nd one; 'Yes' otherwise 0.0
10406 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder vector; rotate; translate; then cutPolygon 0.0
10445 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder angle checks; use library code; some corner cases exist 0.0
10652 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder rotate; translate; CH; area; also available at Kattis - wrapping 0.0
11265 Fetching from uHunt 7.3b, Polygon, Harder seems to be a complex problem; but essentially just cutPolygon; inPolygon; area 0.0
abstractart abstractart 7.3b, Polygon, Harder cool area union problem; solvable with java.awt.geom.* library package; Shoelace's formula 66 6.0
convex convex 7.3b, Polygon, Harder must understand the concept of convex polygon; a bit of mathematical insights: GCD; sort 132 6.4
largesttriangle largesttriangle 7.3b, Polygon, Harder CH to remove irrelevant points; O(N^2) rotating caliper-like algorithm 160 6.8
playingtheslots playingtheslots 7.3b, Polygon, Harder similar with UVa 01111 75 3.0
pointinpolygon pointinpolygon 7.3b, Polygon, Harder in/out and on polygon 311 5.5
roberthood roberthood 7.3b, Polygon, Harder the classic furthest pair problem; use convex hull and then rotating caliper 376 4.6
skyline skyline 7.3b, Polygon, Harder cool area subtraction problem from back to front; solvable with java.awt.geom.* library package; Shoelace's formula 25 4.8
wrapping wrapping 7.3b, Polygon, Harder rotate; translate; CH; area; also available at UVa 10652 223 3.6
00535 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance 0.0
00737 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry cube and cube intersection 0.0
00815 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry LA 5215 - WorldFinals Eindhoven99; volume; greedy 0.0
01280 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry LA 6027 - WorldFinals Warsaw12; BSTA+geometric formula; also available at Kattis - bottles 0.0
10297 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry volumes of cylinders and cones; inclusion-exclusion; also available at Kattis - beavergnaw 0.0
10316 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance; also available at Kattis - airlinehub 0.0
10897 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance 0.0
11817 Fetching from uHunt 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance; 3D Euclidean distance; also available at Kattis - tunnelingtheearth 0.0
airlinehub airlinehub 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance; also available at UVa 10316 - Airline Hub 211 6.6
beavergnaw beavergnaw 7.4a, 3D Geometry volumes of cylinders and cones; inclusion-exclusion; also available at UVa 10297 - Beavergnaw 1210 1.4
bottles bottles 7.4a, 3D Geometry LA 6027 - WorldFinals Warsaw12; BSTA+geometric formula; also available at UVa 01280 - Curvy Little Bottles 217 3.0
cheese cheese 7.4a, 3D Geometry binary search the answer; geometry formula; a bit of calculus if the cut intersect a sphere 338 3.0
flowers flowers 7.4a, 3D Geometry the key part of this problem is integration 63 4.4
infiniteslides infiniteslides 7.4a, 3D Geometry 3D Euclidian distance (parameterized by time t); ternary search best t that minimizes 3D distance 63 3.1
movingday movingday 7.4a, 3D Geometry output volume of the largest cuboid - V 261 2.1
tunnelingtheearth tunnelingtheearth 7.4a, 3D Geometry gcDistance; 3D Euclidean distance; also available at UVa 11817 - Tunnelling The Earth 55 3.2
waronweather waronweather 7.4a, 3D Geometry brute force; distance of 3D points; obtuse triangle checks 100 3.5
00131 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with 2^5 bitmask to help deciding which card is retained in hand/exchanged with the top of deck; use 5! per... 0.0
00211 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking map the complex bone IDs to pips using 2D array; use backtracking to try the placement of various domino bones 0.0
00387 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking use backtracking to try placement of various puzzle pieces 0.0
00710 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with memoization/pruning 0.0
00711 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with pruning 0.0
01052 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking LA 3565 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; backtracking with some form of bitmask 0.0
10202 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking; pruning 0.0
10309 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking brute force the first row in 2^10; the rest follows 0.0
10318 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking the order is not important, so we can try pressing the buttons in increasing order, row by row, column by column 0.0
10422 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking Depth Limited Search (up to 11 moves); also available at Kattis - knightsfen 0.0
10890 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking looks like a DP problem but the state---involving bitmask---cannot be memoized; fortunately the grid size is small 0.0
11090 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking this is the simplest form of Min Mean Cycle problem; however it has small constraints and thus this problem is still sol... 0.0
11127 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking with bitmask 0.0
11195 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking use backtracking with bitmask 0.0
11451 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking the input constraints are small; backtracking with bitmask without memoization; or use DP 0.0
11464 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking brute force the first row in 2^15; the rest follows 0.0
11471 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking reduce search space by grouping tiles of the same type; recursive backtracking 0.0
11699 Fetching from uHunt 8.2a, Harder Backtracking try all the possible row combinations on which we put rooks and keep the best 0.0
bells bells 8.2a, Harder Backtracking harder backtracking; see pattern; use deque to help with push_front 210 4.7
capsules capsules 8.2a, Harder Backtracking recursive backtracking with pruning; SUDOKU variant; may or may not be NP-complete 84 3.2
committeeassignment committeeassignment 8.2a, Harder Backtracking backtracking; pruning; add a member to existing committee or create a new committee; TLE with DP bitmask 68 7.4
greatswercporto greatswercporto 8.2a, Harder Backtracking use backtracking with pruning; testing up to 10! possible permutations possibly TLE 120 4.1
holeynqueensbatman holeynqueensbatman 8.2a, Harder Backtracking similar with UVa 11195 527 2.2
knightsfen knightsfen 8.2a, Harder Backtracking Depth Limited Search (up to 11 moves); also available at UVa 10422 - Knights in FEN 312 3.2
minibattleship minibattleship 8.2a, Harder Backtracking try all possible bitmasks of nxn bits that are consistent; try installing ships via backtracking; prune as much as possi... 140 2.9
pebblesolitaire pebblesolitaire 8.2a, Harder Backtracking s: (bitmask); simulation; pick the smallest answer 480 2.2
sumdoku sumdoku 8.2a, Harder Backtracking tedious backtracking with bitmask; simplify your implementation as much as possible 52 3.3
00298 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (row; col; 49 possible speeds) 0.0
00928 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (row; col; direction; step) 0.0
01600 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E LA 3670 - Hanoi06; s: (row; col; k_left); reset k_left to the original k as soon as the robot enters a non obstacle cell 0.0
10047 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (row, col, dir, color) 0.0
10097 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (N1; N2); implicit unweighted graph 0.0
10306 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (conventional-value, infotechnological-value); BFS; also available at Kattis - ecoins 0.0
10682 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (current_city; current_speed); output path 0.0
11513 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (vector of 9 integers); SDSP; BFS 0.0
11974 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (bitmask); BFS; similar with UVa 12135 0.0
12135 Fetching from uHunt 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E LA 4201 - Dhaka08; s: (bitmask); BFS; similar with UVa 11974 0.0
ecoins ecoins 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (conventional-value, infotechnological-value); BFS; also available at UVa 10306 - e-Coins 169 4.6
flipfive flipfive 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (bitmask); only 2^9 = 512 grid configurations; BFS 621 2.7
hydrasheads hydrasheads 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (cur_H, cur_T); BFS; but easier solution exists 551 1.7
illiteracy illiteracy 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (string); 6 different transition rules; BFS 126 2.9
safe safe 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (convert 3x3 grid into a base 4 integer); BFS 181 3.0
talnalas talnalas 8.2b, State-Space, BFS, E s: (n-digit(s) number); change one of the digit up/down; check against lucky number set; BFS 163 2.6
00321 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (position; bitmask 2^10); print the path 0.0
00704 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H state-space search; use meet-in-the-middle to bring down 4^16 to 2*4^8 0.0
00816 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 5216 - WorldFinals Orlando00; build the graph; then run BFS with state s: (row; col; dir) 0.0
00985 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H 4 rotations is the same as 0 rotations; s: (row; col; rotation = [0..3]); find the shortest path from state [1][1][0] to... 0.0
01251 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 4637 - Tokyo09 0.0
01253 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 4645 - Tokyo09; tedious state modeling 0.0
01714 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 7155 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; s: (row, col, char_typed); also available at Kattis - keyboard 0.0
10021 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (row; col; cube position which is a permutation of 6 sides) or up to 10*10*720 = 72000 distinct states 0.0
10085 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H each vertex is the 9 puzzle configuration; BFS from starting configuration to all vertices; print longest shortest path 0.0
11160 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (rA; cA; rB; cB; rC; cC); move A; B; C together 0.0
11198 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (permutation); tricky to code 0.0
11212 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H meet in the middle 0.0
11329 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (bitmask); 4 bits for die position; 16 bits for cells with fleas; 6 bits for side with a flea; use map; tedious 0.0
12445 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H meet in the middle; similar with UVa 11212; uses heavy bitmasking for the 6 operations 0.0
12569 Fetching from uHunt 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (robot_pos, obstacle_mask); BFS 0.0
buggyrobot buggyrobot 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (r, c, k); robot at (r, c) executing kth command; t: skip or follow the command (success/fail), or add new DRUL comma... 84 5.2
buggyrobot2 buggyrobot2 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H see Kattis - buggyrobot 55 6.3
distinctivecharacter distinctivecharacter 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (bitmask); multi-sources BFS; find bitmask that has the furthest distance to any of the source 272 6.5
enteringthetime enteringthetime 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (h1, h2, m1, m2); try adjusting each digit by +1 or -1 126 5.1
jabuke2 jabuke2 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (r, c); multiple call of BFS; but gets shorter each time; use 'no-memset' strategy 40 6.6
jumpingyoshi jumpingyoshi 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (u); there are up to 1m vertices but only 1m edges; build edges on the fly using a kind of 'meet in the middle' techn... 48 4.7
keyboard keyboard 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H LA 7155 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; s: (row, col, char_typed); also available at UVa 01714 - Keyboarding 258 5.0
ricochetrobots ricochetrobots 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: ((r, c) positions of the 4 robots; each robot can move to any of the 4 directions with variable lengths 89 3.2
robotmaze robotmaze 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (r, c, dir, steps); be careful of corner cases 87 5.7
robotturtles robotturtles 8.2c, State-Space, BFS, H s: (r, c, dir, bitmask_ice_castles); print solution; very tedious 114 4.5
00658 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (bitmask---whether a bug is present or not); the state-space graph is weighted 0.0
01048 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra LA 3561 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; tedious state-space search problem; use Dijkstra's 0.0
01057 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra LA 3570 - WorldFinals SanAntonio06; Floyd-Warshall; APSP; reduce to weighted SSSP problem; Dijkstra's 0.0
10269 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra use Floyd-Warshall to pre-compute APSP using only Villages; use Dijkstra's on s: (u, super_run_left) 0.0
10923 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (ship_position; location_of_enemies; location_of_obstacles; steps_so_far); implicit weighted graph 0.0
11374 Fetching from uHunt 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra each vertex has one more parameter: has the Commercial-Xpress ticket been used? 0.0
bigtruck bigtruck 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (city, items_picked); use Dijkstra's 1144 3.2
bumped bumped 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (city, has_use_free_ticket); use Dijkstra's 545 4.4
destinationunknown destinationunknown 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra use Dijkstra's twice; one normally; one with s: (point, has_edge_g_h_used); compare the results 101 5.6
justpassingthrough justpassingthrough 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (r, c, n_left); Dijkstra's/SSSP on DAG 92 5.1
kitchen kitchen 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (volume_of_the_n_cups); t: try all possible pourings; use Dijkstra's 152 3.5
quantum quantum 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (bitmask); t: all of the nop operations; use Dijkstra's 82 3.3
rainbowroadrace rainbowroadrace 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (pos, bitmask_of_7_colors); use Dijkstra's 101 2.9
treasure treasure 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (day, k_left, cur_r, cur_c); use Dijkstra's 118 8.0
xentopia xentopia 8.2d, State-Space, Dijkstra s: (u, k1_used, k2_used); use Dijkstra's 184 4.6
00672 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (gangster_id, openness_level); do not use cur_time as part of the state 0.0
00882 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (lo, hi, mailbox_left); try all; also available at Kattis - mailbox 0.0
01172 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 LA 3986 - SouthWesternEurope07; weighted bipartite matching with additional constraints 0.0
01211 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 LA 3404 - Tokyo05; precompute T[L], the time to run a path of length L; s: (i) - checkpoint i is we change tire 0.0
10163 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 try all possible safe line L and run DP; s: (id; N_left); t: hire/skip person id for looking at K storage; the DP part i... 0.0
10604 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 the mixing can be done with any pair of chemicals until there are only two chemicals left; memoize the remaining chemica... 0.0
10645 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (days_left, budget_left, prev_dish, prev_dish_cnt); the first 2 params are knapsack-style; the last 2 params to deter... 0.0
10898 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 similar to DP bitmask; store state as integer 0.0
11002 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 a simple DP; use negative offset technique 0.0
11285 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 maintain the best CAD and USD each day; also available at Kattis - exchangerates 0.0
11523 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 each part between non-recyclable items must be solved separately; for each part; use O(n^3) DP 0.0
11555 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 sort; compute tree positions; s: (l_left, r_left), t: put next tree on the left/right; also available at Kattis - aspena... 0.0
12208 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 actually just a simple combinatorics; it is classified here due to the usage of map data structure as the DP table as th... 0.0
12563 Fetching from uHunt 8.3a, DP level 3 knapsack style DP; sing or skip a song; special base case; memo of pairs 0.0
aspenavenue aspenavenue 8.3a, DP level 3 sort; compute tree positions; s: (l_left, r_left), t: put next tree on the left/right; also available at UVa 11555 - Asp... 223 5.8
busticket busticket 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (day_i); t: either buy daily ticket or jump to end of period ticket (use binary search to avoid TLE) 186 4.4
crackerbarrel crackerbarrel 8.3a, DP level 3 very similar to Kattis - peggamefortwo but without the 2 alternating players; backtrack/DP on special grid 55 4.0
eatingeverything eatingeverything 8.3a, DP level 3 pizza world is a DAG; s: (pizza_stall); t: eat a (full) pizza here and stop; skip this stall; eat a pizza here and take ... 59 3.7
exchangerates exchangerates 8.3a, DP level 3 maintain the best CAD and USD each day; also available at UVa 11285 - Exchange Rates 87 4.5
homework homework 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (i, j); the currently considered character s is (i+j); t: s matches s1[i] or s2[j] 172 6.7
ingestion ingestion 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (hour, consecutive_eating, has_refrain); t: eat at this hour, refrain eating for one or two hours; floating point 260 5.7
mailbox mailbox 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (lo, hi, mailbox_left); try all; also available at UVa 00882 - The Mailbox Manufacturers Problem 386 2.1
posterize posterize 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (prev_value; k_left); t: pick one of the 256 values to be included in the k selected distinct red values 411 3.0
protectingthecollection protectingthecollection 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (r, c, dir, has_installed_a_mirror); t: just proceed or install '/' or '\' mirror at a '.' 55 6.2
skolvagen skolvagen 8.3a, DP level 3 s: (i, NS); t: stay at the same side or go to the other side; many subcases 925 2.0
variedamusements variedamusements 8.3a, DP level 3 DP plus combinatorics 525 3.1
welcomeeasy welcomeeasy 8.3a, DP level 3 also see Kattis - welcomehard 655 2.1
welcomehard welcomehard 8.3a, DP level 3 also see Kattis - welcomeeasy 345 4.8
00473 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 the input constraint is not clear; therefore use resizeable vector and compact states 0.0
00812 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 5212 - WorldFinals Eindhoven99; mix between greedy and DP 0.0
01222 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 3797 - Tehran06; DP on Tree 0.0
01231 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 4106 - Singapore07; dimension reduction 0.0
01238 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 4143 - Jakarta08; offset technique 0.0
10029 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 use map as memo table 0.0
10118 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 DP bitmask; not trivial 0.0
10304 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 classical DP; requires 1D range sum and Knuth-Yao speed up to get O(n^2) solution 0.0
10482 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 drop one parameter to save memory 0.0
10559 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 DP with clever state and transitions 0.0
10626 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 drop parameter n1; recover it from b (number of coke bought), n5, and n10; also available at Kattis - coke 0.0
12870 Fetching from uHunt 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 6848 - Bangkok14; split DP for fishing and nourishing; try all combination of K fishing + 2K nourishing events 0.0
city city 8.3b, DP level 4 s: (i, left_building_explode); t: use 2nd parameter properly 94 6.5
coke coke 8.3b, DP level 4 drop parameter n1; recover it from b (number of coke bought), n5, and n10; also available at UVa 10626 - Buying Coke 304 5.6
companypicnic companypicnic 8.3b, DP level 4 s: (name, has_been_matched); DP weighted matching (both cardinality and weight) on Tree 200 5.0
johnsstack johnsstack 8.3b, DP level 4 memoize sub-problem using map of vector of integers to long long 96 5.9
mububa mububa 8.3b, DP level 4 LA 7484 - Singapore15; BSTA; use the correct DP state 267 7.0
rollercoasterfun rollercoasterfun 8.3b, DP level 4 s: (T); split DPs when b = 0 and when b != 0 101 7.7
volumeamplification volumeamplification 8.3b, DP level 4 s: (reachable); bottom-up 50 7.5
00702 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (n_above, n_below, go_up) 0.0
10722 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in implicit DAG; s: (N_digits_left; B; first; previous_digit_is_one) and use a bit of simple combinatoric... 0.0
11125 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in implicit DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 8 parameters 0.0
11133 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 2 parameters 0.0
11375 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; 2 parameters; be careful that we can create a 0 with 6 sticks; need to use Java BigInteger 0.0
11432 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 6 parameters 0.0
12063 Fetching from uHunt 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder counting paths in DAG; s: (zeros; ones; mod); we do not need a parameter to denote the current bit as it can be recovere... 0.0
constrainedfreedomofchoice constrainedfreedomofchoice 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (row, col, last_action); t: go up/right/down based on last_action 80 5.3
countcircuits countcircuits 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (id, cur_x, cur_y); t: skip or use this vector; use offset technique to avoid negative indices 278 5.8
favourable favourable 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (cur_page); t: jump to one of the 3 sections 304 4.5
frustratedqueue frustratedqueue 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (i, n5); recover n10 and n5_at_operator; process accordingly 68 4.4
gigcombinatorics gigcombinatorics 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (i, hype_rating), t: 3 cases, depends on hype_rating; we can do computation on-the-fly with DP bottom up 595 3.9
pachinkoprobability pachinkoprobability 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (pos); DAG modeling; long long 113 5.8
ratings ratings 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (id, sum_left, tie_status); t: try all possible rating scores; the tie_status parameter is important 165 3.6
tractor tractor 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (row, col, move_number), DAG; t: go up/left 220 6.1
woodensigns woodensigns 8.3c, Counting Paths, Harder s: (idx, base1, base2), t: point left, right, or both; need to use hash table as memo table 65 2.3
01076 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4126 - WorldFinals Banff08; preprocess the strings; challenging DP bitmask; output up to 42 possible solutions 0.0
01099 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4794 - WorldFinals Harbin10; s: (w; bitmask); recover parameter value h 0.0
01240 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4146 - Jakarta08; a medium-level DP problem 0.0
01252 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask LA 4643 - Tokyo09; DP, s: (mask1, mask2) where mask1/mask2 describes the features/answers, respectively 0.0
10123 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask DP; s: (bitmask) that describes objects that have been taken; use Physics to determine whether those taken objects will ... 0.0
10149 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask DP with bitmask; uses card rules; tedious 0.0
10364 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask bitmask technique can be used 0.0
10817 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask s: (id; bitmask) 0.0
10911 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask the intro problem of this book; DP with bitmask; weighted MCM; small complete weighted graph 0.0
11218 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask still solvable with complete search 0.0
11391 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 3 parameters with 1 bitmask parameter that describes the 2D grid 0.0
11472 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; 4 parameters with 1 bitmask parameter 0.0
11806 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; s: (r; c; rem_cheerleader; bitmask); bitmask is a 4 bit integer to check if all 4 corners have at... 0.0
11825 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask first; use iterative brute force: try which subset of vertices can cover all vertices; then use DP to figure out the bes... 0.0
12030 Fetching from uHunt 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths in DAG; the implicit DAG is not trivial; s: (idx; bitmask; all1; has2); t: try all shoes that has not bee... 0.0
hidingchickens hidingchickens 8.3d, DP with Bitmask weighted MCM; small complete weighted graph; make fox goes back to the killing spot first after hiding one or two chicke... 89 5.7
narrowartgallery narrowartgallery 8.3d, DP with Bitmask interesting DP; s: (row, state_of_prev_row, k_left) 1417 2.8
paths paths 8.3d, DP with Bitmask counting paths on DAG with state s: (u, mask_of_K_colors) 247 3.1
pebblesolitaire2 pebblesolitaire2 8.3d, DP with Bitmask backtracking suffices for Kattis - pebblesolitair; but this version needs extra memoization 400 3.6
uxuhulvoting uxuhulvoting 8.3d, DP with Bitmask s: (priest_id, mask_of_3_bits); t: try all 3 possibilities of toggling a bit per priest, keep the best 240 3.2
wherehaveyoubin wherehaveyoubin 8.3d, DP with Bitmask s: (i, mask_of_processed) - we have assign bin [0..i-1] and companies mask_of_processed; t: give consecutive bins to eac... 30 5.0
00259 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard assignment problem; matching with capacity; similar to UVa 10092; 11045; and 12873; but actually the input constraint is... 0.0
00820 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard LA 5220 - WorldFinals Orlando00; very basic max flow problem 0.0
10092 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard assignment problem; matching with capacity; similar to UVa 259; 11045; and 12873 0.0
10511 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard matching; max flow; print the assignment; also available at Kattis - councilling 0.0
10779 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard build a flow graph s.t. each augmenting path corresponds to a series of exchange of duplicate stickers; repeat until thi... 0.0
11045 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard assignment problem; matching with capacity; similar to UVa 259; 10092; and 12873; but actually the input constraint is a... 0.0
11082 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard very similar to Kattis - tomography 0.0
11167 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard many edges in the flow graph; compress the capacity-1 edges when possible; use Dinic's 0.0
11418 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard two layers of graph matching (not really bipartite matching); use max flow solution 0.0
12873 Fetching from uHunt 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard LA 6851 - Bangkok14; assignment problem; similar to UVa 00259, 11045, and 10092; use Dinic's 0.0
councilling councilling 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard matching; max flow; print the assignment; also available at UVa 10511 - Councilling 89 7.1
dutyscheduler dutyscheduler 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard try all possible (small range of answers); assignment problem; matching with capacity; max flow 94 3.8
jupiter jupiter 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard good modeling problem; a good exercise for those who wants to master max flow modeling 150 5.8
maxflow maxflow 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard standard max flow problem for practice; print edges used in the max flow 531 6.3
mazemovement mazemovement 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard use gcd for all pairs of vertices to construct the flow graph; then it is just a standard max flow problem 135 4.4
mincut mincut 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard standard min cut problem for practice; print vertices reachable from source s after max flow 293 4.1
piano piano 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard good modeling problem; afterwards it is just a standard max flow problem 230 4.1
tomography tomography 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard max flow; somewhat assignment problem; matching with capacity; bipartite graph: left-set: rows/right-set: col; can also ... 239 3.8
waif waif 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard two layers of graph matching; with capacity; use max flow solution 159 2.7
water water 8.4a, Network Flow, Standard max flow on undirected flow graph; add edges; rerun max flow K times (short) 49 4.5
00563 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants check whether the maximum number of independent paths on the flow graph equals to b banks 0.0
01242 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants LA 4271 - Hefei08; to have a necklace; we need to be able to two edge-disjoint s-t flows 0.0
10330 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow; vertex capacities 0.0
10480 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants straightforward min cut problem 0.0
11380 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow modeling with vertex capacities; similar to UVa 12125 0.0
11506 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants min cut with vertex capacities 0.0
11757 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants creative problem about min cut; build the flow graph with a bit of simple geometry involving circle; then find the min c... 0.0
11765 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants interesting min cut variant 0.0
12125 Fetching from uHunt 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow modeling with vertex capacities; similar to UVa 11380; also available at Kattis - marchofpenguins 0.0
avoidingtheapocalypse avoidingtheapocalypse 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants interesting max flow modeling; blow the vertices based on time 191 4.4
budget budget 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow with lower bound 66 6.8
chesscompetition chesscompetition 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants baseball elimination problem; similar to Kattis - unfairplay 87 4.9
congest congest 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants LA 6395 - World Finals StPetersburg13; compute SSSP from downtown to other vertices; repeated edge-disjoint path computa... 256 3.7
conveyorbelts conveyorbelts 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow; blow up the vertices K times; reroute edges 89 3.7
copsandrobbers copsandrobbers 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants min cut; similar to Kattis - thekingofthenorth 125 3.7
darkness darkness 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants interesting min cut problem; each light source affects all other cells at x and y units away (the z is always H); cost i... 28 6.5
floodingfields floodingfields 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants similar with UVa 11380; must be very careful 48 5.5
landscaping landscaping 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants min cut; hard to spot the required modeling 70 6.0
marchofpenguins marchofpenguins 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow modeling; vertex capacities; also see UVa 11380; also available at UVa 12125 - March of the Penguins 68 3.8
neutralground neutralground 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants min cut; similar to Kattis - thekingofthenorth 28 6.0
thekingofthenorth thekingofthenorth 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants interesting min cut problem 193 5.0
transportation transportation 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants max flow with vertex capacities 165 5.6
unfairplay unfairplay 8.4b, Network Flow, Variants baseball elimination problem; similar to Kattis - chesscompetition; need to print solution too 89 4.7
00193 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E optimization version of Max Independent Set problem on general graph which is NP-Hard with small input 0.0
00539 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E LONGEST-PATH problem; small input/general graph 0.0
00574 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E print all solutions with backtracking 0.0
00624 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E input size is small; backtracking is enough 0.0
00775 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E backtracking suffices as the search space is small; it is more likely to have a HAMILTONIAN-TOUR in a dense graph, so we... 0.0
00989 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E classic SUDOKU puzzle; the small 9x9 instance is solvable with backtracking with pruning; use bitmask to speed up 0.0
10957 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E very similar with UVa 989; if you can solve that one; you can modify your code a bit to solve this one 0.0
11088 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E similar to UVa 10911 but partitioning of three persons to one team; PARTITION-INTO-TRIANGLES 0.0
12455 Fetching from uHunt 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E SUBSET-SUM; try all; see the harder UVa 12911 that requires meet in the middle 0.0
balanceddiet balanceddiet 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E PARTITION; n ≤ 20; use DP SUBSET-SUM style 316 4.0
countingchocolate countingchocolate 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E PARTITION; small instance; DP SUBSET-SUM style 158 4.2
equalsumseasy equalsumseasy 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E PARTITION; generate all possible subsets with bitmask; use set to record which sums have been computed 474 2.3
flowfree flowfree 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E brute force combination 3^10 or 4^8; then LONGEST-PATH problem on non DAG between two end points of the same color 109 4.4
font font 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E count number of possible SET-COVERs; use 2^N backtracking; but use bitmask to represent small set of covered letters 199 4.2
satisfiability satisfiability 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E SAT(isfiability); n ≤ 20; try all possible subsets 244 3.8
socialadvertising socialadvertising 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E MIN-DOMINATING-SET/MIN-SET-COVER; n ≤ 20; use compact Adjacency Matrix technique 59 5.1
tightfitsudoku tightfitsudoku 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E SUDOKU variant; backtracking + pruning 87 4.2
vivoparc vivoparc 8.6a, NP-hard/C, small, E GRAPH-COLORING on medium-sized graph; only 4 colors are used in this problem; backtracking 151 5.1
01098 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H LA 4793 - WorldFinals Harbin10; HAMILTONIAN-TOUR; backtracking+pruning; meet in the middle 0.0
01217 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H LA 3681 - Kaohsiung06; TSP-like optimization problem; which is NP-Hard; solvable with A*/IDA* 0.0
10032 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H PARTITION; DP Knapsack with optimization to avoid TLE; also available at Kattis - tugofwar 0.0
10125 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H SUBSET-SUM; 4-SUM variant; use unordered_map to map sum of a and b in S and their two indices; also available at Kattis ... 0.0
10160 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H optimization version of Min Vertex Cover on general graph; Dominating Set; which is NP-Hard; strategies: backtracking; s... 0.0
10571 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H hard backtracking problem; it has similar flavor as Su Doku puzzle 0.0
11065 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H optimization version of MAX-INDEPENDENT-SET problem on general graph; also report the number of Independent Sets; bitmas... 0.0
11095 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H optimization version of Min Vertex Cover on general graph which is NP-Hard 0.0
12911 Fetching from uHunt 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H SUBSET-SUM; we cannot use DP as 1 ≤ N ≤ 40 and -10^9 ≤ T ≤ 10^9; use meet in the middle 0.0
beanbag beanbag 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H SET-COVER problem; T farmers can collude to give Jack the hardest possible subset of beans to be given freely to Jack 119 4.9
busplanning busplanning 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H MIN-CLIQUE-COVER; DP bitmask over sets 91 5.4
coloring coloring 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H GRAPH-COLORING; n ≤ 11; greedily set vertex 0 to have color 0 to reduce max N to 10; backtracking 313 4.8
mapcolouring mapcolouring 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H GRAPH-COLORING; n ≤ 16; DP over sets; O(3^n); Subset of vertices that are Independent can be 1-colored 200 5.2
perfectskyline perfectskyline 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H N, S ≤ 15; SUBSET-SUM backtracking with bitmasks 39 4.1
programmingteamselection programmingteamselection 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H PARTITION-INTO-TRIANGLES; prune if #students % 3 != 0; generate up to m/3 teams; backtracking with memo 64 7.2
tugofwar tugofwar 8.6b, NP-hard/C, small, H PARTITION; DP Knapsack with optimization to avoid TLE; also available at UVa 10032 - Tug of War 117 7.4
01194 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 2523 - Beijing02; Min Vertex Cover/MVC 0.0
01347 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 3305 - SoutheasternEurope05; this is the pure version of Bitonic TSP problem; you may want to start from here 0.0
10243 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E this problem can be reduced to the Min Vertex Cover problem on Tree; there is a polynomial DP solution for this variant 0.0
10349 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MIS: V-MCBM; also available at Kattis - antennaplacement 0.0
10859 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E Min-Vertex-Cover; on several trees; maximize number of edges with its two endpoints covered 0.0
11159 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MAX-INDEPENDENT-SET; on Bipartite Graph; ans equals to its MCBM 0.0
11357 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E not a pure CNF SAT(isfiability) problem; it is a special case as only one clause needs to be satisfied 0.0
11419 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MVC; Konig theorem 0.0
12083 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 3415 - NorthwesternEurope05; MIS; also available at Kattis - guardianofdecency 0.0
12168 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 4288 - NorthwesternEurope08; MIS; also available at Kattis - catvsdog 0.0
13115 Fetching from uHunt 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E just a SUDOKU solution verifier; an NP-problem 0.0
antennaplacement antennaplacement 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MIS: V-MCBM; also available at UVa 10349 - Antenna Placement 36 5.2
bilateral bilateral 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E MIN-VERTEX-COVER on Bipartite Graph; MCBM; Konig's theorem that can handle the 1009 case correctly 43 6.5
bookcircle bookcircle 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E left set: boys; right set: girls; add edge (i, j) if boy i reads same book as girl j; MIN-VERTEX-COVER on Bipartite Grap... 137 4.4
catvsdog catvsdog 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 4288 - NorthwesternEurope08; MIS; also available at UVa 12168 - Cat vs. Dog 199 5.5
citrusintern citrusintern 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E modified MIN-DOMINATING-SET on tree where two adjacent vertices cannot be both inside the Dominating Set 169 3.6
countingclauses countingclauses 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E special case of 3-SAT; a bluffing task 480 1.7
cross cross 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E run special heuristics of the SUDOKU puzzle 273 3.9
europeantrip europeantrip 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E STEINER-TREE with 3 terminal vertices and up to 1 Steiner point; we can use two ternary searches 297 3.3
guardianofdecency guardianofdecency 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E LA 3415 - NorthwesternEurope05; MIS; also available at UVa 12083 - Guardian of Decency 45 6.3
reactivity reactivity 8.6c, NP-hard/C, special, E verify if a HAMILTONIAN-PATH exists in the DAG; find one topological sort of the DAG; verify if it is the only one in li... 280 4.0
01086 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 4452 - WorldFinals Stockholm09; can be modeled as a 2-SAT problem 0.0
01096 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 4791 - WorldFinals Harbin10; Bitonic TSP variant; print the actual path 0.0
01184 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 2696 - Dhaka02; MPC on DAG ~ MCBM 0.0
01201 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 3126 - NorthwesternEurope04; MPC on DAG; also available at Kattis - taxicab 0.0
01212 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 3483 - Hangzhou05; MWIS on Bipartite Graph 0.0
01220 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 3794 - Tehran06; Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem on tree; DP; also check if the MIS is unique 0.0
10319 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H can be modeled as a 2-SAT problem 0.0
11294 Fetching from uHunt 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H can be modeled as a 2-SAT problem; also available at Kattis - wedding 0.0
airports airports 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H MIN-PATH-COVER; on DAG; MCBM 92 6.4
eastereggs eastereggs 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H BSTA; MAX-INDEPENDENT-SET on Bipartite Graph; V-MCBM 82 5.2
ironcoal ironcoal 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H STEINER-TREE with 3 terminal vertices and up to 1 Steiner point; SSSP on unweighted graph; BFS; similar to Kattis - jail... 216 5.0
itcanbearranged itcanbearranged 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H MIN-PATH-COVER; on DAG; weighted; Max Flow 50 5.1
jailbreak jailbreak 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H STEINER-TREE; grid; BFS from 3 vertices: 'outside' and 2 prisoners (open doors independently or meet a Steiner point fir... 130 4.8
joggers joggers 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H MIN-VERTEX-COVER on Tree; root tree at vertex 0; limit tree up to depth S/2 46 6.1
mafija mafija 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H MAX-INDEPENDENT-SET; Special case: on Pseudoforest; use Greedy MIS; handle unvisited cycle separately 100 3.7
ridofcoins ridofcoins 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H not the minimizing COIN-CHANGE problem; but the maximizing one; greedy pruning; complete search on much smaller instance 94 7.9
taxicab taxicab 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H LA 3126 - NorthwesternEurope04; MPC on DAG; also available at UVa 01201 - Taxi Cab Scheme 38 5.5
wedding wedding 8.6d, NP-hard/C, special, H can be modeled as a 2-SAT problem; also available at UVa 11294 - Wedding 36 6.7
00714 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and greedy 0.0
10566 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier bisection method 0.0
10606 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier the solution is simply the highest square number <= N but this problem involves BigInteger; we can use a (rather slow) b... 0.0
10668 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier bisection method; also available at Kattis - expandingrods 0.0
10804 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and MCBM; similar with UVa 11262 0.0
10816 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and Dijkstra's 0.0
11262 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and MCBM; similar with UVa 10804 0.0
11646 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier the circle is at the center of track 0.0
12097 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and geometric formula 0.0
12851 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and 3D geometry volume of cone; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
12853 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and circumferences of two related circles 0.0
12908 Fetching from uHunt 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier binary search the answer and sum of arithmetic progression formula 0.0
arrivingontime arrivingontime 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA: the latest starting time; use Dijkstra's to compute whether we can still arrive at meeting point on time 79 6.3
bigboxes bigboxes 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA+greedy 135 3.5
canyoncrossing canyoncrossing 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA (lowest point on the path) + BFS on state-space graph that prioritizes path with lesser number of bridges used firs... 43 5.2
charlesincharge charlesincharge 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA: max edge that Charles can use; SSSP from 1 to $N$ passing through edges that do not exceed that; is it OK? 149 4.8
expandingrods expandingrods 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier bisection method; also available at UVa 10668 - Expanding Rods 36 5.3
fencebowling fencebowling 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA (the angle Beta) + trigonometry formulas 64 2.7
forestforthetrees forestforthetrees 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier gcd; BSTA+geometry in-rectangle tests 141 4.1
gridgame gridgame 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA + MCBM 199 5.0
pie pie 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA (the volume) + geometry; see if we can divide the pies into F+1 people equally 171 3.0
prettygoodcuberoot prettygoodcuberoot 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier bisection method; find cube root of a very large integer; use Big Integer 143 5.8
programmingtutors programmingtutors 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier +perfect MCBM 161 3.7
rockclimbing rockclimbing 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA + BFS 60 5.6
skijumping skijumping 8.7a, BSTA+Other, Easier BSTA + heavy math/Physics; involving derivation 56 3.4
01221 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder LA 3795 - Tehran06; +MCBM 0.0
01577 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder LA 6398 - WorldFinals StPetersburg13; BSTA+greedy; also available at Kattis - low 0.0
10372 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and Physics 0.0
10537 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder +Dijkstra's on State-Space graph 0.0
10983 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and max flow 0.0
11516 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder +greedy; also available at Kattis - wifi 0.0
11670 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and O(N) greedy simulation 0.0
12255 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder LA 5000 - KualaLumpur10; binary search the answer and greedy 0.0
12428 Fetching from uHunt 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the answer and a bit of graph theory about bridges 0.0
carpet carpet 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder binary search the length of the side; use law of cosines to test 64 7.6
catandmice catandmice 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder BSTA: the initial velocity of Cartesian Cat; DP TSP to verify if the cat can catch all mice in the shortest possible tim... 141 6.8
enemyterritory enemyterritory 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder MSSP from all enemy vertices; BSTA, run BFS from (xi, yi) to (xr, yr) avoiding vertices that are too close to any enemy 66 4.2
gravamen gravamen 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder BSTA + max flow 45 6.1
low low 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder LA 6398 - WorldFinals StPetersburg13; BSTA+greedy; also available at UVa 01577 - Low Power 451 5.1
risk risk 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder BSTA: smallest edge at the bordering regions; construct flow graph according to valid movement of troops in one turn; ru... 86 6.7
wifi wifi 8.7b, BSTA+Other, Harder +greedy; also available at UVa 11516 - WiFi 214 4.3
10789 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier check if a letter's frequency (using DAT) is a prime 0.0
11960 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier modified Sieve; number of divisors; static Range Maximum Query; use Sparse Table data structure 0.0
11966 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier use union find to keep track of the number of disjoint sets/constellations; if Euclidian dist <= D; union the two stars 0.0
11967 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier brute force; use map as we cannot store the actual tic-tac-toe board; remember n coordinates and check if there are k co... 0.0
12318 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier brute force with unordered_set 0.0
12460 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier a simple BFS problem; use set of string data structure to speed up the check if a word is inside dictionary 0.0
13135 Fetching from uHunt 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier simple DP; use unordered_map to map the (large) answer S back to (small) N, which turns out to be not more than 10&thins... 0.0
bing bing 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier map all prefixes to frequencies using Hash Table; or use Trie 1061 3.6
busnumbers2 busnumbers2 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier complete search; use unordered_map 377 3.0
caveexploration2 caveexploration2 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier BSTA (water level) + graph connectivity test from (0, 0) to (N-1, N-1) or greedy graph traversal with PQ 91 3.3
conquest conquest 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier greedy traversal with help of a Priority Queue; attack adjacent island with smallest army size 154 3.6
deildajofnudur deildajofnudur 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier try all possible substrings; see if the frequencies of each character are equal using hash table; keep the longest 89 2.8
dingdongditch dingdongditch 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier sort non-decreasing; prefix sum queries 1490 2.1
gcds gcds 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier complete search; use set for speedup 205 4.9
loopytransit loopytransit 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier backtracking; use set to store canonical forms, ignoring cyclic shifts 70 3.2
musiccollection musiccollection 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier try all substrings in a song; store in unordered_map; get answers; special case when N = 1 81 3.7
quickscope quickscope 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier use stack of sets and hash table of stacks 1326 3.9
reducedidnumbers reducedidnumbers 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier brute force the answer with fast unordered_set data structure 168 3.2
selfsimilarstrings selfsimilarstrings 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier complete search as the string is short; frequency counting; use unordered_map; repetition 181 3.5
simplecronspec simplecronspec 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier a bit of parsing; 4 nested loops to try all simple cron specs/h/m/s; use DAT of seconds to avoid double counting of seco... 293 2.0
undetected undetected 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier brute force; simple geometry; UFDS 274 3.9
znanstvenik znanstvenik 8.7c, Fast DS+Other, Easier rotate RxC grid 90 degrees clockwise to have easier way to remove 'first row' (now 'last column'); complete search; try ... 210 3.8
00843 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder backtracking; try mapping each letter to another letter in alphabet; use Trie data structure for speed up 0.0
00922 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder compute the area of the polygon; define a rectangle with every pair of points; use set to see if a third point of the re... 0.0
10150 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder s: (string); BFS; use trie to quickly identify neighbor that is one Hamming distance away; also available at Kattis - do... 0.0
10734 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder involving triangle/cosine rule; use a data structure that tolerates floating point error due to triangle side normalizat... 0.0
11474 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder UFDS; connect all tree branches; connect two reachable trees (use geometry); connect trees that can reach doctor 0.0
11525 Fetching from uHunt 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder use Fenwick Tree and binary search the answer to find the lowest index i that has RSQ(1;i) = Si 0.0
catcoat catcoat 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder generate all possible genes and filter; tedious time waster; using Python itertools (product) helps; low rating misleadi... 120 3.1
chesstournament chesstournament 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder use UFDS to contract vertices that are equals into super vertices; then check if the resulting directed graph is acyclic 148 6.1
circular circular 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder WorldFinals Porto19; frequency counting; try all cutting positions; fast simulation 263 3.1
clockconstruction clockconstruction 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder try all pairs of cells, if consistent across all k images (we can compress them using bitset), union them using UFDS 58 3.2
dictionaryattack dictionaryattack 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder time limit is generous; you can generate all possible password with just 3 swaps; store in sets 101 7.0
doublets doublets 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder s: (string); BFS; use trie to quickly identify neighbor that is one Hamming distance away; also available at UVa 10150 -... 56 8.3
downfall downfall 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder vector of integers and UFDS simulation; modify merge by min id 31 5.2
kletva kletva 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder heavy 1D array manipulation; 4 symmetries (left-right; top-down); keep the canonical form; output number of unique keys 45 7.4
magicallights magicallights 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder LA 7487 - Singapore15; flatten the tree with DFS; use Fenwick Tree for Range Odd Query; use long long 309 5.4
numbersetseasy numbersetseasy 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder primes; sieve of Eratosthenes; prime factors; Union Find Disjoint Sets; output final number of disjoint sets; also see K... 289 4.4
numbersetshard numbersetshard 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder primes; sieve of Eratosthenes; prime factors; Union Find Disjoint Sets; output final number of disjoint sets; also see K... 175 6.6
setstack setstack 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder simulation of stack operations with vector but also with help of efficient map and set 161 5.9
sparklesseven sparklesseven 8.7d, Fast DS+Other, Harder seven nested loops with fast DS 52 5.7
00142 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; point-in-rectangle; dist 0.0
00184 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; collinear test 0.0
00201 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS counting square of various sizes; try all 0.0
00270 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS gradient sorting; complete search 0.0
00356 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS Euclidean distance; brute force 0.0
00638 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force 4 corner points 0.0
00688 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; chop the region into small rectangles and decide if a small rectangle is covered by an antenna or not; if i... 0.0
10012 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS try all 8! permutations; Euclidean dist 0.0
10167 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force A and B; ccw tests 0.0
10301 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS circle-circle intersection; backtracking 0.0
10310 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS complete search; Euclidean distance dist; also available at Kattis - doggopher 0.0
10823 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS complete search; check if point inside circles/squares 0.0
11227 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; collinear test 0.0
11515 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS circle-circle intersection; backtracking or brute force subsets with bitmask; also available at Kattis - cranes 0.0
11574 Fetching from uHunt 8.7e, Geometry+CS try all pairs of boats; 0.0 if one pair collide; or, use a quadratic equation; also available at Kattis - collidingtraff... 0.0
areyoulistening areyoulistening 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force; try all possible answers; circle intersection tests 410 2.8
asteroidavoidance asteroidavoidance 8.7e, Geometry+CS complete search; rectangle vs circle intersection tests 113 2.7
beehives beehives 8.7e, Geometry+CS 2D nested loops; Euclidean dist; use hypot; easy 665 2.1
collidingtraffic collidingtraffic 8.7e, Geometry+CS try all pairs of boats; 0.0 if one pair collide; or, use a quadratic equation; also available at UVa 11574 - Colliding T... 48 5.0
cranes cranes 8.7e, Geometry+CS circle-circle intersection; backtracking or brute force subsets with bitmask; also available at UVa 11515 - Cranes 137 3.8
discdistrict discdistrict 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force on first quadrant 644 1.8
doggopher doggopher 8.7e, Geometry+CS complete search; Euclidean distance dist; also available at UVa 10310 - Dog and Gopher 119 2.5
splat splat 8.7e, Geometry+CS bruce force N points; bottom to top; point in circle tests 353 2.1
unlockpattern2 unlockpattern2 8.7e, Geometry+CS brute force permutation + point-related geometry; S vs A and their invalid positions are tricky 70 2.9
unusualdarts unusualdarts 8.7e, Geometry+CS try all 7! possible polygons; verify simple polygon by testing all pairs of line segments; area; a bit of probability 160 5.4
10514 Fetching from uHunt 8.7f, Geometry+Other use basic geometry to compute edge weights of the graph of islands and the two riverbanks; SSSP; Dijkstra's 0.0
11008 Fetching from uHunt 8.7f, Geometry+Other collinear test; DP bitmask 0.0
12322 Fetching from uHunt 8.7f, Geometry+Other first; use atan2 to convert angles to 1D intervals; then sort it and use a greedy scan to get the answer 0.0
dejavu dejavu 8.7f, Geometry+Other observation; count X and Y frequencies of points; combinatorics 182 4.0
findinglines findinglines 8.7f, Geometry+Other randomly pick two points; there is a good chance that 20% or more points are on that line defined by those two points 209 6.3
humancannonball humancannonball 8.7f, Geometry+Other build the travel time graph with Euclidean distance computations; use Floyd-Warshall 757 2.2
particlecollision particlecollision 8.7f, Geometry+Other translate point w.r.t. vector (parameterized by time t); Pythagorean; roots of quadratic equation; case analysis 81 3.1
rings rings 8.7f, Geometry+Other circle perimeter intersection tests; then graph; find the largest connected component 210 4.9
subwayplanning subwayplanning 8.7f, Geometry+Other not easy, rating deceptive: prune points with distance ≤ d to (0, 0); compute min/max possible angles for the rest us... 92 2.1
tram tram 8.7f, Geometry+Other ternary search a on unimodal function: sum of distances of N points to line y = x + a 76 2.7
urbandesign urbandesign 8.7f, Geometry+Other observation: each time a line segment that connects two query points crosses a street (infinite line), the residential t... 133 4.1
walkway walkway 8.7f, Geometry+Other we can build the graph and compute area of trapezoid using simple geometry; SSSP on weighted graph; Dijkstra's 190 3.4
00273 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other line segment intersection and Warshall's transitive closure algorithm 0.0
00393 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other build the small visibility graph with line segment intersection checks; run Floyd-Warshall routine to get the answer 0.0
00521 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other vertices = drivers; add an edge between two drivers if they can meet (determined with mathematical rule (gcd)); if the g... 0.0
01039 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 3270 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; build the graph with simple geometry; then use Floyd-Warshall 0.0
01092 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4787 - WorldFinals Harbin10; compress graph; traversal from exit with S/W direction; inclusion-exclusion 0.0
01243 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4272 - Hefei08; Warshall's transitive closure; SCC; transitive reduction of a directed graph 0.0
01263 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4846 - Daejeon10; geometry; SCC; see two related problems: UVa 11504 and 11770 0.0
10068 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other use BFS from each position to create the APSP data; use backtracking with bitmask and pruning to get the best solution 0.0
10075 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other Great Circle Distance (gcDistance) with APSP 0.0
11267 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other bipartite check; MST; accept -ve weight 0.0
11635 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other Dijkstra's BFS (or 2 Dijkstra's) 0.0
11721 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other find nodes that can reach SCCs with neg cycle 0.0
11730 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other factoring; BFS 0.0
12070 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 3290 - Dhaka05; BFS brute force 0.0
12101 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other BFS; involving prime numbers 0.0
12159 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other LA 4407 - KualaLumpur08; use simple CCW tests (geometry) to build the bipartite graph; MCBM 0.0
12797 Fetching from uHunt 8.7g, Graph+Other iterative subset; pick subset of UPPERCASE letters for this round; BFS to find the SSSP; pick the best 0.0
bicikli bicikli 8.7g, Graph+Other reachability test from source and sink; toposort; counting paths on DAG; modulo 103 6.4
borg borg 8.7g, Graph+Other build SSSP graph of up to 101 vertices with BFS; find the MST; also available at UVa 10307 - Killing Aliens in Borg Maze 134 3.8
crowdcontrol crowdcontrol 8.7g, Graph+Other maximin path problem; MST; DFS from train station to BAPC; block unused edges 100 3.8
deadend deadend 8.7g, Graph+Other process each CC separately; if a CC is a tree, it is an easier special case; else, prune the leaves 254 3.4
diplomacy diplomacy 8.7g, Graph+Other brute force; try all possible governors as source; BFS propagation 73 5.8
findpoly findpoly 8.7g, Graph+Other worded like a geometry problem; but actually just a simple graph DS+traversal problem 58 3.4
gears2 gears2 8.7g, Graph+Other graph reachability test; cycle with equal ratio is actually OK; math fraction 95 3.7
gridmst gridmst 8.7g, Graph+Other Singapore15 preliminary; rectilinear MST problem; small 2D grid; multi-sources BFS to construct short edges; Kruskal's t... 245 7.4
primepath primepath 8.7g, Graph+Other BFS; involving prime numbers; also available at UVa 12101 - Prime Path 469 2.2
uniquedice uniquedice 8.7g, Graph+Other use DFS/BFS to go from a given die configuration to its signature (smallest/largest) configuration; frequency counting 142 5.1
units units 8.7g, Graph+Other small implicit tree traversal; sort and normalize the output 194 3.5
vuk vuk 8.7g, Graph+Other multi-sources BFS from all trees; BSTA+graph traversal from 'V' to 'J' passing only cells that are within 'ans' distance... 86 4.1
01069 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other LA 4119 - WorldFinals Banff08; string parsing, divisibility of polynomial, brute force, and modPow 0.0
01195 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other LA 2565 - Kanazawa02; use sieve to generate the list of primes; brute force each prime p; and use binary search to find ... 0.0
10325 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other inclusion exclusion principle; brute force subset for small M <= 15; lcm-gcd 0.0
10419 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other print path; prime 0.0
10427 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other numbers in [10^(k-1)..10^k-1] has k digits 0.0
10539 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other sieve; get 'almost primes' by listing the powers of each prime, sort them; binary search 0.0
10637 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other involving prime numbers and gcd 0.0
10717 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other complete search + GCD/LCM 0.0
11099 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other generate list of small primes; generate all multiples of each prime factor starting from base using backtracking; do not... 0.0
11282 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other derangement and binomial coefficient; Big Integer 0.0
11415 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other count the number of factors for each integer; find the number of factors for each factorial number and store it in an ar... 0.0
11428 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other complete search and binary search 0.0
12218 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other brute force recursive bitmask with prime check; also available at Kattis - industrialspy 0.0
12802 Fetching from uHunt 8.7h, Mathematics+Other actually a very easy problem; given n; just output 2n; but it has two components: primality check of n and checking if n... 0.0
digitdivision digitdivision 8.7h, Mathematics+Other let p be the number of partitions (use linear pass modulo m to count this); the answer is then 2^(p-1)%(10^9+7) 66 5.0
distance distance 8.7h, Mathematics+Other deal with the streets and avenues independently; sort; math 227 4.0
dunglish dunglish 8.7h, Mathematics+Other simple combinatorics aided with a fast data structure 351 2.4
emergency emergency 8.7h, Mathematics+Other the problem is posed as an SSSP problem on special graph; but turns out a simple formula solves the problem; Big Integer 319 3.7
highwaytomountfansipan highwaytomountfansipan 8.7h, Mathematics+Other count frequencies of words in dictionary that starts with a certain character and length; combinatorics; modulo 65 3.4
industrialspy industrialspy 8.7h, Mathematics+Other brute force recursive bitmask with prime check; also available at UVa 12218 - An Industrial Spy 556 3.3
jobbyte jobbyte 8.7h, Mathematics+Other sorting variant: minimum number of swaps needed to sort an array; the formula involves cycle lengths 162 2.4
megainversions megainversions 8.7h, Mathematics+Other a bit of combinatorics; use Fenwick Tree to compute smaller/larger numbers quickly 333 5.0
noonerizedspumbers noonerizedspumbers 8.7h, Mathematics+Other brute force all prefixes of x, y, z; try swapping two of them; Python eval() helps 126 2.4
ontrack ontrack 8.7h, Mathematics+Other DFS on Tree; the input is a tree, we can try all possible junctions as the critical junction 156 4.1
samedigitshard samedigitshard 8.7h, Mathematics+Other factorize; check if x*y is an anagram of digits of x and y 207 2.7
thedealoftheday thedealoftheday 8.7h, Mathematics+Other simple combinatorics (read the problem carefully) with either backtracking or DP (overkill; small state); the main issue... 116 2.2
youbethejudge youbethejudge 8.7h, Mathematics+Other the input parsing part is a time waster and can produce lots of WAs; otherwise just a simple prime number application 239 5.7
00976 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP flood fill to separate North and South banks; compute the cost of installing a bridge at each column; DP 0.0
10917 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP counting paths in DAG; build the DAG; Dijkstra's from 'home'; also available at Kattis - walkforest 0.0
10937 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP BFS -> APSP information for TSP; then DP or backtracking 0.0
10944 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP BFS -> APSP information for TSP; then use DP as n <= 16 0.0
11284 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP SSSP pre-processing; TSP variant = we can go home early; tweak DP TSP recurrence a bit: at each state, we have one more ... 0.0
11324 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP LONGEST-PATH on DAG; first, transform the graph into DAG of its SCCs; toposort 0.0
11331 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP bipartite graph checks; compute size of left/right sets per bipartite component; DP SUBSET-SUM 0.0
11405 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP BFS from k and each P---max 9 items to get APSP information for TSP; then use DP-TSP 0.0
11643 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP distance between any 2 interesting positions are computed using a pre-calculated BFS table (corner cases exist); DP TSP 0.0
11693 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP compute shortest paths information using Floyd-Warshall; then use DP; also available at Kattis - speedyescape 0.0
11813 Fetching from uHunt 8.7i, Graph+DP Dijsktra's -> APSP information for TSP; then use DP; n <= 10 0.0
contestscheduling contestscheduling 8.7i, Graph+DP use Java GregorianCalendar class to do the heavy checks on eligibility of certain Fridays in October; build a simple gra... 23 3.8
dragonball1 dragonball1 8.7i, Graph+DP Multi-Source Shortest Paths; DP (or brute force) TSP 80 4.2
ntnuorienteering ntnuorienteering 8.7i, Graph+DP get APSP info between campuses; sort lectures by increasing start time; DP O(L^2); try all possible starting lectures 123 4.5
shopping shopping 8.7i, Graph+DP SSSP from up to 10 stores; compute APSP information for TSP; then use DP (or brute force), n ≤ 10 27 6.0
speedyescape speedyescape 8.7i, Graph+DP compute shortest paths information using Floyd-Warshall; then use DP; also available at UVa 11693 - Speedy Escape 112 5.5
treasurediving treasurediving 8.7i, Graph+DP SSSP from source and all idol positions; TSP-like but there is a knapsack style parameter 'air_left'; use backtracking 87 7.3
walkforest walkforest 8.7i, Graph+DP counting paths in DAG; build the DAG; Dijkstra's from 'home'; also available at UVa 10917 - A Walk Through the Forest 245 4.4
00967 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ similar to UVa 00897; but this time the output part can be speed up using DP 1D range sum 0.0
10200 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ complete search; test if isPrime(n^2 n 41) for all n in [a..b]; finally use DP 1D RSQ to speed up the solution 0.0
10533 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ sieve; check if a prime is a digit prime; DP 1D range sum 0.0
10871 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ need 1D Range Sum Query 0.0
10891 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ Double DP; 1D RSQ plus another DP to evaluate decision tree; s: (i, j); try all splitting points; minimax 0.0
11032 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ observation: sod(i) can be only from 1 to 63; use 1D Range Sum Query for fun(a; b) 0.0
11105 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ need 1D Range Sum Query; also available at Kattis - hnumbers 0.0
11408 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ need 1D Range Sum Query 0.0
12028 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ generate the array; sort it; prepare 1D Range Sum Query; then the solution will be much simpler 0.0
12904 Fetching from uHunt 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ 3 nested loops; brute force a; b; c; use prefix sum to speed up the checks 0.0
centsavings centsavings 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ 1D RSQ DP for sum of prices from [i..j]; round up/down; s: (idx, d_left); t: try all positioning of the next divider 531 4.6
dvoniz dvoniz 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ involving 1D RSQ DP; binary search the answer 47 7.1
eko eko 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ sort the tree heights; BSTA + binary search for the highest non-cut tree + 1D Range Sum Query 123 4.7
hnumbers hnumbers 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ need 1D Range Sum Query; also available at UVa 11105 - Semi-prime H-numbers 75 5.3
ozljeda ozljeda 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ math observation; the Xorbonacci pattern repeats after $K+1$ steps; to speed up the answer, we can do Range Xor Query 87 4.3
program program 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ somewhat like Sieve of Eratosthenes initially and 1D RSQ DP speedup at the end 89 7.7
sumandproduct sumandproduct 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ clever brute force; require kind of range jump query to go to the end of consecutive ones 109 7.0
tiredterry tiredterry 8.7j, Other+DP 1D RSQ/RMQ double the record to simplify wrap around issue; precompute number of sleep per any subranges; brute force all seconds 164 3.3
00295 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E BSTA x: if the person has diameter x, can he go from left to right? graph connectivity; similar with UVa 10876 0.0
01250 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E LA 4607 - SoutheastUSA09; geometry; SSSP on DAG -> DP; DP 1D range sum 0.0
10856 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E compute number of prime factors of each integer in the desired range; use 1D RSQ DP; binary search 0.0
10876 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E binary search the answer and graph connectivity (geometry/Euclidian distance and union find); similar with UVa 295 0.0
11610 Fetching from uHunt 8.7k, Three++ Components, E first; reverse primes less than 10^6; then; append zero(es) if necessary; use Fenwick Tree and binary search 0.0
beeproblem beeproblem 8.7k, Three++ Components, E transform bee grid into 2D grid; compute size of each CCs; sort; greedy 156 4.9
cardhand cardhand 8.7k, Three++ Components, E brute force permutation of suits and ascending/descending order of cards; then use DP LCS 169 4.5
cpu cpu 8.7k, Three++ Components, E math (Sieve of Eratosthenes); brute force pair of primes; a bit of linear algebra; range queries/set data structure 38 4.4
enviousexponents enviousexponents 8.7k, Three++ Components, E mathematical insights; brute force number of bits used; greedily set k bits on 166 4.6
equilibrium equilibrium 8.7k, Three++ Components, E BNF input parsing; assign weighted value according to depths; use mapper or vector+sort; greedily keep weighted value th... 173 3.8
gettingthrough gettingthrough 8.7k, Three++ Components, E BSTA+graph connectivity; Union-Find; similar to UVa 00295 51 7.2
glyphrecognition glyphrecognition 8.7k, Three++ Components, E brute force k, BSTA inner and outer radius of k-gon; point in polygon tests 202 2.7
icpccamp icpccamp 8.7k, Three++ Components, E BSTA+greedy matching with help of a multiset 171 4.6
ljutnja ljutnja 8.7k, Three++ Components, E sort the wishes of N kids first; then BSTA+greedy 174 5.0
mobilization mobilization 8.7k, Three++ Components, E brute force with small budget first; identify top 2 troop types; re-simulate with full budget 73 3.5
pathcrossings pathcrossings 8.7k, Three++ Components, E key: at most 5 pings in any 10-second time window; sort the N pings; complete search; a bit of Euclidean distance checks 433 3.0
pullingtheirweight pullingtheirweight 8.7k, Three++ Components, E combo: sort the weights; hash table; prefix/suffix sum; brute force 132 4.4
pyro pyro 8.7k, Three++ Components, E brute force with bitmask and fast set data structure 143 5.4
researchproductivityindex researchproductivityindex 8.7k, Three++ Components, E sort papers by decreasing probability; brute force k and greedily submit k best papers; DP probability; keep max 358 3.2
sannvirdi sannvirdi 8.7k, Three++ Components, E map guess g to name n; sort the guesses; binary search 261 2.2
wheels wheels 8.7k, Three++ Components, E Euclidean distances; DFS traversal; gcd 123 4.1
00811 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 5211 - WorldFinals Eindhoven99; get CH and perimeter of polygon; generate all subsets iteratively with bitmask 0.0
01040 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 3271 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; try all subsets of 2^20 cities; MST; complex output formatting 0.0
01079 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 4445 - WorldFinals Stockholm09; iterative complete search (permutation); BSTA + greedy 0.0
01093 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H LA 4788 - WorldFinals Harbin10; try all possible roots; DP on tree 0.0
11288 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H Floyd-Warshall/APSP; iterative brute force subset and permutation; DP; also available at Kattis - carpool 0.0
12392 Fetching from uHunt 8.7l, Three++ Components, H brute force permute up to 5!; recursive string parsing (simple BNF) 0.0
carpool carpool 8.7l, Three++ Components, H Floyd-Warshall/APSP; iterative brute force subset and permutation; DP; also available at UVa 11288 - Carpool 40 6.4
clockpictures clockpictures 8.7l, Three++ Components, H sort angles; compute 'string' of differences of adjacent angles (use modulo); min lexicographic rotation; use SA or KMP 463 5.5
guessthenumbers guessthenumbers 8.7l, Three++ Components, H brute force permute up to 5!; recursive string parsing (simple BNF); also available at UVa 12392 - Guess the Numbers 64 8.5
installingapps installingapps 8.7l, Three++ Components, H sort the apps greedily by si-di (need observation); DP KNAPSACK; print solution 160 6.9
sprocketscience sprocketscience 8.7l, Three++ Components, H complete search with bitmask; math/LCM; sorting/comparison of vectors 28 6.0
tightlypacked tightlypacked 8.7l, Three++ Components, H complete search + BSTA + a simple geometry rectangle area analysis 72 5.9
weather weather 8.7l, Three++ Components, H pre-compute factorial up to 20; brute force O(n^3) possible s/c/r (derive f) events; compress observations with same com... 196 3.3
00588 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery cutPolygon 0.0
01304 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery LA 2512 - SouthEasternEurope02; cutPolygon and area of polygon 0.0
01571 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery LA 3617 - Yokohama06; cutPolygon 0.0
10078 Fetching from uHunt 9.artg, Art Gallery isConvex 0.0
00652 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* classic sliding block 8-puzzle; IDA* 0.0
00656 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* we can use IDDFS with pruning 0.0
10181 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* similar with UVa 652 but larger (now 15 instead of 8); we can use IDA* 0.0
11163 Fetching from uHunt 9.asta, A* or IDA* another puzzle game solvable with IDA* 0.0
10296 Fetching from uHunt 9.chi1, Chinese Postman basic Chinese Postman Problem; also available at Kattis - joggingtrails 0.0
joggingtrails joggingtrails 9.chi1, Chinese Postman basic Chinese Postman Problem; also available at UVa 10296 - Jogging Trails 75 5.0
00756 Fetching from uHunt 9.chi2, Chinese Remainder CRT or brute force 0.0
chineseremainder chineseremainder 9.chi2, Chinese Remainder basic CRT; 2 linear congruences; Big Integer 343 5.4
generalchineseremainder generalchineseremainder 9.chi2, Chinese Remainder general CRT; 2 linear congruences 362 3.7
granica granica 9.chi2, Chinese Remainder CRT; GCD of all N differences of 2 numbers 95 6.2
heliocentric heliocentric 9.chi2, Chinese Remainder CRT or brute force 1030 1.8
remainderreminder remainderreminder 9.chi2, Chinese Remainder a bit of brute force + sorting; generalized CRT 124 5.2
10245 Fetching from uHunt 9.clos, Closest Pair classic 0.0
11378 Fetching from uHunt 9.clos, Closest Pair also a closest pair problem 0.0
closestpair1 closestpair1 9.clos, Closest Pair classic closest pair problem - the easier one 269 5.7
10165 Fetching from uHunt 9.comb, Comb Game Theory Nim game; application of Sprague-Grundy theorem 0.0
11311 Fetching from uHunt 9.comb, Comb Game Theory there are 4 heaps; Nim sum 0.0
01266 Fetching from uHunt 9.cons, Construction LA 3478 - LatinAmerica05; follow the given construction strategy 0.0
10741 Fetching from uHunt 9.cons, Construction similar idea as 2D Magic Square; but now in 3D; just follow the given construction strategy 0.0
arrayofdiscord arrayofdiscord 9.cons, Construction adjacent integers must have same length; try changing the MSD(igit) into a 1 (or 0 for 1-digit number) or 9 494 5.1
base2palindrome base2palindrome 9.cons, Construction construct all possible base 2 palindromes; put into a set to remove duplicates and maintain order; output the M-th one 385 4.4
buslines buslines 9.cons, Construction complete search to try all pairs (up to m edges); avoid duplicate edge endpoints sum with hashing; check connectivity 89 3.2
cake cake 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; row by row (or col by col) 110 4.1
canvasline canvasline 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; try to put peg as rightmost as possible 202 4.0
coinstacks coinstacks 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; use PQ to prioritize stack with most coins first 757 3.8
cuchitunnels cuchitunnels 9.cons, Construction greedy 352 3.1
espressobucks espressobucks 9.cons, Construction easy brute force construction; small nxm; not about Min-Vertex-Cover 159 2.4
exofficio exofficio 9.cons, Construction we can use BFS spanning tree from center of the grid; be careful of corner cases 41 7.5
harddrive harddrive 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; set first bit to 1 if c is odd; then repeat '010' to maximize flips 341 3.1
knapsackpacking knapsackpacking 9.cons, Construction reconstruct the original n integers that produces the given 2^n subset sums 37 5.3
leftandright leftandright 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; start with Le = Ri = 1; an 'L' advances Ri; an 'R' prints indices from Ri down to Le and sets Le = ... 775 3.6
majorskyrsla majorskyrsla 9.cons, Construction there is an easy enough construction method 108 3.4
matchsticks matchsticks 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; largest: 7/1(11...11); smallest is a bit tricky, brute force small numbers to get the pattern 186 4.4
namegeneration namegeneration 9.cons, Construction there are several ways to construct the required names 111 2.0
newfiber newfiber 9.cons, Construction to maximize number of equal degree in the resulting tree, greedily pick vertex with smallest degree first; corner case w... 321 3.1
ovalwatch ovalwatch 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; sort the legs from top to down; create solution following that 'topological' order 96 3.6
plowking plowking 9.cons, Construction greedy construction; reverse MST problem 92 3.2
poplava poplava 9.cons, Construction actually there is a rather simple construction algorithm to achieve the required requirement 105 3.4
reconstructingtapeart reconstructingtapeart 9.cons, Construction identify min and max indices for each existing color; sort them; special check for 'IMPOSSIBLE' case 53 3.3
ternarianweights ternarianweights 9.cons, Construction PARTITION variant; complete search with bitmask up to 2^20 (1+log3(10^9)); use map data structure; or greedy constructio... 293 3.8
zigzag zigzag 9.cons, Construction start with 'azaza...'; edit second or last character as needed 493 3.9
10506 Fetching from uHunt 9.debr, De Bruijn Sequence any valid solution is AC; generate all possible next digit (up to base 10/digit [0..9]); check if it is still a valid Ou... 0.0
11439 Fetching from uHunt 9.edmo, Edmonds' Matching BSTA (the minimum weight); use it to reconstruct the graph; perfect matching on medium-sized general graph 0.0
10934 Fetching from uHunt 9.eggd, Egg Dropping Puzzle Egg dropping puzzle; interesting DP; try all possible answers 0.0
batteries batteries 9.eggd, Egg Dropping Puzzle Egg dropping puzzle with just 2 batteries; special case 146 3.6
powereggs powereggs 9.eggd, Egg Dropping Puzzle Egg dropping puzzle; similar to UVa 10934 92 5.2
golfbot golfbot, Fast Fourier Trans count frequencies dist of each reachable distance in one shot; use FFT to multiply dist*dist; count distances reachable ... 133 6.1
polymul2 polymul2, Fast Fourier Trans basic polynomial multiplication problem that needs an O(n log n) algorithm; also see Kattis - polymul1 227 6.8
tiles tiles, Fast Fourier Trans the low rating is misleading; modified sieve to count number of divisors d of i; interpret d as polynomial pd; use FFT t... 246 2.9
01185 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems LA 2697 - Dhaka02; number of digits of factorial; use logarithm to solve it; log(n!) = log(n * (n-1) * ... * 1) = log(n)... 0.0
01645 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems LA 6368 - Chengdu12; number of rooted trees with n vertices in which vertices at the same level have the same degree 0.0
10088 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Pick's Theorem 0.0
10178 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Euler's Formula; a bit of union find 0.0
10213 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Moser's circle; the formula is hard to derive; g(n) = nC4 nC2 1 0.0
10219 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems count the length of nCk; BigInteger 0.0
10720 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems similar to UVa 11414 and 12786; Erdos-Gallai Theorem 0.0
10843 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Cayley's Formula to count the number of spanning trees of a graph with n vertices is n^n-2; use Java BigInteger 0.0
11414 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems similar to UVa 10720 and 12786; Erdos-Gallai Theorem 0.0
11719 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems count the number of spanning tree in a complete bipartite graph; use Java BigInteger 0.0
12786 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems similar to UVa 10720 and 11414; Erdos-Gallai Theorem 0.0
12876 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems LA 6854 - Bangkok14; involving degree of vertex; Handshaking lemma 0.0
12967 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems OEIS A173033 0.0
13108 Fetching from uHunt 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Moser's circle; the formula is hard to derive; g(n) = nC4 + nC2 + 1 0.0
houseofcards houseofcards 9.form, Formulas/Theorems number of cards for certain height h is h * (3*h + 1) / 2; use Python to handle Big Integer 432 3.4
janitortroubles janitortroubles 9.form, Formulas/Theorems Brahmagupta's formula 745 1.5
sjecista sjecista 9.form, Formulas/Theorems number of intersections of diagonals in a convex polygon 581 1.9
00684 Fetching from uHunt 9.gaus, Gauss Elimination modified Gaussian elimination to find (integral) determinant of a square matrix 0.0
11319 Fetching from uHunt 9.gaus, Gauss Elimination solve the system of the first 7 linear equations; then use all 1500 equations for 'smart sequence' checks 0.0
seti seti 9.gaus, Gauss Elimination n equations and n unknowns; but there are division under modulo, so use Gaussian elimination with modular multiplicative... 52 3.1
molecules molecules 9.grad, Gradient Descent there is a gradient-descent style way to get the solution 109 3.6
pizza pizza 9.grad, Gradient Descent gradient descent 252 4.5
starnotatree starnotatree 9.grad, Gradient Descent gradient descent 39 5.3
wheretolive wheretolive 9.grad, Gradient Descent gradient descent 142 4.0
accessdenied accessdenied 9.inte, Interactive Problem interactive brute force; try all possible lengths; then try all possible strings of that length 80 2.6
amazing amazing 9.inte, Interactive Problem run DFS and react based on the output of the program 215 5.2
askmarilyn askmarilyn 9.inte, Interactive Problem the famous Monty hall problem in interactive format 135 4.2
blackout blackout 9.inte, Interactive Problem interactive game theory; block one row; mirror jury's move 129 3.1
crusaders crusaders 9.inte, Interactive Problem another nice interactive problem about binary search 34 7.4
findthegraph findthegraph 9.inte, Interactive Problem ask vertex degrees in O(n), then ask O(n^2) queries involving these degrees 302 3.5
guess guess 9.inte, Interactive Problem interactive problem; binary search 1682 2.7
julmust julmust 9.inte, Interactive Problem interactive 'growing' binary search 187 2.3
ninetynine ninetynine 9.inte, Interactive Problem interactive game theory; analyze the losing states 200 2.6
01045 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres LA 3276 - WorldFinals Shanghai05; try all configurations; weighted matching; pick the best; Kuhn-Munkres 0.0
10746 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres min weighted bipartite matching 0.0
10888 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres BFS/SSSP; min weighted bipartite matching 0.0
11553 Fetching from uHunt 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres brute force; DP bitmask; or Hungarian 0.0
aqueducts aqueducts 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres build bipartite graph; weighted MCBM; Hungarian 51 6.0
cheatingatwar cheatingatwar 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres build weighted bipartite graph K26,26; L: Yraglac's card; R: Opponent's card; assign value: 2/1/0; weighted M... 97 3.1
engaging engaging 9.kuhn, Kuhn-Munkres LA 8437 - HoChiMinhCity17; Hungarian; print solution 135 5.8
cheeseifyouplease cheeseifyouplease 9.line, Linear Programming simple Linear Programming problem; use Simplex 51 3.3
maximumrent maximumrent 9.line, Linear Programming basic Linear Programming problem with integer output; we can use simplex algorithm or another simpler solution 241 3.1
10938 Fetching from uHunt 9.lowe, Lowest Common Anc basic LCA problem 0.0
12238 Fetching from uHunt 9.lowe, Lowest Common Anc similar to UVa 10938 0.0
boxes boxes 9.lowe, Lowest Common Anc unite the forests into a tree; LCA; DP size of subtree 535 3.7
chewbacca chewbacca 9.lowe, Lowest Common Anc complete short k-ary tree; binary heap indexing; LCA 186 3.6
rootedsubtrees rootedsubtrees 9.lowe, Lowest Common Anc let d be the number of vertices that are strictly between r and p, inclusive (computed using LCA); derive formula w.r.t ... 106 3.2
00348 Fetching from uHunt 9.matr, Matrix Chain Mult DP; s(i, j); output the optimal solution; the optimal sequence is not unique 0.0
10594 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow basic min cost max flow problem 0.0
10806 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow send 2 edge-disjoint flows with min cost 0.0
11301 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow modeling; vertex capacity; MCMF 0.0
12821 Fetching from uHunt 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow similar to UVa 10806 0.0
catering catering 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow LA 7152 - WorldFinals Marrakech15; MCMF modeling 246 3.9
mincostmaxflow mincostmaxflow 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow very basic MCMF problem; good starting point 232 5.3
ragingriver ragingriver 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow MCMF; unit capacity and unit cost 96 7.1
tourist tourist 9.minc, Min Cost (Max) Flow min cost two flows from NW to SE; MCMF variant 63 6.3
00120 Fetching from uHunt 9.panc, Pancake Sorting greedy pancake sorting 0.0
11476 Fetching from uHunt 9.poll, Pollard's rho basic integer factorization problem that requires Pollard's rho algorithm 0.0
00261 Fetching from uHunt 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 0.0
01121 Fetching from uHunt 9.slid, Sliding Window LA 2678 - SouthEasternEurope06; sliding window variant 0.0
11536 Fetching from uHunt 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 0.0
inquiryi inquiryi 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window; maintain left and right pointers 25 3.2
martiandna martiandna 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 2; maintain left pointer and histogram of frequencies; keep the smallest window size 297 2.4
slidecount slidecount 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 1; record the first and last iteration an index is touched; the difference is the answer 170 4.2
sound sound 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 4; max and min; similar to Kattis - treeshopping 104 5.3
subseqhard subseqhard 9.slid, Sliding Window interesting sliding window variant 1119 3.9
treeshopping treeshopping 9.slid, Sliding Window sliding window variant 4; max and min; similar to Kattis - sound 62 3.4
cardboardcontainer cardboardcontainer 9.sqrt, Square Root Decomp two out of L, W, and H must be ≤ sqrt(V); brute force L and W in sqrt(V)*sqrt(V) and test if V is divisible by (L*W) 141 2.5
modulodatastructures modulodatastructures 9.sqrt, Square Root Decomp basic problem that can be solved with Square Root Decomposition technique 277 4.6
00254 Fetching from uHunt 9.towe, Tower of Hanoi define a recursive formula 0.0
10017 Fetching from uHunt 9.towe, Tower of Hanoi classical problem 0.0
10254 Fetching from uHunt 9.towe, Tower of Hanoi find pattern; use Java BigInteger 0.0

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